

3280 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 62 av 219

Tillskottsutfodring av smågrisar under digivningsperioden :

Weaning is one of the most critical events in the piglet production with problems such as growth check and post-weaning diarrhea as a result. The lighter the piglets are when the growth check occurs, the harder they have to get back to normal growth rate. Creep feeding of piglets is used to reduce the problems by increasing the weaning weight and adapting the digestive tract to a starter diet. Hodge (1974) showed that the sow?s milk can not provide enough nutrients for maximal growth rate.

UTANFÖRSKAP I ETT MAJORITETSSAMHÄLLE : En diskursanalytisk studie med fokus på romerna i svenska tidningar

In this paper I study how the minority group Roma appears in the Swedish media. I also look at possible similarities and differences in appearance before and after the disclosure of the Roma registration by the Swedish police in September 2013. To answer my purpose with the paper I treat the following questions:How is the minority group Roma constructed in the media before and after the disclosure?In which ways are the minority group Roma expressed in the media before and after the disclosure?I am using a discourse analytic method based on theories of construction between ?them? and ?we? and the media?s impact on social constructions and identities. By analysing twenty-eight articles from a period of one month before and one month after the disclosure the result shows that there are more similarities than differences between how the Roma are described in the Swedish media.

Läsförståelse: en nyckel till framgång och en förutsättning
för att gå rakryggad ur skolan

Syftet med vårt arbete var att undersöka om det går att öka elevernas läsförståelse genom att aktivt arbeta med läsinlärning under sjuveckorsperioden som praktiken varade. Utvecklingsarbetet genomfördes under höstterminen 2003 i skolår 3 under grundskollärarutbildningens sista termin. Eftersom undersökningen avsåg att mäta om det gick att öka elevernas läsförståelse använde vi oss av tre olika metoder, kartläggning genom test och frågeformulär, ostrukturerade observationer och boksamtal. För att vi skulle få ett så bra resultat som möjligt ingick hela klassen som bestod av 22 elever i undersökningen, men i samråd med praktikhandledaren gjordes en urvalsgrupp bestående av fem elever. Detta för att möjliggöra en uppföljning och sammanställning av arbetet under denna tidsbegränsade period.

Lärare som ledare : Teachers as Leaders

This essay focuses on how women and the woman emancipation are described in high school history textbooks from the years 1970, 1980, 1990 and 2000, using the theories history consciousness and gender. Two textbooks are analyzed from each period. There are several gender theories, in this essay it is Yvonne Hirdman?s theory concerning woman- and gender history that is used. This means that the woman emancipation and women?s history are analyzed from the perspectives invisible, add, and-, how- and gender history.

Passivhus det långsiktiga valet. En konkret jämförelse mellan konventionellt byggande och passivhus

This report is a study in voltagelevel in connection with regeneration of brake energy from the tramtype M31 in Gothenburg.In the act of braking, the tram M31 uses electrical braking where the electrical motors generates energy and if possible send it back to the overheadline, where other trams in the nearby can use this regenerated energy for its own driving force. In cases where no other energyconsumers are located in the same section, there is a resistance witch task is to convert this energy into heat. The regulation of this resistance appears to cause an increase in the voltagelevel into far too high levels.Investigations of the trams regulationequipment and its construction have been done. Further have measurements on the overheadline been performed in order to map the voltagevariations during a longer period of time.The result have been showing that the voltagelevel during regeneration often is as high as 880V-920V, more extreme values have not been observed in a large scale. The values are especially high compared to the nominal voltagelevel.

Incitament för förbättrat miljöarbete. En studie av miljöarbete I relationen mellan beställare och entreprenör

This report is a study in voltagelevel in connection with regeneration of brake energy from the tramtype M31 in Gothenburg.In the act of braking, the tram M31 uses electrical braking where the electrical motors generates energy and if possible send it back to the overheadline, where other trams in the nearby can use this regenerated energy for its own driving force. In cases where no other energyconsumers are located in the same section, there is a resistance witch task is to convert this energy into heat. The regulation of this resistance appears to cause an increase in the voltagelevel into far too high levels.Investigations of the trams regulationequipment and its construction have been done. Further have measurements on the overheadline been performed in order to map the voltagevariations during a longer period of time.The result have been showing that the voltagelevel during regeneration often is as high as 880V-920V, more extreme values have not been observed in a large scale. The values are especially high compared to the nominal voltagelevel.

Värdering av kvävet i organiska gödselmedel :

Within agriculture it is important to optimize the use of nitrogen, not only from an economic point of view but also to minimize damage to the environment. This can sometimes be difficult, especially within organic farming. Organic farmers are using increasing amounts of waste products from the food industry to cover their nitrogen needs. These different organic fertilizers release nitrogen at different rates and under specific soil conditions. Because of this, it would be beneficial to have a standardized method to measure the amount and rate of nitrogen mineralization from organic fertilizers. This project contributes to this knowledge by investigating whether relatively simple and repeatable laboratory methods can be used to estimate the nitrogen fertilizer value of organic fertilizers.

Särskilt stöd eller individanpassad undervisning : en intervjustudie om lärares syn på barn i behov av särskilt stöd

This study is a qualitative study of two primary schoolteachers and two special teachers approach to children with special needs, and which procedures according to these teachers can be applied to support these children in their progress at school. Building on key concepts such as segregated integration, including integration, diagnostic and children with special needs. This was then analyzed with information collected from the four formal interviews.The study also sheds light on key concepts such as special support, diagnosis, segregated integration and including integration. The conclusion explains the concept of including integration as an approach that works well for both students with special needs in a short period of time yet also students with diagnoses. This is presented in the end of this study with different suggestions for a continued research on children with special needs..

Ensilagestrukturens inverkan på ätbeteende och beteendestörningar hos mjölkraskvigor :

I modern mjölkproduktion utfodras rekryteringskvigor vanligtvis med en foderstat som uppfyller deras näringsmässiga behov, men som inte alltid tar hänsyn till nötkreaturs naturliga ätbeteende. Viktiga faktorer som påverkar foderintag och tuggbeteende hos nötkreatur är grovfodrets partikelstorlek och fibersmältbarhet, samt andelen fiber från vallfoder i foderstaten. Syftet med studien var att undersöka effekter av vallensilagets struktur, det vill säga partikelstorlek samt fiberinnehåll och smältbarhet, på ätbeteende och utveckling av onormala beteenden hos mjölkraskvigor. Studien genomfördes på en privat mjölkgård utanför Skara. Djurmaterialet bestod vid försöksstarten av 52 SLB-kvigor indelade i två grupper: en yngre grupp med 23 kvigor i åldrarna 3 till 7 månader och en äldre grupp med 27 kvigor i åldrarna 9 till 14 månader. Försöket utfördes enligt change-over-design med två behandlingar och tre försöksperioder á tre veckor.

Hypotermi vid anestesi av hund

The reasons for hypothermia during general anaesthesia are many and varied. The lowered body temperature causes negative physiological effects and leads to discomfort for the animal during the recovery period. This student report is a combination of field study and literature review. In the field study the changes in ambient temperature and the rectal temperature of dogs were monitored during general anaesthesia. The purpose of the study was to see if the body temperature of dogs was reduced during general anaesthesia.

Samhällets kropp

The foundation for this thesis lies in whether or not, and how, the body representation in printed commercials, specific products directed to the body (shampoo, body lotion etc.), has changed during the last fifty years. Four years have been chosen because of the changes in society that we believe might have had an impact. The commercials that have been picked out are the ones that best represent the general view of the body. We have found that the changes when it comes to body presentation has followed the social development to a certain degree, but it is difficult to say how much the society has had an affect on the body ideal in advertising. Representations of the male body is something that has escalated since the early 70?s, fifteen years earlier few commercials was made with male models, and the few there were, never showed more than the face.

Unga kvinnors missbruk av narkotika

Missbruket av narkotika har under de senaste åren ökat enligt olika undersökningar, i och med det borde rimligtvis också missbruket ha ökat bland kvinnor. Vi inriktade oss på den yngre ålderskategorin av kvinnor, 15 ? 20 år. Vi ansåg att den gruppen var intressant då vi vet att ungdomar i den ålderskategorin oftast testar narkotika för första gången. Vi undersökte om problemet med unga kvinnors missbruk av narkotika hade ökat under en tio års period, samt hur stort problemet var i dagens samhälle.

Förlorad lönsamhet - en studie av PEAD:s förändrade egenskaper på den svenska aktiemarknaden mellan år 2000 och 2009

In this thesis we study the development of post-earnings announcement drift (PEAD) in the Swedish equity market from 2000 to 2009. By forming portfolios based on the stock price reaction to quarterly reporting we show that the characteristics of PEAD have changed. We demonstrate that negatively surprising companies show a positive drift during a holding period of six months sufficiently large to render the trading strategy unprofitable. This development holds from 2005 and onwards and these results contradict many a study which finds the same portfolio construction to be indeed profitable. We argue that this development is a trend that will not only affect our study but future studies as well..

Analys av fysiskt och administrativt flöde för provhantering vid Höganäs AB

In this project, we are studying the material flow and the information flow of sample materials and the appurtenant report of deviation for the purpose to be able to suggest better solutions. The sample material, which is to be analysed, is to be continuously taken from the production flow. The purpose is to navigate the process by the results found by the analysis. Because of this, it's very important that both methods of analysis are ensured and that the sample material is representative for the production flow. However, even more importantly, is that activities and transportations, combined with both flows, must perform in a quick and correct way in order to maintain or improve Höganäs AB's competitive strength.According to reports are about 20 products per day not available, for loading, at the time of delivery.

?Jag undrar varför farbrorn inte hade ett koppel på hunden?? ? En interventionsstudie med syfte att främja elevers läsförståelse och läsintresse ?Jag undrar varför farbrorn inte hade ett koppel på hunden?? : - En interventionsstudie med syfte att främja e

The aim of this study was to investigate the result of an effort to support reading development and the reading motivation. My approach was an intervention study during four weeks, where intensive reading in a group of three pupils in grade one took place. Individual conversations and group conversations were central methods in combination with different ways of processing the texts. Interviews were conducted with the class teacher and the participating children to see the difference in reading and motivation before and after the project. The result shows that an intensive period with reading fiction books with subsequent conversations and different processing of the text is a useful developing method for decoding, reading comprehension and reading motivation.

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