

6705 Uppsatser om Women in media - Sida 27 av 447

Våldtäkt och våldtäktsoffer. Analys av unga kvinnors synsätt.

AbstractThis essay concerns young women´s point of view and discussions about rape and rape victims. The purpose was to examine young women´s view on rape and rape victims. By young women we mean 17 to 18 year-old-high school-students.Our main questions were how young women define rape, if there are any circumstances were they blame the victim and/or consider her less trustworthy and how they explain rape.This study is based on one qualitatively oriented group interview, with six young women, and four individual interviews, as compliment to the group interview. We have used our interviews and earlier research to answer our questions. The analysis is based on a feministic point of view and Nils Christies article on "ideal victims".The result that appeared was that the young women´s broad definition of rape narrows down through the different circumstances concerning the alcohol consumption, the woman´s way of living and what clothes she was wearing, the acquaintance-level between the victim and perpetrator and how the woman says "no" to sex.

"Den lata och odugliga greken" : En studie om medias framställning av greken samt hur grekerna upplever framställningen och vilka konsekvenser detta kan tänkas bringa

Media has an influence on millions of people around the world, this influence can be positive as well as negative as a consequence of how phenomena and a certain event are interpreted. Mass media tend to magnify and dramatize events in form of attractive headlines in order to get as many readers as possible. One of the countries that the media spotlight focused on in recent years is Greece. However these attractive headlines, have not contributed anything positive for the country and one can say that it has done more damage than good. In the media the Greeks have been stereotyped, radicalized and labeled as "lazy" due to the representation of media.

Porträttering av förorten Tensta

The purpose of this study was to investigate hove some suburban areas image is shown to the public in the media coverage of suburban areas, and this is why I in this paper want to look more closely at the image of Tensta in the news media and how people in Tensta perceive themselves. News media has a very important role in the creation of human worldview. It influences our own identity and affects what a person believes is the difference in us and them. In the post-colonial theory, identity creation is a central role in philosophy, us and them. Based on the above purpose, I formulated an overall main question that this essay should answer.

Kvinnors politiska representation Hur kan den rumsliga variationen i Afrika förklaras?

During the last few years the countries in the African continent have experienced an enormous increase in female politicians on a national level. Rwanda is even the country with the highest number of female politicians in its parliament in the world. Despite this development in Africa, the quantitative research on women's political representation in the world has not yet paid attention to the situation there. Some of the surveys that have been done have even excluded countries that do not fit the homogeneous pattern ? which is precisely the problem with African countries ? for it to be possible to explain the situation with existing theories.The intention of this paper is therefore to, with all of the 53 African countries included in the study, examine whether the already existing explanatory factors regarding women's political representation also can be applied to an African context to explain the situation there.

Genus och informationsteknologi

This thesis discusses how the education in the Master of Engineering program can change to become more into line for the students needs, especially for the women, both directly in the education situation and later in their occupational roles. This is done using a gender perspective. Both the education and the occupation today is characterised by masculine norms and values. The education lacks gender perspective and is created by men, for men. The thesis gives concrete proposals on how to change two existing courses to better fit the students.

Kvinnors preventivmedelsanvändning under olika faser av det reproduktiva livet

Introduction: Studies have shown that women are not always satisfied with the effects of contraception and that contraceptive advice is perceived as non-specific. Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate what contraceptive women have chosen to use in the different phases of their reproductive lives, and what they felt had influenced their choice. Method: A retrospective cross-sectional comparative study with a quantitative approach. A survey with fixed and multiple-choice options was sent to five hundred 45-year old women. Result: The study shows that various birth controls are different in the normal reproductive life.

Kvinnorna i litteraturhistorien : Hur ser det ut i läroböckerna idag

This study aims to show what differences, if any, there are between how men and women are decribed in new litterature history textbooks for upper secondary school and then to compare them with and older textbook where differences already have been spotted. The books we anlyze are Svenska timmar litteraturen by Svante Skoglund (2012) and Ekengrens svenska by Hans-Erik Ekengren and Britta Lorentzson-Ekengren (2011) and the one we compare them to is Den levande litteraturen by Ulf Jansson (2007). To help us anlyze these textbooks we use Charles Tilly's theory about categorical inequality where he states that inequality exists because of people's fondnes for placing their fellows in different categories such as e.g. man/woman and old/young. We also use De los Reyes' and Mulinari's theory which states that to get rid of the categorical inequality we need to think intersectionally.

Stress i socialt arbete : om socialarbetares upplevelser och hantering av stress i sitt arbete.

The purpose of this study is to use a qualitative approach to get an understanding of what is expected of social workers targeted towards women managers in social services. Nine social workers were interviewed. The empirical data was then analyzed on the basis of gender theory. Respondents did not see their supervisor as a manager but more as a social worker with special tasks. Our empirical data indicates that there is a strong belief that men and women possess different properties.

Ser det inte lite lika ut? : En kvalitativ studie av den icke stylade bildens potential att inspirera individen

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect and potential of a non-styled home reportage, and how they influence and inspire to promote individual creativity.Method: I have used a qualitative analysis to be able to create a deep understanding. This is based on three interviews with women in age 22-27, which have a dedicated interest in interior design. I have also sent questionnaires to two persons who run interior design blogs.Conclusions: My analysis shows that the non-styled home reportage is the start of an inspirational process that is beyond consumption and status objects. It promotes individual creativity and willingness to create, based on personnel taste. The essay highlights the importance that the individual critically examines the aesthetics of interior design as presented in diverse media.

#yogaeverydamnday : En analys av religiösa och andliga uttryck och beskrivningar på Instagram

In recent years, the Internet has exploded with different kinds of social media, where a significant function is to share your life in text and images. This changes how we form our identity, our religious identity included. The aim of this paper was to study how Instagram forms a space for the creation and development of religious and spiritual beliefs. For this purpose, Instagram updates from five women with yoga oriented Instagram accounts have been analyzed in relation to two theories: Paul Heelas? och Linda Woodhead?s theory of a spiritual revolution and Heidi Campbell?s theory of networked religion.The aim of the study was to explore how these women presented themselves in their Instagram flow and what part religion and spirituality had in their presentations.

Svininfluensan : en kritisk diskursanalys av medias rapportering

Media has the power to influences society. Some call them the third power of a state. Through amongst others, the agenda setting theory and the framing theory, this report seeks to understand how media describes the swine influenza and how it uses its power to influence people to vaccinate. As this report will show, there is no doubt that media has had an impact on the Swedish population of which 60 per cent followed through with the vaccination. Media used an information discourse and attempted to present its articles in an impartial manner and used governmental authorities and experts to support its arguments.

Vägen tillbaka till hälsa : intervjustudie med kvinnliga deltagare från en stresshanteringskurs

In recent years more and more people have been sick-listed due to stress and it has happened to more women than men. The purpose of this paper is to see if recoveringfrom stress related states of ill-health can be promoted through participation in a stress management course. Five women who were or had been sick-listed and had participated in the life management course were interviewed. The results show that the course was an important forum for expressing emotions. The participants were more positive about the future after than before they entered the course.

Sverige klätt i aska : En studie om kriskommunikationen under askmolnskrisen 2010

The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the crisis communication was perceived between SAS, massmedia and citizens during the volcano crisis in 2010. The questions posed are: - How did the communication between SAS, media and citizens function during the crisis? - How did senders, intermediaries and beneficiaries experience the information and communication during the crisis? - How important was the internet communication for SAS, media and citizens during the crisis?The collected material consists of interviews and desktop research of material from Internet.The study shows that the communication between SAS, the media and citizens worked well on the social medias but was weaker in all other mediachannels. SAS was also weak in following up information received by media and travelers, and they therefore they had a different picture of the situation during the crisis. SAS thought that the communication worked fine between the parties involved.

Ensamkommande flyktingbarn i media : - en diskursanalys

This research intends to study the media's representation of unaccompanied refugee children on the basis that the media has a power in the construction of society. The focus is on whether children's vulnerability and needs are presented in the media and whether the children?s voices are heard. It is also of interest to study the agents that speak in the media concerning unaccompanied refugee children. The study is based on a theory that social reality is a construction of interaction between individuals and groups. Furthermore the study also incorporate the idea that the media, through its control of language, has power to create discourses which may affect the way different groups in society are looked upon.

Jag tänkte gå, men livet kom emellan: om sex kvinnors val att inte delta i mammografiscreening

The aim of this study was to identify possible reasons for non-attendance related to mammographic screening. Using qualitative methods, sex women underwent a semi-structured interview on the following themes: social background, medical history, mammographic screening, invitation, and final decision.Social background was described using the "life-form theory". The concepts of illness, disease, and sickness were used in order to investigate medical conditions and their impact. The process of non-attendance was studied using a model by Zovko, balancing different needs affecting decisions and final action.According to their decision, and final action, women were defined as "participants", "passive non-attenders" or "active non-attenders". Most women belonged to the life-form "paid work" and had children.

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