

337 Uppsatser om Wage labor - Sida 21 av 23

Vi sitter tillsammans : Upplevelser av samhörighet och ledarskap i ett traditionellt kontorslandskap.

The office is the working environment in which an increasing proportion of the population spends their days . One type of office are open plan offices which are characterized by several people sitting together in the same room without spatial boundaries . The general discourse of this kind of offices is that they constitute an advantageous design that allows organizational changes without the need for redevelopment . From a work perspective, this office design is both criticized and acclaimed . Problems with noise is frequently reported in research which can lead to ill health.

Förutsättningar för att utnyttja solceller i Sala-Heby relaterat till ekonomiska stöd

There have been several projects with solar installations in Sweden, and Sala-Heby Energi (SHE) wanted to create a solar plant. The question answered in this thesis is whether it is economically viable to create such a source of sustainable, renewable energy. The plant would be built with the help of the financial effort from 120 customers. This economic union would sell the electricity to the SHE, for SEK 4.50 per kWh up to a certain level over a period of 10 years. It would be a long term commitment to environmentally friendly electricity, using solar cells which convert sunlight directly into electricity.In year 2009 there was introduced a new state aid for photovoltaic systems, to create an increased and continuing interest in solar cells.

Kinesiska affärsetableringar i Sverige : Kartläggning över områden som förbättrar chanserna att lyckas

Aim and starting point: The aim of the Bachelor thesis is to examine and define the paramount knowledge Chinese businessmen need in order to succeed with their establishment in Sweden. The authors also seek to answer what incentives attract Chinese businessmen to come to Sweden, as well as how Chinese establishments in Sweden can be predicted to appear in the future.Results/conclusions: The study outlines key areas in which Chinese businessmen should have knowledge in order to succeed with their establishment in Sweden. The results also gives an indication on how Chinese business establishments in Sweden will appear in the future, into which areas the Chinese mainly invest/establish in, as well as why and how these are done. On the basis of this material the authors generate proposals for educational packages which among others can be sold to Chinese businessmen.Knowledge overview: Here relevant theory connected to the area of study is presented. The knowledge overview presents the Swedish in relation to the Chinese perspective in areas such as: culture, hierarchy, relations, Face, communication, HRM, education, CSR and labour law.

Sågverksbranschens kostnads- och intäktsstruktur : undersökning, analys och trender inom svensk sågverksnäring

Sandvik Group is a global engineering corporation within materials technology and produces, among other things, band sawsteel. In order to develop custom relations, custom benefits and the supply chain Sandvik wants to become more acquainted with its customers. Improved feedback means that Sandvik will be able to develop its products in a customized direction. This thesis is a tool for educating and developing sales staff. As a support a calculation tool that can be used as a sales aid has been developed.

Avsaknaden av samvetsfrihet inom den svenska hälso- och sjukvården : Hur Sverige valt att frångå Europakonventionen

The proponents for conscience wants to get a clause that will allow the health professionals to due. scruples waive certain duties. Swedens decision makers has despite pressure from the Christian De-mocrats and the Sweden Democrats decided not to implement freedom of conscience in health care. The purpose of this paper is to investigate whether Sweden has the obligation to provide for freedom of conscience in health care. Furthermore, it must be examined, whose rights according to the law will go first, health professionals right to freedom of conscience or the patient right to equal treat-ment.

Från Policy Till Praktik -en studie om textilföretags uppfattningar om utmaningar vid implementering av CSR-policies

From policy to practice - a study of textile companies view about challenges with implementing CSR policies examine the textile companies awareness of which challenges there are with the implementation of codes of conduct in a global supply chain, as well as to analyze how the companies deal with the challenges. With increased globalization many companies have chosen to outsource entire or parts of the production in various developing and newly industrialized countries. However, the working conditions in these countries do not always fulfill the labor standards that are defined in various conventions. The society began demanding companies to take social responsibility. The social responsibility goes under the term Corporate social responsibility (CSR).

Det nya arbetarpartiet? : En studie om det moderata samlingspartiets arbetsmarknadspolitiska ideér och dess ideologiska förändring

?The new labour party? A study of the labor-market policy ideas of the Moderata samlingspartiet and their ideological change?Thesis in Political Science (C-level) at Karlstad University byJenny Ljung, Fall 2006Tutor: Susan MartonThe labour-market policy of the Swedish Moderaterna may have undergone changes in the liberal ideology. During the election the year 1991 Moderaterna focused upon questions that concerned the economic growth and the free market. In the election at year 2006 Moderaterna appointed themselves as ?the new labour party? and were called social liberals by several critiques.

Basel II : en reglerings inflytande på motivation i banksektorn

Baselregelverket är en samling rekommendationer och riktlinjer som syftar till att skapa global finansiell stabilitet. Det gällande regelverket, Basel II, riktar sig till kreditinstitut och andra värdepappersbolag i de länder som har valt att införliva regelverket i nationell lag. Basel II införlivades i svensk rätt i början av 2007 och därmed har regelverket blivit bindande för svenska banker. Basel II stipulerar att banker ska använda internt utvecklade modeller för att utvärdera risk och kapitaltäckning samt fastställer att denna utvärdering ska användas för beslutsfattande i den dagliga verksamheten. Regelverkets krav har bland annat resulterat i ökad bolagsstyrning då utvecklandet av strategier och kontrollsystem för sådana typer av riskmodeller är något som sker på hög organisatorisk nivå, vid bankens huvudkontor. Problematiken i detta är att implementeringen av ett regelverk som influerar bankens organisationsstruktur blir en svårhanterlig fråga och får stor inverkan på arbetet för anställda med operativa befattningar.

En studie av tänkbara faktorer som föranleder internrevisorer att certifiera sig

Audit is a common concept in Sweden. This occurs in many contexts and situations and may intend a wide spectrum of areas. It might consider environment audit, amateur audit, internal auditing, external audit etc. In the business community external audit and the associated external auditor is possibly, from the general public's side, the most recognized. The external audits purposes in big features are checking limited companies economic accounting along with the board and CEO: s management.

The effect of arginine on root system development in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) somatic embryos

The demands for higher production yields and better quality materials from the forests are increasing globally. Tree breeding programs are directed to meet the future demands on forests. In order to capture the full benefits from the breeding programs, clonal propagation is necessary. For most conifer species, somatic embryogenesis (SE) is the only available option for large scale clonal propagation of Elite clonal material. For Norway spruce (Picea abies L.

IT-verktyg och kommunikationinom globala projekt

Many companies with expansion plans may eventually need to take a decision whether tomove parts of the organization abroad or not. One example is how Swedish companies? placesits production in Asia where labor is cheaper, but at the same time wants to use Swedishengineers. The communication possibilities today makes it no longer necessary to travelacross the world to have a meeting, and questions can be answered in a matter of minutes.This means that a company that is spread out over the world still can communicate betweentheir employees.When participants in a project are spread out over the world, and can?t meet in person, it iseasy for problems to appear.

Ny tillsynsmodell med tillhörande marknadsorienterade styrmedel : En granskning av föreslagen tillsynsmodell med Danmarks arbetsmiljömodell som förebild

The corporate world has become increasingly unpredictable and complex. Several companies are dependent on a rapidly developing market. The development has created a positive impact on production but on working conditions it has resulted in increased work pace and load. Psychosocial and stress-related problems has increased. The development has also meant a greater awareness of work environment issues relevant to competition for customers and employees.

? Var det bra så? : En studie om butikspersonals roller i kundbemötandet

SammanfattningUppsatsen är ett försök till att belysa fenomenet roller i serviceyrket; hur personalen i en klädbutik agerar gentemot kunder och hur de känner inför den roll de besitter i sin profession. Idag innebär butiksarbete mycket mer än tidigare: numera förväntas man som butiksmedarbetare att ge god service i kundbemötandet ? det räcker inte med att kunna utföra sina arbetsuppgifter, utan man måste kunna leverera ett leende på utsatt tid och man förväntas kunna sälja. Dessutom ställs många gånger i detaljhandeln krav på att man ska kunna sälja för ett visst belopp eller ett visst antal artiklar per kund.[1]    I vardagslivets olika situationer innehar vi individer olika roller. Man kan ibland inneha rollen som ett äldre syskon, ibland som rådgivare och ibland som vän eller kollega.

Att möta sorg i arbetet : En kvantitativ enkätundersökning över begravningsrådgivare anslutna till SBF (Sveriges Begravningsbyråers Förbund).

This quantitative survey aims to highlight the impact of the meeting with the grief for customer advisers and representatives of funeral homes connected to the SBF (Sveriges Begravningsbyråers förbund). It also aims to demonstrate any differences between the sexes on this subject. Issues include: How does the person experience expectations and requirements in relation to their professional role? Does the person experience a personal impact due to the encounter with grief and death in their profession, in what way and to what extent? What consequences does the expectations, reactions and the possible impact result in for that person? What conditions does the person have to help cope with the professional role? Is there a gender difference in this experience? The theory base, which consists of theories taken from The Managed Heart: The commercialization of Human Feeling by Arlie Hochschild (2003) and descriptions taken from Yrke: begravningsentreprenör. Om utanförskap, döda kroppar, riter och professionalisering by Anna Davidsson Bremborg (2002), has been fundamental in both the preparatory work and the analysis.

Cursum stroller : Förflyttning av litet barn för rullstolsburen

In Sweden there are 560 000 disabled people over the age of 16, half of those are in use of some kind of mobility device.Living with a disability means that due to injury or illness you are having trouble functioning without devices or assistance in your daily life and has a big impact on the independence of the disabled user.The everyday life for disabled parents with young children are different depending on the type of disability and mobility device.Today there is no alternative to the stroller for the disabled user who use mobility advises. This causes problems when the disabled person on there own have/want to move the child.The following statement have been the cornerstone for this project: How to make it possible for a wheelchair user to move a child, in the 0-2 year, for longer distances with a focus on independence and safety for both adult children?Due the process, of industrial design, this question and problem have been solved during 10 weeks. The process have contained parts as meeting with users, analyzing, concept development, evaluations, mock-up making, testing, shape & color development etc. This in the end have resulted in a full scale model of the appearance of a proposed product.The result is a stroller witch can be connected to the users specific wheelchair due two one time adjustments.

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