

554 Uppsatser om Weather station - Sida 1 av 37

Ska vi byta väder? -Väderderivat som riskhanteringsinstrument

Background: As a result of the financial markets ever ongoing product innovation a new derivative was introduced in the USA in 1997. A derivative that derived it's value, not from the price of an underlying asset, but instead from a climate factor. It's been known for a long time that revenue in certain industries are affected by weather conditions. The suppliers of weather derivatives claim that these weather sensitive businesses can user weather derivatives in order to lessen weather risk. Purpose: To do a critical evaluation of how weather derivatives can be used by companies as a risk management tool.

Samband mellan luftföroreningar och klimatfaktorer - en statistisk unersökning

That air pollutants of different kind has impact on our climate can hardly haveavoided anyone during the past years environment explosion in the media. But howis it actually with the reverse, i. e. the climate's impact on air pollutants? The aimwith our degree thesis is to try to find out if different weather factors, statisticallyseen, promotes atmospheric pollutants and particles in the air and vice versa.We got access to data on air pollutants and weather factors that was registeredduring year 2007 at Femmanhusets air pollutant and Weather station in Gothenburg.In order to do a statistical investigation of these data, and to be able to analyze if itoccurs relations of various kind, we used the statistics program SPSS.

The petrol station ? a hot spot along the road

The increased travelling of today makes nodes along travelling routes more and more important. This is very much the case of petrol stations. They constitute important nodes in the road network, filling up thirsty fuel tanks and hungry stomachs, guiding road users and providing vehicle-services. In this thesis the role of the petrol station for road users was investigated in order to find out if the petrol station was a potential hot spot. We performed an ethnographic field study at a petrol station and found that a great number of visitor activities took place at the petrol station.

Vädrets påverkan på byggarbetsplatsen

This exam report contains studies about how the weather affects the construction site from a planning and productivity perspective. In 1960?s the contractors started to build during the winter, since then the demands to obtain a good construction has been higher on both the contractor and then promoter.In this report you will see how the different actors at the construction site handle the weather problems. By several interviews of the actors at the construction site there have been opinions about the weather situation which has been collected. To get a wide perspective of the problem, field studies from four different construction sites been made.Weather statistics over Halmstad is a mayor part of this report.

Spårbilsstation i Upplands Väsby kommun

Upplands Väsby municipality has a vision that podcars in the future will become an effective alternative in public transport, with reduced car-dependency as a result. The system would also attract new inhabitants and businesses to the municipality.This report deals with various issues that podcar stations may face. Also, suggestions for possible track laying at the stations and station design are presented. Two areas are investigated. Eds allé which is a neighborhood that is planned for housing and where the station may be planned into the cityscape from the start.

Personsäkerhet vid väderskyddsbyggande : En kartläggning över dagsläget och problematiken med frånvaron av föreskrifter i branschen

This paper, Personal safety when working with weather encapsulation constructions, is focused on weather encapsulation constructions and how the absence of Swedish standards and regulations is affecting the safety for the workers. The usage of weather encapsulation construction is increasing in Sweden therefore the needs for standards and regulations are becoming more and more urgent. The risks involving the rising and the demolition of the weather encapsulation construction and when the construction is transported along its rails are treated in the paper. Since there are no regulations companies have had to solve the safety issues without instructions, the paper regards how the companies have solved this problem without the support of formal institutions..

Tillverkarnas syn på utvecklingen av väderskydd

How does the weather protection systems look like today, and how will they be developed in the future? These are questions that we have worked with during this project. At the start of our report there?s a summary of the leading weather protection manufacturers in Sweden. We have explained how these systems are constructed and how they work.

Webbradion : ett nytt medium

The purpose of this essay is to study the role of web radio in Sweden. To fulfill the purpose we have done a case study of two Swedish radio stations: Sveriges Radio AB, which is a public service station, and a commercial station called Mix Megapol. By interviewing two persons from each station and analyzing the contents of their web sites, we have tried to see how the relationship between radio, Internet and web radio looks like. Thus, our method is qualitative. We have come to many conclusion of which some are: The new medium web radio borrows qualities from the traditional radio.

Station City : Förslag till nytt hotell- och stationsbyggnad i Kv. Orgelpipan 6

Hur förenar man på bästa sätt två skilda funktionsprogram, privata och allmänna intressen på en central plats i Stockholms citykärna?.

Konsten under jorden : En analys av Ulrik Samuelsons konst i Kungsträdgårdens tunnelbanestation

This study examines the work of art in the underground station Kungsträdgården in Stockholm and discusses the observers interpretation of the art in the station. When the artist Ulrik Samuelson got his commission to shape the station he was influenced by Marcel Duchamp and the concept art. Two themes were integrated in the work of art, the actual culture life and the palace called Makalös, which was situated just above the currant station, three hundred years ago. The station was built in two stages.The first part was opened in 1977 and the second part in 1987. Panofsky´s iconographic working method has been used in this essay.

Vädrets påverkan på försäljningen inom svensk dagligvaruhandel : En studie om vädrets påverkan på ICA:s försäljning

ICA is the largest general dealer in the Swedish market as well as the largest supplier to the independent ICA-dealers. The principal and one of the biggest stakeholders of this thesis is the department Supply Chain Development who is responsible for the development of ICA?s Supply Chain.The purpose of this study is to examine how ICA?s sales are affected by weather and to make recommendations on how ICA should proceed with its work regarding this issue. By leveraging their forecasts by including weather, ICA hopes that their logistical metrics amount of spoilage, service levels and number of inventory days will improve. This thesis describes how ICA is working with weather currently, and furthermore it discusses the existing literature within this area.

Base stations for communication in obstructed environments

The purpose of this project was to produce signal relay stations that could receive information via 2.4 GHz radio and relay the information to a designated target station. If a relay station was located outside of signal range for the target station it was supposed to utilize other relay stations to transfer the information to the target station, so called multi-hop.The would-be application of the relay stations was orienteering. When an orienteer punches a checkpoint the signal stations would relay information of who punched the control, when it was punched and the checkpoint that was punched to the speaker tower in the goal area.The work resulted in prototypes which fulfilled the statement of purpose and was tested at an orienteering competition with satisfactory results. The performance of the prototypes was tested and found adequate for the would-be application..

Kraftfoderstation till hästar : äter hästen grovfoder eller halm efter konsumtion av små kraftfodergivor?

The German equine housing system, HIT Active Stable?, are adjusted for keeping horses in groups, and are well establishes in Germany. Now the system attracts attention here in Sweden. The purpose of this study was to investigate if the horses have any be-haviours need of free access to roughages like straw or hay, after they have been visit the concentrate feeding station. A study was carried out at family Krohn?s active stables in Bönningstedt, Germany.

Kan perfluorerade ämnen i kläder bidra till förhöjda halter i reningsverk?

Perfluorinated substances (PF) are environmental pollutants that are used to coat fibres of so called ?all weather clothes? to make them water resistant. PF are effectively spread through water. Waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) are a pollutant source of these substances. PF are poisonous to different kinds of organisms, and supposedly also to human beings, if concentrations are sufficiently high.Perfluorinated substances have been investigated at three waste water treatment plants in Stockholm during the 2000?s.

Ändrad användning av stationshus : fallet Ormaryds station ? ett stationshus med betydande kulturvärden

Acquiring a former station building can mean that the property owners must familiarize themselves with a lot of planning and building regulations. After the new Planning and Building Act code into force in 2011, the responsibility lie on the developer to ensure laws and regulations. Based on the regulatory framework that is available occurs sometimes balance issues, between care requirements and building codes. The station building in Ormaryd was acquired in 2009 by two individuals who intended to accommodate office and retail space in the building. In doing so a new local plan of the area was established, including regulations on how the building could be used. By including road safety and noise, the risk was not considered appropriate to use the station building for housing.

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