

4695 Uppsatser om Water environment - Sida 24 av 313

Uppväxtmiljö och i uppväxtmiljön förvärvad djurvana hos elever vid naturbruksgymnasium : Home environment and in home environment acquired animal experience in students of agricultural college

In all types of learning situations, it is important to find each student where they are at the moment in knowledge. I have reflections about  what animal experience students have with them when they begin their education. This thesis is about what home environment and in home environment acquried animal experience student at agricultural college have. This work is based on data collected through questionnaire survey done in two agricultural colleges in middle Sweden in the spring of 2007. Questions were divided into four blocks, historical data such as on the environment in which pupils are growing up, animal habit, why they read on agricultural school and future data on what plans students have for future education and careers.

Kartläggning av föroreningars förekomst och spridning i Gräsötippen enligt MIFO

It is estimated that 22 000 contaminated areas exist in Sweden today. In order to classify the risk of contaminant migration from these areas and to prioritize which of these contaminated areas should first be treated, the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has designed a method, for the investigation of contaminated areas (MIFO). One of these contaminated areas is the landfill Gräsötippen outside Köping. The landfill has been used by both Yara AB and the Köping municipality between the years 1945 and 1975, and both industrial and household waste have been deposited there. The aim of this report is to survey which contaminants that can be found in the soil and water in the landfill Gräsötippen and to evaluate the migration of these contaminants.

OTEC för Tarawa

Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, OTEC, a technology using the temperature difference between cold deep seawater and warm surface water, can extract the work in the form of electricity. OTEC gives also synergies of drinkable fresh water. The temperature difference has an impact on the efficiency of the technology, which means that the feasibility of OTEC is geographically limited. The project intends to explore the possibility of replacing the atoll Tarawa?s present electricity generation with an OTEC plant and to explore synergies. In the present situation all of Tarawa?s electricity is generated by fossil fuels.

Medarbetarupplevelse av psykosocial arbetsmiljö vid förändring på arbetsplatsen

Title: Employee experience of psychosocial working environment during change at the workplace.In times of change processes the working environment at the workplace may be affected. Lack of balance between demands and the ability to handle the workload can lead to reduced work satisfaction, which is an important component for an individual?s performance and commitment. The aim is to investigate experiences in the employee?s psychosocial working environment during change management.


Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, OTEC, a technology using the temperature difference between cold deep seawater and warm surface water, can extract the work in the form of electricity. OTEC gives also synergies of drinkable fresh water. The temperature difference has an impact on the efficiency of the technology, which means that the feasibility of OTEC is geographically limited. The project intends to explore the possibility of replacing the atoll Tarawa?s present electricity generation with an OTEC plant and to explore synergies. In the present situation all of Tarawa?s electricity is generated by fossil fuels.

Hur skapar man en funktionell och beständig dörrmiljö? : En närmare studie av ståldörrar

Today?s construction buildings contain more advanced technologies than before. The development of newer and stricter regulations to the construction industry makes the door environment more and more complex.In large construction projects the door environment is held up as a major challenge to get to in a good way. It turned out after a discussion with one project manager and a site manager at NCC, that the door environment is difficult to get right in major construction projects and it often causes many error reports in to the aftermarket after that the final inspection is completed.Interviews have been done with key figures in the building process at NCC and Akademiska hus. A study on a university building for around 3500 students and with 300 workplaces was made.

Förskolebarns motoriska utveckling : -Hur en förskolegård bör utformas för bästa tänkbara utveckling av barns motorik

The purpose of this study was to interview different groups of people (preschool teatcher, parents and theire childen) involved in preschool about their view on outdoor activity and children´s motoric development, and how a preschool yard should be designed to promote childrens development.All parties regard outdoor activity as very important for the development of children. They also think that the outdoor environment today is good but that it could be improved by including some trees and hills. The yard should also contain soil, sand, clay and water. The children prefer grass on the ground over other substrates. This study also gives good indications to decision makers how to build new or to reconstruct pre-school yards in the future..

Förskolegård för ett Reggio Emilia inspirerat tankesätt :

The shape and arrangement of the outdoor environment at a preschool has a critical impact on the possibilities to practice different pedagogic activities (Grahn et al.1997). At the preschool at Edwin Ahlqvists road, the employees are inspired by Reggio Emilia in their way of thinking, and they consider their outdoor environment is not suitable for the pedagogic activities they use. Reggio Emilia is a city in the north of Italy (Wallin 2001). The preschools there are famous for their pedagogy, their creativity and their democratic way of working (Dahlbech & Johansson 1986). The Reggio Emilia pedagogy is constantly renewed and developed, but with the children?s needs in focus and simultaneously with the quick changes of the modern society.

Analys av stationsplattformsutformning ur ett säkerhetsperspektiv

Train travel has increased in Sweden, and future increase of train transports putdemands on the already vastly exploited railroad net. The increased need of capacitycan be seen in the ongoing and planned expansions of the railway track. One part ofthe railroad infrastructure which is affected by an increase of travellers is the design ofthe station platform. Since the platform is the place where the traveller meets thetrain, dangerous situations can occur in this environment. A number of studies focuson single safety risks, albeit there is no research to show the full picture of safety inthe platform environment.This study aims to treat and put together a compilation of risks for the traveller in theplatform environment in the form of a checklist, which can be used as support inplanning and design of a safer platform environment for existing or planned platforms.The thesis has, through case studies of five ongoing projects within the NationalRailroad Administration (Banverket), interviews with train company personnel andinternational railroad administrators, identified and treated safety (and security) risksin the platform environment.The conclusion of the study is that the relations between the traveller, the physicalplatform environment and the project organisation are important to explore andexploit when designing effective safety measures.

Lersten i skånsk byggnadstradition

The use of earth bricks in Scanian building traditionThe present work is concerned with the manufacturing and use of earth bricks inbuilt heritage in the south Swedish province of Scania. The first part of the studyprovides a thorough description of the traditional use and manufacturing of earthbricks based on relevant literature, archive material as well as interviews withinformants. This forms a basis for the second part of the study in which practicalexperiments on and tests with earth bricks where carried out. This involved themaking of traditional earth bricks of different composition. The new handmadebricks were compared with industrially produced bricks (extrusion bricks) and oldhandmade bricks.

Vattendragsrestaurering i teorin och fiskinventering i praktiken : en litteratur respektive metodstudie

Running water-pathways have played an important roll in Sweden and frequently been manipulated. One profound change was made during the period of logging when streams were cleared from obstacles as big boulders, sharp bends and side-streams. Dams and different constructions gave control of the stream water and the streams became channel-like with a homogen structure. This interference gave problems for many fish populations and resulted in a shortage of feeding habitat, over-wintering habitat, spawning habitat, unnatural flow regimes, sedimentation, unnatural temperature fluctuations. Many of these historical changes of the watersheds are now subjects for restoration, ie., bring back the streams to what we believed it was before the change. However, what once existed in terms of complexity is now gone and difficult toreplace.

Gräv där du står och ända ner till Kina :   En studie av två grundskolors omvärldsrelationer med fokus på hållbar utveckling

The aim of the study was to analyse relations between the school and the surrounding world and how these relations affects the schools? work for sustainable development. This was mainly an interview study but teachers? self-valuations have also been used. Totally six teachers at two primary schools has been interwied.

Stadsdelsförnyelse på Öster i Gävle : En analys av fysiska faktorer för en bättre boendemiljö

Nearly 50 years after the building of the first million programme neighbourhoods many Swedish municipalities faces an extensive restoration work in these neighbourhoods which during their relatively short lifetime have acted as a target for a large amount of criticism. Öster in Gävle is a million programme neighbourhood that has gone through an extensive restoration between 2001-2009 with the aim of improving the living environment. Improvements have been made in the outdoor environment, to the facades of the houses and the entrances? of each building. The purpose of this study has been to investigate the effects of the renewal in the physical outdoor environment for those who live in the neighbourhood.

Solvärme för en skola i Lerum. Studier av olika systemalternativ.

Two elementary schools are now being built in Gråbo (in the municipality of Lerum),Röselidsskolan and Ljungviksskolan, which are both designed with solar thermalcollectors for the schools domestic water heating. During the summer while thelargest amount of solar heat can be generated, the activity hence the domestic wateruse in the schools are heavily reduced. Both schools are connected to the local districtheating system which makes it possible to use the solar collectors to deliver heat tothe district heating.The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate the two systems mentioned above and todetermine which system is more suitable to apply on a school. The building whichconditions were used for this evaluation is Röselidsskolan.A solar heating plant of each system type was dimensioned from the expected andknown conditions of the building. The purpose with the dimensioning was to makethe solar plants replace the ordinary energy source as much as possible.

Älgarås avloppsreningsverk- studie och metodisk felsökning av en biobädds BOD-rening

Wastewater contains biodegradable materials, which are often measured as BOD7.Trickling filters are sometimes used as a purification step for BOD-reduction. Atrickling filter is a tower, which is filled with a carrier material. Microorganisms growon the carrier material in the form of a biofilm. This biofilm consists mostly of bacteriathat purify water from BOD.In Älgarås? wastewater treatment plant the water is purified by a trickling filter.However the treatment plant has difficulties reaching the emission requirements forBOD.

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