

2057 Uppsatser om Welfare measures - Sida 6 av 138

Vägledning för djurskyddskontroll av exotiska smådjur

Exotic small animals that are commonly kept as pets include aquarium fish, cage and aviary birds, rodents, rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), reptiles and amphibians. These different kinds of animals, even species within the same class, may differ markedly from each other regarding physiology and requirements. Although these species are common in both Swedish households and in pet trade, many animal keepers have a lack of knowledge about the origin and requirements of their pets. This is a cause of several health problems seen in animals which are held in captivity. In Sweden, the county administrative boards perform all animal welfare controls.

Uppfödning av slaktgrisar (Sus scrofa domestica) i stora grupper : gruppstorlekens betydelse för grisars välfärd och produktionsresultat

This literature study deals with the pig industry and how group size and available floor area affects the animal welfare and the production results. It shows that both the pigs? welfare and production result can be affected negatively if the environment seems stressful for the pigs, and if they are housed in a narrow area. If the pigs are being exposed to either physiological or psychological stress factors their immune system can be decreased and the growth can be impaired. Influence by the social status of the pigs is also reviewed.

Mellan fri vilja och datadriven exploatering: En studie om drivkrafter, medvetenhet, makt och ansvar inom onlinecasinomarknaden

This essay examines the limits of marketing strategies in the online casino industry, focusing on how data-driven and advanced marketing practices influence consumer behavior and contribute to problematic gambling consumption. By observing the online casino industry, the study identifies how companies use sophisticated data analysis methods and psychological techniques to attract and retain customers, raising significant ethical and social issues. The study highlights three key perspectives: the consumer's, the producer's, and the legislator's. From the consumer's perspective, it explores how various consumer behaviors, from responsible gambling to problematic overconsumption, are influenced by marketing and gaming experiences. This includes an analysis of how cognitive limitations and psychological biases can lead to irrational decisions and an increased risk of gambling addiction. From the producer's perspective, it examines how gambling companies use marketing strategies and technologies to increase profitability and what incentives they have to take social responsibility according to modern Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) principles. It appears that companies do not see CSR as a business goal beyond the risk of current and future regulatory compliance requirements and policy changes. From the legislator's viewpoint, the current regulatory framework for the gambling industry is discussed, including the changes that occurred in 2019 when the special monopoly form we had in Sweden was transformed into a license market.

"Man kan undra vad man utsätter sig själv för egentligen" : Socialsekreterares reflektioner kring psykisk påfrestning i yrket och hur den kan hanteras

The focus of this essay is to further investigate and describe psychological strains experienced by child welfare workers. The method used was qualitative interviews, two group interviews. The research aimed to understand how child welfare workers were affected and handled the psychological strains generated by work through theory of coping and symbolic interactionism where humans are viewed as pragmatic actors. The research showed, as previous studies shown, that the child welfare workers experience a great deal of psychological strains generated by high turnover in staff and pressuring work demands. The child welfare workers felt inadequate and alone in their work tasks and experienced stress and anxiety.

Integration av systematiskt brandskyddsarbete med ISO 14001

As a result of the Civil Protection Act, there is an imperative for Systematic Fire Preventive Measures, SFPM. SFPM can be divided in two parts: organisational preventive measures, and documentation of fire preventive measures. The manner in which SFPM is to be conducted is similar to that of the environmental management system ISO 14001. This report provides suggestions how to integrate SFPM with ISO 14001..

Ensam är aldrig stark : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan under arbetet med Lokala välfärdsbokslut

Welfare is every person's right. To create conditions for a good welfare it requires coordinated strategic interventions at national and local level. Efforts must be politically supported to be able to strengthen public health. Local welfare management is a measure used to control and monitor public health. The purpose of this study was to investigate local actors perceptions of collaboration in strategic public health efforts with local welfare management in a municipality in central Sweden.

"Så länge man kan motivera ett beslut": en vinjettstudie av variation i bedömning om ekonomiskt bistånd

The purpose of this study was to examine divergences in assessments of social assistance in one big and one small social welfare office in the municipalities of Malmö. To examine this we used a qualitative method. We held interviews with social workers and their superiors. At the end of the interviews with the social workers we presented two vignettes, describing different cases of first time applications of social assistance. The social workers was asked to assess whether the application should be granted or not, and motivate their decisions.

Energikartläggning och energieffektiviseringsåtgärder i Zoologen på Göteborgs Universitet

The question of excessive global energy use needs to be solved. All energy production and usage have negative environmental impacts, which are best solved by reducing energy consumption and by using energy more efficiently. A large part of the Swedish energy use is concentrated to the building sector and to reduce the total energy consumption real efforts need to be made to make buildings more energy efficient.The aim of this study was to investigate how energy is used in one of Göteborg University?s buildings and to find measures that can be taken to improve its energy efficiency. The chosen building Zoologen, is used for research and education.The main method of the study is computer simulations of the present building and of possible energy reducing measures to be made in the future.

Fixering av suggor ? så påverkas välfärd och smågrisdödlighet

Piglet survival is a problem of great significance in pig production, affecting both animal welfare and economic aspects negatively. In Sweden it is illegal to use farrowing crates for sows on regular basis. To encounter this problem there is a proposal of an animal welfare program to allow the use of crates for sows during, and a number of days after, farrowing. The proposal aims to reduce piglet mortality and improve pig welfare. This present review aims to analyse how crating affects the welfare of sows, gilts and piglets as well as piglet mortality.

Like a Bridge over Troubled Water - en studie om ledarskap inom socialtjänsten vid organisationsförändringar

A common experience is that leadership could be better handled during reorganizations within the social services. The purpose of this study is to examine how social welfare secretaries experience their managers during reorganizations. How do social welfare secretaries experience the manger?s role and actions? While developing the interview questions it became relevant to illustrate further aspects: To describe how social welfare secretaries experience the reorganizations that they have gone through and their experience of the everyday leadership around the managers?; openness, availability, clarity, trust and skills regarding managing stress among their staff. The study is built on qualitative interviews with six social welfare secretaries within units working with economical social assistance in different districts in the city of Gothenburg.

Anmälan till Länsstyrelsens djurskyddsenhet : Kan anmälningsärenden effektiviseras?

Title: Notification of animal welfareAuthor: Helen ÖhlundThe purpose of this study was to examine the routines of the county administrations in Sweden when it comes to receiving notification from the public about the welfare of animals. According to Jordbruksverket at least 50 % of the screening of animal welfare should be based on routine controls on existing farmers. Today the routine controls only reach a 43 % average for the whole country. A big part of today?s result depends on the amount of time it takes the administrators of animal welfare to process the notifications from the public.

Aktivitens betydelse för åldersrelaterad kognitiv försämring

The current paper compares the relations between different measures of activity and some common neuropsychological tests. One-hundred and fifty five healthy elderly, aged 55 - 85, living in Sweden were included. Gender-specific patterns were found for both activities and correlations between activities and cognitive measures. The main findings suggest that activities are associated with cognitive speed in men, whereas, for women, active and passive activities correlate, positively and negatively accordingly, with education. In comparison, complex models of activity outperform simpler ones and theory-driven measures just barely outperform intuitive models..

When and what determines the death of an animal? A study investigating the heart activity during slaughter of farm animals

Slaughter of animals should consist of two steps in order to be considered humane. The first step of the slaughter process is stunning, with the purpose of inducing unconsciousness and insensibility in the animal. The second step is exsanguination, which causes bleeding and eventually death. What death really means in these situations has been discussed intensively, but still no agreed definition has been accepted. Nonetheless, it is conceded that animals are declared dead when consciousness is irreversibly lost, and absence of respiration and blood circulation are observed.

?Regeringen skyndar p? ?tg?rder mot g?ngkriminaliteten - En kritisk diskursanalys om hur media framst?ller f?rebyggande ?tg?rder mot g?ngkriminalitet

Gang crime has increased significantly in Sweden over the past decade, deadly shootings are becoming more common. This led to the year 2022 being established as the deadliest year in Swedish crime statistics since the police began compiling national statistics on shootings. Gang crime is, therefore, a highly relevant topic in the Swedish mass media. Besides the mass media, the phenomenon is also of interest to politicians and the general public. Because of the escalation of violence in Sweden, daily reports discuss the measures that should be implemented to combat gang crime.

Behovet av ledningsstöd för småföretag. En studie av fyra olika småföretag från fyra olika branscher, i Västra Frölunda

Introduction: Public health researchers have long been focusing on investigating health inpopulations through determinants such as income inequalities. Nevertheless, incomeinequalities can be considered an effect of the organization of welfare regimes. The publichealth status is largely affected by the organization of welfare regimes and consequently thereare large differences in health within and between welfare regimes. How are these differencesdistributed and how can they be explained?Aim: To compare health between welfare state regimes with the use of Esping-Andersen?swelfare regime typology and to investigate the relationship between welfare statedeterminants and health.Methods: A literary review based on 12 scientific articles.

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