

5748 Uppsatser om Whole language-teorin - Sida 11 av 384

Språkinlärning-medvetenhet och reflektion. : En komparativ textanalys av fyra lärarhandledningar i spanska för grundskolan.

This study is about language learning and language development. The purpose of the survey is to investigate how current learning theory and language research reflect on teaching instructions for the teaching material in spanish, with focus on the student´s awareness and reflection.The survey is based on a comparative textanalysis of four teaching instructions for the seventh year in the nineyear compulsory school.The result show great variations between the teaching instructions, regarding execercises as well as instructions. A theoretical approach and an explicit connection to research is something that is constantly missing in the instructions to the teachers..

Bankens färd till kunderna : En studie om bankernas strategier för att nå ut till bankkunder med brister i det svenska språket

The competition has increased with the establishment of the new banks and the credit institutes taking on the market, the big banks are no longer alone on the market.In speed with the increased range, have also the marketing and the recruit of new bank customers become more driven.Bank customers with lacks in the Swedish language, is a segment with potential which doesn?t get used by the banks and in turn of that the bank customers doesn?t get their needs satisfied.The purpose with this survey was to analyze if the four largest banks, Föreningssparbanken, Handelsbanken, Nordea and SEB had prepared strategies that were directed to bank customers with lacks in the Swedish language. In those cases the banks had strategies, respective measures were presented.Furthermore the bank customers with lacks in the Swedish language were studied if they experienced that the banks were using measures to satisfy their language needs in contact with the banks and presented the benefit of them.The information about the banks strategies was assembled through interviews with persons from each bank. The bank customers experience was assembled through a questionnaire survey.The result showed that the banks hade different strategies for reaching out to these customers, it was from showing understanding to multicultural offices. Half of the customers appreciated that the banks pressured themselves for them by being patient, explained the services and in some cases had staff that could several language.

Uttalssvårigheter i svenska som andraspråk hos personer med thailändsks som primärspråk

The intention of this study is to compare difficulties of Swedish pronunciation of five  second-language learners with Thai as mother tongue. Thereafter make a comparison with previous research in pronunciation difficulties in people with the same primary language to see if the deviations are similar. I used both recorded material/recordings which I analyzed as well as experiences from pronunciation training that I observed at SFI. The pronunciation difficulties were documented and entered in tables. The recordings consist of 25 Swedish words and a text performed by five informants. In my study, you can distinguish a pattern in my five informants pronunciation difficulties complying with Bannert informants who also have Thai as primary language.

"Man måste erövra begreppen" : En studie av undervisande gymnasielärares attityder gentemot språkets roll i historieundervisningen

This study is about how teachers of history at different upper secondary schools in Uppsala think and talk about the role language plays in the classroom and in education in general. In order to find this out, interviews were carried out with five teachers of history at four different upper secondary schools in Uppsala. This study has an analysis of the statements by and interviews with the teachers in a wide context by using a previous study carried out in Uppsala, which categorizes the upper secondary schools of Uppsala into a social field based upon what assets their students have. These assets are estimated by using Bourdieu?s theory of symbolic, social and cultural capital.

AKKTIV-KomIgång inom barnlogopedi: pilotutvärdering av en utbildning till föräldrar som har barn med grav språkstörning

The purpose of the present pilot study was to evaluate the parentalintervention ComAlong at the Division of Child Language, for parents ofchildren with severe language impairment. ComAlong is one of the parentalinterventions developed in the AKKTIV project. AKKTIV stands foraugmentative and alternative communication ?early intervention. Thepresent study consists of a case study, a compilation of course evaluationsand an interview with the two leaders of the course.

Konstruktion och utprövning av datorbaserat test för intonation och rytm : Icke-språklig Testning Av Prosodi - ITAP

Generally prosody is described as the rhythmic, dynamic and melodic features of language. Prosody is further often described as suprasegmental, since its properties go beyond vowels and consonants, which are segmental characteristics of language. A relationship between prosody and music has been noticed and described for several decades. At present, there are several studies proving relationship between prosodic and musical abilities. The aim of the present study was to construct a test for prosodic non-linguistic perception and production regarding intonation and rhythm. The test was tried out on 16 children with typical language development aged 4;6-7;6 years. Before testing of ITAP each participant were asked about musical experience.

Eldens hemlighet : om att arbeta med skönlitteratur i andraspråksundervisning

The purpose of this essay is to investigate Swedish as a second language acquisition in a group of students with diverse culturul backgrounds. my intension is to find out if a dialogical posture in teaching with focus on the students earlier knowledge,experianses, thoughts and feelings, will contribute to a teaching enviroment where the students can express them selves and listen to each other. the teachers task is to help the students to explore their own thinking.According to the theoretical base of the essay, sucessfull second language asquisition occours in a meaningsfull context through dialogue and interaction between students and teacher as well as between student and student.I have used a qualitative method consisting in participating as a teacher in this group of second language learners during four lessons, observing, taking notes and writing diary. The teaching material used during the lessons was a book (fiction but based on a true story) and the dialogue in the group proceeded from the story we read together..

Autism i klassrummet : En studie i hur lärare planerar och genomför sin läs- och skrivundervisning, samt deras förhållningssätt till inkludering.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers work with Autism pupils in two different schoolforms: a traditional elementary school and a language school. The study was based on three questions: 1. How do teachers in elementary school prepare, plan and implement reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 2. How do teachers in the language unit prepare, plan and implement their reading and writing instruction to Autism pupils? 3.

Wittgenstein och skepticismen

 In his book Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language (1982) Saul Kripke claims that Wittgenstein argues for a certain form of scepticism in his book Philosophical Investigations (1953), namely a new form of philosophical scepticism, a result of Wittgenstein´s idea of language as language games. Nihilism, scepticism of meaning or of concept, constitutive scepticism are other commentators´ different names of the same phenomenon. The philosophy of Wittgenstein accounts for how our words, including the words of mathematics, have no meaning and there are no a priori justified objective facts as to what I mean about a word. We follow the rules blindly and without justification. We are unable to find any facts against this proposal.

Lust att lära sig läsa : En jämförelse av två olika läsinlärningsmetoder; ljudmetoden och Whole language (kiwimetoden)

AbstractMy purpose with this study was to learn more about different ways to teach children how to read and to investigate how teachers can use more fiction when they teach.During the years that I have been working in school, I have only met teachers who use a method that is built on sounds. The children learns to read from books where the words is not put in their right purpose; for example; we can se a sun, a dear looks down in a lake.After my teacher-education in literature I became more and more interested in if it could be possible to use more fiction when you teach children how to read. I also wondered if it was possible to find readers where the sentences are put in a meaningful story.I heard of a method called Whole Language, or the kiwi-method and I decided to find out more about that method. I decided to make a comparison between the ?sound-method? and the Whole Language-method.I have been using qualitative interviews with both children and teachers with experience from these different ways of teaching.

Språkets betydelse för matematikinlärningen

Study aimed to see if the language has bearing on mathematics learning. The study used qualitative interviews of three first grade teachers and one special education teacher.The questions asked was:Do the teachers and specialist teacher, at the selected schools, think there is a connection between language difficulties and difficulties in mathematics and in case how is this connection.How does the teachers / specialist teacher make it easier for students to learn mathematics and swedish.The study was based on Vygotsky and Piaget teories. In previous research, it is primarily Malmer, Hoines, Lowing and Kilborn who´s been treated. Within the governing documents, it is mainly the compulsory school curriculum Lpo-94, and the curriculum for mathematics treated.I hope that the study has conclude that there is a connection between language and mathematics learning.I tried to emerged this through interviews with tree teachers and one special teatcher but i couldn´t. The teatchers couldn`t fint that it was the only reason to why the pupils hade difficulties in mathematics.But in the literature I found the relation between language- and mathematicdificulties..

Språkutveckling och organisation : En studie av mottagningsprocessen av nyanlända i en liten kommun

The purpose of these studies is to see how the reception and education of non-Swedish speaking newcomers are organized in a small county, and what you can do to improve this process to achieve a better and quicker integration into the Swedish language and society. To do this, interviews have been performed with four headmasters and different categories of teachers representing all schools in the actual county.In the result it was clear that both headmasters as teachers saw a need to change   and improve reception to provide consistent but flexible support. The headmasters wanted to create written instructions to assure equivalence between the different schools. The majority of teachers wanted to change the current system whereby some pupils, based on their origins, were placed in a preparatory class to learn the language whilst others were placed directly into a Swedish class. All teachers also thought that the help the non-Swedish speaking newcomers were offered was insufficient.The conclusion is that the county must decide and create instructions according to Skolverket?s recommendations and it also ought to offer all pupils the possibility of learning the basis of the language in a preparatory class.

Kroppsliga uttryck genom gestik och mimik i kommunikation med barn.

The aim of the study is to investigate how pedagogues working with gesticulation and facial expressions to communicate with children aged 3-5 years. The methods used are observations as well as interviews of educators. My empricial evidence was collected on two different preschools in Värmland County. The pedagogues are dealing with body language in a conscious way by collections as they sing and they reinforce feelings of characters support. In my conclusion I have come come to the conclusion that there is no difference on how male and female educators use gesticulation and facial expressions without its personality traits and body language often are unconsciously in conversations with children..

En bra skola för alla eller bara för eliten? - En analys av tydligheten i Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011

The purpose of this essay has been to study the comprehensibility and the plainness of chapter 1 and 2 in ?Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011? that is one of the governing documents of Swedish upper secondary school. The Swedish government approved a national language policy in 2005 which involved an aim that the official Swedish language would be refined, easy and comprehensible. Plain language has since the eighties had a prominent place in Swedish research and science and is now a thought-out principle at almost every public authority. This essay has performed a linguistic text analysis, a plain language analysis, a plain language test and a critical discourse analysis on the two chapters from ?Läroplan, examensmål och gymnasiegemensamma ämnen för gymnasieskola 2011? that is common for all upper secondary school programs.

När det talade språket inte räcker till. : AKK-användning inom Daglig Verksamhet

AbstractThis essay investigates what knowledge members of staff in day care centres for grown up people with disabilities have about Alternative and Augmentative Communication, AAC (in Swedish, Alterantiv och Kompletterande Kommunikation, AKK). Day care centres are working places for people with disabilities who do not have the possibility, caused of their disability, to work in ordinary works in the open market.To communicate with other people is a human right for all people even if you have a disability, even if you don?t have a spoken language or if you, because of your disability, have difficulties to understand a spoken language. When you don?t have a spoken language you need different ways to be able to communicate, make choices and take part in activities in the community.

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