

1032 Uppsatser om Voice Handicap Index (VHI) - Sida 6 av 69

En undersökning av Bergvik skogs och Skogsstyrelsens gallringsmallar mot en gallringsoptimering på simulerade typbestånd

The purpose of this study was to analyze the two thinning models: Bergvik Skog´s thinning model, which is based on total stems and dominant height, And Swedish forest agency´s thinning model which is based on basal area, habitat index, dominant height and recommended number of stems at final felling in Heureka´s StandWise and PlanWise. The data we chosen for our study were taken from the Swedish National Forest Inventory and we were creating a simulated stand based on a great number of sample plots in Region three from The Swedish National Forest Inventory. We had chosen to create one stand with low habitat index (T20) and one with high habitat index (T24). Our purpose were to come as close as possible to a natural stand in central Sweden. We performed the thinning in StandWise and analyzed the data I Excel files. Our thinning optimizing´s were performed and analyzed in PlanWise. There wasn´t any big differences between the thinning on the lower habitat index.

Kan markfuktighetskartor användas för att hitta skogsmark med hög bonitet? : ett gis-baserat försök med dtw-index och laserskannad övre höjd

The depth-to-water-index (DTW-index) is derived from digital elevation models (DEM) to map soil wetness, in terms of distance from soil surface to the ground water table. The aim of this GIS based study was to investigate the existence of a relationship between DTW-index and forest site productivity (SP). The belief of such an assumed relationship was based on knowledge that the ground water level is related to site properties that can either promote or impede tree growth. Data primarily comprised rasters of the Krycklan catchment in northern Sweden and depicted DTW-index and a laser scanned vegetation height. The 100th height percentile of each pixel in the vegetation raster was assumed to mirror the top-height, letting it act as a relative measure of SP within a delineated area of equal stand age.

Sångrösten - skillnader och likheter mellan manlig och kvinnlig sångröst i ett pedagogiskt perspektiv

The singing-voice ? Differences and similarities between male and female singing-voices in a pedagogical perspectiveThe primary purpose of the present study is to create a basis for a deeper understanding of the male singing-voice. Within the above purpose the present study also aims at comparing differences and similarities between the male and the female singing-voice, and examining possible pedagogical differences in teaching male and female singing students.The study is partly a literature study where existing studies in the field of the singing-voice are examined, in which the male singing-voice is described in relation to the female one. The study also comprises an interview study where four professional singing-teachers, two male and two female, are being interviewed according to an interview guide (see appendix A) focusing on pedagogical aspects of the male and the female singing-voice.The results of the study show that the anatomical functions of the singing-voice are the same whether you are male or female. This also holds true for the basic singing-technique which is the same for both sexes.

Svensk översättning och validering av The Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS)

Självskattningsformulär utgör ett viktigt kliniskt redskap för både utredning och intervention av röstproblem men i nuläget är tillgången till olika formulär i Sverige begränsad då antalet validerade svenska översättningar är få. Syfte med studien var att översätta och preliminärt validera The Voice Symptom Scale (VoiSS) som består av 30 frågor tilldelade komponenterna Nedsättning, Emotionellt och Fysiskt. Den svenska versionen av VoiSS framtogs genom ?Forward-backward Translation? med en efterföljande pilotstudie. Sammanlagt deltog 203 vuxna individer som rekryterades via webb- och pappersenkät.

Det vetbara finns i hjärtat av det fördolda : En narratologisk udersökning av Ingeborg Bachmanns roman Malina

In this paper I study the Austrian author Ingeborg Bachmann?s novel Malina (1971) from the perspective of Gérard Genette?s narrative theory and his notions of tense, mood and voice. In dialogue with earlier research on Malina I reflect over the last scene in the novel, what really happens there and how it matters for the rest of the novel. I give an account of feminist theories with focus on the annihilation of the female voice, the memory as theatre and the folklore tale as flight. The result is a more distinct perception of Bachmann?s skill, closeness and awareness as a writer and her use of Malina as contribution to the feminist debate and as a tool to find a place in the patriarchal world of intellectual, postwar Vienna. .

Kvalitetssäkring vid en monteringslina : ett projekt på Swepart i Liatorp

För att Swepart Transmission AB ska fortsätta att hålla en hög standard på produkter som levereras till kunder, ska monteringslinan för Power Take-Off säkras. Budgeten som är avsatt till att kvalitetssäkra monteringslinan är 500 000 kr. Pick-to-Light och Pick-to-Voice är system som kan användas för att kvalitetssäkra monteringen av Power Take-Off. Systemen jämfördes med systemet med monteringskort som används i nuläget. Det mest lämpliga att införa har visat sig vara Pick-to-Light.I samband med införandet av detta system måste utredningar göras för vilka komponenter som behöver sensorer och vilka som kan säkras på andra sätt.

Högriskfonder kontra aktieindex : En studie av makrovariablers påverkan på olika fondalternativ

Abstract  Title: High-Risk Funds vs. Mutual- Index FundsA study of macro -variables influence on different funds choice Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Moses Yokie & Bo Lemar Supervisor: Ogi Chun & Cheick Wagué Date: 2011-05-25 Aim: The purpose with this thesis is to compare two different types of mutual-index fond and a high-risk fund in relation to the macro variables. The purpose also includes an investigation about if an investor will receives a higher return on high-risk fund than on mutual-index fund in a 10 years period.Method: A quantitative method has been use in this study, where the information has been received from Morningstar. Microsoft Excel has been used to process the collected data in order to calculate the expected return and the risk measures. The result is presented in graphs and tables on the empirical capital, in order to analyse and compare it with the theories and the selected macro- variables to see if there will be any correlation. Conclusion: This research shows that there is no possibility that the macro-variable factors can benefit an investment on high-risk fund or on mutual-index fund in the short run.

Börshandlade fonder eller aktieindexfonder? : En studie som jämför avgifter och handel

 Problem: For what type of investors are index funds versus exchange-traded index funds best suited?Objective: The purpose of the paper is to determine how an index fund or an exchange-traded index fund (ETF) suits different types of investors with different requirements in terms of time frame, investment size and purpose of investment. The comparison is based on fees and trade practicality. This is going to describe the advantages and disadvantages with the two different financial instruments.Method: The study is a comparative study using two methods; one of which is a case study, the other is a qualitative interview. The case study focuses on fees and is made on an exchange traded fund (XACT OMXS30) and a simple equity index fund (Erik Pensér equity enhanced index).

Specialpedagogik i en annorlunda miljö : En studie om en handikappskola i en av Kairos sopstäder

In one of six garbage collectors area in Cairo, Esbet el Nakhl, there's a handicap school run by the Coptic church. We chose to study this school using observations and interviews. The purpose of our thesis has been to describe the school, the goals of the education and the educational forms. The questions we asked our selves before the trip to Cairo were; how does the school look like? What's a garbage collectors area? How do the teachers educate the children? How's the situation for the handicapped children?We spent six days of observations and interviews at the school gathering information for the thesis.

Prestationsstyrsystem : En undersökning om dess önskade och oönskade effekter

Abstract  Title: High-Risk Funds vs. Mutual- Index FundsA study of macro -variables influence on different funds choice Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration Author: Moses Yokie & Bo Lemar Supervisor: Ogi Chun & Cheick Wagué Date: 2011-05-25 Aim: The purpose with this thesis is to compare two different types of mutual-index fond and a high-risk fund in relation to the macro variables. The purpose also includes an investigation about if an investor will receives a higher return on high-risk fund than on mutual-index fund in a 10 years period.Method: A quantitative method has been use in this study, where the information has been received from Morningstar. Microsoft Excel has been used to process the collected data in order to calculate the expected return and the risk measures. The result is presented in graphs and tables on the empirical capital, in order to analyse and compare it with the theories and the selected macro- variables to see if there will be any correlation. Conclusion: This research shows that there is no possibility that the macro-variable factors can benefit an investment on high-risk fund or on mutual-index fund in the short run.

Perceptuell bedömning av barns avvikande klusilproduktion : Hur tolkas klusilord med avvikande voice onset time av vuxna naiva lyssnare?

Voice onset time, VOT, är en akustisk tidsparameter som anses återspegla talmotorisk kontroll. VOT är den mest pålitliga akustiska parametern för att särskilja tonande och tonlösa klusiler. I tidigare studier har VOT-värden för svenska barn uppmätts. Det har visat sig att barn med fonologisk språkstörning har avvikande VOT jämfört med typiskt utvecklade barn. Dock saknas undersökningar av hur lyssnare tolkar klusilord med avvikande VOT.

Aktiv fondförvaltning på svenska marknaden : Svenska aktiefonders prestation i jämförelse mot passiv förvaltning i perioder av upp- och nedgång på Stockholmsbörsen mellan åren 1995-2010

I denna uppsats undersöks hur aktivt förvaltade svenska aktiefonder presterat i jämförelse mot passiv förvaltning i perioder av upp- och nedgång på Stockholmsbörsen mellan åren 1995-2010. I ett urval av 36 aktivt förvaltade Sverigefonder undersöks hur prestationerna står sig mot passiv förvaltning, om fondernas prestationer håller i sig över tid och om fondstorleken har betydelse för prestationen. Genom en uppdelning olik tidigare studier på fonders prestationer, där perioderna bestäms utefter marknadens upp- och nedgångscykler kan resultat tydligare framställas om aktivt förvaltade fonder presterar bättre än passiv förvaltning. Vi riskjusterar fondernas prestationer och jämför deras utveckling mot SIX Return Index och indexfonden Handelsbanken Mega Sverige Index (den passiva förvaltningen). Vi finner att aktiv förvaltning överlag inte lyckas genera högre avkastning än index i perioder av uppgångar men att de går bättre än index i nedgångar.

Erosionsskador hos barn och ungdomar

Aim: The aim of this study was to examine and explain the various methods available to rate the erosion damage, and on which teeth and tooth surfaces of erosion damage mostly occurs in children and adolescents.Method: A literature review was conducted, based on 15 scientific articles that have been reviewed, evaluated and analyzed. Articles were searched for in the database PubMed.Result: Six of the articles used the TWI (tooth wear index), which is an index to diagnose the tooth wear in the primary and permanent dentition. Eight articles used other indices as they considered that the TWI was not sufficiently developed to register the degree of tooth wear on some teeth. Tooth wear in the primary dentition occurs most often in the canines and incisors. Tooth wear in the permanent dentition was found in the literature to be mostly occurring on the occlusal / incisal surfaces of all teeth and tooth surfaces.LyssnaConclusion: There is no common index in the articles but many of them use the TWI.

Ämnet idrott och hälsa i förskoleklassen och grundskolans tidigare år : En kvalitativ undersökning av elevers och lärares uppfattning om ämnet idrott och hälsa

The two swedish unions, Akademikerförbundet SSR and Kommunal, have a majority of female participations who mainly work in the public services. The difference between the unions is that one of them only represents members with academic educations and the other has members with lower educations. The aim of this study was to compare the two unions according to the terms exit, voice and loyalty, but also participation and influence. There were 142 participants in this study and 8 participants were interviewed in a pre-study. The result of the study shows that voice is a strong predictor to wellbeing in work life.

Röstbehandling : Utvärdering av två typer av röstbehandling genom två självskattningsinstrument

Inom svensk logopedi används idag olika former av röstbehandling och en av dessa är resonansrörsmetoden, som är en relativt outforskad behandlingsmetod. Föreliggande studie syftar till att utifrån patienternas självskattning utvärdera två typer av röstbehandling; traditionell svensk röstbehandling och resonansrörsmetoden.Patienterna som ingick i studien var diagnostiserade med en funktionell eller funktionellt organisk röststörning och var över 18 år. Innan behandlingen påbörjades slumpades patienterna till endera behandlingsmetod, eller till en grupp som randomiserades efter åtta veckors väntetid. Totala antalet patienter var 19; elva i gruppen som har fått traditionell röstbehandling och åtta i gruppen som har genomgått resonansrörsmetoden. Nio av de 19 patienterna, har även genomgått ett uppföljningsbesök fyra månader efter avslutad behandling.

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