

1070 Uppsatser om Wireless network - Sida 38 av 72

?Jag är hemlös, inte lealös?: En undersökning om hemlösas informationsbehov

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study the information needs of the homeless. The main focus is to investigate what kind of information needs that are to be found among the homeless and also how information is exchanged and shared by the group. Another aspect of our study includes the sources that are used to fulfil these information needs. The homeless use of the library, as one of these sources, is also examined.

En empirisk studie av uppföljning av inköp av tjänster inom Lagen om offentlig upphandling

This thesis examines the verification of the terms and conditions stated in contracts based on the Public Procurement Act. In March 2013 the Swedish state procurement commission released " Good Business - A Strategy for Sustainable Public Procurement " (SOU 2013:12), which found that the proportion of control and verification is relatively low. The thesis examine how verification is carried out and looks for an explanation to why verification is not more oftenly performed. To answer these questions two care studies, based on seven semi-structured interviews, is presented as the empirical material. Network theory has been used to analyse the empirical results, and aspects of commonly used theories such as contract management and "Markets and Hierarchies" by Williamson has also been taken into account.

Extern granskning av medicinska bilder, framtidens lösning?

In 2009 transgendered persons were included in the Swedish law against discrimination. Prior to the inclusion a commission made an investigation of the necessity of such change in the law and how it could be designed. This essay focuses on the discourses regarding gender that appear in the law and the report written by the commission. Using theories by Judith Butler and discourse analysis inspired by Norman Fairclough it identifies two main discourses regarding gender: a two gender discourse and a queer discourse. The two discourses meet in the studied material in an antagonistic way, a conflict that is solved by separating the two and making one part of the law focus on gender and one on transgender.

Ipv6 : En empirisk studie i hur Ipv6 protokollet har utvecklats de senaste åren.

Internet grows, so it?s cracking, soon will all IPv4 addresses be allocated and a solution is urgently needed. The new protocol, IPv6 is the solution to this problem. With a size of 128 bits against IPv4s 32 bits gives IPv6 a huge amount of addresses to distribute. The security addition that may be added manually in IPv4 is the standard with the new protocol.

Situationen för anhöriga till yngre personer med demenssjukdom

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka hur bra vi är på att bedöma ålder på omaskerade och maskerade ansikten. Syftet var även att undersöka om det fanns systematiska fel som är förknippade med åldersbedömning av maskerade ansikten.Totalt fick 60 försöksdeltagare, samtliga ungdomar, skatta åldern på 60 fotografier av 30 maskerade och 30 omaskerade män.  Fotografierna var indelade i två åldersgrupper, yngre och äldre, och samtliga stimulipersoner förekom i både den maskerade och den omaskerade varianten.Resultaten visade att försöksdeltagarna var bättre på att skatta åldern på omaskerade ansikten än på maskerade. Inga skillnader i systematiska fel fans mellan maskerade och omaskerade ansikten.Bilder av unga ansikten skattades med högre precision än bilder av äldre ansikten..

Nätverkens betydelse för turistdestinationen : en studie av gotländska turistrelaterade nätverk

The tourism industry is growing and with its growth competition between destinations rises. In competition, cooperation and collaboration between tourism operators seem beneficial when creating an attractive and dynamic tourist destination.The purpose of this study is to describe and discuss the significance and influence of tourist related networks at a tourist destination, and therefore this study aims to examine the question: What significance do the tourist related networks have at a tourist destination?This study focuses on seven networks on Gotland that are tourism related, and the representatives of the networks were interviewed in order to get their view on the network and its significance to the destination. The study shows that networks have an important role in creating a unified tourist product of the destination, and in reaching out to the potential visitors through joint destination marketing. The study also shows that the tourism related networks helps to improve the reception of the tourist at a destination and to secure the quality of the tourist destination and its tourist products..

Sociala medier för marknadsföring : En fallstudie om vilka strategier som finns för marknadsföring via Facebook hos svenska researrangörer

In this study, we have examined how Swedish tour operators are using social media as part of their marketing plan. Our purpose was to find out which strategies they use in the area of social marketing. The companies that were examined were Ving, Fritidsresor and Jambo tours, and the social network site that the research focused on was Facebook. The examination was conducted with a content analysis of the companies' Facebook pages and qualitative, structured interviews with the companies. The aim was to compare the various tour operators Facebook pages in order to get a broader overview of the companies marketing strategies.

Demokrati och diskurs. En normativ analys av diskursiv påverkan på de demokratiska värdena öppenhet, ansvarsutkrävande och inflytande

The idea that I put forward in this thesis concerns the democratic system and the threat from discoursive impact on its core values. I focus my normative analysis on three of these democratic values: transparency, accountability and influence ? and what democratic problems the discoursive impact causes in conflict with them. I have used a critical discourse theory to define discourse and discoursive impact, by focusing on the process of discourse, rather than its nature. I deal with the political structure where I claim that the essential relation between citizen and politician is disrupted, due to lack of information and the imminent problems of the existing network society.

Migration av Excelbaserat system till webbsystem : Implementation av ett planeringsverktyg inom telekom

Syftet med examensarbetet är att redogöra för hur ett system baserat påExcel kan migreras till en webb- och databasplattform. Initiativtagare tillarbetet är en avdelning vid Ericsson AB i Linköping. Avdelningen använderExcel till datalagring och presentation av testmiljöbeskrivningar ochönskade migrera detta Excelbaserade system till ett webbaserat dito. Någraav de problem som uppkommer vid migration är: nya säkerhetsrisker; hurdata ska ordnas i databasen för att uppnå sökbarhet och versionshanteringsamt hur presentation av data ska styras.För att svara på dessa frågor har vi utfört en förstudie och enimplementation av systemet Node Network Plan Database (NNP DB),vilket ämnar ersätta det Excelbaserade systemet. Rapporten beskriver hur:säkerhetsrisker har minimerats genom att införa lämpliga skydd; databasenhar designats för att uppnå sökbarhet och versionshantering; presentation avdata kan styras.NNP DB visar sig vara effektivare, ur ett tidsperspektiv, än detExcelbaserade systemet.

Utan dig och mig är det ingenting : En kvalitativ studie om projektet Vimmerbymodellens betydelse för ensamkommande ungdomar

The aim of this study has been to investigate the significance of the newly started project Vimmerbymodellen for unaccompanied young refugees. This regarding to how the unaccompanied young refugees are participating in creating networks and meeting points in the local community. Vimmerbymodellen is described as an integration project where the nonprofit sector collaborates with the municipality. The empirical material has been collected through semi-structured qualitative interviews where five unaccompanied young refugees and four involved adults have been interviewed. The empirical material from these interviews has thereafter been analyzed through the concept of social capital, identity and empowerment.The main result of this study shows that participation in the project is expected to contribute to the creation of networks and meeting points which has significance for unaccompanied young refugees.

Jämförelse mellan neurala nätverk baserad AI och state-of-the-art AI i racing spel

Denna rapport jämför prestandan mellan state-of-the-art AI-botar i racing spelet TORCS och en AI-bot som kör med hjälp av ett artificiellt neuralt nätverk (ANN-bot). ANN-boten, som implementerades som en del av arbetet, använder en feedforward arkitektur och backpropagation för inlärning. Ett separat program som användes för att träna det neurala nätverket med träningdata som spelats in från TORCS implementerades också. Som state-of-the-art AI-botar användes AI-botar som har använts i en tävling. De fyra AI-botarna testades på åtta olika banor och data om hur lång tid varje varv tog och hur snabbt AI-botarna körde sparades och sammanställdes. Resultaten visar att på banorna som ANN-boten klarar av att köra runt så är ANN-boten snabbare än en den långsamaste state-of-the-art boten, men ANNboten klara inte av majoriteten av banorna som den testades på.

Sanning med modifikation : En kvalitativ studie om Polisens förtroendearbete på Facebook

The purpose of our study is to see how an organization, and also a administrative authority, communicates by using social media. The organization in this case is the Swedish Police, because of their paradoxical problem with confidentiality versus openness and transparency. The Police has over a hundred Facebook-accounts, where they try to have a open dialogue with their publics without breaking the law of secrecy. Our general purpose of the study is also to see what the pros and cons are of having a own media channel, instead of the traditional media and their often anticipation twists.The result of the study showed that the three different police precincts, which we investigated in our essay, are working in three different ways. The gap may affect their overall reputation and trust gained by their publics.

Simone de Beauvoir och moderskap : en personlig genealogisk läsning av En familjeflickas memoarer och Det andra könet

This paper focuses on the subject of Simone de Beauvoir and how she creates her view of motherhood. With help from Toril Moi?s method ? which she calls personal genealogy ? as a standpoint I have read Beauvoir?s autobiography Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter with and against her essay about women, The Second Sex.The genealogy tries to understand the term ?making? and the idea of production or construction and the personal genealogy sees the subject ? the person ? as an extraordinarily complex effect of a whole network of different discourses or determinants. In order to be able to understand Beauvoir?s view on motherhood I have read her philosophy with and against the feminist philosopher Ulla M.

Lustfyllda horor och älskande kvinnor : En diskursanalys av nätprostituerade kvinnors identitet

Abstract. The trade in prostitution/sexual services is regarded as a major social problem in Sweden. The prostitutes are seen as a group of passive, neglected and exploited victims, subject to repeated and forced outrage. However, there exists a network of sexworkers who claim their free will in selling sex as a trademark. They describe themselves as active subjects with a business of selling sex out of free will.

Mobil handel, tillit & sociala medier : En kvalitativ undersökning i hur sociala medier påverkar tillitsskapandet i samband med mobil handel

Our consumption habits are today under development and alteration. The market for mobile commerce is increasing, as well as the use of social networks with mobile devices. This relatively new approach to online shopping requires that retailers adjust to new strategies related to trust issues. The purpose of this study is to examine how social networks affect the establishment of trust between retailers and customers in mobile commerce. We investigate what kind of strategies retailers apply in order for consumers to gain trust in the mobile environment.

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