

422 Uppsatser om West of lake Möckeln - Sida 23 av 29

Vattenkvalitet och risker vid Àndrat intag för vattenförsörjning i VÀsterÄs

Water is the most essential resource for life. In cases where drinking water is processed from surface water it is important to ensure the raw water is of good quality, and is suitable for processing through the water treatment plant.The drinking water for VÀsterÄs is sourced from VÀsterÄsfjÀrden, in the western side of Lake MÀlaren. The city itself is home to marinas, ports, a wastewater treatment plant, the SvartÄn outlet, sewage pumping stations and stormwater outlets. Because of the negative effects these activities have on surface water quality, MÀlarenergi AB is interested in relocating the raw water intake point to GranfjÀrden, 10 km east of VÀsterÄsfjÀrden. At GranfjÀrden the intake point would be less exposed to the activities in VÀsterÄs, and could be placed at a greater depth, resulting in better water quality.In this Master?s thesis the water quality and the pollution risks at VÀsterÄsfjÀrden and GranfjÀrden sites are compared.

Designteorier i landskapsarkitektur : utveckling, definition och tillÀmpning

Fytoremediering kallas metoden som utnyttjar vÀxters naturliga förmÄga att ta ta upp, omvandla eller stabilisera Àmnen för att sanera föroreningar. Det Àr en mycket miljövÀnlig metod som endast bygger pÄ naturliga processer. Idag nyexploateras i hög grad hamn- och industriomrÄden, vilka ofta krÀver stora saneringsinsatser. Dessa ligger ofta i stadsnÀra lÀgen dÀr det generellt finns ett behov av grönytor. Till detta hör att parkmark sÀllan anlÀggs pÄ förorenad mark, dÄ det inte bÀr samma möjlighet till lönsamhet som annan exploatering. Fytoremediering Àr en lÄngsam saneringsmetod och förbises dÀrför ofta som ett alternativ dÄ det krÀvs snabba lösningar inför exploatering, men i jÀmförelse med andra saneringsmetoder har fytoremediering en mÀngd fördelar. En aspekt som gör metoden högst intressant för oss i vÄr yrkesroll Àr möjligheten att under saneringens gÄng kunna skapa betydelsefulla gröna ytor av tidigare otillgÀngliga omrÄden. Tidsaspekten vÀnds frÄn nÄgot negativt till positivt genom att skapa estetiskt tilltalande, intressanta och rekreativa uterum.

Optimerad styrning av kondensatorbatterier - Ny möjlighet att minska förluster med elektronisk brytteknik

Transmission of reactive power is well known to cause active power losses. Thus, newcomponents who can help minimizing these expensive reactive power flows are ofgreat interest to the power distribution companies. ABB Corporate Research hasdeveloped the first electronic power breaker. One possible application for thisbreaker is transient-free switching of capacitor banks. This could prove a usefuldistribution voltage complement to the switch-sync technique, mainly applied to transmissionvoltage level.

ÖversvĂ€mningskartering av Vombs Ă€ngar

Vomb meadows is an area well knows for its rich bird life. During the 19:thcentury until mid 20:th century, the meadows were flooded annually in order toincrease the hay yield. The river KlingavÀlsÄn situated along the west side of themeadows, used to be a shallow river, meandering across the landscape. In the1940?s the river was straightened and made deeper.

Dagvattnets föroreningar som potentiellt hot för en god ekologisk och kemisk status i ytvattnet : En kartlÀggning av Vallentuna tÀtorts dagvattenhantering utifrÄn dess tillsynsbehov

The EU's Water Framework Directive aims to a long-term and sustainable use of our water resources and wants to ensure good water quality in Europe's water bodies. Discharge of polluted stormwater into receiving waters can be a threat to their ecological and chemical status. Municipalities are responsible for supervision of the environmental quality standards (EQS) and therefore need to gain knowledge of current stormwater management, the expected level of pollution emissions and possible appropriate purification steps to ensure that the goal of good water quality is achieved.This master thesis aims to provide this knowledge in the example case of Vallentunas urban area and wants to prepare future oversight so that it can be assessed how much the discharge of polluted stormwater into the local receiving water is a threat to its status. With the help of maps, aerial photographs, site observations and individual discussions those areas are mapped where appearance of moderate to highly polluted stormwater could be suspected. The degree of pollution at the discharge points is determined based on land use upstream and uses standard values according to the administrators assistance "Tillsyn av dagvatten" (MSL 2014).The study identifies 100 areas in need of supervision regarding their stormwater management.

Planering av fÄrstall

During the last decade several cooperatives have struggled against many problems. Especiallyin North America several cooperatives have been forced to reconstruct, merge or have beenpurchased by other firms. There are many reasons behind these problems, but one observationmade on these cooperatives implies that they have one thing in common. The cooperatives areall very large and have a complex business structure.LantmÀnnen is one of the largest cooperatives in the Nordic Countries with its main office inSweden. In Nilsson et al.

Threats and opportunities for the survival of the Yangtze finless porpoise

The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaorientalis), is a small freshwater cetacean which has recently fallen dramatically in number. It is an endemic species for the Yangtze River and unless drastic action is taken, it risks the same fate as the now functionally extinct Yangtze river dolphin (Lipotes vexillifer). Threats to the porpoise are diverse but they have in common that they are caused by man. Development of the river has been made to supply a growing human population with food, hydropower, and to reduce the risk of flooding. These changes have resulted in a degraded habitat for the porpoise.

Vivlar pÄ prydnadsbuskar - nya arter eller förÀndringar i födopreferenser?

During the last couple of years leaf-edge-cuts, typical to Otiorhynchus wingless-weevils, have been discovered on ornamental shrubs, especially Syringa vulgaris lilac and Ligustrum vulgare privet. These plant species have not earlier been attacked by wingless-weevils and because of that, the aim of this study is to see if new species of weevils have been established in Sweden or if the domestic weevils have changed their food preferences. This work also includes a literature study of known weevil species in Sweden and their host plants, and of wingless-weevil species in Europe that could be invasive here. Locations, where damage to previously named plants has been reported, have been examined. The extension and appearances of the damages have been documented in order to study if different weevil species make different types of edge-cuts.

Zakrisdal : OmrÄde i förvandling

Zakrisdal and the west coast region of Karlstad was at one time a protected area where the ammunition factory AmF Zakrisdal 1941-1994 was situated. This factory manufactured explosives for the Swedish armed forces and for export. In this context it is an interesting paradox that the production of ammunition, mines and armorpiercing grenades for more than 50 years has preserved the environment surrounding the factory.The factory is now gone and the production is moved to Karlskoga. Plans are being made to build housing for 3-4000 residents and other enterprises within the area. The area now stands before yet another change, most likely the most profound to date.The inspiration for this work comes from the economic historic Jan Jörnmark.

FrÄn Policy Till Praktik -en studie om textilföretags uppfattningar om utmaningar vid implementering av CSR-policies

From policy to practice - a study of textile companies view about challenges with implementing CSR policies examine the textile companies awareness of which challenges there are with the implementation of codes of conduct in a global supply chain, as well as to analyze how the companies deal with the challenges. With increased globalization many companies have chosen to outsource entire or parts of the production in various developing and newly industrialized countries. However, the working conditions in these countries do not always fulfill the labor standards that are defined in various conventions. The society began demanding companies to take social responsibility. The social responsibility goes under the term Corporate social responsibility (CSR).

PrestationsmÀtning som medel för kvalitetsutveckling i tjÀnsteföretag

Strömstad is a small city located on the Swedish west coast. Urbanization and development is acurrent issue for the municipally, as for many other in the current situation. The municipal housingcompany Strömstadsbyggen is one of the parties involved in the extensive development that mustbe implemented to meet the changes and developments which the issue holds.One area that is of interest in the discussion is RÄdhusberget - this due to the existing infrastructureand unique qualities that the area holds. In order to achieve the best solutions possible for the area,Strömstadsbyggen wishes to listen to what the existing tenants at RÄdhusberget thinks and feelsregarding the area and its future potential.This thesis has therefore been carried out in collaboration with Strömstadsbyggen and has beenaimed at identifying the current tenants' thoughts and opinions in the existing area of developmentand infill potential. The aim of this work was also to investigate how the tenants value their homeand local environment in its current state, and what their wishes are for the possible futuredevelopment of RÄdhusberget.To achieve analyzable results concerning how the tenants perceive these aspects, an extensivesurvey have been carried out which were sent out to all tenants in the area.

Det frÀmsta arbetsredskapet ? Sjuksköterskans erfarenheter av det vÄrdande samtalet med patienter inom psykiatrisk öppenvÄrd

Introduction: The conversation is one of the main components of the nursing process in psychiatric care. The preunderstanding on this research field is described based on theoretical concepts that together form the basis for understanding the study; nurse's role in psychiatric care, communication and caring relationship, as well as theories of the caring conversation and person-centered care. Research on the caring conversation as a theory and how it is experienced by patients existed, however, no research from the nurse's perspective was found.Aim: The aim of the study was to describe nurses' experiences of the caring conversation with patients in psychiatric open care units.Method: Qualitative research interviews were conducted with six nurses working in outpatient psychiatric care in the west region in Sweden. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and then analyzed according to the qualitative content analysis as described by Graneheim and Lundman (2004).Results: Four categories with related subcategories were distinguished throughout the analysis: The caring conversation, The importance of the care plan, Limitations and Caring based on the patients narrative.Discussion: An uncertainty about what caring conversation is and what it should contain creates uncertainty in the nurse's work. This results in a need for training for the individual nurse and the further research to obtain evidence for the importance of conversation in caring work.

AnvÀndning av lekplatser : en fallstudie i VÀnersborgs kommun

The aim with this report is to investigate what influence the way playgrounds are used throw the case study in VÀnersborg, and also to find methods for municipalities to collect information about how playgrounds are used. The methods were observations, interviews with parents and children, a questionary with questions about what playgrounds they used, how often and why they used them and what the children used to do there. There was also a demographic investigation and documentary research. The most popular playground, SkrÀcklan, gets visitors from all parts of the municipality. It is located in a park with a view over the lake VÀnern, there is a parking place and a café and it has furthermore a large area and many play equipments. Many of the families make shorter trips and picnics to this place. In exception of this playground, the families almost always go to the playground in their neighborhood and their part of the town.

Hestra Förskola. Rummet som den tredje pedagogen

Strömstad is a small city located on the Swedish west coast. Urbanization and development is acurrent issue for the municipally, as for many other in the current situation. The municipal housingcompany Strömstadsbyggen is one of the parties involved in the extensive development that mustbe implemented to meet the changes and developments which the issue holds.One area that is of interest in the discussion is RÄdhusberget - this due to the existing infrastructureand unique qualities that the area holds. In order to achieve the best solutions possible for the area,Strömstadsbyggen wishes to listen to what the existing tenants at RÄdhusberget thinks and feelsregarding the area and its future potential.This thesis has therefore been carried out in collaboration with Strömstadsbyggen and has beenaimed at identifying the current tenants' thoughts and opinions in the existing area of developmentand infill potential. The aim of this work was also to investigate how the tenants value their homeand local environment in its current state, and what their wishes are for the possible futuredevelopment of RÄdhusberget.To achieve analyzable results concerning how the tenants perceive these aspects, an extensivesurvey have been carried out which were sent out to all tenants in the area.

ALK?RR - K?LLA ELLER S?NKA F?R V?XTHUSGASERNA METAN OCH LUSTGAS? Empirisk studie av v?xthusgasutbyte i kustn?ra alk?rr p? den svenska V?stkusten.

Due to global climate change and the rising levels of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere, the interest for seeking solutions for mitigation has increased. While much attention has been directed towards technical solutions such as carbon capture and storage (CCS), biogenic carbon sinks has also garnered significant attention. Previous studies have shown that coastal ecosystems such as seagrass meadows and mangroves have a much greater capacity for storing carbon (C) compared to terrestrial ecosystems. That raises the question if other coastal ecosystems, such as coastal wetland forests, that previously haven?t been considered as blue carbon habitats also contribute to coastal carbon sink capacity.

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