

3280 Uppsatser om Waiting period - Sida 22 av 219

Vulvan, förlossningen och mötet med modergudinnan : Om Monica Sjöös målning God giving birth

This study is about the artist Monica Sjoo?s (1938-2005) painting God giving birth (1968) that was accused of being blasphemous and obscene in the early 1970s. God giving birth could have had much in common with Niki de Saint-Phalle?s She ? a cathedral (1966), both works suggesting a mother goddess image. The main difference however can be found in the fact that Monica Sjoo?s painting had connection to the women?s movement in the 1970s.

Skolsköterskors användning av MI-metoden

AbstractMI stands for Motivational Interviewing, the Swedish translation of MI is Motiverande Samtal. Adolescence is a period in life when challenges are encountered and pivotal choices are being made. It is during this period adolescents form their lifestyle, which have an impact for their health for the rest of their life. MI has shown to be an effective and appropriate method for school nurses within school health care, to utilize in approaching by adolescents with risk behavior. This is because it gives adolescence to take responsibility and empowers them to make decisions regarding lifestyle-changes.

Skolskötersors användning av MI-metoden

AbstractMI stands for Motivational Interviewing, the Swedish translation of MI is Motiverande Samtal. Adolescence is a period in life when challenges are encountered and pivotal choices are being made. It is during this period adolescents form their lifestyle, which have an impact for their health for the rest of their life. MI has shown to be an effective and appropriate method for school nurses within school health care, to utilize in approaching by adolescents with risk behavior. This is because it gives adolescence to take responsibility and empowers them to make decisions regarding lifestyle-changes.

Musikeffekter med signalprocessor - Realtidsimplementation på plattformen C6416T DSK

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Visuell provning (VT) - Hur kan kvaliten på provningen vidareutvecklas?

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Sortval f?r ?pplehagen: Odlade och rekommenderade ?pplesorter i Skaraborgs l?n 1880?1930

This thesis investigates the former apple orchard ?pplehagen with a focus on its origin, history, and remaining fruit trees. Historical aerial photographs, historical maps, an interview with a former owner, together with a field investigation has served as the methods of this survey. The investigation shows that ?pplehagen probably was established between 1882 and the 1930?s as a rational orchard in the spirit of the time aiming to produce fruit both for household and for sale.

Framtidens bibliotek? : Dieselverkstadens bibliotek AB

With background in the acknowledgement of the current period of major change in the characteristics of traditional Swedish foreign policy, considering the membership in the European Union, as well as the new contextual scenarios that Sweden has been situated in after the end of the cold war, this thesis aims at scrutinizing the Swedish Foreign Policy from 1991 to 2010. The purpose of the thesis is further to localize continuity and change in the ideas which Sweden has explicitly stated in its foreign policy. Based on the theory of institutionalism, the thesis also aims to bring forward plausible explanations built on the main empirical findings. This has been done by identifying different types of goals and means within realism and liberalism as well as categorizing each theory within three ideal types.The chosen research method has been a qualitative text analysis with focus on an ideational analysis. The material on which the descriptive analysis is based upon is constituted by the annual statements of government policy in parliamentary debates on foreign affairs.The results of the thesis show that the ideas that are related to solidarity, consensus and active foreign policy are constant through the period of examination.

En utförlig undersökning av begreppet flexibilitet med avseende på produktion

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Applicering av set-based-metod vid produktutveckling av fixtur och modellbil

The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to create a product in the form of a database that can be used for cost estimates of equipment within bio refineries. Through interviews and literature searches the key components and their costs were identified. The database was constructed in Microsoft Excel with different tabs for different categories of components; these tabs are further divided into three parts: one part with costs, one part with calculations and an information part. Most of the part with costs contains the expenses found in scientific papers during the literature study, the calculating part converts different capacities according to user preferences and the currency to euro (?) from 2010 and the information part consists of references and information about what is included in the cost.The database is a good tool for making cost estimates for bio refineries.

Hälsoeffekter av patientundervisning och läkemedelsanvändning vid Parkinsons sjukdom

AbstractBackgroundParkinson?s disease is a chronically not curable progressive disease that leads to different degrees of disability. Controlled studies on how patient education influences subjective health in Parkinson?s disease are lacking.AimThe aim of this study was to examine the influence patient education had on drug requirements and on subjective health status of persons with Parkinson?s disease.MethodologyA short form of Health Survey, SF-12, was used to measure perceived health. SF-12 was administered before and one month after patient education (intervention group; n= 48), and in waiting list control (n= 48).

Faktorer på akutmottagningen som är av betydelse för patientens tillfredställelse av vården : - en litteraturstudie

Syfte: Att beskriva faktorer av betydelse för patienttillfredsställelse på akutmottagningen.Metod: En litteraturstudie med beskrivande design. Data baserades på 13 artiklar sökta i databasen PubMed.Resultat: Totalt identifierades sju faktorer av betydelse för patienttillfredsställelsen av vården på akutmottagningen. Faktorerna var patientens bakgrund, vårdpersonalens bemötande, information, kommunikation, triageprocessen, väntetid och miljö. Resultatet visade att den viktigaste faktorn som hade betydelse för patientens tillfredställelse på akutmottagningen var väntetiden, ovissheten kring denna och triageprocessens påverkan.Slutsats: Faktorerna visade sig vara viktiga var för sig och ännu viktigare i kombination med varandra. Om patienterna var missnöjda med en faktor påverkade det ofta tillfredställelsen av de andra faktorerna under besöket på akutmottagningen.

Att arbeta som nyutexaminerad sjuksköterska

I dagens samhälle behöver allt fler personer vård. Sjuksköterskans specialitet är omvårdnad och de nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskorna förväntas ta ett stort ansvar. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att belysa nyutexaminerade sjuksköterskors upplevelser av den första tiden i yrkeslivet. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie med en induktiv ansats. Resultatet baseras på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar och analysen resulterade i tre huvudkategorier: kunskap har betydelse, stressfull period och betydelsen av stöd.

KÖK OCH KÄK : Hur matlagningen påverkats av köket, dess utrustning och människornas livsstil 1960 ? 2000

Tre parallella förlopp undersöks, dels den förändring som skett med köksrummet i nyproducerade privata kök i stadsbebyggelse under tiden 1960-2000, dels de tekniska hjälpmedlens och livsstilens betydelse för matlagningen under samma period.Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur köksrummet, dess utrustning och livsstilen påverkat matlagningen mellan 1960 ? 2000.Två metoder har använts nämligen litteraturstudier och en intervju. Litteraturstudierna är av två slag, dels litteratur om kökets förändring livsstilen och dels en sammanställning och analys av fyra årgångar av vår kokbok. Intervjun har skett per mail.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att människornas livsstil och trenderna omkring dom har påverkat matlagningen och även nya tekniska köksapparater. Däremot torde köksrummets utseende han spelat en mindre roll för matlagningen.Slutsatsen är att de nyproducerade köken, under den period som undersökningen behandlat, har varit så stora och välplanerade att de inte kan ha hindrat för matlagningen.

Betydelsen av prokainets nedbrytning i plasma vid penicillinchock hos häst :

The use of intramuscular injections of procaine penicillin G (bensylpenicillin procaine) in the horse is now and then associated with acute adverse reactions (penicillin-chock). The etiology is not yet clearly understood, but the theories are several. One possibility is that it can be caused by procaine toxicity. Procaine penicillin G is a salt which is quickly dissolved in plasma. Procaine is then metabolized by plasmaesterases to non-toxic metabolites, p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and diethylaminoethanol.

En generell processkartläggning av leveransplanering för biobränsle i Sverige

The contribution of biofuels to the total consumption of energy in Sweden must increase to 49 % in order to meet the goals for the year 2020 set by the European Union. In order to do so, improved information systems are needed to support the business processes within delivery scheduling between customers and suppliers.Enterprise Architecture (EA) is a concept to enable the alignment of Business processes and Information Systems. EA is the framework for the architectures of business, information and applications. With a comprehensive view of the architectures, an Information System aligned with the Business processes can be enabled. The first step in the development of an Information System is documenting the business processes.The goal of this study is to clarify a generic sequence of activities performed within the delivery scheduling process and the information needed to perform the activities.Data for the study was collected through qualitative interviews, first through a meeting with the respondent and after that a following telephone interview with in total 5 suppliers and 6 customers of biofuels.

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