

6705 Uppsatser om Women in media - Sida 30 av 447

Mäklaryrket ur ett jämställdhetsperspektiv

The Profession of Real Estate Agents has by tradition been a male profession. However during later years the profession has changed. It is now many young women that are pursuing a career as a Real Estate Agent.In the light of this background we have researched how Real Estate Agents employed by Fastighetsbyrån and Svensk Fastighetsförmedling perceive their profession from an equality perspective.The investigation has been limited to include the counties of Värmland and Närke and have been conducted by interviewing Real Estate Agents of different age and sex and the managers of the firms.The study show that the Real Estate Agents perceive their profession in a positive way and that the work is divided equal. However it emerged that there were a division regarding different real estate types in certain agencies. The Real Estate Agents believe that the gender of the manager is of no importance.

Den särskilda kvinnan: En feministisk analys av Universella decimalklassifikationen

The aim of this thesis is to, from a feminist point of view, analyse the Universal Decimal Classification UDC, which is an international and widely used classification system. A number of the larger classification systems and subject heading lists have during the last decades been placed in the limelight of various gender studies and the systems treatment of women has been criticized. With this examination of the UDC, I dont merely wish to identify shortcomings and advantages with the UDCs way to treat men and women. The UDC is also used as an example of how the gender problem can be identified and interpretated in classification systems generally. My analysis is performed with a theoretical foundation in feminist science theories about knowledge and norms, together with a linguistic perspective on valuing and emotionally tinged language.

Kvinnor och deras karriäravancemang på managementkonsultföretag - en fallstudie om varför det är svårare för kvinnor att avancera på managementkonsultföretag

The purpose of the thesis is to examine why women face greater difficulties than men in the management consulting industry when advancing as well as to identify potential success factors that enable women to overcome the existing difficulties. In order to fulfil the purpose, a theoretical framework including gender and organisational theory has been applied to a qualitative case study of two Swedish management consulting firms. A number of difficulties have been identified related to women's career advancement, which are the following: the male leader and the stereotypical male leadership, firms having higher expectations on women's performance, women's reluctance to self-promotion and to play "the organizational game", women's preference of social networks, men's tendency to promote other men, and the choice and conflict between a career and family life. The identified success factors that enable women to overcome these difficulties are: adapting the male leadership style, having an extrovert behaviour, becoming more active in professional networks, promoting one self, actively seeking to gain more attention, and prioritising one's career. These success factors can be summarised as women adapting a more male-like behaviour.

Kvinnliga fotografer : förutsättningar i Göteborg för ett professionellt yrkesliv år 1900

The purpose of this essay is to investigate the working conditions of professional photographers at the start of the 20th century. The aim of this essay is to provide a glimpse into this specific time-period with the main question: How were the working conditions for professional photographers? More specifically, this essay will provide a detailed picture that focuses on the difficulties women encountered, when attempting to make photography a legitimate professional career and combined with the traditions as wife and woman.The essay is divided into three main parts. By looking at statistical databases such as Swedish National Archive?s and other recourses, the first part establishes what Swedish society was like after the reforms that had taken place by the end of the 19th Century.

Luxury fashion brands on social media: a study of young

The implementation of this research increases the awareness of the value for luxury fashion brands in utilizing social media as a communication channel to reach young consumers globally. It provides a general understanding of young consumers? perception of luxury fashion brands on social media in regards to geographic cultural background, attitude towards new luxury, and preferred way of contacts..

- Jag är den jag var då - det är förutsättningarna som har förändrats? - en postkolonial feministisk studie utav invandrarkvinnors berättelser om identitetskonstruktion och förändring

Postcolonial feminist theory says that ones identity is constructed by severalfactor, not only gender but even culture, ethnicity and class imbedded in the socialcontext. This paper examines what happens to women's identities if the socialcontext changes. Does an identity shift occur? By interviewing five women fromBosnia-Herzegovina I try to understand the affects migration has on women?sidentity. Postcolonial feminist theory says that our identities are constantlychanging, as their constructing factors.

Immunohistochemical study of hemoglobin-related proteins in endometrium from fertile and infertile women

In couples diagnosed with unexplained infertility, the woman has normal ovulatory cycles and no organic pathology, and the man has normal semen. The period during which the implantation of an embryo can occur is defined as the window of implantation (WOI). For infertile women, disturbances in the endometrium maturation are hypothesized to impair the uterine receptivity for embryo implantaition. However, there are still no methods found to predict endometrial receptivity.Hemoglobin related-proteins hypothesized to be involved in embryo implantation have been found in the endometrium in both fertile and infertile women. The aim of this study was to determine whether there were differences in the expression of hemoglobin-related proteins, hemoglobin-?, cytoglobin, fetal hemoglobin and haptoglobin in the endometrium of fertile and infertile women.

Attac! En analys av diskurskampen mellan media och den sociala rörelsen Attac

In today's society social movement are dependent on media as a channel to com-municate their political message and their discourse. Media is an arena for dis-courses but at the same time, along with Attac, one of the actors who struggle to be part of the dominant discourse of the society. This struggle is uneven due to media and the relationship is to some content hegemonic.Attac Sweden was constituted in January 2001 and got an enormous amount of attention in media. But after the riots during the Göteborg European Council in June 2001, that Attac was partly blamed for, the attention in media has faded out. This paper shows that the images of Attac in media hasn?t been favouring the movement, especially during and after the meeting in Gothenburg.

Mellan klass och kön : En analys av det socialdemokratiska kvinnofo?rbundets aktionsprogram 1972 - 1993

The aim of this thesis is to analyse the conceptualisation of the social relations of class and gender within the Social Democratic Women?s Association during the period 1972 ? 1993, on the basis of their programmes for action. The analysis of the concepts is based on an ideology critical study focusing on the manifest ideology.The study is based upon the theoretical concepts of class and gender,  The class analysis is based upon the broadened concepts of class by Erik Olin Wright and Ira Katznelson. The gender analysis is mainly based upon a Marxist understanding and a critical point of view of Marxism and feminism in the context of patriarchy and capitalism.The period of the study is where the social democracy is challenged, both by radical socialism and feminist ideology and the economic crisis during the 1980?s, as well as the possible threat of an organised women?s party in Sweden.

Rörliga bilder säger mer än tusen ord : Användning av strömmande media (video) på kommunala hemsidor

I min studie har jag undersökt hur strömmande media (video) används på Umeå kommuns webbsida. Dessutom har jag analyserat och jämfört hur sex kommuner i Sverige använder rörliga bilder på sina kommunala hemsidor. De sex kommuner som jag har valt att studera har som gemensamt drag att samtliga sänder respektive kommunfullmäktige live med hjälp av strömmande video. Slutligen diskuterar jag orsaken till att kommunala hemsidor använder strömmande media i liten skala och drar några slutsatser som relaterar möjligheter och hinder i användning av strömmande media på kommunala hemsidor..

Ungas nyhetsvanor : Vilka medier använder sig ungdomar igymnasieåren av för att ta del av nyhetsflödet?

This paper is based on a quantitative survey. The study aims to answer the questionwhich media young people rather use to take part of the news. The results showthat young people today in Kalmar preferably and often read newspapers on theInternet and mobile phone.The questions asked was about which media they usually use, the level ofconfidence they had in various media, how interest was in different newscategories, willingness to pay for online news and background issues relatedsubjects. The survey was aimed at high school students in Kalmar and weredistributed and collected on-site at the schools. What was remarkable among theresponses was that young people largely had access to a morning newspaper athome and said that they would consider subscribing to one in the future.

Kärleksgudinnor och machomän : Hur kvinnor och män framställs i bilderna i konfirmationsboken Via Mystica

The purpose with this thesis is to analyse images in the confirmationbook Via Mystica from a gender perspective. By using two different ways to analyse the pictures, a content analysis and a semiotic picture analysis, the result was as follows: The pictures of men an women fortifies the construction of gender. The girls in the pictures are represented as caregivers and comforters, while the boys are represented as strong and tough. The four pictures from the semiotic picture analyses showed how easy it was to categorise the men and the women in the photos in opposing stereotypes. The women are percieved as weak and submissive while the men were either strong criminals or a strong hero.

?Att vara där människor är? En kvalitativ studie av sex folkbiblioteks användande av sociala medier

The objective of this bachelor thesis is to examine how some larger Swedish public libraries reason about the use of social media as part of their activities and outreach. To attain the purpose three research-questions were established; why does the public library use social media? How does the public library utilize social media? What extra value do librarians believe that use of social media can add to the libraries? function? The methodology used in the thesis is qualitative interviews. Six interviews were conducted with librarians in charge of social media at their respective libraries. Five of the interviews were conducted by telephone and one by email.

Att förlora kontrollen En litteraturstudie om kvinnors och partners upplevelse av fibromyalgi

The purpouse with this litterature review is to investigate how women diagnosed with fibromyalgia handle their disease and what it implicates for a partner. The questions are: How do women suffering from fibromyalgia experience and deal with their daily life? What does it mean to live with a person diagnosed with fibromyalgia? In order to answer these question, scientific articles were reviewed and then analyzed with an inductive approach. The analysis generated three themes concerning women's experiences and dealing with fibromyalgia: losses/adjustment, changed relationships, lack of knowledge and three themes describing partners' experiences: increased responsibility/new tasks, changed relationships and lack of knowledge..

Förskollärar(ens) identitet : En studie kring hur förskollärar(ens) roll formuleras och definieras i en förskoleverksamhet i förändring

In this thesis recruiter?s attitudes and usage of social media within the media business has been examined. The purpose was to find out whether a certain type of behavior in social media could or could not lead to a future employment. How much weight is put on the virtual identity and what does recruiters look for when the look someone up on the internet. Personal interviews with recruiters were done in six different media companies in Stockholm to find out how they used social media when searching and employing new employers.

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