

1977 Uppsatser om Windows Sharepoint Services - Sida 51 av 132

Strategic environmental management in a service organization : a case study of Swedbank

During the past decade environmental challenges have been intensified and given increased attention. This implies that businesses in all sectors strategically need to manage these challenges. The service sector is often considered as a sector with a low environmental impact if the direct environmental aspects are assessed. Still, it has been argued that the environmental impact that the sector gives rise to can create severe indirect environmental impacts. The products and services that are produced by this sector have a relatively limited use of physical resources which may make the environmental impact challenging to visualize. Banks belong to the service sector and it is partly banks that make the development of societies possible.

Microsoft : Ett nytt sätt att hantera kopplingsförbehåll

Den här magisteruppsatsen analyserar domen mot Microsoft i EG-domstolens första instans. Domen fastställde att Microsoft genom användningen av kopplingsförbehåll, missbrukat sin dominerande ställning enligt artikel 82 i EG-fördraget. Kopplingsförbehållet i det aktuella fallet bestod i att Microsoft uteslutande sålde två separata produkter tillsammans, operativsystemet Windows och mediaspelaren Windows Media Player. Före Microsoft-fallet tillämpades inom EG-rätten ett per se-förbud mot kopplingsförbehåll, vilket innebar att de automatiskt ansågs olagliga utan att effekterna av det individuella kopplingsförbehållet utreddes. Kopplingsförbehållet i Microsoft-fallet ansågs däremot ha en så komplicerad karaktär att en vidare utredning var nödvändig.

Battle of Life : Spelprojekt till Swedish Game Awards

Vi beskriver i denna rapport hur vi, som två studenter vidÖrebro universitet, utvecklade ett nätverksbaserat action-spel för datorer i Windows-miljösomsedanvarmed ochtävladei nordens största spelutvecklar-tävling, Swedish Game Awards. I spelet,som vi döpt till Battle of Life, tar sig spelaren an en farlig och oförlåtande värld och måste slåss mot andra spelareför att överleva. Vi förklarar i denna rapport hur vi, under tio veckors tid,utvecklar ett spel från grundenoch vilka verktyg och metoder vi använde oss av för att genomföra uppgiften. Vi beskriver projektets mot-och framgångar samt hur vi löste de problem vi komi kontakt med under utveklingens gång.Vi går in djupare på varför vi gjordevissa designbeslut och hur de påverkade vårt slutliga resultat.Avslutningsvis diskuterarviom utveklingsprocessen och spelets eventuella framtid, både från vårt eget perspektivsom utvecklaremen även från ett samhällsenligt perspektiv..

?Vem behöver anledningar när man har heroin?? ? En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterarens erfarenheter av motivationsarbete med heroinmissbrukare ur ett förändringsperspektiv.

The purpose of this essay was to examine the different aspects of motivational work with active heroin-using clients from a social workers point of view. The further purpose of this essay is to also examine what the advancements and discouraging factors in such a motivational work might be. To attain this purpose we focused on these following questions:What might motivational work with active heroin-using clients look like?According to the social worker, what factors constitutes for a beneficial progress in the engagement of motivational work with active heroin-using clients?According to the social worker, what constitutes for discouraging factors in the engagement of motivational work with active heroin-using clients?We chose to do a qualitative study by conducting separate interviews with six social workers working in a social services agency, all of whom are working with drug-addicted adults. We then analyzed the answers by using an abductive research strategy, testing the collected empirical data against our chosen theoretical perspectives.

Organisatorisk utvärdering för omorganisering av nätverket i Högskolan i Skövde

Att välja rätt nätverksoperativsystem för verksamheten vid en omorganisation av nätverket är en svår uppgift. Rätt nätverksoperativsystem är avgörande för hur nätverket i organisationen eller företaget skall fungera. När en omorganisation planeras kan andra nätverksoperativsystem, som kan passa verksamheten bättre, än det existerande systemet väljas. Valet av system beror till exempel på vilken nivå av säkerhet, åtkomlighet, utbyggbarhet, ekonomisk kostnad och driftsäkerhet nätverket skall ha.Denna rapport fokuserar på val av nätverksoperativsystem. Detta görs med avseende på hur det är möjligt att implementera säkerhet, åtkomlighet och driftsäkerhet.

Fyra forskares informationsförsörjning och bibliotekets roll i denna process : en fallstudie på AstraZeneca R&D i Lund

Information is essential in order for pharmaceutical companies to be successful. This essay focuses on the information provision of pre-clinical scientists at AstraZeneca R&D Lund, and the role of the company library in this process. In semi-structured interviews, four pre-clinical scientists were asked to describe their information provision regarding what type of information they need, how they find it and what sources of information they use. Four librarians from the company library were also interviewed to give their perspective on the information provision of pre-clinical scientist. The study also aimed at comparing the image of the process as described by the scientists themselves and the librarians.

En Bättre Människa : En normkritisk studie av föreställningar om kön och sexualitet i berättelsen om normbrytande ungdom

This study aims to make out, which notions and ideas about gender and sexuality that comes into expression in the description of the deviant youth. This study is a narrative analysis, based on a queer theoretical approach. The queer theory directs attention to the normative frameworks on gender and sexuality. Queer theory also illustrates the relationship between the normative and what is considered abnormal/deviant. The study's empirical basis is 8 legal texts, legal documents formed in a Swedish context, which include the welfare state´s judiciary and social services.

"Plötsligt var världen här" : Bibliotek och integration i tre Stockholmsförorter

The aim of this two years master thesis in Library and Information Science is to examine how librarians and library managers in the three Stockholm suburbs of Alby, Fisksätra and Rinkeby think and reason about the role of public libraries in the integration process. The aim is also to examine whether their perception differ from that of local politicians at the municipal level. The theoretical framework is Marianne Andersson and Dorte Skot-Hanses model for analysis of the local library profile, and Jose Alberto Diaz theory on the integration process. The method used is qualitative interviews. The interviews were recorded and the content was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The results of this study show that the library services in the three suburbs, rather than being stipulated by the legal demand for special services towards immigrants, are based on the needs of the local population.

Möjliga strategier för mobila tjänster

Problem: De teorier om strategier som finns idag och som används kan synas vara föråldrade. Då information skiljer sig från de traditionella tjänster och produkter finner vi ett behov att undersöka hur vidare strategierna kan användas inom den mobila kommunikationen och den nya ekonomin. Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa förståelse för möjliga strategier som kan göra mobila tjänster lönsamma. Metod: Vi har använt en kvalitativ undersökning med ett positivistiskt angreppssätt. Genom en abduktiv ansats kommer vi att föra en diskussion genom teorin samt empirin.

Soldriven kylning i Sverige

This thesis has been performed at the system development company Verendus System AB, together with the home care company Basic Care Unit (BCU).The thesis has consisted of developing a web based informationsystem for BCU in which they can administrate their business. At the time of writing this thesis, BCU was using a windows-application to administrate their activities, which was both costly aswell as resulting in an unnecessary burden. The aim the thesis has thus been to create a platform-independent information system that simplifies and streamlines BCUs work by being user-friendly aswell as imposing some simplifying features.The students has been developing the system by the help of a work method they themselves developed. The method consisted of working in several iterations that each had several milestones. The method resulted in the students knowing easily when each iteration was finished or not.The thesis resulted in a working platform independent prototype.

Kommunikation inom e-handel : En undersökning ur konsumentperspektiv

AbstractDespite that e-business nowadays is established scepsis against it amongst consumers exists. We, as consumers, suppose that this skepticism is caused by bad communication from the e-business companies. This has lead to our suggestion that some con-sumers refrain from e-business because of bad communication or deficient trust.Our purpose with this paper was to investigate factors of communication between companies and consumers within e-business (B2C) from the consumers? point of view. We thereby have drawn conclusions regarding consumers? choice of e-business company.

Rätt fönster i olika väderstreck : En undersökning av energieffektiva fönsters påverkan på byggnaders energiprestanda

The Swedish building stock accounts for nearly 40 percent of the total energyconsumption in the country. Properties built today are likely to last for 100 years orlonger. This places high demands on long-term and smart energy solutions that willkeep the future Swedish building stock energy consumption at low levels. This thesishas focused on examining how the energy performance of buildings is affected bydifferent choices of window types in different cardinal directions. The objective wasto obtain a basis for recommendations on how window properties can be optimizedfor different types of buildings and orientations.

"Om vi säger att mobbning inte förekommer i förskolan lurar vi oss  själva" : En intervjustudie om förskollärares föreställningar om barns maktrelationer och mobbning i förskolan

The study aims to describe and analyse the relationship between norm and practice regarding social services casework on honour-related problems. The relationship between norm and practice involves the difference between the way it is intended that social workers shall operate in these cases and how they perceive that this works in practice. We interviewed two focus groups of eight Swedish social workers, four in each group. We also held an individual interview with a social services business developer. Focus group interviews were based on two vignettes; one depicting an honour-related case and the second an "ordinary" case.

Gymnasieverksamheten : en kvalitativ undersökning om Ungdoms- och familjeteamets samverkan med gymnasieskolan och polisen i drogpreventivt arbete

Upper secondary schools programme - a qualitative study about the collaboration of the Youth- and family team, the upper secondary schools and the police to prevent drugsAuthor: Åsa GöranssonSupervisor: Björn JohanssonThis essay discuss drug preventative work performed by the members of the ?Upper secondary schools programme?, which is a part of the Youth- and family team of the Social Services. They perform this work in collaboration with the police and upper secondary schools in Örebro.The purpose of this essay is to investigate and describe this collaboration. More specifically, the purpose is to study the contents of documents of the municipality of Örebro concerning drug prevention aimed at youths through collaboration and compare with the actual work that is carried out by the Youth- and family team through collaboration. Further issues dealt with are possible improvements and if the parties concerned feel a need for a documented structure concerning their way of working.I have used a qualitative method and I have interviewed members of parties concerned.

Tillvaratagande och återanvändning av träbyggnadsmaterial : tjänstedesign för återbruk inom byggsektorn

The purpose of this Bachelor degree project is to design different types of services that can increase the amount of re-used timber within the building sector and by that means improve their environmental efforts. By examining how the sectors environmental work concerning recycling and re-using timber as a building material is getting on at present, conclusions have been drawn about what further could be done for improvement.The project has shown that there is a scarcity of information and statistics within the sector, but that there are efforts in progress to change this. Questionnaires have been sent to a number of companies working with demolition and utilizing re-usable materials in order to find out what kind of problems there are within the trade. Unfortunately the survey gave insufficient result due to the low reply frequency.It is obvious that active environmental work within the building sector is important and the knowledge acquired while working with the project has led to the design of three suggestions for services regarded as being of interest for improving the negative environmental impact caused by the sector:Suggestion 1 ? Sale of construction parts prior to the demolition of a buildingSuggestion 2 ? Re-utilization circulation when manufacturing buildingsSuggestion 3 ? Education in relation to the purchase of houses  The positive and negative qualities of the suggestions have been examined with SWOT-analysis and further adaptions and the results have been interpreted.

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