

422 Uppsatser om West of lake Möckeln - Sida 19 av 29

Vindfällning i naturliga och skapade bryn och kanter :

The aim of this work was to study if the edge of the forest is more resistant to heavy winds than the trees located further in from the edge, and how this edge effect changes between different types of tree species and site types. The data was collected from an electric power line going from the north to the south of Sweden. The mean value of the clearcutted area around the power line was 120 meters. The main direction of the storm in January 2005 was west-southwest and thus the power line was a perfect place for gathering a large data set. The main parameter studied was the damage frequency at the edge of the forest compared to the trees located further in from the edge (up to 100 m from the power line). Tree species mixture, soil moisture class, soil type, topography, stand height, stand height of the stand on the other side of the power line and wind exposition was estimated. The results showed a distinct edge effect. The edge of the forest had clearly lower damage frequency for all tree species. A marked difference was observed between tree species and damage frequency.

Agil Systemutveckling : En studie av kravhantering och beställarroll i agila angreppsätt

This paper is a degree project on the C-level, 15 points at University West, Department of Business and IT dept. Informatics. This study is about agile methodology and its impact on IT projects. Requirements management is a process within an IT project, where customer has certain requirements that must be met by an IT system. The difference between the traditional and agile development is in the requirements management process and it can cause problems in a project.

Danmarksplass : förslag till ett stadsrum

Danmarksplass is situated just outside the centre of the city of Bergen on the Norwegian west coast. It was built in the 1930´s as a result of an architecture competition won by the prominent Norwegian architect Ole Landmark. Danmarksplass was originally meant to function as a local square, but its location next to Fjösangerveien, a road that caters for most of the through traffic in the Bergen valley today and is part of one of the main European roads, E39, would prove it difficult for that idea to prevail. Along with the ever increasing car traffic, Danmarksplass has more and more become a very busy traffic junction. Nowadays the car is the sole ruler of Danmarksplass.

På väg. En undersökning av en svensk stadsmotorväg

The purpose of this essay is to examine one of Sweden's oldest motorways in cityenvironment. The researched section is motorway E20 east of Gothenburg. Olskroksmotetin the west and Jonsered junction in the east, a distance of about 11 km. The mainquestion was, can maintenance of areas and objects related to the motorway give greatermeaning to a system that currently lacks historical connection?The survey was partly an archival study and partly a physical examination of themotorway and its appearance today.The road through Säveedalen from Gothenburg has a long history that begins with theriver and its valley as transport routes.

Från väpnad oppositionsgrupp till politiskt parti- En komparativ studie om transformeringen och institutionaliseringen av RENAMO, FRELIMO och SWAPO i Moçambique och Namibia

This thesis explores and compares the former armed opposition groups; Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO) and South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) transformation processes into political parties. The first question addressed is; What factors determines the ability of these armed opposition groups to transform into political parties after armed conflict? The question is addressed through four structural and organizational factors; international involvement, the organizations ideology and identity, their ability to change inter-elite relationships and their ability to change collective incentive strategies. The second question addressed is if the transformations process can affect the parties? degree of institutionalization? The degree of institutionalization is examined through the party's adaptility, complexity, autonomy and coherence.

I äran att vara kvinna : Genussyn och dess användning inom new age

New Age has often been described as a religion pertaining to women and studies has shown that women do indeed constitute the vast majority. A reversal of hierarchy between feminine and masculine attributes and values, common in a modern western society, has also been shown to occur.This study looks at how the feminine is visible in written text and pictures depicting people, more specifically in the periodical magazine Free that has a circulation of circa 25,000. The main bulk of the magazine is advertisements, and one reoccurring part is the article Frimodigt where several of the magazine?s advertisers take part in a short interview. Twelve of these interviews have been analyzed, along with depictions of 518 people from three issues.The theoretical framework that has been applied to the outcome of my analysis has been social constructivism, with particular emphasis on the paper Doing gender by the professors of sociology Candace West and Don Zimmerman.My findings indicate that the feminine, indeed, is thought of as very positive and sometimes contrasted with the masculine.

Förslag till förnyelse av en villaträdgård i Limhamn, inspirerat av egnahemsrörelsens trädgårdar :

The population growth in Europe and with that in Sweden was enormous under 18th century. The results became housing shortage in large part of Europe. Tight residency/ inhabited, poverty and emigration were series of social questions in Sweden. Private house (egnahem) as in the beginning was an idea from England and Germany became a political measure and the answer at those miserable social circumstances in Sweden. The purpose with the private house (egnahem) was to help those new people moved in to towns with place to live and counteract movers to towns and emigration. With the governmental loan and land availability that some municipalities and wealthy people contributed with, could people get a place to live with the small garden. The city garden (trädgårdstaden) with their future idealistic idea/utopia, English gardens, ideas with roots in the old-fashioned gardens (allmogeträdgårdar) and lots of books and periodicals were the source of inspirations. From these the private house gardens (egnahemsträdgårdar) were born. Object for my study is my and my family?s own house in Limhamn, south west of Malmö which was built in 1912 under private house gardens era. The garden and the building have still trace and element from the time of private house. My suggestion is inspired by the private home style with a new thinking design that answers to daily need and the busy life style; a rather easy to maintain for green environment. A more relaxing and peaceful garden with simple design, a garden despite that it is surrounded by neighbours and streets invites in harmony and dreams..

Miljökonsekvenser av dagvattendamm i Skebäck, Örebro : en fallstudie hur miljöpåverkan av en dagvattendamm intill ett Natura 2000-område kan bedömas

Stormwater is surface runoff water that originates from precipitation or snowmelt and that on hardened surfaces prevents to infiltrate the ground. In city areas stormwater can consists of major amounts pollutants and when reaching a lake or watercourse it can cause damages on vegetation and animals. Therefore it is important to treat polluted stormwater before it reaches the recipient. The municipality of Örebro have since the 90ies an extensive work with treatment of stormwater in sedimentation ponds. A new stormwater treatment project is planned in an industrial estate in Skebäck, Örebro.

Hur ett mindre bemanningsföretag kan organisera försäljning ? där fördelarna överväger nackdelarna

With the globalization, companies in the West chose to shift production to developing countries to cut down costs. This had a major impact when child labor and very poor working conditions in these factories were discovered and led many companies to take responsibility for their suppliers and the employees by adopting voluntary so-called Codes of Conduct.There is a subtle balance to enforce improvement of working conditions for employees at suppliers´ factories and to keep costs down. On the one hand, companies would like to conduct extensive audits at their suppliers to ensure code of conduct compliance and thus protect their legitimacy. On the other hand, audits are expensive so companies would like to minimize audits to keep costs down. Companies thus have to strike a delicate balance in relation to how many and what suppliers they choose to audit.

Arbete på bryggan rörande 500-meterszonen - en undersökning om vilka uppgifter som utförs

Offshoreindustrin på Nordsjön sysselsätter ett stort antal offshorefartyg med olika uppdrag för att stödja produktionen av olja och gas. Prospektering av nya oljefyndigheter, bogsering av installationer och att förse installationer med förnödenheter är några av de uppgifter offshorefartyg utför.För att genomföra arbetsuppgifter säkert, använder offshorefartyg och installationer sig av North West European Area Guidelines. Riktlinjer för hur arbeten skall utföras säkert och för att undvika olyckor som kan skada både människa, miljö och ekonomi.Kollisioner mellan offshorefartyg och installationer sker ändå, med varierande konsekvenser. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att ta reda på vad som sker på bryggan, ombord på ett offshorefartyg när det skall utföra arbete intill en installation. Rapporten är tänkt att ligga till grund för framtida arbeten som syftar till att öka säkerheten inom branschen.Som datainsamlingsmetod har gruppintervjuer utformade som fokusgrupper använts.

Skönlitteraturens placering i folkbibliotek och dess återvinningsmöjligheter i Online Public Access Catalogue: En fallstudie över tre folkbibliotek i Västsverige

The purpose of this Masters thesis is to study how three public libraries in the west of Sweden have arranged their fiction for adults on shelves and what the possibilities for fiction retrieval are in their Online Public Access Catalogues OPAC. The theoretical framework includes a practical part consisting of Jarmo Saartis ideas about shelf arrangement and a theoretical part consisting of Annelise Mark Pejtersens different dimensions. The methods used in the case study are three interviews with librarians, visits in the libraries and searching in the libraries OPACs. Furthermore, we have summarized relevant literature about this subject in a summary of research. The analysis shows that our three libraries have arranged their fiction in a traditional way according to Saartis ideas about shelf arrangement.

Världsarvstaden Falun : Ett världsarvs påverkan på marknadsföringen av en destination

This paper discusses the world heritage of Falun and its influence on the marketing of Falun as a destination. The reason for this study is the fact that world heritage nominations can lead to an increased pressure on the destination and an increase in popularity for the place. A world heritage is something unique and odd that can be used in the marketing of the destination in the purpose of attracting tourists, company investments and so on. It has been vital for the study to interview people that work with marketing or have important rolls within the world heritage.With this background the study is focused on three major questions:What meaning does the world heritage have in the marketing of Falun?Is the world heritage important for Falun? If yes: For who and why?Which organisations/persons in Falun have the greatest influence on the marketing process?In order to answer or discuss this question there are discussions in the paper regarding the notions of place marketing as well as the importance of a well outlined marketing strategy as a basis for the formulation of a product portfolio and segmentation strategy as well as strategy for developing a strong profile on the market.The answers to the question are relative and can have a different view in the future.

Synen på "den andre" i ett segregerat område i Kalmar : en studie gjord ur två utlandsfödda mäns perspektiv

Edward Said's book Orientalism (1978) is the most important reference point in the post-colonial theory and describes how the West is dominant over the Orient. There is a clear distinction between "us" and "the other" and the purpose of this study is that, from a postcolonial perspective, focusing on Said's theoretical concepts "the other" and "discourse", examining how two foreign-born people with ethnic backgrounds living in the same place, are looking at themselves, at other foreign-born and native Swedes. My questions to answer this are; ?what are the concepts of "the other" and "discourse" and is it possible to use these concepts to examine how foreign-born people are looking at themselves, at other foreign-born and native Swedes in a specific location??, ?who is "the other" in a place where there are almost as many native Swedes as foreign-born??, and ?how do these two foreign-born people with ethnic backgrounds perceive Norrliden as a place and what effect has that place had on their identity?? I have used a post-colonial philosophical ground and a qualitative approach, focusing on two different interviews with two men, living in Norrliden. In Norrliden almost 50% of the inhabitants are foreign-born were both of the interview-persons are feeling safe and secure.

Carlin-märkt lax (Salmo salar) och öring (Salmo trutta) : Utsättningar och återfångster i Vänern och Klarälven, 1965-2005

I Vänern, Sverige, fångades årligen ca 75 ton lax och öring av yrkesfisket, sportfisket och fritidsfisket under 1990-talet och början av 2000-talet. Fångsterna av lax och öring verkar ha sjunkit under de senaste åren men det råder stor osäkerhet över fångstuppskattningar. För en ökad förståelse över smolts mortalitet släpps varje år ett visst antal Carlin-märkta laxar och öringar ut i Vänern och Klarälven. Syftet med studien var att sammanställa och analysera databasen för Carlin-märkt lax och öring i Vänern under åren 1965 till 2005. Målet var att åskådliggöra långsiktiga tendenser över återfångster av Carlin-märkt lax och öring i både Vänern och Klarälven samt bedöma om återfångster varierar beroende på utsättningsplats (Vänern eller Klarälven).

Öst  och  Väst:  Kommer  vi  någonsin   mötas?   Analys av hur Hollywood representerar människor från Mellanöstern. East and the West: Will we ever meet? An analysis of how Hollywood represents people of the Middle East.

Då antagonismen mellan öst och väst forstätter att eskalera i vårt postindustriella samhälle är det viktigt att ta reda på de bidragande faktorer som leder till en fortsatt motsättning. Det är min uppfattning att Hollywood är en bidragande faktor till denna antagonism. Det är även min åsikt att Hollywood blir påverkade av USA:s Mellanösternpolitik i utformandet av de filmer där människor från Mellanöstern och islam porträtteras. Syftet med studien är att utifrån teorier såsom orientalism, stereotypering, representation och common-sense antaganden analysera nio utvalda Hollywoodfilmer. Tre från 1960-talet, tre från 1990-talet och tre från 2000-talet för att klarlägga hur människor från Mellanöstern framställs och hur islam representeras. Syftet är även att med hjälp av Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys belysa hur samhället påverkar Hollywoods produktioner och hur dessa i sin tur påverkar samhället. Mot bakgrund av detta är Faircloughs trestegsmodell lämplig för att tydligöra det dialektiska samspel som existerar mellan samhälle och produktionen av film. Utifrån de teorier och metod som har presenterats har jag funnit att de nio utvalda filmerna framställer människor från Mellanöstern och islam på ett negativt sätt.

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