

4695 Uppsatser om Water environment - Sida 34 av 313

Arbetsmiljöansvar vid uthyrning av personal

As the staffing agency business is rapidly growing and suffering from accidents resulting in higher sick leave than in other businesses, it is of great interest to analyze which responsibilities prevail between the customer companies and the staffing agencies, when it comes to working environment for hired staff.The purpose of this essay is to clarify the distribution of responsibilities between customer companies and staffing agencies, regarding working environment. I would also like to analyze which consequences this distribution of responsibilities may lead to.To be able to answer these questions, I have chosen to use the legal dogmatic method together with the sociology of law method. I have studied legal sources, literature and also interviewed three persons who are active within the staffing agency business; one person from the Swedish Work Environment Authority, one person from the employers? side and one person from the employees? side.The conclusion of my survey is that the SAM-responsibility is divided equally between staffing agencies and customer companies, since the customer company who hires staff is equated with an employer. The employer must also ensure that there is an organized work adaptation and rehabilitation function within the company.

Skolans utformning, ett hinder för lärares eget lärande? : En studie av den fysiska arbetsmiljöns påverkan på lärares eget lärande

This essay is written about how the physical environment affects teachers? own learning. The purpose is to see how the teachers? work is affected by various factors, such as the uses and placement of the teachers? offices, common room, or any other places where a meeting may occur. The survey was conducted using both interviews and observations of the teacher?s office.

Berusningens funktion på krogen utifrån fyra olika perspektiv

This study elucidates the perceptions of twelve people at an age between 35 and 50 years, on what influence intoxication and drunkenness in the bar environment. The purpose of this study is to create an understanding of the effect the intoxication has on the visitor in the bar environment and this is done through qualitative method interviews. The theoretical frame we use to analyse the empirical data, is divided in to four parts: set and setting, environment and its regions, social behaviour and genus perspective. The theoretical material, together with the empirical data in the form of the results of the interviews, forms the platform for this paper. It is on the basis of these results that our questions finally will be answered.

Värdering av kvävet i organiska gödselmedel :

Within agriculture it is important to optimize the use of nitrogen, not only from an economic point of view but also to minimize damage to the environment. This can sometimes be difficult, especially within organic farming. Organic farmers are using increasing amounts of waste products from the food industry to cover their nitrogen needs. These different organic fertilizers release nitrogen at different rates and under specific soil conditions. Because of this, it would be beneficial to have a standardized method to measure the amount and rate of nitrogen mineralization from organic fertilizers. This project contributes to this knowledge by investigating whether relatively simple and repeatable laboratory methods can be used to estimate the nitrogen fertilizer value of organic fertilizers.

Elevers föreställningar om vattnets kretslopp och växtens liv : Har eleverna tillräcklig kunskap inom dessa områden för att diskutera hur miljöförstörning påverkar vatten och växter?

The purpose of this investigation is mainly to study if pupils have enough knowledge concerning the water cycle and the life of the plants?, and what kinds of household word they have, to discuss pollution within these areas. I also studied how the pupils? knowledge are holding up against what the course-plans says, since it have come to light by other investigations that knowledge are insufficient within the nature-oriented (No) subject in school.The survey has carried out on 28 pupils in a 5th grade, with help of a questionnaire survey. Their teacher has been interviewed and I have studied their local course-plans and also the pupils? schoolbooks in No.The result of the questionnaire survey indicates that the pupils had insufficient knowledge within the areas of plants? life and pollution, something their teacher had a presentiment about.The conclusion is that they need to go out more often in the nature and see how the plants and the environment are affected by different factors.

För mycket information? : En analys av begreppet Information Overload mot bakgrund av det framväxande informationssamhället

This paper deals with the concept "Information Overload" (IO). It describes the intellectualcontent of the idea as well as its supposed domains of activity. Furthermore it problemizes theimage of "Information", "Information Society" and other concepts related to those phenomenons.A division by two fundamental different distinctions of IO are being made. InformationOverload serves as a name for:I. An information-intensive environment.II.

Rening av avloppsvatten från biltvättar med filter av torv och inblandad kolaska : en utvärdering av effektivitet och avfallshantering ur ett miljöperspektiv

Filtermaterial av 75 % torv och 25 % kolaska har använts under 2 respektive 4 år för rening av avloppsvatten från två biltvättar. Jämförelse med Kristianstads kommuns riktvärden för avloppsvatten från fordonstvättar visar att filtren fungerat. För avfallsklassning krävs kunskap om innehåll av miljöfarliga ämnen i produkter som använts i tvätthallarna. I brist på kunskap om innehåll av ej analyserade miljöfarliga ämnen i filtren anses förbränning vara ett bra omhändertagande ur miljösynpunkt, då energi och aska återvinns..

Miljöpåverkan av bomullsväv för flamskyddade arbetsbyxor

Textilindustrin står inför stora utmaningar när det kommer till forskning, utveckling ochproduktion på ett miljöanpassat och socialt ansvarsfullt sätt. Ökat miljömedvetetande hoskonsumenten har lett till ökat intresse och möjlighet för företaget att arbeta mot ett hållbartföretagande.Examensarbetet är skrivet som en del av kandidatexamen i textilingenjörsprogrammet föruppdragsföretaget BlåKläder AB och utfördes för att även kunna fungera som ett underlag förandra företag i avsikt med att påbörja/utveckla sitt arbete med socialt ansvarstagande.I arbetet presenteras miljöpåverkan av en arbetsbyxa i bomull från råväv till distribuering.Fyra miljöbelastande kategorier har tagits med i undersökningen, där mängden av kemikalie,vatten- och energiåtgång samt koldioxidutsläpp räknades ut per arbetsbyxa av minimumorder. Sammanställning av resultat visar att det används 2,5 kg kemikalier, 10,3 liter vatten,756 Wh energi och det släpps ut 0,4 kg kodoxid vid tillverkning av en arbetsbyxa.Rapporten behandlar och beskriver produktion av en rå bomullsväv medflamskyddsbehandling. Processflödet för hela behandlingsförloppet analyseras i arbetet därbåde kemikalier, energi- och vattenåtgång tas upp vid varje delprocess. Koldioxidutsläppanalyseras som en särskild del av rapporten och omfattar de direkta utsläppen av tung lastbiloch fraktfärja.

GRÖN FLAGG : Miljöarbete i förskolan

The aim with my work is to get a deeper knowledge about the preschool's views of environmental work. I also want to examine how the preschool teachers along with the children work with the project Green Flag in the preschool. I have used structured interview with two teachers in a preschool that works with Green Flag. Green Flag is an environment certification and is an evidence on that one works daily with a document aimed environmental work along with the children. I have found out that each year they work with different themes within Green Flag.

Förstudie till våtmark i Rimbo : Design för optimal hydrologi och kväverening

The euthropthication of the Baltic Sea is a threat that is beginning to be taken seriously by the governments concerned. In Sweden, regulations concerning the allowed nitrogen (N) concentration in the effluent water from wastewater treatment plants are being tightened up. The Rimbo wastewater treatment plant has been imposed to reduce the annual mean concentration of total N in the effluent water to levels below 15 mg l-1. A more and more common way to reduce the nitrogen level in wastewater is to let the water pass through a wetland. This study investigates the possibility to build this kind of wetland at the outlet of the Rimbo wastewater treatment plant.A prestudy of the topography, soil characteristics and groundwater flow indicates that the land area in question is well suited for the construction of a wetland.

En illustrativ tolkning av Carl-Einar Häckner i form av en webbmiljö

This project is a study in how to represent the Swedish magician and variety artist Carl-Einar Häckner in a web-based environment. With a starting point focusing on illustration I wanted to produce a web environment that would function as a prototype for a webpage. My personal aim was to explore and gain new experiences from working in a digital interactive environment. I wanted to use animation and illustration to create an atmosphere and communicate emotions, and in the end find out a way of how to integrate that with a more text based content. The project is a personal project based on my interpretation of the work of Carl-Einar Häckner and an effort to translate Häckners expression and the emotions he evokes in his variety shows into image..

Diatermirök- Det perioperativa teamets arbetsmiljö

BackgroundDiathermy is the most commonly used surgical instrument in the surgical area today. Diathermy is used in surgery to cut and coagulate tissue. The use of diathermy releases chemical substances in to the environment in the form of diathermy smoke. Research shows that these chemical substances pose health risks to both staff and patient exposed to the smoke. To protect the interdisciplinary, perioperative team from the smoke, smoke evacuation systems can be used.ObjectiveThe purpose of the study is to highlight the work environment of the perioperative team when working with diathermy smoke.MethodThe study is meant to be implemented as an empirical descriptive sample survey.

Där järnvägen möter staden : Hur bidrar Västlänken till en hållbar stadsutveckling i Haga?

This thesis aims to study the effects of the infrastructure project Västlänken in Gothenburg, a rail tunnel to be built through the city center. The study focuses on the community of Haga where one of the three exits will be constructed and also the surrounding urban environment, to see if the project can be sustainable. Sustainable urban development was selected as the theory, and the term "sustainable" is defined in this study using a number of criteria that two scientists developed. The criteria include economic, ecological and social perspectives on how a place or a geographical area can meet today's needs as well as possible needs in the future. The methods used were semi-structured interviews and content analysis of government documents. Interviews were conducted with various institutions in the city, and companies involved in the planning of the project in Gothenburg.

Psykosocial arbetsmiljö och ledarskap: en kvalitativ studie om anställdas upplevelser av den psykosociala arbetsmiljön med fokus på ledarskap

Previous research has shown that the psychosocial work environment and leadership have a significant influence on the employees work satisfaction. Still there is much to explore regarding the employees experiences about these two subjects. A qualitative approach was used in this study to increase the understanding of the employee´s experience of psychosocial work environment and leaders role affecting it. Eight semi structured interviews were carried out at two organizations with four interviews in each place. The data was transcribed and a meaning concentration analysis was conducted.

Uppfattningar om utevistelse i förskolan : En fenomenografisk analys

In this examination paper I?m using the qualitative method: phenomenographic analysis to present twenty educated and working pre-school teachers opinions about being outdoors in Swedish pre-school. The purpose is to describe the variation between different pre-school teachers? opinions, not to focus on wrong or right.    The paper starts with a review over the opinions presented by the literature on the subject.

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