

422 Uppsatser om West of lake Möckeln - Sida 1 av 29

Inventering av kulturhistoriskt intressanta byggnader och miljöer, västra Möckelnstranden, Karlskoga

The report is a building evaluation of an area south of Karlskoga`s urban area on the west side of the lake Möckeln, known as the western Möckelnstranden. The evaluation is carried out on the behalf of Karlskoga municipality.  The goal of the evaluation that is based on a mission statement is to create a basis for Karlskoga municipality for a detailed plan and exploitation of the area. The inventory contains suggestions on what should and should not be done with the environment and its buildings..

Faktorer som påverkar spridningen av West Nile Virus och risken att viruset sprids till Sverige och Nordeuropa

West Nile Fever and West Nile Encephalitis are caused by the flavivirus West Nile Virus (WNV). West Nile Virus is now a dangerous threat for horses, birds and humans.

Sothönans ( Fulica atra ) miljökrav vid häckning i utbredningsområdets randzon

In Sweden you will find the coot chiefly in the southern parts. The species winters in the southern part of the Baltic Sea and along the coasts of northern Europe. The number of coots is heavily decreased by harsh winters. The population of the coots in Sweden is estimated to 20 000 to 30 000 pairs. The region of Dalarna is the random zone for the breeding of coots in Sweden .

Näsnarens framtid i ett näringsstatusperspektiv

Eutrophication has been a problem in aquatic systems for a long time. It is well known that the key nutrient to control the eutrophication process is phosphorus. Lately, it has been possible to reverse the process and recover lakes from eutrophication.During a long time Lake Näsnaren in Katrineholms kommun, Södermanland, has been exposed of a large amount of phosphorus from the city's wastewater. The lake has a great value as a habitat of rare species but also a high recreation value for people living in Katrineholm and Södermanland. Lake Näsnaren is situated in a Natura 2000 area.

Mälarens vattennivå i ett framtida klimat

The discharge from Lake Mälaren is regulated to keep the lake water level within limits set by a water decree. Despite this, in the year 2000 the lake water level rose above the upper limit. Studies conducted at the climate modeling unit Rossby Centre at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) indicate that the inflow to the lake may increase in the future. A flood in the area will, among other things, strike infrastructure and residential districts.The aim of this study was to investigate the water levels of Lake Mälaren in future climates. In addition to this possible future expansion of the lake discharge though the sluice gates in order to keep water levels below limits set by the water decree and to prevent flooding of the shoreline were discussed.

Sänkta sjöars inverkan på ytvatten i Västerbottens kustland : Samband mellan sänkningsnivåer och vattenkemi i sjöar på sulfidrika sedimentjordar

Lake lowering in sulphide-rich areas is currently a major environmental impact for surface water. This study focuses on whether there is a relationship between a gradient of lake lowering and surface water impacts in areas of sulphide-rich sediments, in order to better understand their contribution of heavy metals and sulfuric acid. Also, is it a reasonable method to use the reduced lake area in order to quantify the gradient? The survey was conducted by collecting water samples from reference lakes and lowered lakes from south to north in coastal areas within the county of Västerbotten. Water samples were then analyzed for TOC, pH, conductivity, anions, base cations, alkalinity, acidity, sulfate, Al, Cd, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Pb.

Sjöars känslighet för klimatförändringar ? vilka faktorer påverkar?

The Earths climate is changing at a higher rate, i.e between 1861 and 1994 the annual mean temperature in Scandinavia increased with 0,68º C and according to recent climate models the annual mean temperature is likely to rise with another 3º C during this century.A warmer climate in many ways is associated with changing conditions for lake ecosystems. An expected higher water temperature and a stronger summer stratification of the water column increases the risk of anoxic conditions at the lake bottom. Thus anoxic conditions are likely to cause a phosphate leakage from the sediment, i.e. a higher internal loading of phosphate.In this project, the extremely warm summer of 2002 has been used as an example for a possible scenario for a future climate. By comparing levels of phosphorus in the summer of 2002 with a ten-year median value, a phosphorus related sensitivity to climate change has been analyzed for 55 Swedish lakes.

En studie av Växjö stadspark : med fokus på rekreation och sociala värden

Many people choose to live in urban environments. Since everyday life in many cities is characterized by a high pace it is important that good recreational areas, with the possibility of recovery, are available to the population.This paper is based on a case study of Växjö city park, which is the area surrounding the lake Växjösjön. The park and the lake are of great importance to the citizens. The lake Växjösjön has for a long time been affected by eutrophication, which has caused major problems as algal blooms and fish mortality. An extensive lake restoration was carried out in the 1990s in order to save the lake.

The Lake

The purpose of ?The Lake? was to create an experience with music and visuals working with no budget.A personal purpose was that I wanted to explore new areas in design, like scenography, and combine them with my previous knowledge and skills. My method was to keep my hands busy at all times and use new materials. I also wanted to work with other creators and learn from their methods. Together with a musician I created the music and the concept for the project.

Effekten av kvävegödsling på gasproduktionen vintertid i boreala sjöar

To investigate effects of nitrogen on in-lake CO2 and CH4 production during winter, three pair of lakes was subject for a fertilizing experiment in which one lake in each pair was fertilized with nitric acid (HNO3) directly into the water column in the summer of 2012. The lakes in each pair are assumed to be morphologically, hydrologically and biologically similar, that is, the non-fertilized lakes are considered references. The pairs do differ in one major way by being progressively less humic, going from around 25 mg/l to 10 mg/l DOC. Sampling and analysis was carried out at the end of the frozen period in 2013. Results show a significantly higher concentration of both CO2 (p<0,001) and CH4 (?=0,1, p=0,053) between impact and reference sites in the two less humic pairs.

En feministisk studie av karaktärsrepresentationerna i

Tillskillnad mot de flesta Västernfilmerna valde manusförfattarna till C'era una volta il West att införa en kvinnlig karaktär i en av de större rollerna. Uppsatsen undersöker utifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv med texter av Laura Mulvey och Mary Ann Doane som utgångspunkt representationerna av filmens fyra huvudkaraktärer. I den första delen av uppsatsen diskuteras Västernfilmen i stort med extra fokus på Sergio Leones filmskapande. Därefter följer en redogörelse av de utvalda texterna vilka sedan används under läsningen av filmen i analysdelen..

Tungmetallers påverkan på bottenfaunans artsammansättning i sjön Tisken

The purpose of this study was to investigate how elevated levels of heavy metals affect the faunal species composition, abundance and species-diversity. The bentic macroinvertebrate fauna in the highly polluted lake Tisken was compared with the bentic macroinvertebrate fauna in the unpolluted lake Varpan. Mine wastes account for most of the metal that is discharged into Tisken. The hypotheses was that the heavy metal pollutions in lake Tisken influenced the species composition, abundance and diversity of the macroinvertebrates. Twenty samples were taken in both sites.

Fisksamhället i Spexhultasjön, Nässjö

The lake Spexhultasjön is a moderate humic mesotrophic lake that is not acidified. The fish fauna was investigated by using a standard method for sampling freshwater fish with multi mesh gill nets. The fish fauna was diverse with perch, pike, tench, common whitefish, and roach. Perch and roach dominated. There were few pikes.

West Nile febers etiologi hos häst och människa

West Nile virus (WNV) är ett zoonotiskt agens och anses idag vara ett av de mest utspridda arbovirusen i världen. Det ger influensa liknande symptom på människa, häst och flera andra djurslag. Den allvarliga formen av West Nile feber kan leda till hjärnhinneinflammation. Fåglar är reservoar för viruset. Hästar är extra mottagliga för WNV och viruset har högre affinitet för Centrala nervsystemet (CNS) hos häst än människa. Det är främst neuronen i mellanhjärnan, rhombencephalon (bakre delen av hjärnan) och ryggmärgen som påverkas och detta kan bland annat leda till ataxi och paralys av extremiteter.

Skårby : En kultplats med lång tradition

The ancient site of Skårby, situated about twenty kilometres south of Stockholm, includes one very large cairn enclosured by a stone wall with a small cairn attached to it. Cairns are originally thought of as graves, but resent research shows that they are more likely to have been religious objects. The constructions are seated on a small hill with a view over the lake Bornsjön which used to be a bay of the lake Mälaren. This place has been the object of worship throughout the whole Bronze Age. Over the years the manifestation of the worship changed, but the place for it stayed the same..

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