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Sveriges implementering av EU:s visstidsdirektiv 99/70/EG

This paper aims to study, from a legal dogmatic method, the Swedish legislation on fixed-term work related to the EU directive 99/70/EC1. In particular, the directives demand to prevent abuse of frequent temporary employment.An employer may, in agreement with the Swedish legislation combine different types of temporary employment, to prolong the time in the temporary employment. In this proceeding an employer can avoid employing an employee in a permanent position. For example, an employee can be employed in a probationary period of six months, in a general temporary employment for a maximum of 24 months, and thereafter in a temporary position for a maximum of 24 months before the employment turns into a permanent position. This provided that the employments were made by the same employer, and within five years.

Förbud mot dubbelregistrering av fartyg

In a recently published official Report from the Swedish Government (SOU 2010:73) a leg- islative proposal has been introduced. Its main purpose is to prevent parallel registrations of ships that are bareboat chartered to other countries. The legislative proposal claims that by preventing parallel registration of ships the Swedish Maritime Code will better corre- spond with the UN convention on the law of the sea.The UN convention on the law of the sea clearly states that ships are forbidden to fly two flags. There is however no restriction concerning parallel registration, simultaneously, in two registers. A ship that is bareboat chartered out from Sweden does not fulfil criteria re- quired in order to be deregistered, according to the Swedish maritime code.

Sverige under andra Världskriget : En uppsats om neo-realism och neutralitet

Abstract   The actions of Sweden during the second world war has been richly discussed over the years. Sweden declared itself neutral in the war between the great powers but did not manage to maintain its neutrality. The nature of neutrality has often been discussed; whether it is of a idealistic or more pragmatic nature. Realism, a theory of international relations, would argue that it is of a more pragmatic nature, hence these two are in opposition. Realism also takes credit in claiming to explain how and why a state chooses to act in a situation. The aim of this essay was to, by examining specific decisions made by the swedish government during the Second World War, come to a conclusion whether or not Sweden?s proclaimed neutrality was of idealistic or pragmatic nature, and thereby possibly coming to a conclusion about neutrality in large.It was also to examine the worth of realism as an explanatory theory by applying it to this specific case; to examine its validity.The study was conducted using a qualitative method; presenting empiric facts and then by using a decision model interpreting the actions and results from a realist perspective. The study concludes that realism has explanatory power, although not a complete one.

Rakija eller Absolut Vodka? : Några makedoniska mäns tankar angående sina alkoholvanor och sin alkoholkultur

The aim of this essay was to describe what some Macedonian men had to say about their own and the Swedish alcohol culture and which alcohol culture they identify with.I did five qualitative interviews with Macedonian men that had moved to Sweden. Some of the questions that were asked are whether or not age, country and culture is of importance when it comes to the alcohol culture you have? The most important question to be answered is whether or not the Macedonian men had changed their alcohol consumption after moving to Sweden.The answers to the questions and the result of the essay is that there is no ideal type of alcohol culture but that the Macedonian men all agreed that they still drink as their fellow countrymen and they dislike the Swedish way of drinking..

Diakoni och Välfärd - en kvantitativ studie av ekonomiskt stöd inom Svenska kyrkan

The aim of this thesis was to study financial support within the Church of Sweden and the view of the church?s diaconal work. This was done with a quantitative method where a survey sent to a number of churches containing questions about financial support within the church and how they, the respondents, looked at the church?s role as a welfare agent. Of the almost 200 congregations only 23 congregations responded.

Att vara muslim i Sverige : Enkvalitativ forskningsstudie om muslimska individers upplevelser, bemötande ochintegration i det svenska samhället

Studiens syfte är att öka förståelse för muslimska minoritetsgruppers bakgrund, identitet, värdering och upplevelser.                                                                                                                                För att få svar på studiens syfte har jag intervjuat 5 muslimska respondenter.  Jag har använt mig av den hermeneutiska metoden och jag har använt mig av min förförståelse och intryck för att kunna tolka och förstå respondenternas upplevelser. Fem vetenskapliga artiklar har används i denna studie som behandlar olika fenomen omkring islam och muslimer i Kanada, Sverige, Tyskland och Norge. Artiklarna handlar om hur den muslimska slöjan bemöts, vad som ligger bakom negativa attityder mot muslimer, integration och segregation och diskriminering av muslimer. Två teoretiker som jag ansåg vara lämpliga för mitt arbete var Taylor och Abbasian, som framför vikten av erkännande och integration i samspel med varandra i samhället.Resultatet  i denna studie visar att respondenterna vill behålla sina muslimska värderingar och den egna identiteten.

Vem är kvinnan i ELLE? : En kvantitativ studie av hur kvinnan framställs i ELLE Sverige (2013). 

Who is the most typical woman in ELLE Sweden (2013)? In this study we investigated the typical woman represented in the Swedish fashion magazine ELLE (2013) for women. Does a typical woman exist in the magazine at all and if so ? in what words and roles is she described in? How is this woman perceived in relation to the male gender? Based on the theory of constructionism; that the gender (i.e. What is female versus male) is constructed in the society and that media has an affect on our physical and psychological well being as well as our behavior and thoughts, the investigation of the female gender representation in women magazines, was of great importance to us.

IOGT-NTO möter EU : En analys av IOGT-NTO:s debatt kring förhandlingarna och inträdet i EU i tidningen Accent

The purpose of this study is to find out how IOGT-NTO conducted the debate about the Swedish negotiations with EU concerning the accession. The essay investigates how the debate was conducted between the years 1993, 1994 and 1995. A further distinction lies in five requirements IOGT-NTO delivered before the negotiations.The material for this study lies primarily in the editorial pages of IOGT-NTO's magazine Accent. The background content comes primarily from secondary sources and deals with the temperance movement and IOGT-NTO, and dealing with the EU and the Swedish alcohol policy.In July 1991, Sweden submitted its membership application to EU and subsequently in the 1993 the negotiations began. During the same time IOGT-NTO began its debate on a possible EU membership in the Accent magazine.

Ny hemsida till Lindt & Sprüngli Sverige : Genom informationshantering i Magento och TYPO3

This report describes the working process and creation of a new website for Lindt & Sprüngli Sweden with the help of the content management systems Magento and TYPO3. The report shows how different elements are created and published on the website, how the education in these systems was acquired and how contact with third party companies has been initiated and maintained. It also accounts for what is shown on the website as well as why it is shown. The goal with this project is to deliver a complete website to Lindt & Sprüngli Sweden where customers can find information about products as well as the company. The results of this project was a website that was launched on www.lindt.se on the 17th of June 2015..

Vindkraftverkens nedmonteringsprocess i Sverige

The first commercially produced wind turbines in Sweden are starting to reach theend of their lifetime after approximately 25 years of producing energy. The cost fordismantling the turbines, according to Ardefors et al. (2009), is calculated to be 1-2 %of the total investment of the wind turbines. The purpose of this master thesis is tomap the dismantling process of wind turbines in Sweden and try to find a sustainablesolution for the future.To make sure that a correct dismantling process takes place, and that the financialaspect is covered, a proposal for a financial guarantee is worked upon. A nationalunanimity will be created through a financial guarantee and the risk will be minimalof a third party getting afflicted.Studies of literature and interviews have been carried out.

Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskapens framväxt och institutionalisering i Sverige

The aim of this Master thesis is to examine the institutionalization of Library- and Information Science in Sweden. I focus on the period 1978-1991, and pay special attention to the development of the discipline at the University College of Borås. My main method of investigation has been analysis of printed sources. After a brief description of the discipline and its history internationally, I describe how research and graduate education in Library- and Information Science developed in Sweden during the 20^th century. A major part of the thesis is an analysis of three reports from the chosen time period which are all, with slightly different prerequisites, trying to find a solution to the problem of how to establish Library- and Information Science as an academic discipline in Sweden.

Tsunamin - Krishanteringens beslutsprocesser

When the Tsunami occurred on Boxing Day 2004 it caused a major stress upon the governmental agencies in not only the affected areas but also in states that had a large number of citizens in the affected area. The governmental agencies were not prepared for the demands from the citizenry in these countries to deal with rescue and crisis management in areas situated halfway around the globe. This thesis main purpose is to research what the causal mechanisms of Sweden?s and Finland?s crisis management were through the method of process tracing. Taking its theoretical stance in Allison?s & Zelikow?s three models of decision making, the thesis compares the course of events of the first two critical days in Sweden and Finland to establish what mistakes were made during this critical period.

För att man vill göra något själv : En studie om hur den svenska punken spreds som en löpeld med avstamp 1977

This thesis describes how the punk movement was started in Sweden and how it continued to grow in the late 70's. The main questions are: How was the punk movement regarded in Sweden?; How did punk reflect the society? and What does the term punk represent?The study is based on journalistic texts in newspapers and magazines from the period of the breakthrough of punk. The work is based on a methodical review of the material and is organized thematically under topics like opinions, gigs, clothing and music. Initially, punk lead to misunderstandings and misperceptions since few people knew what punk was all about.

At Ähra, Dygd och Mandom må inrotas vthi Krijgzfolckets modh och Sinne : Utvecklingen av Svea Rikes krigslagstiftning under 1600-talet: En komparativ studie av 1621 och 1683 års krigsartiklar

This essay presents a comparative study of the Swedish articles of war of year 1621 and 1683 which aims to, through analysis, assess the extent of the development in Swedish army legislature during the 17th century and to derive the likely underlying causes for this development. The study is in large comprised by a detailed comparison of the two collections of articles of war in order to determine the practical changes to the legislature that occurred between the years that they came into force..

Sverige och implementering av EU-direktiv : En fallstudie av badvattendirektivet och arbetstidsdirektivet

The aim of this paper is to explain and compare non-compliance of two EU-directives, ?the quality of bathing water? and ?the working time directive?. This study answers the questions: Why didn?t Sweden implement the directive on bathing water quality and the working time directive correctly? Are the reasons for non-compliance the same or different in the two cases? The paper is designed as a case study and with an explanatory attempt we explain why the two directives weren?t implemented correctly in Sweden. The theoretical approach is based on both general- and EU-specific implementation theories.

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