

1070 Uppsatser om Wireless network - Sida 12 av 72

Konstruktionsforslag for kabelprovningsutrustning av serieresonanstyp

In order to decrease the disturbance from a cable testing equipment, the company Ericsson Network Technologies in Falun determined to design a new series resonant test system with a lower frequency. The new equipment is of series resonant type with a system frequency of 500 Hz. This equipment consists of an inductor, a capacitor and a voltage source. The voltage source is the same as the old one, the cable acts as the capacitor but the inductor has to be designed especially for the new equipment. In this thesis work several air coil inductor types were examined.

Webb-tv ? en konkurrent eller ett komplement till linjär tv? : En studie av hur SVT och TV4 ser på sin webb-tv

The linear televison have dominated the supply of moving pictures, but this is about to change with the possibility to consume it via the Internet.I n this thesis we have studied how the two Swedish tv-network companies, SVT and TV4 are working with their web TV and if their online services have affected the linear TV. To limit the size of the study we chose two network companies that provide the most popular tv channels and web services in Sweden. To gather data from these two companies we conducted qualitative interviews with people at the networks. We came to the conclusion that SVT and TV4 doesn't find that their web TV services (called SVT Play and TV4 Play) are competing with the linear TV. They rather regard them as assets to broaden their services.

Invandrares nätverk och sociala kapital

Abstract The increased focus on social capital theory has made its way into labour economics. This has led to the creation of a vast literature about the use of networks and informal search methods in the labour-market, a literature that to some extent also deals with immigrants search behaviour and their relatively high unemployment rate. Characteristic for the literature in the area is the lack of analysis of actual networks. Which types of contacts do these networks contain; how are the networks used in the labour-market; and which type of network generates a high amount of social capital. These questions are important for the general understanding of how social capital functions, within the labour-market, but also for the understanding of how immigrants use their networks in order to find themselves jobs.

Analys av systemfaktorers påverkan på tillförlitligheten i distributionsnät

In this master thesis outage statistics covering tree years from two distribution grids are analyzed with the purpose to deduce which factors yield outages. The statistics are extensive therefore allowing in-depth analysis of both customer and system related factors. From this starting point and as a model of explanation energy not supplied is studied as the consequence and the measurement of the inconvenience caused by outages. Different methods for calculating energy not supplied are developed and studied and put in comparison to the method used in Network Performance Assessment Model, which is the Swedish frame work for regulating electricity distribution.Analysis of the outage statistics show a relation between the type category of customer and outages that can be deduced to the variance and the density associated with that customer category. Prioritization of different customer categories is elevated also in this aspect.

DNS prestanda

Use of computers and computer networks is nowadays a part of everyday life. You do not use them only at home when you sit at you computer, but you can use them all the time everywhere. This can involve everything from surf to any website when you are at home, to checking your email on your mobile when you are on your way to work. Most people do not think about how it really works when they try to access a web page by typing the address into their browser, but something that most people probably notice is how long it can sometimes take to access a web page.All items which are directly connected to the IP network have a unique IP address that is used to make it possible to communicate. The IP address is either a period separated sequence of digits representing 32 bits or a colon separated sequence of digits representing 128 bits, depending on whether the address is an IPv4 or IPv6 address.

Förtal på internet : en analys av det allmännas ansvar och den enskildes möjlighet till rättslig prövning

Because social media is personal and reaches users directly, it has become an important means of communication for companies trying to reach out to their audience (Nygren & Wadbring, 2013). Especially the possibility of interactivity has been discussed as social media's big advantage. But how much two-way communication is actually possible on social media? This is a quantitative study that focuses on how Swedish Facebook users in the ages of 16-25 interact with companies on the social network. The aim was to contribute with increased information and knowledge about how the users mentioned above interact with the companies as well as how the users perceive the companies communication and presence on Facebook.

Spelar representativ demokrati någon roll? : En fallstudie av nätverket Leader Linné

It has become popular for political scientists to discuss the transformation from government to governance and the networks? greater influence on public policymaking. However, this debate lacks methodological, empirical and theoretical research about the relationship between governance networks and representative democracy. The main objective of this essay is to understand the relationship between governance networks and representative democracy through a case study of the governance network Leader Linné. The theoretical framework includes four analysis models about the relationship between governance networks and representative democracy that are analysed by five factors connected to representative democracy.

I jakt på tillämpning : Om F.O.V. Fabrics möjligheter att understödja kommersialiseringen av algbatteriforskning

The purpose of this essay is to explore the actor network of a high technology company in the textile industry called F.O.V. Fabrics. The background for doing this is a recent project, which we choose to call the Salt & Paper Battery Group, aiming to commercialize a newly discovered technology ? a battery based on cellulose from an alga. We start by examining a range of network theories in order to eventually shape a framework of our own.

Att utveckla medicintekniska informationssystem på rätt sätt : En studie om regulatoriska aspekters påverkan på systemutveckling och IT-innovation inom hälso- och sjukvård

IT is often seen as a solution to many problems concerning effectiveness in organizations. Information systems within the healthcare sector is often viewed as medical devices rather than just systems or services. These medical devices are thoroughly regulated by laws, standards and certifications. In this study I participated in an innovative project that aimed to bring new life and use to the old fashioned patient journal by giving it a visual representation through the use of an avatar. I aimed to study the effects of regulators connected with the patient journal as a source of information for the innovative project.

High speed network adapters

Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka om Mt Memotekniks produkter uppfyller ISO/IEC 11801:2 standarden, eller om de med hjälp av kondensatorer kan klara kraven för överhörningar. Vi har även jämfört deras produkter med AMP?s Keystone jack som redan klarar kraven för Cat 6 standarden. Memoteknik tillverkar en kretskortsprodukt som består av nätverksmoduler för Ethernet. Dessa kabelsystem skall uppfylla en viss standard för kategori 6.

Trådlöst campus i Växjö

Internet Service Providers (ISP) har på senare år etablerat ett ökat antal Wi-Fi Hotspots på publika platser för att erbjuda Internettjänster så som e-post, Web och andra Internet-baserade program, till resande användare. Exempel på dessa platser är flygplatser, skolor, parker och städer. Växjö universitet har valt att bygga etttrådlöst nätverk på campus som man ska påbörja under sommaren 2005. Uppsatsen tar upp detta som fallstudie för diskussion av ämnet..

Det trådlösa samhället : En utredning av rättsläget, säkerhetsläget och säkerhetsmedvetandet vid användning av trådlöst hemmanätverk.

Användningen av trådlöst nätverk blev under början av 2000-talet mycket populärt bland privatpersoner, genom dess mobila fördelar, Tekniken medförde många fördelar, men också många nackdelar och frågan var hur många som verkligen hade blivit uppmärksammade på eller kände till dessa och därefter valt att skydda sina trådlösa nätverk.Det främsta syftet med denna uppsats var därmed att undersöka på vilken nivå säkerhetsmedvetandet låg i samhället vid användning av trådlöst nätverk vid gällande tidpunkt. Vidare handlade det också om att reda ut gällande rättsläge , vid handlingar mot eller via ett trådlöst nätverk, och mäta hur utbredd säkerhetsanvändningen var bland trådlösa hemmanätverk. För att besvara detta utgick vi från ett positivistiskt och deduktivt synsätt, med kvalitativa intervjuer för att reda ut gällande rättsläge, pejling av trådlöst nätverk för att mäta säkerhetsläget och kvantitativa enkätintervjuer, för att få fram typer av säkerhetsmedvetande, bland användare av trådlöst hemmanätverk. Innehållet i alla intervjuer baserades på fastställd fakta kring trådlöst nätverk, risker med tekniken, riskförebyggande säkerhetsrutiner och Svensk lag.Vi konstaterade slutligen att gällande rättsläge för närvarande var föråldrat och inte anpassat att hantera de risker som trådlöst nätverk hade medfört. Vidare visade resultatet på ökad säkerhetsanvändning bland trådlösa nätverk i samhället, och att det överlag var yngre användare som stod för denna ökning.

Socialt kapital hos Svenska skogsägare : från grannar till sektorsråd

Social capital is a relatively new concept that has received considerable attention in various community branches. The concept relates to people?s contact and relationship with each other, where their social network is seen as a resource. An extensive network of contacts and trust between people often go hand in hand. People with high social capital have high trust in their fellow human beings and vice versa.

WAN-optimering för sjöfarten : En möjlighet att effektivisera datakommunikationen till sjöss

Verksamheten ombord på fartyg blir mer beroende av datakommunikation och många av arbetsuppgifterna ombord underlättas genom att besättningen kan nå information lagrad på annan plats. Fartygens bredbandsanslutning sker till största delen via satellitkommunikation där långa avstånd och begränsad datahastighet resulterar i att datakommunikationen blir ineffektiv. I denna studie undersöks vilken prestandaförbättring som utrustning för nätverksoptimering kan innebära för långsamma WAN-förbindelser via satellit. Undersökningen visade att det största problemet med anslutningar via satellit är den signalfördröjning som uppkommer vid långa sändningsavstånd. Detta medför att det blir prestandaproblem för datatrafiken och användare upplever anslutningen som långsam.

Att synliggöras eller hindras? : En intervjuundersökning om kvinnorepresentationen på högre chefsnivåer.

The purpose with this inquiry was to investigate why women do not advance to higher positions of leadership in a bank. I have interviewed five female employees in the company. The theoretical starting points I have used in this study are such as organization theory and leadership. There are four conceptions that obstructs women to develop for higher positions of leadership. There are conceptions that men ought to have better social network with other men than women.

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