

315 Uppsatser om White collar - Sida 6 av 21

Ett brokigt fo?rflutet : gra?nsdragningen mellan ?Vi? och ?Dom? i Svenska Dagbladet och Dagens Nyheter

This study examines imagined boundaries between Swedes and non-Swedes. Rather than using pre-determined definitions as a starting point, the attempt is to examine the discursive construction of difference. The purpose is not to study the portrayal of immigrants per se but to examine how the ?immigrant-ness? is constructed. The result shows the perception of ?immigrant-ness? is linked more to a person?s origin than to the act of immigration itself. The selected newspapers are Dagens Nyheter (DN) and Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) for the period of 15th November ? 21st November, 1999.

Digital 3d landskapsmodellering : detaljeringsgradens betydelse för läsbarheten hos digitala tredimensionella landskapsmodeller

In this paper I have sought a suitable level of abstraction in my models describing the landscape; the models are made to be viewed from eyelevel. Because of the spectator being ?in the model? the objects included need a certain degree of realism. I have sought what is needed in the model to be able to comprehend that the model is showing a landscape. Some details might be unnecessary.

Kompetensdiamanten : En kvalitativ studie om kompetensers olika betydelse vid rekrytering

Följande undersökning behandlar ämnet rekrytering med inriktning på kompetensens betydelse vid tillsättning av en tjänst. Vidare redogörs för hur rekryteringsföretag i en mellanstor svensk stad väljer ut individer ur en grupp av arbetssökande och på vilka premisser urvalen sker. Det vill säga om en arbetssökande väljs ut att bli tillsatt för en tjänst på grund av vederbörandes arbetserfarenhet, kunskap och utbildning, eller om det är tack vare dennes personliga egenskaper. Studien ämnar undersöka i vilken utsträckning ansvariga rekryterare värderar arbetssökandes formella kompetenser i förhållande till dess informella kompetenser. Undersökningen kommer också studera den estetiska kompetensens betydelse vid rekrytering.

Vandring av vårlekande fisk och jämförelse av fångst mellan ryssja och strömöversiktsnät i Hammerstaån, Stockholms län

During the last two hundred years many wetlands and streams in Sweden have been lowered to provide land for agriculture and forestry. Some of the coastal wetlands and streams probably served as spawning sites for certain species of fish in the Baltic Sea, but the present situation is not well known. As standardized methods to monitor fish in running waters are carried out during late summer or autumn, there is a need for methods to sample spring-spawning fish in these streams.The aim of this study was to survey the lower kilometer stretch of Hammerstaån in Stockholm, to investigate the extent to which the stream is used by spring-spawning fish. Furthermore, the study aims to evaluate a new type of survey fishing gill net called strömöversiktsnät (SÖN). This was done by comparing the catch of fish by SÖN with that of fyke nets.

Heuristisk detektering av trojaner

The heuristic methods used by the anti-trojan application TrojanHunter have been evaluated. The evaluation shows that the heuristic scan engine of TrojanHunter has a very good detection ratio and that the detection ratio can be even further improved by implementing the suggested improvements, the most important of which is a white list to avoid misidentifying files that are known not to be trojans..

Vem får vara synlig i läseboken? : Om etnicitet i läsläror för elever i årskurs ett

Having different kinds of literature is an important part of the education in school and schoolbooks, in shape of reading-books, are common in the first year of primary school. The texts pupils encounter in school are important for how they form their identity and thoughts about what is right or wrong and what is natural or unnatural. People of other ethnicity than Swedish, or with another skin colour than white, have often in the past been portrayed negatively in reading-books as if they are of less worth. According to the Curriculum for the Compulsory School System (Lpo94) the school shall act for understanding of all people and every person?s equal value.The study analyses how ethnicity is portrayed in reading-books for pupils in the first year of primary school.

Vandring av vårlekande fisk och jämförelse av fångst mellan ryssja och strömöversiktsnät i Hammerstaån, Stockholms län

During the last two hundred years many wetlands and streams in Sweden have been lowered to provide land for agriculture and forestry. Some of the coastal wetlands and streams probably served as spawning sites for certain species of fish in the Baltic Sea, but the present situation is not well known. As standardized methods to monitor fish in running waters are carried out during late summer or autumn, there is a need for methods to sample spring-spawning fish in these streams.The aim of this study was to survey the lower kilometer stretch of Hammerstaån in Stockholm, to investigate the extent to which the stream is used by spring-spawning fish. Furthermore, the study aims to evaluate a new type of survey fishing gill net calledströmöversiktsnät (SÖN). This was done by comparing the catch of fish by SÖN with that of fyke nets.

Dynamisk kunskapsorganisation: teoretisk ansats och implementering

Knowledge organization is perceived as a central, constituting activity defining the notion of libraries. Critique calling for a new theoretical foundation voiced by active researchers within library and information science concerning the current knowledge organization has been utilized as a point of departure. Specifications concerning a new theoretical foundation implied by these critiques are considered within this thesis and theory found in The Order of Things by Michel Foucault proposed as an alternative theory for understanding knowledge organization as a human science where meaning, value and representation, by which the ordering of things is possible, is acknowledged as a result of human activity and history. Thus meaning, value and representation must be perceived as dynamic. An example of implementation of the proposed theory has been achieved by the use of bibliometrics.

Clear-cut and substrate characteristics important for the occurrence of the beetle Upis ceramboides

Disturbances, such as fire and wind, are important for saproxylic beetles (= beetles depending on decaying wood) to gain substrate in boreal forests. Clear-cutting is an example of a man-made disturbance. Measures such as prescribed burning have been made to resemble natural disturbances. The aim of this study was to see which clear-cut characteristics are important for the occurrence of the saproxylic beetle Upis ceramboides. This is a species favored by open habitats and is said to respond positively to forest fires. The distribution area in Sweden for this species has decreased during the last two centuries and I wanted to see if there were differences between clear-cuts in Hälsingland, where it is very rare and decreasing, and Norrbotten where this study was conducted.

Var finns barnen? : En studie om barns delaktighet i arbetet kring Sandvikens litteraturhus för barn och unga

På våren 2014 invigs Litteraturhuset för barn och unga ? I Sandviken för hela regionen. Målgruppen ärbarn och unga, 0-18 år. Litteraturhuset kommer att fokusera på tre delar som ska utgöra helheten; denförsta är den lär- och språkstimulerande miljön, den andra är ett kunskapscenter och den tredje är attLitteraturhuset ska utgöra en forskningsresurs. Under tre års tid har arbetet pågått som ett projekt, imaj 2013 beslutades att Litteraturhuset ska övergå i fast verksamhet.

Från Snövit till Frost : En genusstudie av kvinnliga relationer iDisneyfilmer och hur dessa har utvecklats över tid.

This study examines how women are portrayed in four of Disney?s feature films, withthe focus on the presentation of relations between women. The films examined areSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), Sleeping Beauty (1959), The Little Mermaid(1989) and Frozen (2013). The aim is to analyse the development that has taken placefrom a gender perspective, from the earliest film, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs(1937), to the latest, Frozen (2013), and to reveal the significance of the femalecharacters for each other. The films? portrayal of women and female relations isdiscussed in relation to previous criticism of Disney for their stereotyped portrayal ofwomen, and through a thematic comparison with the known fairytales on which thefilms are based.

"And the World has Somehow Shifted." : En kvantitativ studie av genuskonstruktioner i Walt Disney Pictures animerade långfilmer

The Disney princess line includes nine films, in our study we have extended this line to include the latest three films from Walt Disney Pictures that follow the same pattern. These films are Tangled (2010), Brave (2012) and Frozen (2013). We have conducted our study using the same method used by England, Descartes and Collier-Meeks (2011) in their study of the first nine films, starting with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs produced in 1937 to Princess and the Frog from 2009. A quantitative study was executed where we focused on gender role portrayal, the main characters behavioral characteristics and performed rescues. We applied the following theories to our result; the Social Constructivism, Laura Mulvey?s theory of the Male Gaze, Michel Foucault?s theory of power and discourse, intersectionality and Claude E.

Hemlösas situation i Kalmar : Exkludering ur ett genusperspektiv

Title:?Speed cameras - an prevention of crime and a standard forming instrument of control??Authors: Markus HanssonTutors: Bo Isenberg & Carl HultExaminator: Ulf DruggeThe School of Human SciencesUniversity of KalmarThe studys purpose is to get a absorbed understanding for peoples attitude, and effect of speed cameras. The disposition for the study is to integrate earlier studies in the matter, combined with elevating interesting sociological conceptions. As an attempt to understand speed cameras as an instrument of force on the individual have Michel Foucaults concept Panopticon been used to see its effect, and it?s look upon how crime prevention will be formulated, which can give an explanation of why speed cameras are being used as an instrument of control on the traffic area.


Idag har man två alternativ när man behöver en receptionsdisk- antingen köper man ett färdigt system från till exempel Kinnarpsför cirka 15 000 kr eller så ber man en arkitekt rita en platsanpassadreception för cirka 300 000 kr. Kostnaderna är naturligtvis igenerella termer men poängen är att det inte finns något alternativmellan dessa lösningar. Syftet med mitt examensarbete är att gekonsumenter av receptionsdiskar möjlighet att välja inom en kategoridär man till en tillräckligt låg kostnad kan få en receptionsdisksom ändå kan ge ett unikt uttryck. I mitt examensarbete har jagtagit fram ett generellt system för receptionsdiskar. Möbeln har ettflexibelt förhållningssätt till formgivningen vilket är unikt om manjämför med de system som finns på marknaden idag.

Vedrötor i stadsträd : biologi, detektionsmetoder och förebyggande åtgärder

Urban trees have very little in common with trees on natural sites, such as forests or pastures. Trees in urban environments are often planted in packed soil and in small volumes. This can lead to decreased availability of water and oxygen, as well as deteriorated ability for the soil to store nutritional elements. Also above ground the tree usually have limited space in cities. Regulations on free height over roads and cycle tracks demands high stems at an early stage of their development.

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