

1660 Uppsatser om Water purification plants - Sida 50 av 111

Nitrat i dricksvatten : jämförelse av nitrathalter, mellan åren 1975 och 2005

Ronneby Miljö- och hälsoskyddskontor ville genom undersökningen få information om nitrathalter ienskilda dricksvattenbrunnar inom kommunen, med bakgrund av den nya miljökvalitetsnormen.Riktvärdet för nitrat är 50 mg/l. Halter som överstiger detta bör inte ges till barn under ett års ålder pågrund av risk för methemoglobinemi. Jämförelsen skulle ske mellan områden präglade av jordbrukrespektive skogsbruk, samt mellan grävda och borrade brunnar. Jämförelsen skulle även ske över tiden,mellan 1975-1990 till 2005. Urvalet av provtagningspunkter baserades på en sammanställning frånbefintligt arkiv samt efter en annons i dagspressen.

Potentiell fosforfrigörelse från sedimentet i Bornsjön, sydvästra Stockholm : The potential leakage of phosphorus from sediment in Lake Bornsjön, south western Stockholm

Lake Bornsjön is situated 30 km southwest of Stockholm in a rift valley lake and consist three basins outstretched in northwest-southeast direction. The surface area is 6,7 km2 with a maximum depth of 18,3 meters, a mean depth of 9,8 meters and a retention time of the water of 6,5 years. The drainage area is 42 km2 and consists mainly of arable land (ca 1000 ha) and productive forestry land (2500 ha), but in the drainage area there are also restored and fairly newly constructed wetlands.Today the Stockholm area receives its drinking water from Lake Mälaren, but if there would be any pollution of this source, Lake Bornsjön would act as the water source. The area surrounding the lake was bought already in 1899 by Stockholm Stad for protection of the lake and was taken over 1993 by Stockholm Vatten AB. It has been a water protection area from 1988 and it was also accepted as a nature reserve in 1995.

Wetland development in the context of ecotourism : a conceptual design proposal for a wetland site in Lake Victoria, Kenya

The travelling sector is expanding worldwide, which puts all destinations under pressure to have a functioning social system and good resources to manage the problems and take advantage of the opportunities that the tourism sector can offer a community. The area around Kisumu in Kenya, like much of Africa, tourism can simultaneously ensure a stable financial future while it removes, as a result of a growing population, more and more of the scenery that many tourists want to experience. Responsible travel to natural areas that promotes conservation of the environment and improves the welfare of local people is what defines ecotourism. A concept that implies a closed cycle, where visitor?s needs are met in balance with what can be given back, without risking creating imbalances in society. Along the coast of Lake Victoria, valuable papyrus wetlands provide Kisumu vital ecosystem services such as water purification, climate adaptation while it also serves as a reservoir for biodiversity.

Effekt av olika kvävegödselmedel på utvecklingen av klumprotsjuka i salladskål (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis)

The price trend on rapeseed the latest years has led to an increasing interest to grow the crop among many farmers in Sweden. The price trend has resulted in more than a doubling of the oilseed area since the early 2000s. For many farmers it is an advantage to increase cultivation of rapeseed because of the high proportion of cereals in the crop rotation on many farms, but it is not just benefits. The risk of the fields being infected by clubroot increases within frequent rapeseed cultivation and it often leads to subtantial economic losses. Clubroot is caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae that is a soilborne pathogen in genus Protozoa and its resting spores can be found in the soil for up to 18 years.

GIS och statistik vid dräneringsområdesvis kväveläckagebeskrivning i Halland

The last decades have shown increased nitrogen leeching from soil to water recipients. This is inSweden mainly due to over-manuring of agriculture land, effectivization of drainage systems and thedeclining extent of wetlands. The accumulated amount of nitrogen in water doesn?t only make itunsuitable for use by humans and cattle, but also decreases the biological diversity as well as negativelyaffect tourism and fish industry. In the most severe cases shallow maritime grounds can be completelydepleted of oxygen due to decomposition of the increased amount algae and plankton growth.This study have the aim to describe and quantify the nitrogen leeching from the Genevad drainagebasin, located in southern Halland, Sweden.

Inventering av värmelager för kraftvärmesystem

When a combined heat and power plant produces heat and power it often faces a deficit of heat load during the summer or other periods of time. This heat is often unnecessarily cooled away or the power production has to be reduced or shut off. If it is possible to store heat from periods with low heat demand to periods with high heat demand one can get many benefits. Among these benefits are: increased power production, decreased operation with partial load, uniformly distributed load.To be able to store heat in situations like this long-term thermal heat storages are needed. In this thesis five different types of stores are presented: rock cavern storage, tank storage, pit water storage, borehole storage and aquifer storage.

Käppalaverkets nuvarande och framtida rötningskapacitet : en studie i labskala

Käppala wastewater treatment plant situated on the island of Lidingö northeast of Stockholm is running a project during 2004 and 2005 with the purpose to map out the capacity of anaerobic digestion in the digesters that treat primary and excess sludge. The purpose of this thesis work, which is part of that project, was to characterize the present anaerobic digestion process and to investigate its capacity to treat other organic wastes such as restaurant waste and waste from water works. To decide the potential of both methane and biogas production from different substrates batch laboratory tests were carried out. To imitate the anaerobic digestion process at Käppala continuous tests with small scale reactors were carried out. These reactors were later fed with restaurant waste.The batch laboratory tests showed that primary sludge had a potential biogas and methane production of 0,62 and 0,35 Ndm3/g VS respectively after 40 days of digestion.

Utvärdering av Naturvårdsverkets bedömningsgrunder för makrofyter i sjöar

According to the Water Framework Directive of the European Union, macrophytes should be used as indicators in the ecological and environmental monitoring of lakes. In the member state Sweden the Environmental Protection Agency has elaborated assessment criteria for determining lake status based on macrophytes. The main focus of this thesis is to evaluate the efficiency of the assessment criteria for macrophytes. In addition the concordance between the ecological status classes of the four quality factors included was analysed.The assessment criteria for macrophytes are based on the total phosphorus preference of the respective species. The focus is thus mainly on the nutrient level of the investigated lakes and the environmental problem monitored is eutrophication.

Hur den nya revisionsstandarden upplevs av revisorer och företag - en fallstudie av Öhrlings Price Water House Coopers samt E.ON och Vattenfall

1 januari, 2004 infördes den nya revisionsstandarden (RS) som är en översättning av ISA, med hänsyn tagen till svensk lagstiftning. RS innebär flertalet nyheter vid genomförandet av revision. Bland annat har revisorns roll förändrats genom att revisorn numera skall granska och uttala sig om fler förhållanden än tidigare.Syftet med denna uppsats är att redogöra för revisorers och företagares syn på införandet av revisionsstandarden. Detta görs i form av en fallstudie med koncentration på tre utvalda RS (RS 402, 501, 570). Öhrlings Price Water House Coopers är representant för revisionsperspektivet och Vattenfall samt E.ON är representanter för företagsperspektivet.

WC-spolning med regnvatten

Idag spolar den stora majoriteten av alla invånare i Sverige med dricksvattnen i toaletten. Spolning med regnvatten i WC är något som på flera håll i världen används flitigt främst i områden med någon slags vattenbrist. Men i Sverige har regnanvändande anläggningars popularitet inte riktigt slagit igenom ännu. Orsaken till detta kan härledas till flera faktorer. De viktigaste och de som påverkar mest är; den goda tillgången och således låga priset på dricksvatten i Sverige, samt begränsad konkurrens bland företag och återförsäljare vilket ger ett högt investeringspris på regnanvändande anläggningar för konsumenten. Fokus i detta examensarbete ligger på att göra en grundläggande analys av regnvatten och möjligheterna att genom en regnanvändande anläggning kunna använda regnvatten istället för dricksvatten för att spola i toaletten med. Tillvägagångssättet har varit att genom en studie av olika källor sammanställa information relevant till ämnet regnvatten och regnvattenanvändning till WCspolning, följt av en analys och jämförelse av hur ekonomiskt hållbar en regnanvändande anläggning i ett standardhus beläget i Malmö är, i förhållande till samma standardhus med en traditionell dricksvattenförsörjning för WC-spolning. Resultatet av analysen visar tydligt att en regnvattenanvändande anläggning i fallet med standardhuset i dagsläget inte går att rättfärdiga ur ekonomisk synpunkt, men även att det finns möjlighet till en realistisk ekonomisk förtjänst i andra byggnader eller i framtiden..


This thesis deals with the possibilities of installing solar panels on a property, the building is owned by Kornhillschurch and called Kornhill. The owners of the property wanted to learn more about potentials for installation of solar panels on the property, therefore we described different types of solar cells and solar cells essential function to generate electricity in the report. Different factors that are limiting the generated energy are mentioned.An investigation of the property?s potential has been made in order to consider different designs. When sites that were considered suitable for solar cells were selected, different design options were made, one for each site.

Miljömål 17: Hållbar konsumtion : Ett försök att integrera den svenska konsumtionens globala miljöpåverkan med miljömålssystemet

Environmental objective 17: Sustainable consumption - An attempt to integrate the global impact of the Swedish consumption with the environmental objectives system The aim of this report was to integrate the global impact of the Swedish consumption withthe environmental objectives system through presenting a suggestion for a seventeenth environmental objective ? Sustainable consumption. How the Swedish consumption pressures the global environment and methods to measure the affects was investigated. The pressure was divided into five main fields: climate, air, water, land and chemicals. The impacton humans and the biodiversity was also discussed, as well as differences between how men and women affect the environment and get affected when the environment changes.

Interactions between some plant-parasitic nematodes and Rhizoctonia solani in potato fields

The pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani causes major economic losses for potato producers in Sweden. The producers, as well as advisors, have reported possible increases in severity of R. solani when free-living plant parasitic nematodes are present and active. There are several examples in the literature of interactions between pathogens where one, or both species, support or increase the damage made by the other organism. These complexes are important to investigate and to be able to forecast, since even low incidences of fungi or nematodes may result in an interaction of significance.

Grundvattenmodellering i Badelundaåsen

Over an extended period of time there have been plans to establish a shared facility in Lennheden to extract groundwater from the Badelunda esker to provide drinking water for the cities of Borlänge and Falun. The city of Falun is dissatisfied with the quality of its drinking water and the city of Borlänge is concerned about the risk of contamination of its existing groundwater supply at its current location. To provide a basis for a decision on this issue, the company Midvatten AB has been commissioned to perform hydrogeological investigations in the area of Lennheden.The purpose of this thesis is to design a functional groundwater model of the area between Lennheden, place of planned extraction, and Övre Tjärna, place of existing extraction, to get a better understanding of the groundwater situation in the area. A groundwater model enables simulations of different scenarios in risk assessment and contaminant transport. The aim of the thesis is that the model can be used as an aid in Midvatten?s investigations in Lennheden and that it also can be used in future projects in the area.The model has been made in Processing Modflow 5.3 and encompasses an area of 19,5 × 11 km along the Badelunda esker and the river Dalälven between Djurmo and Frostbrunnsdalen.

Pre-spawning habitat selection of subarctic brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in the river Vindelälven, Sweden

Habitat selection of migratory brown trout at the upper reaches of River Vindelälven, wasstudied in September during the pre-spawning period. The fish migrate from down- orupriver lakes for spawning in the river and data was collected by habitat mapping andradio-telemetry. Habitat selection of fish was analysed with preference curves andstatistical modelling, using the physical variables; depth, stream velocity and streambedsubstrate. Preference curves were derived by comparing fish habitat use with their nearbyavailable environment while the statistical modelling aimed to answer three main questions.1) Do the trout have a specific preference of depth, water velocity and streambed substrate?2) Is there any difference in habitat selection between sexes? 3) Is there a shift in habitatselection over time? The preference curves indicated that trout favored water depths of 1-2m, velocity compositions characterized as glides (c.

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