

1215 Uppsatser om Visual Narrative - Sida 35 av 81

Art and Advertising

The thesis examined whether there is a distinct boundary between art and advertising. The collected data showed how art and advertising are linked to each other and also differ from each other, in particular through the latter half of the 1900?s. What was happening in society came to have great impact on what happened in art and advertising. In postwar Germany, capitalism realism evolved from the German pop art where the art was removed from the art gallery and placed on the streets where the people were, in an era that was characterized by a gap between the rich and the poor.

En uppgörelse med unkna ideologiers våld

Hedemyr?s project has been about finding a meaningful position of utterance and a language for her practice. The general theme is performative art in public spaces.This text is a meta-narrative about this development and transformation process. It is also a proposal for choreographic practice as text, and thus a suggestion for what performative text could be.Her master project includes three intertwined parts. The foundation is an ongoing ?doing?.

Besjälad pedagogik : Utifrån en lärares livsberättelse

The aim of this essay is to bring up and mediate a teacher?s life story and professional history to take part of her experience of an animated pedagogy. As a tool I use the life story method, which is a qualitative interview method which purpose is to put the narrative person?s life history in the centre.One of the goals for an animated pedagogy is to learn how to be. Animated pedagogy is about making teaching living and making it meaningful and exciting.

Om att m?tas i ber?ttelsen n?r livet ?r sv?rt ? det l?kande narrativet. En litteraturstudie av hur det narrativa f?rh?llningss?ttet behandlas i forskningsartiklar relaterade till h?lso- och sjukv?rdskuratorns psykosociala arbete

I det psykosociala arbetet som h?lso- och sjukv?rdskurator m?ter vi dagligen ber?ttelser fr?n personer med kroniska sjukdomar i sv?ra situationer vilket g?r forskning kring det narrativa f?rh?llningss?ttet betydelsefull. Narrativt f?rh?llningss?tt inom h?lso- och sjukv?rden fokuserar p? att hj?lpa personer ?terta makt och kontroll av sina livsber?ttelser efter att sjukdom gjort intr?de i deras liv (Silv?n Hagstr?m, 2022). Syftet med studien ?r att genom en litteraturstudie n? en kunskaps?versikt ?ver hur det narrativa f?rh?llningss?ttet behandlas inom forskningen i relation till h?lso- och sjukv?rdskuratorns psykosociala arbete med personer som diagnosticerats med en kronisk sjukdom inom den specialiserade h?lso- och sjukv?rden.

En ny forntid? : ? förändringar i basutställningar om forntiden 1972-2005

The purpose with this thesis is to study how the arranging of archaeological objects in permanent exhibitions has changed over time. To find out about this I have been analysing three museums with prehistorical permanent exhibitions. The exhibition at Statens Historiska museum was produced in 2005, Nationalmuseum in Köpenhamn was produced in 1972 with additions from 1988 and 1995 and, finally, Malmö Museer exhibition which was produced in 1977. These exhibitions have been compared to analyse developments during the last 30 years. The result shows that there are different ideals within the exhibitions.

Burn-Out : En feministisk metod i glas

I work with and through glass and it´s from this field and tradition my work springs from. I am interested in how we look at and judge different expressions. I have been taught what visual expressions and shapes that are being appreciated and accepted and how to create objects like that. It should be clean, smooth, simplistic, and utterly pleasing. I recognize these attributes from what is being thought of as beautiful and desirable concerning the body.

Profeten sade: konsultera ditt hjärta : hadither och sunnah som meningsskapande referens i en moskégrupp i Sverige

This essay examines the processes of interpretations of hadith within a group of muslim women in Stockholm, Sweden. The readings and interpretation of hadith took place in a smaller mosque. The practices of interpretation was studied by the authour through observations and further discussed with informants in interviews. Meaningmaking processes which connected the hadith readings with the everyday life of the group participants; related to questions of moral and etics, relations between men and women and other specific issues, has been highlightened through the observations. The material from observations and interviews has been examined hermeneutically through a narrative model of analysis, revealing structures of interpretation which includes local perspectives as well as connections to a global islamic discourse.

Dyslexi : En studie om elevers erfarenheter av undervisning och psyko ? sociala förhällanden i skolan

This essay is about "factionstexter", a combination between fact and fiction, and the problems that can occur when reading them. I present previous resarch on this subject and I focused on docu drama and dramadoc. Bo G Jansson is the researcher I used most frequently in this essay. He describes various types of faction texts in film, television and literature. Annette Årheim´s thesis stands for the didactic portion of the essay.

Information som inspiration : en studie av yrkesverksamma konstnärers behov och användning av information

The main purpose of this essay is to investigate professional artists experience of the need and use of information in their creative work. I have collected the material through qualitative interviews with four professional artist working with different materials and techniques. One of the results of the study is that the artists first of all used information as a source of inspiration in their creative work. They gathered their information from various scources, for example; pictures, exhibitions, visual arts, books and novells, depending on what project they are working with. Other important information scources were colleges, especially for the technical information need.

Allt om kön och sex, en närläsning i queermiljö : Analys av Allt om min buske

The aim of this essay is to answer the question of how, and in what ways Martina Bigert?s and Maria Thulin?s picture Allt om min buske (literally, All about my bush) is queer. Inspired by Judith Butler?s idea of the heterosexual matrix, and Michel Foucault?s discourse I attempt to investigate how sex and sexuality are described in relation to heteronormativity, and if Allt om min buske is either norm-breaking or norm-creating in a wider perspective. This study concludes that antinormativity and queerness are evident within the framework of the picture.

Från pilsnerhumor till dejtingakuten : Reklamgenreutveckling under 1900-talet

The aim of this essay is to find some of the main developing tendencies in the advertisement genre during the period of 1930-2000. The analysis is based on three examples of Gevalia cinema and TV-advertisement. Research findings are the result of using theories from different but relevant sciences, which are media, linguistics and rhetoric. Media studies help to explain the influence of the society and technology development on the advertising business. Linguistics and rhetoric give the main methods and terminology for the basic as well as comparing analyses of the three advertisements in question.

Mobil förvaringslösning för barn och vuxna

Databases are an easy way of storing information kept together and accessible and can save time by finding the information easier. Cochleaimplant could be seen as a form of advanced hearing aid, this product consists of two parts, an external part that recieves sound and sends signals to the internal part through electromagnetism. The internal part is the implant itself and is surgically placed in to the cochlea. Örebro University hospital has just started working within the field of Cochleaimplants and are therefore in need of a database to store patient related information.The database problem was solved using Microsoft Access 2003 combined with the built-in support for Visual Basic, which is a sort of programming language. The result of the thesis work was a fully functioning database according to the given specification and is now being used at Örebro University hospital..

IQ-mower : simulering av positionsbestämning i programspråket C++

Allt större och större andel företag väljer att presentera och förmedla varor och tjänster via e-handel. En viktig aspekt vid e-handel är att kunden känner förtroende för e-handelsapplikationen och företaget. Denna rapport redogör för vilken inverkan multimediala inslag har för förtroendet av en e-handelsapplikation, vid initialt användande. En undersökning har genomförts med hjälp av en kooperativ utvärdering av fyra e-handelsapplikationer vilka innehåller olika typer av multimediala inslag har.Resultatet av undersökningen visar att multimediala inslag inverkar positivt på förtroendet för e-handelsapplikationer. Däremot finns indikationer på att för hög grad av multimedialt inslag inverkar negativt på förtroendet för e-handelsapplikationer..

FÖRVIRRING, FÖRRUTTNELSE ELLER FÖRNYELSE? - En etnologisk studie av kropp, normalitet och berättande i gestaltningar av klimakteriet

Menopause is a complex, paradoxical totality and every menopausal experience is differentfrom the other. This essay aims to capture some of the experiences surrounding it.The main questions is what it is that the women of the study share about menopause, andhow they talk about it. The material consists of interviews with eight women from the ages 51to 81, all of whom are either in menopause or have come out of it, and narratives collectedpartly on my own website ?Övergången? (?Transition?) and on the Internet via blogs and adiscussion board on menopause.Using Goffmans theories on interaction and roles and theories about gender and age as asocial construction I discovered that it is ambiguous messages that are thrown at the middleaged woman in menopause. Menopause is not always a welcome part of the role as a woman.The menopause is also associated with aging and a woman is expected to experiencemenopause during a certain age and period in the life schedule, often the middle age.

En kamouflerad tiger? -En kvantitativ studie kring ungdomars moderna svenska kulturella identitet

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka vilka historiska händelser och begrepp som är det samlande kittet för ungdomars svenska kulturella identitet idag. För att undersöka detta har vi genomfört en kvantitativ studie på Pauliskolan, en gymnasieskola i Malmö. Enkäten fokuserar på frågeställningar som berör den svenska efterkrigsidentiteten. Begrepp som vi har lyft fram är bl.a. den svenska neutraliteten och folkhemmet.

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