

1070 Uppsatser om Wireless network - Sida 64 av 72

Chachaklum, a viable initiative? : a stakeholder management approach towards a community enterprise

Due to poorly functioning local and regional markets, the smallholders in San Francisco, Petén, were dependent on intermediaries that took advantage of the smallholder?s distance to markets. In an attempt to secure income and strengthen their bargaining position, 189 smallholders joined forces through the creation of a social smallholder network, held together by a community based enterprise. This enterprise was initiated in 2011 with the help of government incentive programmes and NGOs that within a few years will leave the enterprise to auto regime. This study treats the sustainability of a community forest based enterprise, Chachaklum, in northern Guatemala. The study identifies factors that enable smallholders to organize themselves in order to obtain business practices that support an improved standard of living.

Empowerment och paternalism på jobbet : En studie kring självbestämmande och delaktighet för brukare i daglig verksamhet enligt LSS

During the latter part of the 20th century the situation for people with intellectual disabilities in Sweden changed and developed. Clients have the right to participation and self-determination in society and in applied measures under the law of individual rights legislation; LSS. The purpose of this study is to describe and understand how team-leaders and managers in day-centres in a municipality works with participation and self-determination for clients, and what the professionals consider affects the client's possibility to self-determination and participation. The research questions intended to be answered are:? How does the team-leaders and managers work to enable self-determination and participation of the users in the public day-centres?? What does the team-leaders and managers describe and understand as enabling and limiting factors for the client?s possibility to self-determination and participation?The study is qualitative and interviews have been held with eight interviewees, which I contacted through snowball sampling.

Att vara förälder till ett barn med medfött hjärtfel : en litteraturstudie

Introduction : Structural cardiac malformations affects 0.8-1% of children born worldwide, in Sweden 800-1000 children per year. Most children with congenital heart disease and their families will have frequent and lifelong contact with highly specialized care. Awareness of the parents experience is crucial in order to improve the nursing care. These experiences will be illustrated using a theoretical model of family-based nursing. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe experiences of being a parent to a child with a congenital heart disease.

Kundanalys av tryckpappersförbrukare i Finland

The negative trend of newspapers reading gives the owner of several paper manufacturingcompanies in the West worries. Producers should be more concern to strengthen their marketpositions in order to maintain profitability in the paper mills. Holmen Paper is a medium sizedpaper mill company with all of their production in Europe. Sales are mainly made to printingcompanies operating in European countries. In order to strengthen their economic strengthHolmen Paper needs to increase the market share in markets where they have the greatestprofit margins.

Icke-följsamhet vid diabetes mellitus : en litteraturstudie

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att beskriva vad personer med diabetes anser inverka på deras möjlighet och vilja att följa egenvårdsråd (patientperspektivet) och att beskriva omvård-nad som stöder följsamhet (sjukvårdsperspektivet). Studien har genomförts som en litteratur-studie. Det visade sig att alla krav för att hålla sjukdomen under kontroll innebär livsstilsför-ändringar, som kan vara så utmanande för patienten, att han kanske inte kan eller vill vidta dessa. Bristande kunskap om sjukdomen och om dess egenvårdskrav kan göra honom dåligt emotionellt anpassad till denna, det vill säga han har inte accepterat att han har sjukdomen och han vill inte låta dess egenvårdskrav inkräkta på det sociala livet. Detta ger honom för-sämrade möjligheter att hantera sjukdomen på ett bra sätt.

"Det första jag gör när jag vaknar är att logga in på Facebook" : En studie om hur användare av de sociala nätverken upplever den användargenererade produktionen

AbstractTitle: The first thing I do when I wake up is to log on to Facebook. A study regarding how users of Social Networks experiences the User Generated production. (Det första jag gör när jag vaknar är att logga in på Facebook. En studie om hur användare av de sociala nätverken upplever den användargenererande produktionen.)Number of pages: 37 (39 including enclosures) Author: Per MagnussonTutor: Christian ChristensenCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall semester 2010University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityAim: The ambition with this essay is to examine how the online users of social networks experience the development of the Internet towards Web 2.0, and the enormous User Generated Content emerging from it. How do we receive User Generated Content from other people, and particularly what do we think about our own production.Material/Method: In order to obtain a deeper understanding of the attitudes and perceptions amongst people regarding this subject I used qualitative interviews with 9 people.

Hur blir Peab ett mer attraktivt företag för kvinnliga ingenjörer?

The Swedish construction industry is dominated by men; however this is starting to change. The average age of Construction Engineers is high and approximately 40 per cent of the employees will retire by the year 2015. Currently, female engineers dominate the graduating classes of Swedish Universities but this is not reflected in the Swedish Construction industry.With so many female engineers available, why is this? Does it require a change in company culture and their condition of work to attract them? Is it the attitude towards women in the industry among the employees that has to be changed? Or is it a woman?s thoughts and prejudices of the industry that creates obstacles?The purpose of this final thesis is to describe how contracting firms in the construction industry can make themselves more attractive for female engineers. To reach the purpose, a study among salaried employees and craftsmen was conducted.

Artrika vägkanter - hur påverkas de av slåtter och underhållsdikning?

ABSTRACT This study is an exam work at the Department of Ecology at the Swedish Agricultural University, Ultuna, Uppsala. The field work was performed in the counties of Uppsala and Västmanland. Grassland areas, exposed to annual mowing, are known to host a variety of rare and red-listed vascular species. The area of these grassland are, however, decreasing in the landscape due to modern farming. The fact that roadside verges maintain regular mowing has proven to be a successful concept for many rare vascular plant species in this habitat. Vascular plants along roadside verges at the State road network were inventoried due to a government mandate during 1995 and 1996. As a result ?Species rich roadsides? were pointed out.

Identitet och själviscensättning i bloggsfären : en kvalitativ studie av bloggen iMilk

Title: Identity and self-staging in the blogosphere- A qualitative (text and semiotic) study of the fashionblog ?iMilk?Number of pages: 55 (excluding references and appendix)Author: Lea KaufmannTutor: Göran SvenssonCourse: Media- and Communication Studies DPeriod: Spring term 2013University: Uppsala UniversityPurpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to theoreticallyinterpret contemporary identity in the web by analyzingthree fashion blog posts created by Signe Siemsen.The analysis is based on theories regarding identity andself-staging in the network society. The work aims tohighlight the relatively fresh theme "Internet as anidentity-creating and identity-seeking platform" andexplores ways of using a blog in order to create a virtualidentity. The study calls for more in-depth research andfurther discussion.Material: The material consists of iMilk, a Swedish fashion blogwritten by a 21-year-old girl. The blog existed betweenSeptember 2007 and March 2010 and three posts,namely from September 2007, April 2008 and October32008, were analyzed based on theories regarding identityand internet by Manuel Castells and John Sulers.Method: The following thesis is based on a qualitative discourseanalysis and a semiotic image analysis.Main results: The thesis you are about to read shows clear signs ofhow the creator behind iMilk, Signe Siemsen, is using herblog to construct and highlight selected parts of herpersonality and to define the person she wants to be andbe seen as.

Maskinsäkerhetsstandarder och lönsamhet : Profitability of standardisation and safety of machinery

The composing of new standards in the area of machinery safety is a continuous work which aims at writing standards that works as a tool for companies and enables them to control if the fundamental demands of security and health which is prescribed by law are reached. It is optional for the companies to choose if they want to use the standards. This report is written in cooperation with SIS and the study were performed within the technical committee SIS/TK 282. The report aims to investigating if the companies that choose to use standards see any economic advantages due to this work, how these advantages take form and where they originate. The main question formulation is how the profitability among companies that have adjusted their production to machinery safety standards are affected. The study was performed with an initial literature study which aimed at obtaining knowledge and an overview over the subject as well as investigate what former studies had resulted in.

En branschanalys av den svenska mobilmarknaden -Strategi, konkurrenssituationen och 4G:s påverkan

Background and problemThe Swedish mobile market is highly competitive despite the oligopoly that currently exists. A short product life cycle together with fads and new innovations puts pressure on the operators to respond to the ever changing environment and to develop and adapt their strategies after it.As a previous study regarding a specific operator?s strategy was cancelled due to the extensive confidentiality surrounding it, an interest was sparked to perform an industry analysis as this is clearly something the actors spend a great deal of time on developing. The launch of the 4G network will offer new opportunities for the operators regarding products services. It may also impact the competition on the overall market.PurposeThe purpose of this thesis is to present a deep analysis of the industry and give the reader a comprehensive picture of existing conditions.

Den rivna simhallen - en etnologisk studie av bevarande, materialitet och kulturarv

In this essay the aim is to look at difficulties in preservation of buildings in general, andespecially the ones of the modernist era. To navigate in this huge field the study is narroweddown to take place in Finspång, a small Swedish town. In Finspång there was a swimmingpool facility built in 1967. In 2003 the facility was closed down due to its unusable conditionsand then after seven years with discussions of different plans about what to do with thefacility it was demolished in 2010. This case is the base in the essay, and why it was notpreserved.The purpose of this essay is to look at what the people in Finspång think about preservation ofbuildings with the demolished swimming hall facility as base, and what impact materiality hason questions regarding preservation, cultural heritage, memory and history.

Att investera i en karriär : Övergången mellan studier och arbete för studenter med utländsk bakgrund vid Växjö universitet

Numerous studies raise the topic of highly educated immigrants whose education and list of qualifications devalue in the context of the Swedish labour market. However, little is known of those with foreign background who enter into higher education in Sweden. Our study attempts to shed some light onto the value of higher education relative to that of a person?s ethnic background. The background material features nine in-depth interviews of foreign background academics, as well as data extracted from an extensive survey study previously carried out at Växjö University. Initially, the quantitative data showed that students with foreign background, including Swedish-born children of immigrants, had not managed to find qualified work upon completion of studies to the same extent as their Swedish background counterparts.

Kundanpassad LCA för nätverkskameror

Antalet övervakningskameror i samhället ökar, samtidigt som deras miljöpåverkan är relativt okänd. För en produkt som tidigare bara utvärderats gällande prestanda, börjar kunderna nu efterfråga en kartläggning av miljöpåverkan. Kamerans miljöpåverkan studeras ur ett livscykelperspektiv: energi- och materialtillförsel samt utsläpp och avfall som berör allt ifrån råmaterialutvinning till slutåtervinning. Projektet är genomfört på begäran av, och för, Axis Communications AB (härmed refererade till som Axis) med huvudsyfte att öka Axis kunskap om deras produkters miljöpåverkan och utveckla en metod för genomförande av förenklade livscykelanalyser på Axis produkter. Livscykelanalysen, LCA, genomförs på en nätverkskamera utvecklad av Axis Communications AB; modell AXIS Q6032-E PTZ.

Enkelstations-RTK eller Nätverks-RTK : I Naturvårdsuppdrag

Sammanfattning Förutsättning I examensarbetet har det ingått ett verkligt ärende som handläggs av mig som MBK-ingenjör inom Lantmäteriet. Det är ett naturvårdsuppdrag från Länsstyrelsen och innefattar bl a inmätning och utstakning av gräns på ett blivande naturreservat. Naturvårdsuppdraget Huskeberget ligger ca 5 km norr om Södra Finnskoga och sydväst om Höljes i norra Värmland. Omkrets 2,38 km. Områdets höjd är ca 550 m över havet och ligger på sydöstra sluttningen av Huskeberget. Fix Lantmäteriet använder idag Leica Viva CS15/GS15 mätutrustning vid inmätning av brytpunkter och gränser. I detta fall det blivande naturreservatet.

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