

125 Uppsatser om Visualization - Sida 6 av 9

Tredje generationens flugfiskerulle

This Master Thesis describes how a concept for a new fly fishing reel has been developed. Thethesis has been an interwork with Loop Tackle Design, which is a leading company in the flyfishing industry with their high-quality products. Loop designs and develops all types of flyfishing equipment like fly fishing reels, rods, lines and clothes.The purpose of this thesis is to generate a concept for a new type of fly fishing reel. The new flyfishing reel shall be innovative and reduce the number of components in fly fishing equipment.The solution for this is to create a fly fishing reel that is collapsible and can be used for all typesof fly fishing.The thesis started with a history of fly fishing and the equipments that have been used for flyfishing in the past and what is used today, in order to get an idea how fly fishing haveprogressed. A frame of reference was then compiled to get an idea of the forces and surroundingsa fly fishing reel will be exposed to.

Har rock en roll för hälsan? : En fokusgruppsstudie på hur musicerande i grupp inverkar på vuxna deltagarnas välbefinnande och empowerment

The objective of this qualitative study was to contribute to the understanding of how musical activities affect the participants' well-being and empowerment and to investigate which fac-tors contribute to that effect. Invitations were sent to 13 adult participants in a rock music school in the middle part of Sweden. 7 persons (4 men, 3 women) participated in the study. 4 themes were discussed in focus groups to highlight how informants were affected by the ac-tivity and what factors were important in the context. Results showed that music activities impact on participants' well-being and empowerment through several factors.Themes that appeared were: 1) focus on the present through music, 2) personal development, 3) meaningful leisure activity 4) the group properties.

Visualiseringsverktyg för modulärproduktutveckling : En studie om designen och implentationen av ett verktyg som ska effektivisera ett modulärt arbetssätt

Due to a growing interest in communication in today?s society the demand for equipment that is used in communication networks increases while the competition between companies that produce this equipment grows. To meet the increasing demand and at the same time having a competitive product development many companies use some effective product design, such as the modular product design. When a modular product design is used it?s good to compare different module configurations for a certain product and to simplify these comparisons some tool can be used.

Visualisering av hovleden hos häst med magnetresonanstomografi

Lameness localized to the hoof is a common problem in horses. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as a diagnostic tool is becoming more common and is well suited for examination of the distal limb and the hoof capsule. Today there are two different methods of MRI where in one the horse is under general anesthesia and in the other the horse is standing and only sedated. In this study we have compared the Visualization of the distal interphalangeal joint using these two methods in two different groups of horses with unknown clinical problems referred to two different equine hospitals. The width of the joint structures including thickness of joint cartilage and joint fluid and also the width of the dorsal pouch of the distal interphalangeal joint were measured.

Bättre arbetsberedningar med hjälp av BIM : Hur de kan utformas för implementering av BIM

During the past years Building Information Modelling (BIM), which is a digital way to work, has begun to spread amongst the parts of the construction process. At the construction phase the larger companies has started using the new way to work. This expansion has not been developed amongst smaller companies leading to the purpose of this report, to investigate in which ways the smaller companies can implement BIM by changing their way to work. The thesis is delimited to work preperations with the objective to define how the work preperations should be structured to enable the implementation of BIM. To achieve the objective of the report, information about the subject has been collected by interviews and literature studies.

Vad är viktigast i staden? : Utveckling av ett lokaliseringsverktyg för stadsplanering

This paper is part of the research programme ViSuCity, a programme with the goal of creating more sustainable urban planning through the development of better visual tools, which ultimately means better communication between various parties of public planning. The paper concerns the implementation of MCE into a 3D program for Visualization. Multi criteria evaluation (MCE) is a technique that has been developed during the last 20 years. It merges GIS with AHP, forming a decision making tool for localization of, for example, new buildings.The result is an automated tool that enables advanced analysis of geographic areas.The tool has a very high potential due to the completely automated MCE and it is adapted for people without a technical background, let alone formal training in MCE. It provides great opportunities to test different scenarios, something that should be an important advantage.

Utvärdering av åtgärdskartor för bostadsrättsföreningar : ett verktyg för val energieffektiviseringsåtgärder

The municipality in Uppsala has set up goals for the future work concerning climate-and energy issues. As one way to achieve these goals the municipality started aproject called Uppsala climate protocol. During one of the project meetings anabatement map was presented. The map showed what savings in carbon dioxide andmarginal costs for different actions can be made. Statistics show that 40 % of thepopulation in Uppsala lives in a condominium.

Design av en mobil arbetsterminal för röntgenavdelningar

In healthcare settings, administrative routines have been made more efficientthrough digitalization of information and the introduction of stationary computers.This situation is especially true when it comes to radiology, where pictures,referrals and patient information now is completely managed by advanced stationarycomputer systems. However, studies have shown that these rationalizationsdo not support flexible and mobile work routines.PocketRIS is a prototype illustrating a mobile terminal for radiology that hasbeen designed to simplify workflow and reduce the cognitive workload of healthcarepersonnel. PocketRIS includes a Visualization of the clinicians work situationincluding a personal referral list that can make the user attentive of importantevents.Contextual Design has been used to elicit the basic system requirements for thesystem; 19 contextual inquires was conducted with physicians, nurses and assistantnurses at two different radiology clinics in Sweden during six days. The purposeof the study was also to identify the groups that have the greatest need for amobile terminal. The study was concerned with design and evaluation of differentsolutions with healthcare personnel.The result shows that physicians and assistant nurses have the greatest need ofa mobile terminal.

Visualisering av informationskvalitet : Utformning av kvalitetsindikatorer för Lantmäteriets Fastighetsregister

Fastighetsregistret (The Cadastre) is a large and important information sourcesupplied by Lantmäteriet (the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registrationauthority). Fastighetsregistret provides geographical information about the 3.2 millionestates in use in Sweden. Fastighetsregistret has a large number of users who trustthat the provided data is reliable, but experience shows that the data can have varyingquality. As a user it is not always possible to access more detailed information inorder to assess to what extent the data in Fastighetsregistret is reliable.The purpose of this master's thesis is to investigate the possibilities of a system with agraphical user interface that present, classify and visualize the quality of the data inFastighetsregistret. The defined user group for this suggestion is internal users atLantmäteriet who have a good understanding of Fastighetsregistret.

Shooting Target - Design : Product Development

The project has involved the development of two kinds of shooting targets in partnership with Marcus Bergkvist and Christopher Åkerblom. The project from the client was divided into two parts. This thesis discusses solutions for hands-on transport, development of tripods and an overall design. The second thesis affect resetting systems for the products.The work was done with a process and methodology based on design perspectives. This process has involved the search of relevant data which has provided the platform and opportunity for appropriate and purposeful design work.Concept development has been done using hand sketches and Photoshop, where a simple Visualization of different concepts for the tripods has been produced.

Ägglocksmaskin : Produktutveckling på en maskin som hanterar ägglocken

The project has involved the development of two kinds of shooting targets in partnership with Marcus Bergkvist and Christopher Åkerblom. The project from the client was divided into two parts. This thesis discusses solutions for hands-on transport, development of tripods and an overall design. The second thesis affect resetting systems for the products.The work was done with a process and methodology based on design perspectives. This process has involved the search of relevant data which has provided the platform and opportunity for appropriate and purposeful design work.Concept development has been done using hand sketches and Photoshop, where a simple Visualization of different concepts for the tripods has been produced.

Matematisk generering och realtidsrendering av vegetation i Gizmo3D

To render outdoor scenes with lots of vegetation in real time is a big challenge. This problem has important applications in the areas of Visualization and simulation. Some progress has been made the last years, but a previously unsolved difficulty has been to combine high rendering quality with abundant variation in scenes. I present a method to mathematically generate and render vegetation in real time, with implementation in the scene graph Gizmo3D. The most important quality of the method is its ability to render scenes with many unique specimens with very low aliasing.

Urban spaces and urban life in Örestad South - vägen genom ett tävlingsprogram och fram till förslag :

Abstract This master thesis is a result of the work thas was done for my entry in the international architectural competition Urban spaces and urban life in Ørestad South, that was announced by Ørestadselskabet on the 31st of October 2006. The project work lasted from early November until the deadline on 14th of February. In addition to the proposal that was handed in, the master thesis consists of a number of reflections about the work that was done and design work in general. The proposal is an answer to a not that evident task. One would expect that the assigment was clearly defined in the brief of the competition like this. And so it seems to do but to define the real assignment and join your own aims to it from such an extensive brief can be quite time consuming. Why do architects participate and what is an architectural competition? How does the brief affect the choices and statements made by the entrants? What is a square? What is the strategy that leads to a convincing concept? The role and use of a concept in the design process.

Visualisering av svarstider mellan mobila klienter och datacenter

Rapporten är en sammanställning av gruppens samlade erfarenheter och lärdomar av ett projekt vars syfte var att utveckla ett verktyg som ska visualisera svarstider mellan mobila klienter och datacenter. Genom att använda kontinuerlig prototypning har gruppen kunnat arbeta på ett användarna sätt för att uppfylla kundens verkliga behov. För att uppnå detta användes utvecklingsmetodiken Kanban. Under projektets gång anpassades metodiken för att bättra passa in i arbetet.Projektets användartester har lett till sammanfattande erfarenheter om visualisering av data. Visualiseringar som projektgruppen ansetts tydliga uppfattades inte alltid på samma sätt av användarna.

Att sälja en journalist ? Hur dagstidningar marknadsför sina journalister

Att sälja en journalist ? Hur dagstidningar marknadsför sina journalisterWritten by: Jonatan Fjelstad & Viktor MölneBachelor´s degree of JournalismDepartment of Journalism, Media & Communication.Autumn term 2013University of GothenburgThe purpose of this study is to determine if Swedish newspapers has increased the visibility of their own journalists between the years 2000 and 2012 and if that?s the case how they have done so. By doing so we hope to shed some light on how individual journalists are increasingly personalized and how this can be part of the newspapers branding strategy. The journalist?s personal brands have been the subject of more research lately.

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