

697 Uppsatser om Wood density - Sida 17 av 47

Dimensionering av industrilager för biobränsle :

The aim of this study was to develop a simple model for calculating stock costs for bio fuel at Billerud Karlsborg and subsequently recommending a suitable stock level of bio fuel. The stock components considered in the model are GROT (branches and tops), bark, dry wood chips, raw wood chips from barking and sawdust. The calculations are based on a probability distribution of historical deviations between ordered and delivered volumes. The model presents two different ways to manage the supply in case of irregular deliveries. The first way is to stock enough volume to cover the deviations and the second way is to compensate with a quick purchase from the spot market (at extra high purchase prices).

Analys av framtida potential för virkesköp från privata skogsägare i Västerbottens län : beslutsunderlag för virkesköpsstrategier

This study was conducted on behalf of SCA forest AB, Västerbottens forest administration. Timber procurement from non-industrial private forest owners has become an increasingly important part of SCA:s wood supply. The objectives of this study was to report the current forest conditions in the private forests in the county of Västerbotten, analyse the potential for procurement of wood from private forest owners, and provide a basis for decisions on future strategies for timber procurement from private owners.Material and data have been collected from different sources, mainly from Swedish National Forest Inventory and SKA-VB08. This material was the basis for the analysis and calculations performed with the Heureka application PlanWise. This study area was divided into six different analytical areas (Coastal south, Coastal middle, Lycksele, Inland south, Inland north, Skellefteå), where each area of analysis is represented by a number of municipalities.In this study, two scenarios were specified; one describing the current forest management with current harvesting levels and the effects of these assumptions, the second to illuminate what potential there is for future timber harvesting.

Marknadsundersökning om markägarens val av skogspartner

The driving forces from the forest owners point-of-view was studied on a market where several buyers attend to procure round-wood. It was concluded that forest owners prefer personal contacts to other means of communication, but that it is essential that the initial contact is a personal letter on paper. Furthermore, although price is always important, long standing relations is asked for. The buying companies need skillful experienced buyers that can provide more than just quick closures of deals..

Insect communities inhabiting Inonotus radiatus growing on Alnus glutinosa trees at northern and southern shores of boreal lakes

This is a study of the insect community associated to the wood-decaying fungus Inonotus radiatus found on Alnus glutinosa trees growing in riparian forests at the northern and southern shores of boreal lakes in the province Uppland. Little is known about this particular bracket fungus and its inhabitants. Insects were reared out at the laboratory from samples of fruiting bodies of the fungus taken at five lakes. During the fieldwork in 2009, data about several environmental variables was also taken. After the rearing period, these variables and their effects over the insects were analyzed.

Exportmöjligheter till tyska prefabhusindustrin : Wood Westerbotten, en case-studie

Projekt Wood Westerbotten är ett samverkansprojekt initierat av Exportrådet. Syftet är att öka försäljningen av ämnen och komponenter för trävaruproducerande företag i norra Sverige. Tyngdpunkten har dock hittills varit Västerbotten där projektet startade. Produktområdena är bygg, trappor, fönster, dörrar, kök och möbler. Stommen i projektet är att hitta kunder på en exportmarknad, framförallt England, Tyskland och Benelux-länderna.

Jämförelse mellan en träbro och en betongbro : En LCA-analys med fokus på koldioxidutsläpp samt en LCC-analys

This report is a thesis for collegeengineering program in structuralengineering at Uppsala University andwas commissioned by the Swedishcontractor Svevia. The study aims toprovide an overview of the mostbeneficial bridge material from bothenvironmental and economic point ofview.The life-cycle analysis covers onlycarbon dioxide emissions, since it isthe most spoken of in today?s climateagenda. Furthermore, this study aims tohighlight which parts, of the systemboundary, that contributes to greatercarbon emissions for the wood- and theconcrete bridge.The life-cycle cost analysis wascalculated with a lifespan of 40 yearsand covers the basic cost of investment,operating and maintenance, anddecommissioning costs.The analyzed constructions in this studyare existing projects that are almostcompleted. Both bridges were designed tohandle loads up to 60 tons.

Sustainable phosphorus management of horse paddocks at Julmyra

Horse keeping is gaining an increasing interest in Sweden. During 2004 to 2010 the number of horses increased with 10 - 20 %, and was estimated to be 362 700 in 2010. Julmyra Horse Center (JHC), situated in Heby municipality, is a gated community for people sharing a large interest for horses and a vision of a sustainable horse management has been formulated. This study evaluates how the horse keeping of today at JHC, and how an expansion of the horse keeping may affect the risk of enhanced phosphorus load to the nearby lake system Vansjön ? Nordsjön.

Pellets - en framtidsmarknad?

With higher prices for oil and increased focus on fossil fuels impact on the environment the heating sector are searching for alternative fuels. Pellets are a quite new product whose production has risen exponential in recent years. Today there are small-, medium-and large-scale users, where the large-scale consumers are the heating sector. The heating sector is mainly using oil to cover the increased demand during cold periods. The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential of pellets if it would replace thermal power plants oil and coal. The study will also analyze the economic impact a conversion would mean for a heating plant and if the pellet is a reasonable substitute. 2008 statistics from the Swedish district heating association were analyzed and a calculation was performed to determine how many tons of pellets is needed to replace coal and oil.

Geografisk prioritering av CTI-utrustad virkestransportkapacitet

Previous studies of central tire inflation (CTI) in truck transport of roundwood have shown potential benefits to include more even wood flow and reduced road damage. The greatest benefits are found to be during periods of low bearing capacity such as spring thaw. No previous studies have examined geographical variations in the potential benefit of CTI-equipped trucks. The aim of the study was to develop and use a simple method for geographically prioritizing the use of CTI-equipped trucks within a forest company´s sector of activity.The host company for the study was Holmen Skog. The area studied consisted of Holmen Skog?s entire sector of activity extending from the province of Västerbotten to the province of Småland.

Det goda hemmet och det ideala barnet : Svenska fosterhem för finska barn i Sverige genom Hjälpkommittén för Finlands barn i Uppsala län 1941-1949

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera mansbilden av karaktären Edward i filmen Edward Scissorhands (Tim Burton, 1990). Genom attstudera hans personlighet och egenskaper ur olika perspektiv, som kan uppfattas som både manligt och kvinnligt, har jag försökt att ta reda på vem denna utstickande karaktär är.Med hjälp av genusteorier och jämförelser av tidigare filmatiseringar som Ed Wood (Tim Burton, 1994), Sleepy Hollow (Tim Burton, 1999) och The cabinet of Dr. Caligari (Robert Weine, 1920) har jag även kunnat fördjupa mig i mansbilden av Edward. Jag har dessutom fokuserat kring Tim Burtons säregna filmskapande, men också kring stjärnskapet hos Johnny Depp, skådespelaren som Burton ofta samarbetar med.Edward Scissorhands har visat sig vara en man med både manliga och kvinnliga attribut, vilket gör honom till en icke stereotypisk man som saknar hjältemod och en muskulös kropp. Trots det så tyder inget på att han är mindre man bara för att han har mer eller mindre egenskaper som generellt uppfattas som manliga.

Ajuourhållning av ungskogsdata med hjälp av digitala flygbilder :

The purpose of this study is to investigate whether it is possible for SCA to update their stand register with use of digital aerial photos photographed with a Zeiss/Intergraph DMC. ?Updating? in this study implies the delineation of stands and estimating stand variables such as average stand height, volume density, stand volume, and tree species composition in order to identify stands which can be of current interest for thinning. The study also includes how the aerial photo material and experience of the interpreter can influence the quality of the interpreted variables. The aerial photo interpretations were made by both experienced and inexperienced interpreters.

Rådjur (Capreolus Capreolus) på Gotland : populationsutveckling och spridningsmönster

Gotland is an island in the Baltic Sea where man has introduced roe deer. The last successful reintroduction was in the 1980s and is the base of the viable roe deer population of today.The aim of this study was to estimate the roe deer population density in 2012 and the species population dynamic since the time when studies on the population started. The result indicates a population size of 850 roe deer in 2012. There was no significant population dynamic, which may be due to insufficient data. The population occurs basically over the whole island but have not yet been established in all suitable areas.

Inhysning av struts :

The Swedish ostrich production started about thirteen years ago and still there are no Swedish recommendations regarding ostriches? space requirements. The European Council give recommendations and the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SJV) has a proposal, but so far the producers follow Danish regulations regarding space requirements. The Swedish Animal Welfare Agency are about to set standards for the ostriches? space requirements, and therefore the Swedish ostrich producers, together with The Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF) ask for a scientific background to these decisions. This thesis is a preliminary study at the prospect of a future experiment on which factors important for ostriches? space requirements and welfare will be examined more thouroughly.

Miljöhänsyn vid offentlig upphandling :

One of the biggest challenges in the human history is to prevent environmental pollution. Everybody has an indirect or direct influence on the environment through his or her consumption. The stakeholders are not just interested in price and quality, they are also interested in the circumstances of production and how this affects the environment. By taking environmental concern in public procurement it is possible to speed up the environmental adjustment of services and products. Environmental awareness has become more and more self evident in the environmental work.

Effekt av bl?b?r p? blodlipider En systematisk litteratur?versikt om effekt av bl?b?rsintag p? blodlipider.

Syfte: Syftet ?r att sammanst?lla det aktuella forskningsunderlaget f?r att unders?ka om intag av bl?b?r f?r?ndrar lipidniv?er hos m?n och kvinnor ?18 ?r j?mf?rt med att inte inta bl?b?r. Metod: I denna systematiska ?versiktsartikel har en litteraturs?kning genomf?rts. F?r att specificera unders?kningsomr?det har arbetet avgr?nsats till m?n och kvinnor ?18 ?r med interventionen intag av bl?b?r (os?tade f?rska, frysta eller frystorkade) tillsammans med normalkost som har j?mf?rts mot inget bl?b?rsintag (normalkost, placebodryck, -pulver eller -kapsel med pulver). Utfallet som har unders?kts var f?r?ndring av totalkolesterol (TC), triglycerider (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) och high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Studiedesignen f?r inkluderade studier var RCT, minst singelblindad med en interventionsl?ngd p? ?1 vecka.

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