

2149 Uppsatser om Windows Presentation Foundation - Sida 50 av 144

Fluid Simulation for Visual Effects

This thesis describes a system for dealing with free surface fluid simulations, and the components needed in order to construct such a system. It builds upon recent research, but in a computer graphics context the amount of available literature is limited and difficult to implement. Because of this, the text aims at providing a solid foundation of the mathematics needed, at explaining in greater detail the steps needed to solve the problem, and lastly at improving some aspects of the animation process as it has been described in earlier works. The aim of the system itself is to provide visually plausible renditions of animated fluids in three dimensions in a manner that allows it to be usable in a visual effects production context. The novel features described include a generalized interaction layer providing greater control to artists, a new way of dealing with moving objects that interact with the fluid and a method for adding source and drain capabilities..

Presentation av stratigrafisk information i GIS-miljö

Efterfrågan på digital kartinformation ökar kraftigt. För en kartproducent räcker det inte alltid att bara förse användaren med en papperskopia. Istället efterfrågas ofta en digital kartbild där objekten är kopplade till en databas som användaren lätt kan uppdatera allteftersom informationen förändras. Målet med detta arbete var därför att hitta en metod att datalagra och visualisera stratigrafisk information. I detta arbete har information från gjorda borrningar och seismiska profiler från ett område i Södertälje kommun samlats in och strukturerats på ett sådant sätt att de kan användas i ett GIS-system.

"HBTQ-ungdom, den hårda skolan"

The aim of our study was to examine Swedish crime reporters? approach to the social medium Flashback. Our main focus was the crime reporters? use of the medium Flashback, and attitude towards their own use of media ethics in relation to the medium Flashback.Flashback as a medium is not obliged to any media ethics and lacks a legally accountable publisher. In the search for information about committed crimes people tends to visit Flashback for the information that the traditional media cannot offer.

Gemensamma värderingar : en jämförande studie om gemensamma värderingar och hur de påverkar organisationskultur

The objective with the study was to evaluate what key persons at LFV Group (Luftfartsverket) think about-presented core values and their implementation within the company. Another objective of the study was to describe and compare the process of implementation of core values and how this affects organization culture at two selected reference companies. A qualitative method was applied in the form of semi-structured interviews with key persons at Luftfartsverket and the other reference companies.As the result a four-step program is proposed to describe the implementation process of core values: presentation, introduction, realization and follow-up. Within the implementation process it is possible to distinguish another process, which is based on core values, - introduction of new employees. The implementation of core values has contributed towards the development of the organizational culture as well as creating a successful company governed by core values..

Wallenius waters AOT luftrenare

This bachelors thesis was made forWallenius Water AB to develop a basisfor an Airpurifier prototype. Wallenius Water isone of the world's leading environmentaltechnology companies engaged inchemical-free water treatment based onUV-radiation. The thesis aim was toproduce a basis for a prototype that canbe used in three applications:Standalone, RAS systems and ventilationsystems. The work includes anintroductory description of the theorybehind AOP technology based on aliterature review on the subject. Asurvey of products currently on themarket and a product specification hasbeen used as the basis for thepreparation of a number of concepts inthis report.

Spegel, spegel på väggen där: Tv:s presentation av utseendet i de program ungdomar ser på

Denna studie behandlar frågor om media, ideal och ungdomar. Media har stor betydelse i dagens samhälle och förmedlar bilder av utseendet som skapar olika ideal. Ungdomar är mer mottagliga för dessa ideal eftersom de befinner sig i en period i livet när de försöker finna sin egen stil. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur tv presenterar utseendet i de tv- program som ungdomar tittade på. Vi genomförde en mindre enkätundersökning som visade att ungdomarna såg mest på tv-programmen Idol 2005, Vänner och OC.

Intranät En kommunikationskanal för alla?

Intranet is today a common technical groupware to communicate in many organisations. People can interact through the Intranet and communicate within the organization and get relevant information according to their workplace. It can be difficult to get everybody to use the Intranet as an information- and communication tool. This causes problems when people want to reach out with information. With these thoughts we entered our work at Luftfartsverket at Arlanda airport.

En översikt av modersmålsundervisning i arabiska

Syftet med studien var att ge en överblick av hur en modersmålsundervisning i arabiska bedrivs i nutid. Studien omfattar två undersökningar som ger en bild av det granskade området. Den första delen av undersökningen består av intervjuer med modersmålslärare, medan den andra delen är en enkätundersökning som genomfördes med elever i åk 6 och elever från åk 8 på högstadiet. Hela studien utfördes på en skola i södra Sverige. Studien visade betydelsen av modersmålslärarens roll inom modersmålsundervisning.

Hur marknadsför sig biblioteket PUNKTmedis? Lyckas biblioteket nå sin målgrupp?

The object of this paper is to examine the marketing of PUNKTmedis, a youth library. In order to do so we have looked at two different perspectives; how the library has marketed itself towards its target group, and how young people perceive what PUNKTmedis has to offer. The thesis? foundation is a case study. Since the question at hand concerns the library?s intentions with and execution of its marketing efforts, as well as the target group?s opinion of them, the empirical data is based partially on an interview with the head of marketing at PUNKTmedis, and partially on a target group questionnaire.

Elektronisk affärskommunikation inom den privata företagsamheten i Skaraborg

Elektronisk affärskommunikation har kommit att influera den privata företagsamheten i allt högre grad. Syftet med denna rapport är att ta reda på hur den privata företagsamheten i Skaraborg använder sig av elektronisk affärskommunikation. Rapporten baserar sig på intervjuer som har gjorts med åtta privata företag inom skilda branscher i Skaraborg. Intervjuerna är uppdelade i fem olika delar, presentation av företagen, e-närvaro, e-handel, e-business samt för- nackdelar och övriga kommentarer.Resultatet som framkom ur undersökningen var att de undersökta företagen har kommit olika långt vad det gäller utveckling och användning av elektronisk affärskommunikation. E-mail och hemsida har nästintill samtliga undersökta företag, men hur pass stor del av de anställda som kan använda sig e-mail samt hur de undersökta företagen använder sig av sin hemsida skiljer sig markant..

My purpose with this paper related to my questions was to find out how professionals preeschool teachers working on multilingualism. I also wanted to get answers on how pedagogues in the preeschool may promote multilingual children´s language development, the factors that promote multilingual children´s language development and the role parents have in the language development of multilingual children. I chose to do my study in the form of interviews with professional preeschool teachers and interviewees described including the need for more knowledge of pedagogues around multilingualism. My result based on theoretichal background and the study is that pedagogues should let the children´s all languages esemble together. A factor influencing the multilingual children´s language development is ambient attitudes to multilingualism.

Traditional market segmentation - an evaluating approach

The purpose of this research is to evaluate traditional market segmentation variables, as criticism has been directed towards these variables. Based on our problem discussion we find it motivating to undertake investigation in order to understand which connotations an ethnographic approach will provide. Methodology:We have applied an ethnographic approach, which has enabled us to attain under the surface knowledge from our respondents. Theoretical perspective:As we wanted to evaluate existing traditional segmentation variables, we decided to only include theory regarding these variables. Empirical data:In order to collect our data, we observed seven respondents at Ikea and conducted observations and in-depth interviews in their homes.

The allotment plot : osäkrande som designstrategi

During the spring semester of 2009 I have participated in what was to become the project The Allotment Plot; a collaboration between the Swedish University of Agriculture and the Wanås Foundation. As one of six students in landscape architecture I have experienced a group based learning process with the point of departure in the designing of an organic and experimental kitchen garden at Wanås, a sculpture park for contemporary art. The project came out as neither us nor any other of the people engaged could have guessed. What was meant to be a garden turned out to become an entire cultivation movement. As students, we have gained a lot of experience through praxis; experience that will be valuable for our future profession. The project has also opened up the possibility to question and reflect upon what our profession and education could or should be about. This thesis focuses on the role of communication and the production of communicative tools in design processes and landscape architectural practice. It discusses how communication may be used in an exploratory and ?un-securing? way, and how this may dislocate the professional role, especially in situations where the design action, as in the case of this study, demands a high degree of transdisciplinarity and collaboration. .

Att lära barn att lära sig läsa : Läsinlärningsmetoder i grundskolan

Detta examensarbete undersöker vilken läsinlärningsmetod som lärare i grundskolan främst använder när de möter en elev som ska starta sin läsinlärning. Studien är baserad på intervjuer med sex olika lärare. Två lärare är från södra Sverige och fyra är från mellersta Sverige, varav två är verksamma lärare och två är pensionerade sedan fyra år tillbaka. Genom intervjuerna framkom det att den läsinlärningsmetod som förekommer mest i grundskolan är ljudningsmetoden. Alla informanter framhöll att de använder eller har använt metoden när de ska lära en elev att lära sig läsa.

I samhällets väntrum : Om asylsökande och den långa väntan på att få komma in

The purpose of this case study is to demonstrate how societal mechanisms can impact on asylum seekers and influence their individual identity. The information for this case study was collected through comprehensive interviews with a group of asylum seekers from Söderhamn whereby the individuals expressed their perception of their current situation. From the gathered material we could see a pattern emerge which gave us the framework and the foundation for our theoretical approach. The similarity we discovered when analyzing the material was the powerlessness the individuals experienced e.g. the individuals had no possibility to influence their current situation and worse, it was impossible for the individuals to enter society even when they had the willpower to do so.

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