

1070 Uppsatser om Wireless network - Sida 15 av 72

Näthat : I gråzonen mellan straffrättsligt ansvar och yttrandefriheten

The following thesis concerns the conceptualization of openness within the open access movement. Open accesscan be understood as a phenomenon or a movement that aims at changing the current system of scholarly communication.Consequentially, the movements goals arose in relation to the escalating serials crisis in scholarly communicationand the increasing power of commercial publishers. The purpose of the thesis is to study three centralopen access declarations with the aim of uncovering the different conceptualizations of openness found withinthese texts. Leaning on the theoretical position known as actor-network theory, the declarations role within a surroundingnetwork is explored by focusing on how openness as a concept has been produced and reproduced bycentral actors. Two overarching questions frames the study: How is openness conceptualized within the declarations?And how can openness, as a concept, be understood as an effect generated by a larger network?The first part of the study focuses on the first question.

Digitaliseringens förändring av bokbranschen

This is a bachelor thesis, written at the business studies institute, Uppsala Unviersity, exploring how digitalization has affected the Swedish book industry. This is done by studying how the introduction of the e-book has changed the way the publishers work and what problems and opportunities arise with the new way to publish and consume books. The technology optimists, that existed around the turn of the millennium, when the e-book came, made predictions along the lines of the physical book having ceased to exist within five to ten years. But the physical paper books do very much still exist, so haven?t the change happened as predicted? The purpose of this thesis is as follows: How has introduction of the e-book affected the relationship between the Swedish publishers and the book as a whole? This means that we consider the book as a concept, as a resource or product, and study how a change in this product affect publishers.The theoretical framework used is basically classical network theory.

Network Advantages in a Market Entry Context ? A study of the Swedish fashion business

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to research and analyze how the establishment in new markets of small and medium Swedish fashion companies can be made more efficient from a network perspective. Methodology: The researchers have decided to take a phenomenological standpoint and undertake an exploratory study in order to gain understanding of the phenomenon of market entry and the use of networks. The researchers have chosen to undertake a qualitative study and to adopt an abductive approach. Two ?case companies? have been chosen which are Filippa K and House of Dagmar.

What to expect ? A qualitative study of roles in Retail Marketing

Thesis purpose: The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the expectations of roles between supplier sales representatives and retailer store personnel in relation to in-store campaigns, this in order to enhance effectiveness of these functions creating an increase in consumer response. Methodology: The researchers believe that social phenomenon and their meanings are continually being accomplished by social actors, hence a study of individuals? expectations must have a point of departure in these people?s social reality. Store personnel and supplier sales representatives are to a certain degree affected by the structural power relationships within the organizational network, thus the researchers combine an interpretative and radical structuralist paradigm. Theoretical perspective: The researchers investigate expectations of roles through examining interaction between parties involved.

Ny princip för spänningsreglering i Fortum Distributions mellanspänningsnät i Stockholm.

The voltage regulation in Fortum Distributions medium voltage network in Stockholm does not work satisfactory. This results in too high distribution voltages with many customer complaints as a consequence. The reason is the model responsible for compensating for voltage drops in the distribution network. Despite several adjustments Fortum has not been able to find the source of the high voltages and has therefore appointed an investigation in the form of a thesis work.The aim of this investigation is to locate the error and to produce a proposal regarding the solution of this error using the existing system, common industrial knowledge, state of the art research and the option to use voltage readings from the different substations.The conclusion of this master thesis is that the largest contribution to the high voltage levels is made by the large compensation for distribution loses. Furthermore an additional error in the model has been found.

Lan File Share : Ett fildelningssystem åt Försvarsmakten

The Swedish Armed Force has a need to streamline the preparation of an exercise in tactical training for soldiers because the preparation of an exercise is currently laborious and time consuming when commanders manually share files to each computer that will be included in the exercise. The degree project was to create a file sharing program within the internal network of the Defence Forces? international centre (Swedint). The program is used by the training management to effectively start up an exercise where soldiers train tactical training in a simulated combat environment. The training management use this program to upload files to a server which notifies all the computers on the network to download these files.

En situerad ansats för utvecklingen av en räknande robot

Den situerade ansatsen inom artificiell intelligens har i tidigare experiment visat på stora möjligheter vid utvecklingen av enkla beteenden. Ansatsens framgångar är dock inte lika tydliga när det kommer till utvecklingen av mer komplexa beteenden som i högre grad påminner om de experiment som gjorts inom traditionell artificiell intelligens. I studien utvecklas en agent med ett ?Extended Sequential Cascaded Network? som kontrollarkitektur för att lösa en uppgift som kräver ett ?räkneliknande beteende?. Utvecklingen av nätverket grundas på en situerad syn på kognition, däribland att designern i så liten grad som möjligt skall styra utvecklingen.

Feldiagnos för RM12 baserad på identifierade modeller

The jetengines of today are growing in complexity. Reliability for aircraft engines are of extreme importance, mainly due to safety reasons but also economical ones. This master thesis deals with faultdiagnosis in the turbine section of RM12, the engine used in Saab/BAe's Gripen. Three different faults which can occur in the turbine section was studied. These faults are: clogged fuel nozzle, hole in outlet guide vane and sensor fault.

"Are You Gonna Go My Way?" - En empirisk studie av Västra Götalandsregionen lobbyverksamhet och nätverkan i EU

In this thesis we have examined Västra Götalandsregionens ways to lobby and network in the European Union. Our aim was to examine which kind of methods the region uses to lobby in a successful way in Brussels. We found that the region uses both formal and informal methods of lobbying to gain advantages in Brussels. We also wanted to locate various networks which the region is involved in to more easily have their interests satisfied. We found that they had a lot of different alliances and that it is necessary to be involved in different networks to have a chance to lobby the EU institutions.

Tillit i moldavien

Moldova is one of Europe?s poorest countries with a struggling business environment and an unpredictable political situation. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the implications of corruptions and why networks have come to play a key role in the Moldovan culture and if the formations of network are due to heritage or an effect of functionalism. The focus of the study is also to explain how the networks develop and the formation and maintenance of loyalty and trust among the members of the network. The study is of a qualitative nature that uses a key informant sampling method to get access to members of different business networks.

Skräcken i Lådan : En studie om rumslig åskådarmedvetenhet i George A. Romeros tre klassiska skräckfilmer

This thesis focus on the presentation of the filmic room the viewer sees in George A. Romero´s three horror classics Night, Dawn and Day of the Dead. The hypothesis goes as follow; fear and element of tension becomes greater if the audience/viewer has a good knowledge about the filmic room in the film, in other words, a good spatial awareness. The conclusion is that it does. The environment is active in its becoming and in its presentation to the viewer.

Hur social a?r den Sociala Ekonomin? : Sociala fo?retag och regionala innovationssystem

Authors: Kosovare Islami and Selma SumicDate: 2014-06-02Title: How social is the social economy? ? social businesses and their regional innovation system.Level: Bachelor thesis in Business AdministrationSupervisor: Bengt JohannissonExaminer: Frederic BillKey words: Social entrepreneurship, regional innovation system, business - to - businessThe purpose of this paper is to create a model of regional cooperation network for social enterprises as the base of an innovation. This model will be created through the empirical basis. The model proceeds from the three pillars that have been developed and include social entrepreneurship, business - to - business and regional innovation.Entrepreneurship has multiple definitions which treats such as innovative thinking, targeted and creative individuals. Social enterprise has attracted more widespread interest, while it is considered one potential solution for the development of a sustainable society.

Unga Vuxna med psykisk sjukdom : Att våga prata om sin sjukdom

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the quality of the social network in regard to young adults, with psychological disorders, and their possibilities to be open about their disease. In addition the study aimed at identifying possible causes to perceived difficulties by young adults to talk about their disease. Method: The survey was a quantitative study with descriptive design. The data was collected using a study-specific questionnaire on a clinic for young adults with psychological disorders, between 18 and 25 years of age. Out of 123 potential participants 79 (64 %) answered the questionnaire, of which two were excluded because they did not see themselves as suffering from mental illness. Results: The results showed that the participants of the study stated that they had a social network and the majority (90%, n=69) considered they had someone to talk to about their disease, but most of them wanted to be more open about their illness.However, the majority had some form of difficulty to talk about their disease with their social network. The most common specified causes were to feel ashamed of their disease and that the mentally ill persons did not think they would be properly understood.Almost the half of the participant experienced that they had some form of difficulty to be open about their mental disorder in front of health professionals and the most common specified causes was that the participant did not thought that they would be properly  understood  or that they did not felt confidence before the health professionals. Conclusion: Young adults with psychological disease have difficulty to be open about their disease, partly because of stigma.

Emwiro Trådlös Kommunikationsmodul : "An embedded, intelligent and wireless relay module"

Projektet syftar till att utveckla en kommunikationsmodul till ett trådlöst larmsystem.Kommuikationsmodulen integrerar ett inbyggt system som kommunicerar via en radiomodulutvecklad av företaget Emwitech AB. Kommunikationsmodulen har som uppgift att styra externadetektorer och periferienheter. Utvecklingen av hårdvaran har skett i Altium Designer vilket harresulterat i en prototyp. Prototypen inkluderar avancerad teknik såsom programmerbar logik ochmikroprocessorer. Mjukvaran utgör intelligensen i systemet och ansvarar för att larmsystemetarbetar enligt de standarder som finns för hög säkerhet.En utredning med avsikt att välja kärnan i systemet har utförts och ett flertal aktuella teknologierhar analyserats och vägts mot varandra..

Gaussiska heltal

This project investigated the current market regarding wireless net and the communication between the tools used for diagnostics/maintenance and an embedded system. Based on documentation obtained through interviews a demo system was created based on Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication between an embedded system and an Android device.This report intends to describe the tools and methods used in the design of the demo system and the result of an analysis of the BLE communication.Bluetooth Low Energy is an exciting protocol with wide applicability within the industrial field. This project investigated the communicational possibilities between a Smartphone and a Raspberry Pi and based on the results that emerged the conclusion can be drawn that BLE is a protocol with many beneficial applications within industrial IT..

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