

328 Uppsatser om Winter wheat - Sida 2 av 22

Betongarbeten under vintertid : Fokusering på platsgjuten betong

This report is on concrete work during the winter and is implemented on Peab?s behalf. The assignment was to describe the differences between a summer- and a winter casting. While it shows the complications that exists, it also show what aids are available, both electronic via computer and physical aids.The information that I have developed is originally from theory in books, information on the internet as well as practical experience from knowledgeable people that works in construction output. Other theories are those I have learned throughout the education to become a construction engineer, including all oral sources over the years.The results I have come up with, I hope will be able to help future construction projects in the planning phase of a winter casting.

Dietary fibre composition and sensory analysis of heat treated wheat and rye bran

When grains of wheat and rye are conventionally milled, large quantities of bran classified as by-products are left and are mainly used for animal feed. Bran is a complex material composed of the aleurone layer, nucellar epidermis, a seed coat, a fruit coat and a small proportion of the germ and endosperm depending on extraction rate. The bran fraction consists of approximately 40-50 % dietary fibre which can contribute to increase the nutritional quality of human cereal food. It would also be valuable for the food industry to convert by-products as bran to products with higher commercial values. The aim of this thesis was to analyse the content and composition of dietary fibre of heat treated wheat and rye bran according to the Uppsala method with some modifications in order to analyse soluble and insoluble dietary fibre separately. Half of the bran samples were precooked, dried and roasted and the other half dried and roasted (uncooked).

Åkerböna i samodling med vårvete som helgrödesensilage till mjölkkor :

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to formulate advices regarding the use of field beans, cultivated together with spring wheat, as whole-crop silage in feeding to dairy cows. In the thesis, optimal harvest time of the field bean/spring wheat crop, as well as the feeding value and the fermentation quality, was studied. On the research station at Röbäcksdalen in Umeå field bean/spring wheat (70 % respective 30 % of normal seed rate for the pure crop) and pea/oat (70/30) was grown in field experiments both 2002 and 2003. The following year, 2004, the pea/oat crop was excluded and instead field bean and spring wheat was cultivated in three different mixed ratios (field bean/spring wheat; 100:0, 70:30, 30:70). Every year the crops were harvested at four different development stages and the green forages were used in ensiling experiments.

Kvickrotsstudier: 1. Kvickrotens reaktion på myllningsdjup, kvävemängd och kväveplacering i konkurrens med gröda. 2. Reducerad glyfosatanvändning på trädad åkermark :

1. Reaction on burial depth and nitrogen availability and placement in competition with a crop In this trial it was investigated how couch grass (Elymus repens) changes its ability to compete in stands of wheat and barley with different burial depth and different amounts and placement of nitrogen. More knowledge in this area can be valuable in the attempt to decrease the use of herbicides and still keep the weeds under control. The trial was carried out in the summer of 2004 as an outdoor pot experiment. The pots contained 15 litres of soil with a surface of 0,06 m2.

Ekonomiska konsekvenser av etanolproduktion i östra Sverige : en analys ur lantbrukarens och förädlingsföretagets perspektiv

This study analyses the economic consequences due to ethanol production in Eastern Sweden. The analyses consider the cooperative and the farmers as one vertically integrated company. The area that found the market in this study is illustrated in figure 1. The analyses assume that all members act jointly with the objective of maximizing joint profits at the farm level as well as at the cooperative firm. A mathematical model is created to calculate the optimal use of arable land.

Tritordeum : evaluation of a new food cereal

Tritordeum is the result of a cross between a wild barley (Hordeum chilense) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum). Tritordeum have high viscosity and a nice yellow colour. The objective of this thesis was to evaluate Tritordeum lines HT 354, HT 361, HT 437, HT 2218 (JB3) and HT 1608 (JB1) for use as a new raw material within the food industry. Analyses made were on dietary fibre, fructan, ash, water content and colour. Compilation of data from analyses made for Agrasys an Agri-Food company in Barcelona having the commercial rights to Tritordeum, included Lutein and rheological properties.

Fallstudie på växtodlingsgård :

This report will point out the income for a scania plant production farm, this has been estimated through a case study. The outcome of this report will later be used to calculate a reasonable leasehold charge. This case study is solitary based upon this particular studied farm, at this very point, and can therefore not be used as a general guide. The reason why this particular scania plant production farm has been selected, is because the author is born and raised at the farm and has the intention to run the farm in the future. The chosen farm for this report is based in the southwest of scania and cover 300 hectare of plant production. The crop rotation consists of autumn wheat, sugar beats, spring wheat, spring barely, winter rape and fallow. The farm owns all machinery required.

Dikesavståndets inverkan på såtid och skörd

All arable land in Sweden need a proper drainage for an effectively agriculture to take place. Of all arable land in Sweden, about 50% is naturally drained and 50% need artificial drainge. More than half of the tile drained area is in need of new drainage or renewed drainage. A good drainage improves farming and crop growth and increases the opportunity to achieve a high and safe harvest level. Future climate change and agriculture size rationalization will increase the need for good drainage. In this paper, two trials with three drainage distances, performed at Lanna experimental station, were analyzed using a mixed linear model.

Utvärdering av ett silotorksystem för spannmål utrustat med omrörare :

The aim of this study was to evaluate the stir drying method, for drying of grain during Swedish conditions. The evaluation was done during the harvest year 2004, on four farms with stir driers. The driers were evaluated for their energy consumption, design, stirring effectiveness and how much time the farmer has to spend on every tonne of grain. A comparison was also done with conventional Swedish high temperature driers. Totaly six batches of grain from stir driers were examined, mostly Winter wheat, but also barley and wheat.

Resistenta rapsbaggar :

Oilseed rape crops are an important in southern Sweden because of the high intensity of wheat growing. Pollen beetles are the most important pest in oilseed rape and causes often economic losses. Therefore it?s of great importance that we can control the population density, e g by using insecticides if necessary, to avoid mayor yield losses. In year 2000 pollen beetles were numerous in the province of Östergötland. The farmers sprayed with insecticides several times, but with low effects on the beetles. Field trials and laboratory experiments showed that pollen beetles had developed resistance against pyrethroids.

Whole grain wheat : effects of peeling and pearling on chemical composition, taste and colour

The EU-project HEALTHGRAIN has suggested a new definition for whole grain which allows a small part of the grain to be removed during processing. By removing the outer part or the grain the hygienic quality will increase but it is not clear how the taste and colour is affected. So therefore in this study three different debranning methods, peeling, pearling and polishing, which remove the outer parts of the grains have been used on common and durum wheat. The dietary fibre and ash content, as well as germination was analysed in untreated, peeled, pearled and polished grains. The decrease in dietary fibre and ash was higher in grains that had been pearled compared to those that had been peeled or polished.

Effekter av bearbetningsdjup i plöjningsfri odling

In Sweden, reduced tillage usually means non-inversion tillage, where primary tillage is carried out using chisel ploughs or disc implements. Primary tillage method is mainly determined by the desired soil loosening and the handling of soil residues. The effect of tillage depth was studied in field experiments in Skåne, Väderstad, Uppsala, Örebro och Västerås in different crops; spring oilseed rape, spring wheat, Winter wheat and spring barley.The experiments generally had a randomized block design with the treatments mouldboard ploughing, deep chisel ploughing and shallow chisel ploughing, in some cases also shallow discing and no-tillage. In the experiments the following parameters were determined: seedbed properties, saturated hydraulic conductivity, penetration resistance, number of emerged plants and crop yield (all parameters were not determined in all experiments. Root growth and draught requirement were determined in two separate studies. There were no significant differences between tillage depths in non-inversion tillage in seedbed properties, plant emergence or root development.

Brikettillverkning på gårdsnivå :

In my work I have chosen to examine the profitability for small scale production of hemp briquettes. My study also includes a review of which briquette technique that is the most common one among small scale producers. The reason that I have chosen this subject is because of the discussions about climate and energy that we face almost every day. I also think the subject is extra interesting in these days when the grain prizes are at a historic high level. In order for me to achieve a reliable report, a hemp and briquette producer has given me the actual data from his farm. In that way I have been able to make my calculations from a concrete perspective.

Geotermi i Ungern : Undersökning av Ungerns energisituation inriktat på geotermi samt kapacitetsfaktorn för det största geotermiska värmeverket i Mellaneuropa.

Hungary?s share of renewable energy in 2010 was 7.9 %, and their renewable energy goal for 2020 is 14.65 %. Geothermal energy is one option that could help to achieve the goal, since Hungary has favorable bedrock, the temperature gradient is above average and thepermeability is high. Today Hungary is importing just over half of its primary energy supply. Because of political conflicts between nations Hungary wants to expand its own production of energy.

Tjäderns (Tetrao urogallus L.) vinterdiet i norra Sverige : är gran (Picea abies) viktig i vissa habitat?

In Scandinavia, capercaillie are often associated with pine trees (Pinus sylvestris) in winter, with pine needles as the main diet. Few dietary studies have been conducted in Sweden and winter diet is subject to little debate. The interesting thing is that this "pine specialist? is also found in spruce (Picea abies) forest habitats where pine is scarce or unavailable. In many studies outside Sweden (primarily Central Europe) spruce is regularly observed in the winter diet, but I have found no reports on the selection of the diet in spruce forest areas in Sweden.

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