

1212 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 4 av 81

Klassikerns som verktyg : Gammalt stoff i en modern läromiljö

This essay aims to show how Clarice Lispector uses a double narrative to wright beyond the rules of representation that are given for all literature. All writing is determined by the social hierarchies that exist in a society, and thus the essay shows how Lispector uses a specific literary strategy in order to give voice to a character that would otherwise be invisible. Using the philosophy of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze as a means of contextualization, the essay further discusses the social and political impact of Lispectors novel.Through a thematic close reading of the novel The Hour of the Star the essay aims to deepen the understanding of the unique characterization in the novel and its implications. The first chapter is devoted to an analysis of the first person narrative in the novel and its development into a extra diegetic narrative. The second chapter aims to go further into the narrative with an analysis of the dichotomy between body and thought and its interplay with the two main characters in the novel.

Malmö konsthall i tid och rum ? en fallstudie om visuell identitet och platsmarknadsföring

This thesis examines how techniques from place marketing, developed to market places, can be used in the process of designing a visual identity for an institution. The thesis is a case study of the development of a new visual identity for the public art institution Malmö konsthall. The essay presents Malmö Konsthall, defines the term visual identity and describes the main principles in place branding. I then define target audiences and key values, discuss the application of place marketing principle and go through the design process of the new visual identity. The process showed that theories about flagship buildings, signature design and signature districts have the biggest influence on the design.

Performativitet och bildkonst: eller hur apor verkar i världen

This essay examines the visual art of Helena Blomqvist with theory of performativity from Judith Butler among others, with a focus on the potential of visual art to question and dislocate norms. It consists of an analysis of three works of art from three aspects: the work of art, the viewer and the situation, and eventuates in an analysis of how the works relate to representation and norms. The construction of the works is related to Butler's theory of identity construction..

Time and architectural representations: the illusion of being eternal

Att beskriva en byggnad som tidlös är bland det finaste en kan säga. Några av världens mest uppskattade byggnader har beskriv- its som just det, tidlösa. Hur kommer det sig att en av den finaste komplimangen och erkännandet en byggnad kan få, egentligen är intetsägande? Tiden går ständigt och det finns ingenting någon kan göra för att ändra det. Människor, djur och även byggnader utvecklas och åldras.

Northern Stories. Ett narrativt videokoncept

Northern Stories is a narrative video-project, mixed between how to work with the movieformat and the programs involved. As well as the complexity of how it can be to work in collaboration with a company and an investigation in how to evolve my design process. This from a designer?s point of view and with the intention to produce a finished product..

Gestaltung ist auch Information : En studie kring layoutens betydelse med Aftonbladet i fokus

In this thesis I'm trying to examine the meaning potential of visual elements and layout in a Swedish newspaper front page and the same newspaper's website's start page, drawing on theories about multimodality and social semiotics developed mainly by Theo van Leeuwen and Gunther Kress. The study is focusing on Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet and the website aftonbladet.se and compares these three different days. In this thesis I also try to examine what the newspaper communicate about its identity through the different visual components. My conclusion is that visual elements and layout have a great importance regarding what a newspaper communicate about how the news articles should be read, but what can be said about a company's identity mostly depend on the genre the newspaper belongs to and how well the reader knows that particular genre..

11 september 2001 - ett krig mellan Orient och Occident? : En komparativ idéanalys av hur den islamistiska terrorismen förstås utifrån olika narrativ

This essay is a comparative analysis of ideas about how Islamic terrorism is understood in terms of narrative. The narrative being studied is Occidentalism, Orientalism and postcolonial theory; based on these perspectives are possible explanations analyzed of what Islamic terrorism is all about..

"Det är som en glaskupa runt hela prostitutionsstråket - vistas man där är allt tillåtet". En narrativ analys av två socialarbetares berättelser.

This essay focuses on two social workers talking about their working field in the prostitution area in a Swedish city. The study aims to investigate how the social workers talk about their field and clients that are in it through the use of narrative analysis. Furthermore we discuss the complications with qualitative interviews, narrative analysis from a feminist theoretical and methodological point of view. The study is based on an interview with the two social workers. The result reveals only tendencies rather than a general "truth".

Förbättring av intern kvalitet i MediusFlow genom utvärdering av arbetsprocessen samt verktyg från Visual Studio 2010

I maj 2009 släpptes den första betaversionen av Visual Studio Team System 2010. Den innehåller en rad intressanta nyheter och funktioner som kan underlätta utvecklingsarbetet och höja den interna kvaliteten.Kvalitetsbegreppet inom mjukvaruutveckling kan delas upp i två delar: extern och intern kvalitet. Med extern kvalitet menas det som kunden ser, till exempel att rätt funktionalitet utvecklas och att den levereras i tid. Intern kvalitet handlar om processer inom företaget och det som kunden ofta inte ser eller är medveten om.Nyheter i Visual Studio 2010 har utvärderats i fokusgrupper tillsammans med rutinerade utvecklare på Medius. Den agila arbetsprocessen har utvärderats utifrån observationer, informella intervjuer samt den teoretiska referensram som ställts upp.Utvärderingarna har resulterat i ett antal riktlinjer för hur Medius kan förbättra sin interna kvalitetsprocess.

"...kommer bara nån seende fräsare och liksom bara fixar det på ett kick." : En kvalitativ studie om hur föräldrar med synnedsättning upplever och hanterar mötet med omvärlden.

The aim with this study was to gain knowledge about how parents who are visual impaired experience and manage the meeting with the world around them. To have children and to be visual impaired creates a complex situation. There is not only the problem how to manage the parenting in technical terms. The disability is also filled with stigma because it diverges from the norms of society. There is not only demands from society about how the parent should behave, the parent also create demands of themselves.

Sinnesmarknadsföring i livsmedelsbutik : Ett experiment i samarbete med ICA Group

Context: In cooperation with ICA, we chose to investigate how much the auditory and visual stimuli in combination affects consumer behavior in grocery store. There are few studies in the area, which gives good practical and theoretical implications.Research question: How much influenced consumers' purchasing, movement and inspection behavior during exposure to auditory and visual stimuli in the fruit and vegetable department of a grocery store?Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze how much the auditory and visual stimuli affect consumer behavior in the grocery store. We do this through a quantitative experiment of our partner?s fruit and vegetable section, where we observe customer behavior in stores.

Eynavster : En studie om teknik som hjälpmedel för synskadade i utomhusnavigering

Navigating to different locations isn?t always easy. Imagine then how it is for people with a visual impairment to walk across the street or to get from one point to another. The Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired (SRF) has pointed out that today's society is not sufficiently accessible to people with visual impairment and there are improvements that need to get done. Technology is something that has evolved a lot this last decade and occurs today almost everywhere in our environment.In some areas, technology has facilitated people's daily life very much and we have therefore chosen to examine whether a combination of several technical functions integrated into the fictive artifact called Eyenavster can facilitate outdoor orientation and increase the accessibility for people with a visual impairment.Qualitative data collection methods have been used in this study by six interviews to answer our question.

Rätten att skrika : den omöjliga representationen i Clarice Lispectors Stjärnans ögonblick

This essay aims to show how Clarice Lispector uses a double narrative to wright beyond the rules of representation that are given for all literature. All writing is determined by the social hierarchies that exist in a society, and thus the essay shows how Lispector uses a specific literary strategy in order to give voice to a character that would otherwise be invisible. Using the philosophy of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze as a means of contextualization, the essay further discusses the social and political impact of Lispectors novel.Through a thematic close reading of the novel The Hour of the Star the essay aims to deepen the understanding of the unique characterization in the novel and its implications. The first chapter is devoted to an analysis of the first person narrative in the novel and its development into a extra diegetic narrative. The second chapter aims to go further into the narrative with an analysis of the dichotomy between body and thought and its interplay with the two main characters in the novel.

Berättelser om livet, mödraskap och gruppen

In 2007 the Prevention Unit at Södermalm in Stockholm started a group activity for parents and children. The group activity?s intention is to offer families support in their early interaction. This study is a part of providing knowledge about this intervention. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the stories which are produced by five participants in a support group for parents and children.

En argumentation om berättelser - En studie om effektivitet och reklamkapital för repetitionsstrategier

Despite narrative advertising being an increasingly popular strategy among brands today, little research has examined the different expressions of repetition variation strategy in comparison to its alternative, argumentative advertising. Still unexplained is whether the appreciation and recognition created from successful storytelling-based commercial campaigns is a result of execution or the format itself. This study aims to investigate four repetition variation strategies, three narratives and one argumentative, to determine which one is the most effective and also which one that generates the highest advertising equity. An experiment was conducted through exposing four groups of Swedish High School students to text-based advertising manuscripts customized after format, where each group was exposed to ads on two separate occasions. The result showed evidence of narrative advertising being easier to comprehend, which according to theory should lead to higher advertising effectiveness.

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