

422 Uppsatser om West of lake Möckeln - Sida 7 av 29

Utveckling Ulricehamn- om stora förändringar i en liten stad :

The purpose of this thesis is to inquire how a small town can be affected by some planned changes in the physical structure of the town, and how its inhabitants can benefit from those major changes. The town in question is Ulricehamn, and of the four projects considered, two concerns infrastructure. A new railway and a new locality for the major road, today passing through Ulricehamn. The other two projects are run by the local authorities, that is the planning of a modern town park by the lake, and a new public building for cultural purposes. There are no guarantees that any of the four projects will ever be realized, but in the process with this work, they have been considered as already a fact.

Grönstrukturplanering i det skånska slättlandskapet?

The ongoing change that characterizes the landscape as a result of the development of the society as a wholeis the basis for this thesis. Even though the Scanian landscape still is dominated by arable land, other valuessuch as biological diversity, cultural heritage and economical aspects, has all been ascribed the landscape asmore and more important factors and in some respects, compete with the farming industry about the right tothe landscape. Our demand of more and more space, will of course also affect the landscape. Huge amountof land are used to build external malls and single-family houses, which gives rise to an increasing need foran extended transport system that also is land consuming.It all comes down to: how the municipalities deal with non built areas - the green structure. Do themunicipalities have separate programs describing their vision and objectives concerning the green structure?Literature studies, an inventory made of the municipality programs in the west and south west of Scaniaand interviews with employees at the municipalities clarifies the use of the green structure concept, both intheory and in practice.The green structure concept seems to be derived from the environmental debate.

Nationella identiteter i det återförenade Tyskland En studie om hur fyrtio års separation av den tyska nationen i BRD och DDR har påverkat den tyska identiteten

Abstract (magisteruppsats, 61-80p)This paper is concerned with the national sentiments in the Federal State of Germany,regarding the east- and west-German cleavages, since the unification of the country in 1990.The point of departure is the nationalistic theory crafted together by the scholar AnthonyDavid Smith, which implies an ethno-symbolistic perspective on the dynamics of nations.The main question in the paper is to which extent you can consider the East- and WestGermans to be a unity, considering the past and the forty-year-division. For this reason theauthor basically uses two different sources: scientific books and the German journal DerSpiegel.Founded on Smith's theory, the study contains a broad explanation for national identities incontemporary states, which ranges from pre-modern times, when the ethnic communities werecreated, to the national world of today.The discontinuity of the German case, represented by the separation 1949-90 of the Germannation into two entirely different societies, makes it possible to draw conclusions about whichfactor that has the pivotal impact on national identities.The result turns out to be that the national historical core-values and symbols of the currentGerman state and nation are more profound than the splitting national sentiments. Thus theGerman nation is likely to recover from its Cold War break-up.Keywords: German unification, A. D. Smith, Nation and nationalism, National identity, DerSpiegel.

Scarlett Johansson : en studie i förhållandet mellan filmskådespelare och åskådare

Filmen är ett medium som knyter samman filmskapare, filmskådespelare, medier och åskådare med varandra i intrikata relationer. Filmbolag producerar och auteurer skapar filmer, skådespelare medverkar i filmerna, medierna marknadsför såväl filmerna som filmskådespelarna och åskådare ser filmerna. Filmskaparen behöver åskådare för att kunna tjäna pengar eller bli omtalad, och behöver filmskådespelare för att få åskådare till sin film. Filmskådespelaren i sin tur behöver åskådare för att bli berömd men det kräver att det finns en film som åskådarna kan se. Skådespelaren är således beroende av det finns filmskapare.Åskådaren behöver filmskapare för att kunna se film men frågan är vad åskådaren behöver filmskådespelare till? Det är idag fullt möjligt att göra filmer utan skådespelare som fysiska aktörer på filmduken.

Festivallandskapet i förändring : Siesta! ? En liten musikfestival som står när jättarna faller

I denna uppsats undersöks hur några festivalarrangörer har upplevt och upplever det svenska festivallandskapet under 2010 och föregående år, med fokus på musikfestivalen Siesta!. Genom Siesta får studien en ung och relativt nyetablerad festivals syn på festivallandskapet och tar därmed plats för första gången inom svensk festivalforskning. Syftet med denna uppsats är att kvalitativt undersöka hur Siesta har uppstått och utvecklats ur ett arrangörsperspektiv och hur den skiljer sig från andra likartade musikfestivaler såsom Arvikafestivalen, Hultsfredsfestivalen, Peace & Love, Way Out West, Popaganda och Emmabodafestivalen. Vidare analyseras det festivallandskap och det nätverk som dessa musikfestivaler befinner sig i. Utgångspunkten är att det sker och har skett en förändring med tanke på Hultsfredsfestivalens konkurs under sommaren 2010. Vad det är som har skett och hur det har påverkat festivalarrangörerna undersöks ur ett nutidsorienterat företags- och samhällsperspektiv. Materialet som använts är intervjuer med två personer ur Siestas ledning, skriftlig intervju med representant för Popaganda samt källor som belyser festivallandskapet ur ytterligare festivalarrangörers perspektiv.

Fuktsäkert byggande : Sjönära bostäder i Östra Hamnen i Västerås

Housing construction very close to the lake Mälaren has become very popular today. One potential problem with these houses is the influence of the sea climate. Unprotected buildings are affected by strong winds and precipitation. So for that reason, it is very important to make an accurate climate investigation and use it for decision-making during the planning of the new settlement.It is very important with a good moisture protection regarding pelting rain, that is the combination of wind and rain. This is more important for buildings close to a lake, as this location normally means a higher exposure to wind.

Omorientering och förändring Den ryska utrikespolitiska doktrinen under Vladimir Putin

AbstractThis thesis analyzes the Russian Foreign Policy Doctrine from a broad theoretical perspective, with the aim of describing and explaining the doctrine using a number of theoretical approaches. Russia's foreign policy has undergone substantial changes since Vladimir Putin became president in the year 2000, involving a radical shift in foreign policy objectives and thereby moving away from the more confrontational and distrusting policies which characterized the Boris Jeltsin regime. Putins doctrine, based on pragmatism and seeking partnership and collaboration with the West, can be described as a near revolutionary re-orientation of Russia's foreign policy guidelines, meaning a transformation of the country's self image which implies a rejection of great power status and a search for a new role in the international community.Our thesis has examined explanatory variables such as the domestic political situation in Russia, the contemporary international system and President Vladimir Putins system of beliefs in order to describe and explain the doctrine. Our results show that the doctrine is largely a product of Putins personality, values and beliefs, but also to a large extent a consequence of necessities, namely the poor Russian economy and the fact that the country no longer can withstand an all out conflict with the West involving an excessive arms race.Keywords: Vladimir Putin, pragmatism, realism, domestic politics, radical change..

Utformning av hamnområdet i Arvika : stadsbild och offentliga miljöer

The harbour in Arvika is closed down and the industry that has been established in the area is now beeing wound up. A deepened comprehensive plan for the area is under progress in the municipality. The intentions are for instance that the harbour should be integrated with the city and that Arvika is facing a lake should be more apparent from the city center. The harbour should also contribute to a more attractive city. These intentions have hence been the starting point of my undergraduate theses, which has resulted in a proposal on how to develop the harbour. During the process I have analysed the city image, how the area is used today and the public places in the city centre.

Butikskoncept : - och det mervärde det skapar

Konsumenterna i studien visar på en mångfald av beteenden när det kommer till hur de påverkas av butikskonceptet. Upplevelserna i butikerna är många och varierar mellan konsumenterna. Olika typer av konsumtion skildras, bland annat genomförs nöjesshopping och målorienterad shopping av konsumenterna i studien. Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa en förståelse och ge insikt i hur konsumenters beteende kan påverkas av butikskoncept. Butikskoncept är ett bredare perspektiv av butiksmiljön som dessutom innefattar sociala faktorer.

Från strandhugg till säsongsboplatser : En studie av människornas utnyttjande av Gladö på Södertörn under äldsta stenålder

This paper deals with the early mesolithic sites in Gladö, a part of Hanveden situated south of Stockholm. It tries to explain the big amount of sites, why people came to these islands and what they were doing there. The large shore displacement together with the topography of the mesolithic islands resulted in a rapid change of suitible areas for camping. The prime occupation was sealhunting on the ice of the Ancylus lake in early spring. As the archipelago became larger other activities as fishing and birdhunting got more important and people stayed for longer periods..

Conflict Resolution in West Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Sierra Leone and Liberia

This paper is a Master thesis for the Master?s program in International and European Relations in the Department of Management and Economics at Linköping University. As the title indicates, the aim of this thesis is to make a comparative analysis of the conflict resolution initiatives that were employed in the Sierra Leonean and Liberian conflicts. The research questions are: ? What were the root causes and trajectories of the Sierra Leonean and Liberian conflicts? ? What were the conflict resolution initiatives employed in resolving both conflicts? ? Why did the Lome Peace Accord succeed in the case of Sierra Leone whilst the Abuja Peace Accord failed in bringing peace to Liberia? In order to answer the afore-mentioned questions and fulfil the aim of this paper, a qualitative research method has been chosen.

Schartau och efterföljare - Personen och traditionen

Henric Schartau was the prominent figure in a Christian revivalist movement thatspread mainly in south west Sweden during the 19th century. Priesthood followers in thetradition, commonly named Schartauans, often preached from his drafts, and were generallyvery loyal to the state church. Schartau and his followers placed a strong emphasis onministry and correct biblical teaching. The movement had a great impact on the diocese ofGothenburg for a protracted time period..

EU-OPINION I TIDER AV KRIG I EUROPA En kvantitativ studie om hur attityder till EU och europeisk integration f?r?ndrats under krigstid.

In the early morning of February 24th, 2022, Russian troops crossed the border to Ukraine which started the full-scale war between Ukraine and Russia. Even though the war does not directly involve the EU or member states of the union, it affects the lives of the European people. While previous research has established that general attitudes towards the European Union and European integration has changed in some countries within the Union since the start of the war, the question remains how attitudes towards EU and European integration has changed across EU. A second unanswered question is whether populations in Western and Eastern Europe have responded differently, leading to a potential divergence or convergence in attitudes. The theory ?Rally around the flag? suggests that an outright war that border to EU will increase support for the political leadership in EU.

Jordbruk och järnproduktion i Jämtland : Två näringar i södra Storsjöbygden under folkvandringstid

This essay is about two areas called Hackås and Myrviken, situated in the middle of Sweden around the lake Storsjön. In Hackås we can see traces after an early agrarian settlement, and in Myrviken we find Jämtlands largest concentration of ironmaking sites from around 400 AD. There are no clear evidence of the agrarian settlement in Myrviken, and only two ironmaking sites in Hackås. These two economies functioned at the same time, but were clearly separated. My purpose is to discuss if it was the farmers of Hackås who made iron in Myrviken, or if it was somebody else..

Boendemiljo? i nationens skyltfo?nster : Internationell orientering i Svenska institutets material om stadsbyggnad 1945-1976

This thesis scrutinises the material on post World War II Swedish architecture produced by the Swedish Public diplomacy organisation "Svenska institutet" ("The Swedish Institute") during the period of 1945 through 1976. The outset is the dilemma encountered by every such organisation: how can the projected narrative of the own nation relate to as many countries as possible, without becoming too general? And how can the organisation address specific countries, without excluding others?By employing a two-sided model of interpreting the material, where it on the one hand is interpreted from the universal properties projected on the narrated architecture, and on the other hand from the particular ideological notions related to the same, the thesis suggests that the Swedish Institute continously relates the architecture to a West-European and American context by consistently connecting its universal properties to particular ideological notions orientated towards the West.The results underline the malleability in regard to ideological notions connected to modernist architecture. Earlier research in the Swedish context has focussed on how modernist architecture in Sweden, under the local tag "funktionalism", was established in regard to a Swedish audience as a particular Swedish architecture by relating it to a alleged continuos Swedish tradition, as well as to notions of a a progressive welfare state. By studying a similar material, though aimed towards a foreign audience, the thesis suggests that these allegations constitue an elucidatory example of how national and ideological narratives can form within the framework of technological-ideological dynamics of modernist architecture.

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