

554 Uppsatser om Weather station - Sida 21 av 37

Tillgängliggörande Vs Distribution : Är en skiva en skiva om den enbart finns digitalt?

 The aim of this essay is to examine if the Swedish Major labels are moving towards making their catalogue available on different platforms rather than their traditional distribution of music. The new technology has really stirred things up for the major labels and file-sharing has been a problem for a long time. The labels have a history of fighting new formats instead of embracing them and listen to what their consumers actually want. We have found that the majors now are in the leading edge of music distribution due to technology and that is a first. We have focused this essay on if the consumption of music has changed the distribution of it or the other way around and found that people have changed their ways of consuming music over the years and the labels have always been forced to adapt.

Bergåsa Station

Denna uppsatts är ett kandidatarbete på programmet för Fysisk Planering på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola och omfattar 15 hp. Uppsatsen genomförs under utbildningens tredje år. Uppsatsen undersöker hur problem och konflikter med konflikter vid hantering av olika sorters trafiksystem på samma plats har skapat en problematisk trafiksituation i Bergåsa. Vilka aktörer som bidragit till att dessa konflikter uppstått undersöks, och hur dessa aktörer även begränsar platsens framtida utveckling. Detta genomförs genom en teknisk och historisk studie av platsen, kopplat till en analys av aktörernas påverkan på processen.

Att skapa mening med trädgården som medium : förslag till två trädgårdar för sorgebearbetning

Den här uppsatsen försöker besvara frågan om hur man kan förmedla känslor, tankar och stämningar till människor med trädgården som medium. Uppsatsen söker även svar på om man specifikt kan designa gröna miljöer som riktar sig till människor som går igenom ett sorgearbete. Här ges exempel på flera olika designteorier och olika sätt att tänka kring hur man skapar meningsfulla landskap. Därefter presenteras forskning kring hur människor tar sig igenom ett sorgearbete och bemöter känslor av sorg. Uppsatsen tar även upp Appelton?s teorier kring habitat och prospect/refuge och hur människan förhåller sig till rummet. Vad som avgör vår känsla av trygghet och de underliggande mönstren i hur vi läser av vår omgivning. I den avslutande delen av litteraturstudien går jag närmare in på hur man kan skapa helande miljöer för människor som genomgår ett sorgearbete. I uppsatsen ingår även två utformningsförslag som är baserade på den tidigare genomgångna litteraturen kring hur man skapar trygga och helande miljöer.

?Naturvetenskap finns ju överallt? : En kvalitativ studie av hur förskollärare på småbarnsavdelningar på Reggio Emilia inspirerade förskolor  ser på arbetet med naturvetenskap

The purpose of the study was to determine the attitudes of the teachers of Reggio Emilia inspired preschools concerning the science work with children between the ages of one and three, as well as their opinions on how the physical preschool environment and the choice of materials influence their scientific work. The study was conducted in three departments of two different kindergartens. Although both kindergartens called themselves Reggio Emilia inspired, their working methods and their environments differed largely. None of them were originally built as Reggio Emilia inspired preschools. One of the kindergartens strived to design their indoor environment the same way as the preschools of Reggio Emilia are constructed, there for they were setting up different stations where the children themselves have the opportunity to explore various scientific areas.

Från föhn till feu! : Esrange och den norrländska rymdverksamhetens tillkomsthistoria från sekelskiftet 1900 till 1966

This essay is about the origin, planning and establishment of the European Space Research Organisation's (ESRO) sounding rocket base Esrange outside Kiruna in Northern Sweden. Three main questions are examined. First I show there were not just scientific and technical but also political, economical as well as military reasons to build a European rocket base. Second, I scrutinize the reasons to choose Northern Sweden as the location for the rocket base. As it turns out, the main reasons were the favourable location of Northern Sweden within the aurora oval zone, the proximity of the Kiruna Geophysical Observatory, and the possibility to use a large, although not quite uninhabited, area where the launched rockets could crash.

The shift in forest and tree limits in Troms County - with a main focus on temperature and herbivores

To better understand how various factors affect the establishment of forest and trees around the tree line-ecotone, this study was conducted in Troms County, Norway. The altitude of different forest and tree limits together with the surrounding vegetation type were collected during August 2011. Comparisons of the collected data were made with previously collected data from the same sites conducted 1914 and 1915. On average the forest limit has expanded with 26 meters in altitude, however, an expansion is not statistically significant for the whole area. The tree limit has significantly expanded in altitude.

Kartläggning av spånprodukter vid Sävar såg

A change towards using more biofuels than fossil fuels is taking place in Sweden, and in many other parts of the world. This makes the use of fuel pellets increasingly popular, causing a greater demand for sawmill sawdust products. There is a trend towards the use of multiple types of shredders, instead of a single type in each sawmill. The purpose of the study was to characterize the different flows of saw particles that can be found at Sävar såg when cutting thick or thin wood with different cutting techniques. The saw particles size, shape, moisture content and heat value were analysed by the cutting stations: first cutting fast and slow, second cutting fast and slow, grading fast and slow and planning.

Analys av stationsplattformsutformning ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv

Train travel has increased in Sweden, and future increase of train transports putdemands on the already vastly exploited railroad net. The increased need of capacitycan be seen in the ongoing and planned expansions of the railway track. One part ofthe railroad infrastructure which is affected by an increase of travellers is the design ofthe station platform. Since the platform is the place where the traveller meets thetrain, dangerous situations can occur in this environment. A number of studies focuson single safety risks, albeit there is no research to show the full picture of safety inthe platform environment.This study aims to treat and put together a compilation of risks for the traveller in theplatform environment in the form of a checklist, which can be used as support inplanning and design of a safer platform environment for existing or planned platforms.The thesis has, through case studies of five ongoing projects within the NationalRailroad Administration (Banverket), interviews with train company personnel andinternational railroad administrators, identified and treated safety (and security) risksin the platform environment.The conclusion of the study is that the relations between the traveller, the physicalplatform environment and the project organisation are important to explore andexploit when designing effective safety measures.

Den byggda utemiljöns betydelse för människors motionsvanor : -Sett ur ett hälsopedagogisk perspektiv

AbstractIn order to investigate whether people living in Linköping city feel that the built environment affects their exercise habits, a quantitative cross-sectional study with qualitative elements was conducted. A questionnaire was the chosen approach in which information about exercise habits, education level, built environment was requested. The selected group was people working at Skatteverket in Linköping where many people work and where age, gender and education level varies. The built environment does affect the exercise habits, where major proportions choose to exercise in areas considered inviting. The majority of the respondents had a tertiary education, and many lived in the city of Linköping.

Hur ambulanssjuksköterskan hanterar sin upplevelse efter en traumatisk händelse: En fenomenologisk studie

Ambulanssjuksköterskor är sårbara när det gäller både kortvarig och långvarig stress då de efter en traumatisk händelse ligger i riskzonen för att utveckla en akut stressreaktion. Stressreaktioner kan ses som en normal reaktion för den som varit med om en traumatisk upplevelse. Många har lärt sig att hantera detta i sin arbetsvardag, men för en del utvecklas denna stressreaktion till att bli långvarig. Det är betydelsefullt för ambulanssjuksköterskor att ha strategier för att kunna hantera upplevelsen efter traumatiska händelser och därmed kunna förebygga långvariga stressproblem. Vårt syfte var därför att undersöka hur ambulanssjuksköterskor hanterar upplevelsen efter en traumatisk händelse.

Eutanasi inom smådjurssjukvården; yrkesverksamma djursjukskötares upplevelser

The quality of health and care of our animals in the veterinary clinic is dependent on the veterinary nurse. Therefore it is important that the nurse has a good mental health and can provide this. Research shows that veterinarians are exposed to an elevated risk of suicide, moral stress, depression and anxiety. One of the factors contributing is believed to be exposure to euthanasia. The impact of euthanasia to veterinary nurses is yet unclear, as research focuses on veterinarians.

Funktion och upplevelse : faktorer för en god boendemiljö applicerade på en plats i Tierp

This thesis is a study of residential environments and a design concept for a proposed housing area in Tierp. The industrial era created a need for the central planning of housing. The confined environments that arised in cities during the 19th century, together with modernistic and democratic ideas, led to regulations in planning and housing. Though the overall goal has been the same: to create a good standard in living, the ideas of how to achieve that have varied. The starting point for following generations has been to attend to the insufficiencies of the earlier planning periods.

Bioenergi från röjningsgallringar : en jämförande studie av fyra flödeskedjor från avlägg till förbrukare

When the Swedish Forestry Act was changed in 1994, brushing of young stands became non mandatory. Since then the annual need for brushing in the country has increased by about 100 000 hectares per year. In later years the price for biomass energy has increased to the same level as pulp wood. The high price on biomass energy and the large areas of stands in the need of brushing has created a new market with its own technical, economical and environmental conditions. There is a development of various techniques to manage the forestry stands with late brushing.

Källsortering och återvinning : upplevda problem, orsaker och tänkbara lösningar

We are soldiers, not policemen.Denna uppsats rör det vakuum som ofta uppstår när en regim faller samman på grund av krig, och dess ordningsmakt upplöses, eller av annat skäl inte förmår upprätta ordningen. Ofta inträffar plundring och upplopp i det ?polisiära? tomrum som inträffar från det att den tidigare regimens ordningsmakt drar sig undan, till dess att en ny poliskår träder in och bör-jar återupprätta lag och ordning. Av olika skäl frånsäger sig den intervenerande makten inte sällan arbetsuppgifter av mer ?polisiär? natur, alltifrån att bevaka samhällsviktiga byggnader till att dirigera trafik.I stor utsträckning följde kriget i Irak våren 2003 detta mönster från tidigare konflikter; ordningsmakten drog sig undan, plundring utbröt och koalitionen, bestående främst av USA och Storbritannien, nekade inledningsvis till att det var deras uppgift att ingripa mot laglösheten.

Utveckling av produktionslina

The company is currently in a stage of improvement and has therefore taken the help of students at School of Engineering, Jonkoping University. The current production is batch, production layout is fixed. A bottleneck is created after the first station which leads to large efficiency loss.  The meaning of this report was to provide a layout suggestion with balanced workstations to a new production line. The conditions were that the production line would be one-way, driven by customers order and meet a demand of 40 products per week.

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