

107 Uppsatser om Walking - Sida 3 av 8

Tillvänjning av labradorer att skritta och trava på löpband :

The aim of this study was to determine a method to habituate treadmill-naive Labrador Retrievers to walk and trot on a treadmill. 17 Labradors was equipped with reflective markers glued to the skin. Their motions were captured with six 240 Hz infra-red cameras as they walked and trotted on a treadmill three times a day for two days. Also the heart-rate was recorded. We then used QTM and custom built software to analyze the measurements.

Utveckling av gåbord

Rapporten behandlar utvecklingsarbetet av ett nytt gåbord i samarbete med Skaraborgs sjukhus. Målet med arbetet var delvis att lokalisera och lösa de problem som fanns med det befintliga gåbordet. Samt utöver detta utveckla och göra bordet ergonomiskt anpassat för både vårdare och patient. Arbetet är uppdelat i bakgrund, förstudie, idégenerering, konceptutveckling och till sist ett resultat. I förstudien har de olika gåbord som finns på marknaden studerats och vilka problem det finns med dessa genom intervjuer med berörda parter.

Skrylleområdet - naturupplevelse som motivation till motion? :

Our lives in urban areas are becoming more and more inactive with negative effects on our mental and physical health. Natural environments and physical activity have the power to both prevent and reduce mental fatigue. Meanwhile we engage ourselves with physical activity, the nature fascinates us with its complexity. In April 2006, some of the visitors to the recreational area of Skrylle were asked to fill in a questionnaire which included questions about their habits within physical activity and the experience of nature. The questionnaires were then divided into two groups: those filled out by persons who exercise on regular basis (i.e. three or several times/week) and those who rarely exercise.


Preporsition for bachelor thesis project, working from the inside and out. Emphasising spatial quality and experience, More or less ignoring form and program. I?ve had issues with these aspects in earlier project, the form or the program takes alot of place in the project. I haven?t tried this approach before, it?s an attractive thought to allow the project take a form of it?s own, enclosing those spaces i create.The initial concept was to place the pools on the ground (not digging them into the ground) making them volumes that divide and define spaces.

På väg mot ett hållbart resande? : En fallstudie kring den lokala kollektivtrafiken i Umeå tätort

Sustainability and the traffics impact on the environment have become increasingly central within spatial planning. For many years, planning has been focusing on building new roads - this has resulted in increased use of automobiles, which many believe is unsustainable in the longer term. Therefore, authorities at national, regional and local level want to increase the use of alternative transport modes ? such as Walking, cycling and traveling by bus.The thesis intends to study if the Municipality of Umeå?s policies for sustainable development have led to an increased use of public transportation. The use of public transport in Umeå is also compared with developments at national level, in order to see if there are differences in the level and trend.

Akka. Ett skrivbord för hemmet anpassat för rullstolsburna.

A woman is dying of cancer, she refuses to use her Walking aid. Because she is embarrassed. This means she can?t leave her house, and her last days become very limited.Why do we act like this?Can the view we have of products adapted for disabled be changed by working with colour, texture, form and materials?There are many products adapted for disabled, the products often have a good function and well developed ergonomic aspects but the visual aspect leaves a lot to wish for. There is neither effort nor money put in to the exterior design of most of these products.A lot of the solutions that are invented for adapted products can be used in design of ?regular? products.Why should we then divide products in to adapted and non-adapted.

Patienters självskattning av Aktiviteter i Dagligt Liv efter en protesnära fraktur

The purpose of this study was to investigate patients self-rated ADL-function after a periprosthetic fracture, to view the demographics of the patient group and investigate any gender differences in ADL-function. Whether patients managed to return to previous housing after the fracture and reasons for this was also studied.This is a register-based retrospective and prospective cohort study with a quantitative approach. Demographic and anamnestic patient data was collected from the electronic health records. The participants were called for an interview where Katz ADL-index and EQ5D was used to describe the participants´ ADL functioning together with physical and mental functioning.The result shows that the majority of the participants rated themselves as independent in their ADL-function. No gender differences were noted in ADL-functioning.

Bil eller aktiv transport : Vad påverkar människor till deras val?

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar hur förvärvsarbetande människor i Gävle använder sig av bil och aktiv transport när de transporterar sig till destinationer inom staden. Tio personer, fem butiksbiträden och fem lärare, intervjuades angående deras transportvanor och resonemang kring valet av transportsätt.Resultatet visade att aktiv transport var det vanligaste transportsättet till arbete, träning och butiker i centrum medan bilen var det vanligaste transportsättet till mataffären och destinationer på längre avstånd från hemmet. Avståndet till destinationen, tiden det tar att transportera sig, transport av eventuella varor, bekvämlighet, intresse av motion och rekreation, årstid, väder samt synen på ekonomi och miljö var faktorer som påverkade om deltagarna valde att transportera sig med bil eller aktiv transport. Definitionen på de olika faktorerna varierade mellan deltagarna, vilket kan tyda på att det är den personliga uppfattningen om de olika faktorerna som avgör vilket transportsätt som väljs. Det framkom ingen märkbar skillnad i resvanor mellan deltagare med olika utbildning och arbete..

Sätter jag mig i ett hörn, blir jag äldre än vad jag är : En kvalitativ studie om insatsen aktivering inom hemtjänsten

From the day we are born, we slowly grow old and sooner or later most people will have to use geriatric care provided by the community. In the Swedish model, society is responsible for the geriatric care, so the elderly can live a dignified, meaningful and active life. Home help insert activity is designed to help elderly get their social needs satisfied in the form of, for example, being outdoors, walk and visit a friend or some other form of social interaction. The study's purpose is to study how older people use and perceive bet activation in the municipal home care. To find out how this was conducted five interviews with older people who have help from home care to insert activation was made.

Kommunanställdas uppfattning om och nyttjande av kommunens friskvårdsinsatser.

The personnel policy program for the employees in studied municipality includes guidelines for the working environment, saying that health promoting activities is offered to all employees.                              Objective: To investigate how these activities were used and how the staff perceived the activities offered. The aim was also to find out how well the information about current health promotion efforts reached the staff.Method: A qualitative approach was used in the form of interviews. The sample consisted of municipal employees from seven different work sites.  A total of 12 women aged 32-52 years participated. The interviews were recorded and a hermeneutic theory was used to interpret the results.Results: The results showed that most informants used some form of fitness activity. In most cases health care-time was used for anything from Walking to organized workouts. The great barrier was lack of information and lack of trained and dedicated health motivators. In several cases, informants had no knowledge about what a health motivator is supposed to do. The informants own suggestions for health promotion interventions included stress management and foot care.Conclusion: The survey showed that respondents were poorly informed about which wellness activities the municipality offered. The result could also be interpreted as a communication gap between the local authority, health motivators and the employees. A request for group activities was detected.  .

Patienter med höftfraktur : Könsskillnader samt riskfaktorer för nedsatt gångförmåga och smärta fyra månader efter operation - en registerstudie

Bakgrund: Att råka ut för en osteoporosrelaterad höftfraktur medför ofta att personernas funktionsnivå försämras mer än vad som kan förklaras av åldrandet i sig. Syfte: Att hos personer som blir inlagda på sjukhus på grund av höftfraktur, dels beskriva könsskillnader och dels identifiera riskfaktorer för nedsatt gångförmåga och smärta i den opererade höften fyra månader postoperativt. Metod: En registerstudie där 1000 personer, 50 år och äldre, med icke patologisk höftfraktur ingick. Registermaterialet analyserades dels deskriptivt och dels med multivariata regressionsmodeller för att undersöka riskfaktorer för nedsatt gångförmåga och smärta. Resultat: Kvinnorna var äldre, friskare enligt ASA, använde mer gånghjälpmedel och bodde oftare ensamma innan frakturen jämfört med männen.

Pendla med cykel - en aktuell planeringsfråga : En kvalitativ studie om Västerås Kommuns trafikplanering

ABSTRACTDuring the last decades, environmental impacts have increased significantly, much due to the great traffic flows within cities. Therefore, to reduce these impacts and encourage a healthy way of living, it has in recent years become vital to generate safer and more sustainable and flexible modes of transportation. In order to do so, authorities and physical planners must work together to find viable solutions to incorporate in the infrastructure and offer alternative transport modes ? such as Walking, cycling and public transportation. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the development of the cycling infrastructure in the city of Västerås and whether it is possible to expand bicycle commuting alongside public transportation. The thesis consequently aims to study how different physical planners within Västerås municipality work with traffic related questions.

Vingar som bär och management by walking around- En fallstudie om politikers respektive förvaltningens ledarskap på kommunal nivå

This essay studies the practice of both the political and the administrative leadership at the municipal level from the point of view of the politicians and the chief officers leadership role, and the relationship between politicians and administrators. I discuss and analyse how politicians and senior officials practice leadership, differences or similarities and if their practice of leadership raises any challenges in a democratic framework at the municipal level. I conducted interviews with the municipal political leader and the head of administration at the municipal level in Karlshamn and Sölvesborg. In the analysis I discuss communication as a leadership process which highlights ?enabling elements? and potentials of the leadership process.

Utvärdering av en behandlingsperiod i varmt klimat för personer med pelvospondylit

Purpose: To evaluate how a treatment period on four weeks in a warm climate influences physical function, condition and the patient's experience of the climate effect of patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Method: 10 persons with a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis went through four weeks of treatment on Centro Forestal Sueco, Marbella. The treatment consisted of both physical and theoretic lessons given of a rehabilitation team. All patients were examinated measured for physical function and condition before treatment, after two weeks and at the end of the treatment. To measure physical function, Timed-Stands Test, Timed Get Up and Go, The Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Metrology Index, Index of muscle function and functionestimitation of shoulder/arm were used.

Klimat & Patriarkat : Genusgeografi i Huddinge

The essay deals with gender aspects on climate change adaption. The aspects consist of the fact that women in Sweden drive cars less than men, and that women in the developing world are more affected by natural disasters arising from global warming. This study was carried out in the municipality of Huddinge, a suburb to Stockholm, by interviewing one Agenda 21 coordinator, one planner and one student in genderstudies. I also attended a meeting in the Committee for built environment in the Huddinge Municipality, to ask the politicians questions and observe gender structures during the meeting. The results also consist of a search for gender-related words in the documents used in the essay.The results are analysed using ecofeminsim, a theory that connects woman subordination and environmental destruction.

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