

2 Uppsatser om Vänsterpartiet - Sida 1 av 1

Politikens medialisering : En kritisk diskursanalys av fyra ledande politikers twittrande

The empirical material of this study consisted of tweets by four leading politicians in Sweden: Carl Bildt of Nya Moderaterna, Annie Lo?o?f of Centerpartiet, A?sa Romson of Miljo?partiet and Jonas Sjo?stedt of Va?nsterpartiet. The aim of the study was to examine how they use Twitter as a political tool and what that says of the mediatization of politics. What content did they publish, how did the content differentiate between them and what political messages and other subjects occurred in their tweets? Does the political debate become fragmented because they?re only allowed to use 140 characters on Twitter? The theoretical framework and method applied for the research was based upon critical discourse analysis (CDA), with special interest in ideology and mediatized discourse.The result of the study showed that the content they published consisted mostly of criticism towards political opponents, rather than of independent political opinions.

Fra?n mo?rkret stiga vi mot ljuset : den tidiga svenska arbetarro?relsens strategiska musikanva?ndning

Den ha?r uppsatsen handlar om den svenska arbetarro?relsens musikanva?ndning. Ro?relsens anva?ndande av musik belyses och analyseras ur ett historiskt, politiskt och strategiskt perspektiv. Uppsatsen belyser arbetarro?relsens tidiga period i Sverige, vilket inneba?r att senare a?r och nutida perspektiv inte sta?r i fokus.