

315 Uppsatser om White collar - Sida 8 av 21

Jessica Shiefauers Pojkarna ur ett genusperspektiv : Hur genus problematiseras och diskuteras i en ungdomsbok

På våren 2014 invigs Litteraturhuset för barn och unga ? I Sandviken för hela regionen. Målgruppen ärbarn och unga, 0-18 år. Litteraturhuset kommer att fokusera på tre delar som ska utgöra helheten; denförsta är den lär- och språkstimulerande miljön, den andra är ett kunskapscenter och den tredje är attLitteraturhuset ska utgöra en forskningsresurs. Under tre års tid har arbetet pågått som ett projekt, imaj 2013 beslutades att Litteraturhuset ska övergå i fast verksamhet.

Feromonterapi för hund ? en kvalificerad stressreducent inom djursjukvård?

Numerous dogs are stressed during a stay at a veterinary clinic. Stress has an impact physically as well as mentally, and may influence animal care. There are different ways to prevent and handle animal stress. Dog Appeasing Pheromones (DAP) is sometimes used to reduce stress. The aim of this study was to investigate the potential need for stressreducers, explore the use of DAP and evaluate pheromonatherapy for dogs as a potential stressreducer within veterinary health care.

Svart på vitt i sjukvårdsreformens klassresa : En komparativ studie av den amerikanska sjukvårdsreformen i amerikansk respektive svensk dagspress

Motivation: The aim of this study has been to conduct a comparative study concerning how race, ethnicity and class is represented in American contrary to Swedish daily press and from there on to explore and explain similarities and differences that have been found in the material.Problem statement:? How is race, ethnicity and class represented in American contrary Swedish daily press?? What are the similarities and differences between the countries? daily news flow?? What causes the similiarities and differences to achieve their current form?Material: The material which has been the subject of this study consists of eight articles ? four American articles (USA Today) and four Swedish articles (Dagens Nyheter). The material has been elected to meet certain criterias and mainly discusses the effects the health care reform will have on the American population.Approach: The material has been approached by using theories concerned with race, ethnicity, class and framing. The method used to analyze the material was Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA).Results: The results shows significant similarities, although mainly differences, between the countries? daily news flow.

I demokratins namn - En diskursanalys av USA : s krig mot terrorismen

How the United States anti-terrorist strategy is affecting the view of democracy is the main analysis of this paper. The mechanisms that affect the idea of democracy have been studied on the basis of the philosopher Michael Foucault?s thoughts and the main direction in French discourse analysis. The study is restricted to the period between the 11th of September 2001 and today. Information has been collected entirely from the White House?s website http://www.whitehouse.gov, including speeches, conferences and reports.

Sheep enterprise budgets : beneficial planning tools within Agriwise Macedonia

Generally in Macedonia keeping farm records and farm business planning is not often practiced like an ordinary activity in farming. Therefore one of the crucial things to do it is to comprise and continuously practice record keeping of farm data. The efficient and justified farm business planning should be based on farm records about the previous work of the farm, which will bring a structured approach for planning all the activities, as well as provide a good basis for attracting investors and creditors for the additional expansion of the business.Given that sheep breeding holds an important part of the livestock production in Macedonia, there is a need for adding analytical sheep enterprise budgets to support the farm business planning process at sheep farms.The aim of this research was to develop sheep enterprise budgets created on the best production practice for Macedonian conditions of breeding and test their applicability into the farm business plan model Agriwise Macedonia. The sheep budgets were composed with a process of data collecting consisted of direct farm data (for the cases), expert's consultation and relevant desk research, as well as a literature study. The aim of doing it was to attain more accurate calculations of the enterprise budgets, which will result in a more precise outcome in the farm business plan model Agriwise Macedonia.

"Den svage bland oss"

The purpose of the thesis is to examine the thoughts and opinions of a selected group of people regarding the terrorist attack that occurred in Stockholm 12/11-2010. This study has been conducted through the method of focus group interview. The study was methodologically and theoretically inspired by Grounded Theory, which simply means that the participants' opinions have formed the theory of the study. As a result of the study, we can see that the main focus of the discussion held by the participants was through a we and them thinking-perspective. Furthermore, the study reveals that the participants tried to include who we (muslims) are, and to exclude who they (non muslims) are, while arguing in the discussion. Another definition is the one of here and there, where the participants defined terrorism and what causes it. Finally, media's role was discussed in relation to the creation of the medie-muslim. To explain the participants' perceptive, part of Appadurai?s Fear of small numbers and part of Brune?s Dark magic in the white media was used..

Janus ala Cuba : Filmiska gestaltningar av den kubanska revolutionen

Denna uppsats undersöker hur samma historiska händelse kan ha olika betydelser i film. Idag är människor mer benägna att se en film om en historisk händelse än att läsa en historiebok, och detta innebär att vi måste lära oss att förstå de konventioner som används för att placera historia på film. Historiefilmen kan sägas besitta en palimpsestisk historiskt medvetenhet där lager av fakta och myt smälter samman, hellre än att skiljas åt. Men för att en historisk händelse ska passa in i filmens tidsram måste den bearbetas och detta resulterar i att vissa människor, händelser och rörelser prioriteras, medan andra utesluts. Därför undersöker denna uppsats vad som lagts till / uteslutits och effekterna på sammanhanget och trovärdighet, hur filmen hävdar sin autenticitet, och hur upphovsmannen påverkar trovärdigheten.

Större svartbagge Upis ceramboides i norra Hälsingland : förekomst, substratkrav och effekter av skogsbrukets naturvårdsåtgärder

Many wood living insects are considered threatened by modern forestry due to the reduction in amount of dead wood. During the last decade various methods have been used to enhance the quantity of dead wood in managed forests. However little is known how and if these methods are aiding saproxylic insects. The threatened tenebrionid beetle, Upis ceramboides, is already extinct in southern Sweden. It develops in white rotted dead birch (Betula spp) and requires sun-exposed sites.

Betula : arter och sorter

As birch is one of the most common trees in Sweden, and probably one of the easiest for someone who lives here to identify, it is interesting to note that most people do not know how variable the genus is and how widely it is distributed across the northern hemisphere. One can find birch growing at both high and low elevations, demanding different soil conditions and preferring varying amounts of sunlight. Many people may also be surprised to hear that the colour of the bark can vary from bight white to almost black, and different shades of pink, orange and red can also be displayed. This, together with the astonishing beauty of the genus, the important role as a pioneer in many ecological systems and the difficulty in sorting out the taxonomy of the genus, constitutes the background of this thesis. The thesis is written at the Department of Landscape Development in Alnarp, Sweden with Kenneth Lorentzon, researcher at the Swedish University of Agriculture as a supervisor. The aim of this thesis is to highlight which species and cultivars within the genus Betula could be appropriate for horticultural use in Sweden.

Samband mellan hög incidens ämnesomsättningssjukdomar och klövhälsa hos svenska mjölkkobesättningar :

Metabolic diseases in dairy cows are considered to increase the risk for claw lesions, most of all laminitis, sole haemorrhages and sole ulcers, but also to increase the risk for environmental claw lesions. The aim of this study was to compare claw health in 27 Swedish dairy farms, 18 with high incidence of metabolic diseases and 9 with low incidence. Data on claw health status was retrieved from recordings at routine claw trimmings and analysed on herd level regarding the prevalence of: any lesion, interdigital dermatitis, heel-horn erosion, sole haemorrhages, sole ulcer, lameness, abnormal claw shape, and other diseases (abscess in the white line, limb disorders, double sole, laminitic groove, white line disease, interdigital phlegmon, interdigital hyperplasia, toe abscess and verucose dermatitis). Mean prevalence of any lesion for herds with low incidence of metabolic diseases was 48 % and in herds with high incidence 41 %, and there was no statistical difference between the two groups. Mean prevalence for interdigital dermatitis was 2,0 % and 6.4 % in the low and high incidence groups, respectively (p.

Att dras mot stadens ljusa lyktor - En undersökning om de kreativa näringarna i Göteborg

The purpose of this study is to investigate which types of cultural capital gives high status in the current field of ?the creative industry? ? a group which could be seen as a new power elite in Gothenburg ? and how people with the ?right? cultural capital is included in the field. The author is invited to several free events within this field, and is investigating the process of inclusion with an auto-ethnographic method. The study will show that the process of inclusion is working quite absolute in the field of the creative industry, and that the audiences are mainly homogenous: masculine, white, middle class, has a taste disposition of the ?eclectic omnivore?, has entrepreneurial knowledges and is an active social media agent.

Civiliserade nordbor och primitiva främlingar : En kritisk diskursanalys av journal- och förfilm i folkhemmets Sverige

This essay examines a small selection of Swedish newsreel and documentary short films, primarily travelogues, produced shortly before and after the second world war. The general aim is to expose differences in the representation of ?The Other? and the ?ethnic Swede? by applying a critical discourse analysis. The purpose is to illuminate how the material positions the latter as the norm and then contextualize this with xenophobic currents that had developed up until the middle of the twentieth century. Theoretical and methodological framework is drawn from the field of cultural studies as well as the nonfiction film.

Hur man kan återvinna befintliga plåtfasader till nya fasader ur ett Cradle to Cradle perspektiv : Från slätplåt till perforerad plåt

Idag, nästan 40 år efter att Miljonprogrammet stod klart, är renovering och ombyggnation av fastigheterna högaktuellt. White Arkitekter har som ett led i detta tilldelats ett renoverings- och ombyggnadsprojekt i Norra Stockholm som innefattar två fastigheter uppförda under Miljonprogrammet.Detta examensarbete behandlar återvinning av de befintliga plåtfasaderna på ovannämnda fastigheter. White Arkitekter vill undersöka möjligheterna att genom återvinning använda ursprungsmassan för tillverkning av nya fasader i perforerad plåt till samma fastigheter. Syftet är att redovisa materialets livscykel med hänsyn till miljön samtidigt som anknytningen till Miljonprogrammet bevaras.För att besvara frågeställning har en bit av fasadplåten undersökts i syfte att identifiera plåtmaterialet. Genom att ta reda på plåtens densitet har aluminium fastställts som material.

Delad berättelse ? dubbel glädje! Gruppterapi utifrån ett narrativt förhållningssätt.

During the autumn of 2010 a group of parents met together with two therapist at Mini Maria Hisingen. These parents did have children who had experience of using drugs. This study purpose´s to describe, analyze and understand what has been effective in the work together with this group of parents.The interrogative sentence is; Did we use a narrative approach and what impact did this approach had on the groupprocess? What did the group sessions contribute to the parents and would they recommend other parents to participate in similar sessions? All the sessions were recorded in video. The work was highly inspired by Michael White and his book Maps (2007).

Apparently obscure

Through wing pattern, posture and movement, a harmless moth of the family Brenthia imitates an eight-eyed jumping spider. When an octopus of the species Thaumoctopus mimicus sense danger it can alter its appearance to that of a venomous sea snake. They are both drawing attention to themselves. Nevertheless, and because of this, they are protected. The mechanism is called mimicry.

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