

1660 Uppsatser om Water purification plants - Sida 1 av 111

Konsekvensanalys av dammbrott vid Tjärnviksdalen

This report consists of  an anlysis of the imapct of a dam failure at Tjärnviksdalen in Ragunda, Sweden. The analysis is conducted using the EU model for environmental impact assessments, as well as a group interview. The presentation of the results in the form of a map  where the water level has been raised to the level that the County Board  of Jämtland considers to be possible in case of a dam failure.The result of this work is a detailed analysis of the consequenses that a dam failure would cause, the result consider everything from the direct consequences of the water column to an analysis of the chemical changes that the water would undergo.Parts of the analysis have shown that the purification centre and the old deposits will have the biggest impact on Hammarstrand. Both the purification centre and the deposits will realise chemicals to its nearest environment and because of the flooded purification centre the city will not have the ability to clean the water. .

Rening av metallhaltigt avloppsvatten : En teknisk/ekonomisk utvärdering av reningsmetoder för metallhaltigt avloppsvatten

This Master?s Thesis aims to investigate and assess the methods used to decrease the discharge ofmetals, primarily copper, from the water purification plant at Assa Industries plating factory inEskilstuna.Literature studies of the purification methods precipitation, ion exchange, evaporation, reverseosmosis and electrolysis has been done to appraise the adequacy of the technique. Thesetechniques are commonly used for purification of industrial waste water.Assa has four plating lines: the Trumline, the big Zinkline, the new Zinkline and the Decorativeline. The new Zinkline is the most modern of the four lines and purification is done byrecirculation over an ion exchange unit. The demand for fresh water is thereby heavily reduced.The Trumline, the big Zinkline and the Decorative line all use older techniques.

Ut ur Östersjön genom vassen : beskrivning av övergödningsproblematiken samt optimering av en reningsmetod genom skörd av vattenväxter

This study is based on AgroSeas business idea from environmental problems to valuable resource, with the objective to optimize a method to purify the already eutrophicated Baltic Sea by harvesting water plants, mainly reed. The nutrients will then be recirculated to arable land through residues from biogas production. The amount of nutrients that can be removed by harvesting the biomass depends on the amounts of biomass and the nutrient content of it, which in turn is strongly dependent on the nutrient concentration of the surrounding water. Vegetation suggested in the study for an effective nutrient uptake is helophytes: reed, cattails, reed canary grass, reed sweet grass in shallower water and lemnoideaes: duckweed and nymphaeids in the deeper parts. Competitive species has high purification ability but requires regular maintenance to avoid channeling and overgrowth. Regarding time and method of harvest, effectiveness may be improved by: harvesting plants above the water level and after flowering, a border is kept, harvesting twice a season, a bigger machine and a regular maintenance. This literature has illuminated a major environmental problem and it has been suggested optimizations for a method for cleaning the Baltic Sea through harvesting water plants, but to get a definite answer for the optimal method for each site tests should be carried out, this because many factors determine to what is suitable for each, specific environment. .

Älgarås avloppsreningsverk- studie och metodisk felsökning av en biobädds BOD-rening

Wastewater contains biodegradable materials, which are often measured as BOD7.Trickling filters are sometimes used as a purification step for BOD-reduction. Atrickling filter is a tower, which is filled with a carrier material. Microorganisms growon the carrier material in the form of a biofilm. This biofilm consists mostly of bacteriathat purify water from BOD.In Älgarås? wastewater treatment plant the water is purified by a trickling filter.However the treatment plant has difficulties reaching the emission requirements forBOD.

Effect of vortex-processed water on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants

This pilot study examined whether treatment with Vortex Process Technology (VPT) of the irrigation water used on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants had any effect on plant growth. In a block experiment, with two blocks comprising 12 vases containing 1 L water and two tomato plantlets, treatment in which, nutrient solution was based on Vortex-treated water was compared with an control using untreated water. All vases were kept in a static aerated culture system in a daylight chamber for four weeks. The results showed that the effect of the two blocks exceeded the effect of vortex treatment in terms of leaf area and weight of fresh and dry matter. Plant height, stem width and internodal length were significantly different in tomato plants grown in Vortex-processed water compared with the untreated control.

Nya renings- och uppgraderingstekniker för biogas

Biogas is a renewable energy source that is produced by anaerobic digestion of organic mate-rial. In Sweden, biogas predominately comes from sewage water sludge and landfills or from organic waste of households and industries. Small scale digestion plants at farms are espe-cially expected to contribute to increased biogas production in the future. Biogas can be ob-tained directly in it?s raw form and used as fuel in a combustion chamber.

Lakningsförsök med furubarksflis : en utredning om utsläpp av fenolföreningar samt metallsorption

The filters used today to purify water are often expensive and the need to find new filter materials is substantial. Studies of pine bark have shown that this is a material that may be used as an alternative to conventional filter materials, such as activated carbon. However, the study of pine bark has shown that a leakage of phenolic compounds may occur when using the material for water purification. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to investigate the release of phenols from pine bark, in order to evaluate the use of pine bark as a filter material. Another assignment is to investigate the amount of metals adsorbed by the filter material.

Reducering av produktionstryck i A-linan : Förflyttning av produkt

In the production of pulp, paper and cardboard, a large amount of water is used daily. The water has to be purified in the internal purifying plant before it reaches the receiving body of water. In the biological purifying stage at the Stora Enso Skoghall mill, an aerated basin is used where the microorganisms, using oxygen, oxidize the organic material to carbon dioxide. The air is pumped from the bottom of the basin and the oxygen can then be transported from the air bubbles to the water through diffusion. The problem with aeration of waste water from the forest industry is that wood residues, such as fatty acids, are making the transport of oxygen in water more difficult.

Kan perfluorerade ämnen i kläder bidra till förhöjda halter i reningsverk?

Perfluorinated substances (PF) are environmental pollutants that are used to coat fibres of so called ?all weather clothes? to make them water resistant. PF are effectively spread through water. Waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) are a pollutant source of these substances. PF are poisonous to different kinds of organisms, and supposedly also to human beings, if concentrations are sufficiently high.Perfluorinated substances have been investigated at three waste water treatment plants in Stockholm during the 2000?s.

Energieffektivisering av aerbo reningsprocess : Tillsats av biprodukter i skogsindustriellt avloppsvatten

In the production of pulp, paper and cardboard, a large amount of water is used daily. The water has to be purified in the internal purifying plant before it reaches the receiving body of water. In the biological purifying stage at the Stora Enso Skoghall mill, an aerated basin is used where the microorganisms, using oxygen, oxidize the organic material to carbon dioxide. The air is pumped from the bottom of the basin and the oxygen can then be transported from the air bubbles to the water through diffusion. The problem with aeration of waste water from the forest industry is that wood residues, such as fatty acids, are making the transport of oxygen in water more difficult.

Risken för översvämningar vid de svenska kärnkraftverken : en statistisk och historisk extremvärdesanalys

This thesis investigates the overall risks of flooding over the Design Basis Flooding Level (DBFL) at the Swedish nuclear power plants (Oskarshamn, Ringhals and Forsmark), using statistical data and methods, but also considers historical events which might affect the overall risk of flooding at the specified sites.Considering the nuclear accident which happened in Fukushima in conjuction with the earthquake and tsunami which struck eastern Japan on 11 March 2011, operators and licensors of nuclear power plants all over the world conducted reviews and investigations on the overall risks posed to the plants from external events. One important such event is extreme water level.One part of the thesis includes an extreme value analysis (using Generalized Extreme Value distribution and Generalized Pareto distribution) of water level data from SMHI (Sweden's Meteorological and Hydrological Institute) measured at stations close to the Swedish nuclear power plants. The results of the statistical studies indicate that considering the return period used in the thesis (100 000 years), the water levels at the Swedish nuclear power plants are not expected to exceed DBFL.The other part of the thesis consists of a historical study of extreme weather-related events. The results of this study indicate that no historical events seem to have occured which would indicate a higher risk of flooding than the one suggested by the statistical study. .

Vinterförvaring av Pelargonium x hortorum :

There are many different recommendations on how to keep pelargoniums over winter, but most of the recommendations suggest ?the higher the temperature, the more light and water the pelargonium needs?. The purpose with this paper is to try to explain the best and the worst results that are achieved with different storage alternatives of zonal pelargoniums. The results are based on an orientating investigation carried out in January-February, and a questionnaire that members of the Swedish Pelargonium Society answered to. Both the orientating investigation and the questionnaire showed that zonal pelargoniums are best stored light and cold but frost free. They should be irrigated according to their needs which is when the soil is dry, about every second to third week. Zonal pelargoniums are very resistant to drought and can survive without water for at least 44 days, both when kept under light and cold as well as under light and warm.

Avskiljning av uran från dricksvatten med reaktiva filter :

Water is our most important provision and its quality is above all dependent on the geological conditions in the area from where it is extracted. Due to geological properties there are certain areas with an elevated risk of high uranium levels in the ground water, which in turn constitutes a risk for human health. Consumption of water that contains a high concentration of uranium implies a health risk due to the chemical characteristics of uranium. Livsmedelsverket (The National Food Administration) and Socialstyrelsen (The National Board of Health and Welfare) therefore recommend that precautionary measures should be taken when the uranium concentration in ground water exceeds 15 micrograms per litre. In particular, drinking water collected from wells in areas with uranium-rich bedrock may have a harmfully high level of uranium. One of the wells of the Ärla water purification plant, located near Eskilstuna, Sweden, contains water that exceeds the guideline of 15 micrograms per litre. One interesting technique for removing uranium from drinking water is adsorption to reactive filter materials.

Småskalig vattenkraft vid Olofsfors bruksmuseum : Med faunapassage

In Sweden there are 1894 small-scale hydropower plants in operation, which together generate 4.3 TWh of electricity per year according to Swedish hydropower compound (SVKF, 2011). This corresponds to the annual consumption of about 860,000 Swedish households (based on an annual consumption of 5000 kWh). In the mid-1950s there were around 4000 small-scale hydropower plants in operation in Sweden before cheap fossil fuels and uranium competed with them, in the current situation only 1,894 of these are in use. If slumbering small hydropower plants once again would be taken into use and some new ones are built, we would be able to extract about 7 TWh of renewable electricity from these annually in Sweden, representing about 1.4 million households.The thesis intends to calculate and construct a hydroelectric power plant at the existing dam in Olofsfors and give suggestions on how the power station should run during the time that fish migration is greatest in Leduån.The turbine and generator to the station in Leduån at Olofsfors is designed by the height of the fall and the water flow through the dam. The turbine selected for the station is a CK-1000RM turbine with a 4-pole 250 kW generator from Cargo & power turbine Sweden AB, which is expected to deliver 1.2 GWh per year.

Analys av dricksvattenrening med metoderna Mikrobiologisk riskanalys (MRA) och God desinfeksjonspraksis (GDP)

Drinking water is produced from raw water and is either from groundwater or surface water. This thesis aims to find out if the cleaning process of raw water is sufficiently effective. This is important because consumers are otherwise at risk of waterborne infection caused by pathogens. There are three groups of pathogens; bacteria, virus and parasite. These have different characteristics which mean that they require different water treatment to be separated.

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