

1824 Uppsatser om Viral Marketing - Sida 25 av 122

Låna Dig Rik : om en marknadsföringskampanj för folkbiblioteken i tre regioner och dess mottagande i lokalpressen

The marketing campaign ?Låna dig rik? [Get rich by lending] involved 25 public libraries in three regions; Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge. This paper examines 28 news-articles concerning this campaign, found in eight publications in the responding regions. The purpose of this is to determine to what extent the description of the campaign found therein responded to the intents of its founders and to what extent the public had a say in these articles. The result found indicates that the overall image of the campaign presented in the news-articles was well in correspondence with the intents of the campaign itself but that the public views where arguably absent..

Vad håller ni på med? : En studie i Försvarsmaktens marknadskommunikation

Title: What are you doing - A study in the Swedish Armed Forces marketingAuthors: Johanna Hillforth & Linda OlanderTutor: Josef PallasPurpose: The purpose of this thesis was to analyze the communicativefunctions as the Swedish Armed Forces uses in its marketing communications.Method and material: The used method in this study is a qualitativesemiotic content analysis, and the material analyzed is five ads from five oftheir latest advertising campaigns.Main results: The results of the study have shown that the Swedish ArmedForces primarily uses three of the four communicative functions in theircommunication, by being of informative, expressive and affecting nature..

Bryggarsalen : Underlag för kommande marknadsföringsinsatser

The purpose of this study is to identify the points-of-difference that should form the basis for Bryggarsalen?s future marketing efforts. Bryggarsalen is a newly established conference business in Stockholm. To be able to identify these points-of-difference, Bryggarsalen?s marketing problems have been studied from the resource-based view, claiming that the source of sustained competitive advantage derive from a firm?s unique bundle of resources.

Glöm inte bort berättelsen : -en studie om intern storytelling

Authors: Marie Andersson, Maria Gustafsson and Johanna Olsson.Tutor: Peter CaesarTitle: Don?t forget the story ? a study about internal StorytellingKeywords: Internal Storytelling, Internal marketing, Communication, Organizational culture, Internal branding, Fellowship, Motivation, Participation.Background: Something that can be problematic for managers in an organization is to find an effective way to spread information that will received by all the employees. One way to spread information and messages to the employees is by using internal Storytelling. The use of internal Storytelling aims to create an environment to build up an engaged personnel. Organizations use internal Storytelling when they want to create collective stories and frame of references among the employees within the organization, and also spread the values of the brand and information about the organization.Problem statement: How can internal marketing be affected by internal Storytelling?Method: Our study is based on a case-study of SCA Packaging Sweden AB.

Marknadsföring av gymnasieskolan : En studie av kommunägda och privatägda gymnasieskolor

The authors of this paper intended to study and compare local secondary schools(municipally owned schools) and independent secondary schools(privately owned schools) in Stockholm County. The purpose oft his paper is to explore how secondary schools market themselves and whether the view and use of marketing is different between municipal and independent secondary schools. The essay is by nature multi-case study and interviews were conducted with representatives from four high schools, two municipal and two independent, one representative from Education Committee and one from Privet Schools? Association.The introduction of School reform in 1992 enabled opening of privately owned schools and empirical datas hows that before 1992 secondary schools did not have the same extent of competition and the need of marketing was not widespread, but today there is fierce competition among secondary schools. The introduction of School reform changed the conditions for the Swedish school market, greater freedom of choice led to atougherfight for the students, which in turn increases the competition between secondary schools.

Vart tog EMV vägen?: En analys av Marknadsdomstolens utvärdering av imitering i dagligvaruhandeln

This paper discusses the issue of trade dress imitation in the grocery sector. Our study has its starting point in the conflict that may arise between a brand owner and an imitator following an imitator?s marketing actions. In this study we look at the Market Court?s precedents in which this question has been addressed.

Värdering av kundrelaterade immateriella tillgångar

For many companies, the Internet has revolutionized the relationship they have with their customers concerning costumer service. The use of Information Technology in regard to Internet as a media has provided companies with the opportunity to build customer databases in order to target their customers individually. The airline industry was one of the first pioneers to use the full potential of Internet to improve customer relations and its profits which we aim to investigate in greater detail in our thesis.Our thesis answers the question on how Scandinavian Airlines' (SAS) Eurobonus department uses their website to create valuable and profitable relationships with SAS loyalty club members through direct marketing. In order to answer our research question, three key informants have been interviewed - each representing different sub departments at Eurobonus; service and support, IT and marketing. Our results were that the Eurobonus department use direct marketing methods by sending customized e-mail offerings to target specific customer, using their customer databases.

1+1=3?: En studie om kundtidningars värde för varumärkesinnehavare

Breaking through the clutter and getting consumers? attention is a constant battle for marketers. Could consumer magazines be the solution to the problem? It is not a new marketing method but consumer magazines do not look like traditional marketing and they offer consumers value. Since these are qualities that could increase consumers? will to take part of commercial messages, it might be a method that deserves more attention.

Specialexponering är ett värdefullt verktyg, En studie om Specialexponerings påverkan på försäljningen av snus.

The current legislation on marketing of tobacco products creates problems for Swedish Match, and obstruct its marketing communications. The purpose of this paper is to investigate Swedish Match's marketing strategy of product category snuff, through a special exposure. In store placement has a great affects on customer buying behavior and studies have shown that 70-80 percent of all purchasing decisions are made in the store, which in turn provides great opportunity for retailers to use their marketing tools for influencing customer buying decisions.Our thesis study is to test a double exposure of snuff with the help of three special exposure. These three special exposures are fridge, fridge with a sign and sign. The purpose of the study is to test which of these three special exposures that have the greatest impact on sales.

Betydelsen av att välja En kvantitativ studie om olika distributionskanaler för enkätundersökningar

No other object is in our constant possession such as the mobile phone. The smartphone has been transformed into a worldwide forum for information-rich exchanges between individuals and companies, by which this rapid access to the smartphone has created and continues to create opportunities in terms of communication. Many researchers of today undertake the challenge of studying the smartphone's role as a marketing channel, and the role of the channel is now undoubtedly central in marketing. However, as the importance of marketing communication increases and despite the fact that survey methods are exceedingly dependent on a channel to fulfill its purpose, namely carry out questionnaires, there has been surprisingly little attention to the study of the channel's role and importance when carrying out surveys. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate whether the choice of a communication channel affects the survey outcome and, if so, further investigate how survey methods differ in terms of consumers' attitude and also their perception of their privacy.

Producenternas möjligheter att kommunicera sitt varumärke

The purpose of this essay is to analyze and understand how producerbrands are able to communicate their brand through today's marketing channels, also how development and changes that occur in the society can affect the producers communication abilities. We have seen a tendency that many retailers have created their own brands that are competing with the producers, this leads to the fact that producers in some cases are having trouble communicating their brand to the end-consumer. The fact that the producers marketing through retailers now is more limited than before, the producers now have to capture the consumers wants and needs through other channels.This essay is based on a qualitative method involving seven interviews. The persons that we've chosen to interview are carefully selected based on their specific knowledge about the subject in question..

Marknadskommunikation mot en bred målgrupp ? En studie av Gina Tricot

The companies of today compete about the consumers? attention. In a society where the speed is increasing and the trends are constantly changing the marketing of today will soon be obsolete. This is something that is clearer in the fashion business where the consumers always are looking for news at lower costs. It?s no longer an economical question to be able to wear the latest fashion trends, the availability of cheap fashion clothes is constantly increasing.

En studie om användandet av årsredovisningen i samband med marknadsföring

Our essay treats the use of the annual report when it comes to marketing. Today there are many different ways for companies to reach out with their different messages; the thing that caught our interest was if the annual report is such a way.The annual report is an external accounting report which task is to give information to interested parties of companies. The annual report can be used to examine if the company has followed and achieved their goals. In other words it?s an important source of information that can be found about a company, which different interested parties can take part of for analyze.

Tobak på 2000-talet : Marknadsföring och uppfattning av Philip Morris

I denna uppsats har vi gjort en studie där syftet är att undersöka hur tobaksföretaget Philip Morris använder marknadskommunikationen i sin kommunikation av varumärket Marlboro och deras produkter.Denna uppsats är uppbyggd på tre frågeställningar: Hur marknadskommunicerar Philip Morris sitt varumärke och produkter? Vilka aspekter är det konsumenterna tänker på när de ska köpa cigaretter? Upplever konsumenterna någon påverkan från tobaksföretagens marknadskommunikation?I vår studie har vi valt att en kvantitativ studie som genomfördes i form av en enkätstudie och den besvarades endast av rökare. Respondenterna som besvarade vår enkät hittade vi i sociala medier, i tobaksforum på internet och genom att ta kontakt med personer som precis hade köpt cigaretter på ICA Luthagen i Uppsala.Huvudresultaten i uppsatsen är att Philip Morris har trots restriktiva lagar- och förordningar hittat nya sätt att vistas bland potentiella och redan existerande kunder. De flesta började röka för att det var socialt. Smaken, rutinen och varumärket var de tre viktigaste aspekterna när respondenterna köpte cigaretter.

Service branding : en studie av vad som präglar varumärken inom tjänsteföretag

Service branding is a subject that has been excluded from the traditional branding theory. Our main purpose with this paper is to distinguish what characterizes service branding. To do this, we have looked in to both service marketing theory as well as branding theory. We have also looked at the existing theory concerning service branding. Six qualitative interviews have been performed to explain what characterizes service branding.

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