

295 Uppsatser om Weapons acquisition - Sida 5 av 20

Företagsförvärv : en fallstudie av tre bankers förvärv

Mergers and Acuisitions are becoming increasingly common. This can be explained with the fact that the competition is increasing. Therefore many companies are forced to join other markets. This thesis inquires into the process of Mergers and Acqusitions when one company buys another company. The main focus is set on how three different banks handle the process of Mergers and Acqusitions and what results this leads to. These are: Kaupthing Bank, Nordea and Citibank.

Lättläst skönlitteratur för barn i mellanåldern på folkbibliotek

The topic of this bachelor thesis is the promotion of easy-to-read fiction for 10-12 year old children in public libraries. The number of easy-to-read fiction books is increasing on the book market. This can be expected to affect the public library. The hypotheses for the study are: 1) Public libraries expose easy-to-read fiction and use it in their reading promotion activities and, 2) The acquisition of easy-to-read books and the use of easy-to-read books in reading promotion activities have increased over the last five years. A self-completion questionnaire was distributed to 44 public libraries in Sweden.

Due Diligence - En resurskrävande process : En checklista som mindre privata aktiebolag kan följa innan de ska utföra en Due Diligence

Abstract                ?Due diligence - A resource demanding process?Date:                     June 8th 2012Level:                    Master thesis in business economics, 15 ECTSInstitution:           School of Sustainable development of society and technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors:                Erdinc Kirik                                  Pär Matsson                               11th January 1987                      31th May 1985Title:                      Due diligence - A resource demanding processTutor:                     Staffan BoströmKeywords:             Due diligence, the acquisition process, acquisitions, business valuationResearchquestions:              What are the main factors that Bank X, Nordea and Almi is focused on an examination of a due diligence for an acquisition, focusing on private limited companies?Does the approach between the various banks and Almi differ?Purpose:                The purpose of this paper is to create a checklist for private limited companies to use in the context of application for fundingMethod:                 The study was based on a qualitative study, based on primary data in terms of interviews in the subject of due diligence. Secondary data used in the study consisted of relevant literature and scientific articles.Conclusion:            The study showed that the respondents in general focuses on the same areas within Due diligence. The most important point which the respondents agreed on was profitability and repayment capacity. In overall, all elements in a Due diligence process that has an impact on profitability is important to examine.

FÖRSTASPRÅK I FÖRSKOLAN : En studie av vilket stöd barn med annat förstaspråk än svenska får på några förskolor i en kommun i Mellansverige

The purpose of this study is to see how preschool teachers can support multilingual children and promote their development in their first languages. It was chosen to look at a specific municipality to see how the preschool teachers there work with multilingual children. By using the method of structured interviews, it was learnt that they do, in fact, work actively with multilingual children. The preschool teachers interviewed received the same questions in order to make the answers as comparable and measurable as possible. The results seem to indicate that more resources are needed to fulfil the needs of children with another first language than Swedish.

Kritiska faktorer i integrationsprocessen med ett utlandskt foretag

A successful acquisition is based upon good preparations before the integration process..

Investeraravdraget : En ändamålsenlig lösning på den skattemässigt asymmetriska behandlingen av bolag finansierade genom eget kapital respektive lånat kapital?

Companies financed through borrowed capital are allowed a tax deduction for the costs re-lated to their borrowed capital. A similar tax relief for companies financed through share-holder?s equity does not exist, why these companies are taxed higher than companies fi-nanced by borrowed capital. The result is that there is an asymmetric tax treatment of companies depending on how they are financed.The autumn of 2012, the Swedish government presents a proposal for an investor deduc-tion which seeks to equalize the above mentioned asymmetry. The proposed investor de-duction is a tax relief for investments in shares in a startup- or small company equal to 50 percent of the acquisition cost of that investment.The venture capital deduction, which in this thesis is treated as an alternative to the inves-tor deduction, is an interest-free tax credit which significate that two-thirds of the acquisi-tion cost is deductible from taxation at the time of the acquisition.

Företagsförvärv - Hur integrationsprocessen påverkar utfallet vid ett företagsförvärv

Abstract                - ?Mergers and acquisitions ? How does the integration process affect the result in mergers and acquisitions?Date:                              May 31st 2012Level:                             Master thesis in Business administration, 15 ECTSInstitution:                  School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology, Mälardalen UniversityAuthors:                       Mikael Hansson              15th May 1984                                         Jani Timonen                   12th June 1983Title:                              Mergers and acquisitions ? How does the integration process affect the result in mergers and acquisitionsTutor:                             Staffan BoströmKeywords:                   Mergers, acquisitions, synergies, cultural, competitive advantage, integrating, stakeholder theory and institutional theoryResearch questions:                   How has the integration process affected the outcome of the acquisition of Jokab and what can ABB do differently in future acquisitions?Purpose:                       The purpose of this master thesis is to identify the factors that affect a merger or an acquisition and the factors that make the integration process a success or failure.Method:                       The method used in this study is based on systems theory, this means that reality is explained as objective and completely as possible. The study is qualitative in nature, in which a deeper understanding of the subject mergers and acquisitions wants to be achieved. The study uses an abductive approach and the data used was both from primary and secondary sources.Conclusion:     The result of the study shows that the integration process is influenced by several factors. The most important factors from the acquirer are to have a time schedule, clear communication and a person in charge of the integration process.

Slumpmässig Informationssökning eller ?Jag talar hellre om inspiration?. Skådespelares slumpmässiga informationsanskaffning

The aim of this study has been to investigate actors? methods for acquiring information that is necessary for their profession, with a focus on the more random methods they might possibly use. The study is based on the following questions: What information needs do actors have in relation to their profession? Which methods do actors use to procure information? Which information systems do actors use? What role does the library play in the actors? acquisition of information? Through an interview study with 10 informants a picture is formed of the actors? information behavior. With the help of theoretical ideas regarding random methods of acquisition, we describe which information needs actors have and how they acquire that information.

Undersökning och utformning av ett generellt datainsamlingssystem i LabVIEW

This report is the result of a diploma work made at IMT at US in Linköping. The purpose of this piece of work is to investigate the possibility to design a general program for data-acquisition using LabVIEW, suiting different hardwares and connections. Great importance has been attached to communication with serialport, using bluetooth, because different wireless PPG-instruments has been developed parallel to this project. These PPG-circuits uses this type of serialcommunication. Communication with USB, GPIB and analog connection has also been examined and analog communication has been tested practically.

Dold samäganderätt : Är det nuvarande systemet konsekvent?

The meaning of the covert co-ownership is that the parties must have intended that the property should be their common. A party must, to be able to claim ownership, have con-tributed to the acquisition financing through the financial contribution. Further shall the fact that the property should be their common be agreed or have been assumed by the par-ties. There are the circumstances for the purchase that should be considered in determining if covert co-ownership is presumed. Covert co-ownership has been established although one party only contributed a small part to the acquisition.

The new accounting of intangible assets: Effects of IFRS 3 on the accounting of intangible assets in acquisition-intense companies on the Stockholm Stock Exchange

Intangible assets are often a significant part of Swedish companies? assets. Most of these are accounted for as goodwill, arising from acquisitions. After EU:s decision to adopt IFRS as the new accounting standard, intangible assets will to a larger extent be recognized separated from goodwill. This thesis aims to quantify this change and to analyze what specific intangibles are affected most by the transition to IFRS.

Arbetsprocess för materialanskaffning vid Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB

This thesis has been made on behalf of Forsmarks Kraftgrupp AB and is the final part of the education of Bachelor of Engineering in ? Innovation, production and logistics atMälardalens Högskola.Forsmark nuclear power plant is located in Östhammars municipality at the coast of Uppland. The three nuclear reactors in Forsmark together produces approximately one-sixth of Sweden?s electricity consumption each year.The background of this study is that a large number of requests come to the purchasing department with incomplete information. Usually it is in the description of what is to be acquired as the information is incomplete, but also in knowing when Quality Control-functions (QC) is supposed to be used.The aim of this work is to describe and analyse the material acquisition process.

Effektiv ordinlärning? : En studie av aktiv ordinlärning i engelska inom gymnasieskolan

The purpose of this essay is to discuss and compare different ways of learning new words and expanding your vocabulary in a foreign language. This is done by an examination of relevant literature and available research, as well as by an empirical study with two upper secondary school classes, in which two different methods are put to the test: one traditional method of the kind that is found to be most common in second language acquisition, and one designed to take existing research into account. The results show that, although effective in the initial stages of acquisition, the traditional method, where words are learned in isolation and via translation to L1, results in a very limited form of knowledge. A big part of the words acquired via this method is also forgotten soon afterwards. The other method, where words were learned and tested in its proper context, was found to result in a broader form of vocabulary knowledge, covering more aspects, and that remained over time.

Det mångspråkiga skolbiblioteket : En viktig fråga i teorin men en icke-fråga i praktiken?

While almost 23 percent of the students in the Swedish upper secondary school are foreigners, only a fraction of the school libraries? collections consists of literature written in other languages than Swedish or English. This study examines how five school librarians experience the task of working with literature composed in foreign languages in the multicultural and multilingual school of today. The results of the qualitative interviews are analyzed in relation to the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries are working by, and also in relation to the theoretical framework of sociocultural theory and the theories on second language acquisition developed by linguist Jim Cummins.The study shows that while multilingualism is discussed as an important matter in the legislation and policy documents that the school libraries work by, the librarians in this study largely view the question of foreign literature as peripheral. Most part of the librarians connects first language reading to leisure-time activities rather than curricular activities, and stresses that the Swedish language should be prioritized in Swedish schools.

Drivkrafterna bakom sveriges moderna helikopteranskaffningar och avvecklingar

This thesis addresses the driving forces behind the Swedish state?s procurement of Helicopters 14 and 16 and the decommissioning of Helicopter 4. These actions have significantly affected the Swedish Armed Forces, especially the Helicopter Wing, in carrying out their operational tasks. On numerous occasions the Helicopter Wing has been unable to perform its tasks. For instance, the Nordic Battle Group 08 had no helicopters to exercise with and, until recently, Sweden had completely lacked the ability to hunt submarines with helicopters for almost ten years.This thesis also aims to compare the decisions in 1999-2000 regarding Helicopter 14 with the decisions in 2010-2011 regarding the acquisition of Helicopter 16, to find if there is a general trend and how much the Armed Forces were able to influence decisions.

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