

697 Uppsatser om Wood density - Sida 28 av 47

Maktstrukturer i svenskt näringsliv: En social nätverkstudie av delade styrelseledamöter i Sverige 1985 och 2005

This paper examines the interpersonal and intercorporate networks of interlocking boardmembers among Sweden's 50 largest publicly traded companies in 1985 and 2005. We find that both the interpersonal and intercorporate networks of 1985 are considerably more coherent and densely connected than those of 2005. The observed changes in social network structure are compared to changes in company ownership in Swedish publicly traded companies during the same period, and it is found that the observed changes in network density and cohesion can be related to a notable increase in the number of foreign board members. These results imply that the social organization of the Swedish system of corporate governance has changed notably during the period. Social network theory suggests that these changes can explain the greater demand for external regulation, decreased homogeneity of board members and increase in board member compensation observed under the period.

Förklaringsmodell för cykelresor i Trondheim : Fysiska och demografiska faktorers betydelse för det geografiska resmönstret

The work examines geographical variations of bicycle use in Trondheim municipality with the aim to create an understanding of what influences the use of bicycles and explain the geographical travel pattern for cycling. The work focuses on the how physical structures generates different transports effects. Where bicycle travels in Trondheim municipality are undertaken is described by using network analysis in ArcGIS, based on aggregated data from the travel habit survey (RVU) in 2009/2010. Trondheim municipality is divided into smaller geographical units (zoner) whose characteristics are described by 19 variables, categorized into 6 groups; Distance, Land use, Topography, Bicycle Facilities, Road characteristics and Demographic factors.By linear regression analysis in SPSS and ArcGIS Spatial Analyst, an explanatory model is elaborated. The variablesdistance to the regional center, workplace density, percentage separate bike paths and hilly terrain explains 78 percent of where cycle journeys are undertaken.

Betydelsen av taggbuskar, ljus och hävd vid föryngring av ek (Quercus robur)

Many species and hence biodiversity depend on old, large oaks (Quercus robur) with hollow trunks. The populations of oak-living organisms have to migrate to a nearby old oak in order to survive the death of the host. The oak district south of Linköping, Sweden, is unique in area and the number of old oaks. It is anyway doubtful whether regeneration of oak will secure future continuity. Oaks are light-demanding and thrive in open pastures.

Urvalsdesign för SCB:s undersökning av föetagens ekonomi

Tree fiber lengths controls properties like strength and smoothness in paper and other wood products. For forest researchers it is of interest to be able to determine the fiber lengths in standing trees. Mo?rling et al. (2003), among others, have developed methods to estimate fiber length distributions in standing trees without damaging them.

Känslan av ett ljud : En undersökning om ambiens som källa för emotionell uppfattning.

I detta arbete har uppfattningen av känslor via ambiensljud, effektljud och röst undersökts i en ljudberättelse. Detta har gjorts för att få en ökad uppfattning om hur ljud påverkar en situation och om det går att ersätta musiken som känslomässig anknytning till berättelsen.Ljudberättelserna är designade med tre olika känslor i fokus, glädje/lycka, stress/ spänning samt ilska. Analysen av dessa gjordes genom att intervjua 12 personer som sedan svarade på frågor baserade på Tuuris m.fl. tabell om ljuduppfattning. Därefter analyserades resultaten utifrån Michel Chions Semantic och Causal för att se var varje informant fokuserade.

Studier av habitatval och revirstrukturer hos vassångare (Locustella luscinioides) i Tåkern

The Savi?s Warbler (Locustella luscinioides) is a recently established bird species in a few reedy shallow lakes of southern Sweden and has only been found nesting for the last twenty years. Little is known about the species' habitat preferences, breeding biology and demands for specific territory structures at breeding sites in Sweden. Knowledge of a newly established species? habitat requirements is essential to maintain a viable population and design action plans.

Analys av lokala otätheters påverkan i ytterväggskonstruktioner : Analys och riskbedömning med programmen WUFI and WUFI-Bio

Många byggnader är idag fuktskadade. Fuktskador uppstår på så väl nya som gamla byggnader. Idag provtrycker man hus för att få ett värde på dess täthet, men många hus som klarar täthetskraven drabbas ändå av fuktskador. Detta beror på att otätheterna är lokala på en eller flera delar av klimatskalet bortsett från otätheter vid anslutningar.  En studie har gjorts på två väggtyper; en standardvägg och en passivhusvägg.

Design och framtagande av mätanordning för ström och effek på trefas ledare : Josi Periferi strömmeter

The assignment is issued by Scania Maintence AB seeking a new approach to detect power changes in their industrial processes. The work has taken place at Ångströmslaboratoriet and tests have been performed at Scania AB Södertälje.Today?s society consumes enormous amount of energy. In both economically and environmental view, it is important that the processes are effective, with high power factor. There are many ways to measure power in the industry, what they all have in common is that the installation is advanced, requires time and planning.

Kunskapsläge och attityder till vildsvin (Sus scrofa) och dess förvaltning i Sverige

The wild boar (Sus scrofa) is since its recent establishment and increasing density a controversial species in Sweden. But the attitudes towards the wild boar are poorly documented so far. To improve this knowledge, a questionnaire was sent out to chosen people (n=400) connected to the management and/or land use activities. The study got 162 replies (reply frequency 40,5%) and the results show varying attitude trends among organizations and individuals, with some aspects coherent within groups and some not. Farmers and their organization showed the most negative attitudes towards wild boars, which was expected due to the practical and economic problems they suffer from this species. People involved with forestry were more positive to wild boars, probably because the species does not affect forest growth etc severely, and may even promote plant establishment by the rooting.

Fjärrvärme - ny lokalisering av kraftvärme i Enköping

The municipality of Enköping is presently working out a new layout plan for the town of Enköping and new residences are planned in the harbour area. Because of these plans, the municipal energy company ENA Energi may have to move its location from the harbour to another part of the city.The aim of this degree project is to investigate the possibility of building a new CHP plant in another area of Enköping. The future demand on district heating and infrastructure at the new location have been projected. A new CHP plant has been dimensioned and economic analyses concerning the project have been made.Results show that the future demand of district heating in Enköping will differ a little from the present needs. In 2030, the district heating production is expected to be c.

Vindpark Vänern : Fundamentteknik och Logistik

An analysis of a specific application of anaerobic wastewater treatment at a pulp and board mill, Stora Enso Skoghall, was carried out. A literature study was done and effluent wastewater from CTMP pulp production was analyzed. The analysis consisted of a broad constituent analysis and an anaerobic treatment trial. Results from these test where used to calculate the treatment effectiveness and resulting energy potential at the mill.The literature study and constituent analysis showed that toxicity of the water to be treated, due to wood extractives and sulphur content, was of concern. Detoxification chemicals targeting these constituents where used in the anaerobic treatment trial.

Om matematikundervisningens svåra konst. Ett sätt att undervisa abstrakt bevisföring

Tree fiber lengths controls properties like strength and smoothness in paper and other wood products. For forest researchers it is of interest to be able to determine the fiber lengths in standing trees. Mo?rling et al. (2003), among others, have developed methods to estimate fiber length distributions in standing trees without damaging them.

Torkning av flis med restvärme : Metoder för att sänka återledningstemperaturen

The purpose of this study has been to evaluate whether a Low temperature bio-mass dryer could be integrated with the local district heating system in Malå. The aim is to increase the thermal efficiency of the cogeneration plant in Malå, by lowering the temperature of the cooling medium. Another benefit that comes from this is improved combustion efficiency at the power plant, since drying the fuel causes an Increase of the heating value.Simulations has been made in Excel, and with use of linear regression, to find out if it is profitable. Data for this purpose has been supplied by the power company Skellefteåkraft and furthermore SMHI.The result of the Calculations shows that a very efficient bio-mass dryer is needed, if yield of investments should be made possible. An Investment of 4,27 Mkr, in a dryer, could at a such criterium return 60000 kr/year, if the price of the biomass is 190kr/MWh.

Vegetationens roll i erosiva vattendrag : en review och fältstudie av två nyckelområden i Rönne å

The vegetation?s impact on erosion control is widely explored, even though research? results are scattered where it suggests a both positive and negative relationship between roots and erosion tendency. Research has measured the roots? impact on erosion by many different methods, hence the aim of this study is to offer a clearance of what factors play an important role in the choice of appropriate species controlling river bank erosion. I have therefore studied 17 articles concerning vegetation and erosion control, which were found in different databases such as: Web of Knowledge, Biological Sciences, Academic Search Elite and Google Scholar.

Analys av fiberlängdsfördelning hos gran (Picea Abies) och tall (Pinus Sylvestris)

Tree fiber lengths controls properties like strength and smoothness in paper and other wood products. For forest researchers it is of interest to be able to determine the fiber lengths in standing trees. Mo?rling et al. (2003), among others, have developed methods to estimate fiber length distributions in standing trees without damaging them.

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