

244 Uppsatser om Violated autonomy - Sida 5 av 17

Frihet eller jämlikhet?

Existerar det en spänning mellan frihet och jämlikhet som omöjliggör att båda värdena kan realiseras fullt ut i ett samhälle? Kan ett samhälle vara fritt och jämlikt samtidigt eller måste ett av dessa värden ?offras? för att det andra ska kunna förverkligas? I denna artikel driver jag tesen att de är förenliga förutsatt att de tolkas på ett adekvat sätt....

Mötet mellan misshandlade kvinnor och vårdpersonal : En litteraturstudie

Men abuse women every day. It has become a Health Problem which we affects all of us. Help is available for those women who have the strength to seek it. Health care personnel are often these women?s only contact with the surrounding world.

Hot, våld och trakasserier mot lärare - en fenomenografiskt inspirerad studie vad gäller rektorers och lärares uppfattningar

The aim of this study is to describe what teachers and principals experience in schools regarding threats, violence and harassment towards teachers. A phenomenographical inspired approach has been used to describe and analyse the conceptions of five teachers and five principals. The findings of the study indicate that there is no impending risk for teachers to suffer from violence, threats or harassment. However, it does occasionally happen, and the findings of the study indicate that there are some factors that increase the risk. The major three factors are: fear, personality and inexperience.

Att få stroke i Örebro län - Uppföljning av vårdkvalitet och upplevelser av stöd, vård och rehabilitering

Background: Various follow-up studies show that there are deficiencies in the care of patients affected by stroke. In order to provide good care according to the National Board of health and welfare and national guidelines for stroke care systematic quality audits need to be carried out.Purpose: To investigate if the local guidelines for stroke care in Örebro County are followed and to explore how people with stroke experience care and rehabilitation in hospital, primary care and community.Method: Primary health care records were reviewed using quality indicators in the local stroke guidelines. Samples of patients were obtained from the County´s three hospitals. Differences between men and women, younger and older, were analysed with chi-squared test. Eleven people were interviewed about their experiences of care, rehabilitation, support and participation.

Upplevelse av delaktighet hos vuxna med lindrig utvecklingsstörning

Levnadsvillkoren för individer med utvecklingsstörning har under de senaste decennierna förändrats till det bättre. Att känna sig delaktig i sitt liv och ha möjligheten att själv påverka livssituationen är viktigt för dessa människor. Uppsatsförfattaren ville med den här studien undersöka om skillnad finns i hur aspekter av delaktighet uppfattas av två grupper; individer med utvecklingsstörning och personer i deras omgivning. En enkätstudie genomfördes med en omarbetad version av ?The Arc?s Self-Determination Scale? (Wehmeyer, 1995).En rangkorrelation visade på samband mellan vissa frågeområden.

Internetetik på bibliotek

The aim of this issue is to study how Swedish public libraries deal with the principles of freedom of speech and freedom of information in connection with public use of the Internet. The authors intention has been to find out whether the public use of the Internet has caused ethical problems for library workers and how the libraries solve situations when they consider their principles violated by library users. The authors study the debate on the issue in a couple of Swedish library magazines published during the late 1990s and they also give a few examples from the USA during the same period. They study the ethical principles and directives for schools published by the Swedish Board of Education as they claim that many of the public library users are students who bring along their ethical conceptions and thereby affect the ethical climate of the libraries. In their study the authors refer to ethical rules given to librarians by their trade union DIK and to the conclusions drawn from the hearing Good Ethics on the Net held by the Swedish IT Commission in 1998.

Barn och sociala medier : Hur sociala medier påverkar elever och skolans arbete mot kränkande behandling

This work is about the rights of children, how students use social media and how effective teachers are using social media in their work against abusive treatment. The purpose of this work is to examine what students have rights in school, what and how students use social media and how schools and teachers are working to prevent the abuse that takes place over the internet and via mobile phones. The method used to investigate this is partly a survey of students in grades five and six at four different schools and interviews with four practicing teachers, working as a teacher in each class who made survey. My conclusion is that children have a variety of rights in school, and all schools and teachers are working on this through rules, values ??clarification and collaborative exercises. More and more younger children use out of social media, the survey shows that many of the students in grades five and six uses much social media.

Vetorätt i FN:s säkerhetsråd : Dess inverkan på humanitär intervention

The purpose of this degree project was to examine which remedies are available to individuals when the State has violated their right to a fair trial as stated in article 6 in the European Convention on Human Rights. Furthermore, the aim was to, in cases where the remedy is determined to money, to clarify the indemnity rates that apply in determining the non-pecuniary damages. The starting point was a review of the European Court practice, domestic Swedish practice and relevant literature.The outcome of the review is that the remedies available to the individual?s disposal can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary remedies. Primary remedies mean compensation not consisting of money, and must be exhausted first.

Självbestämmande i relation till typ A och B beteende

Syftet var att med hjälp av en enkätstudie undersöka om det fanns någon skillnad i upplevd autonomi mellan högskolestudenter som upplevde sig ha lägre grad av stress i vardagslivet och de studenter som upplever sig ha högre grad av stress i vardagslivet. Studiens syfte var även att undersöka om det fanns skillnader i upplevd autonomi mellan män och kvinnor. Resultatet visade att det förekom en huvudeffekt mellan deltagarnas upplevda stress och autonomi. Resultatet visade att det inte fanns någon huvudeffekt av kön och inte någon interaktionseffekt mellan kön och stress..

?Ärligt talat så har det [tradingen] blivit en skitaffär? : En fallstudie av HQ Bank

The global financial crisis hit hard on banking operations worldwide and the sector fell under considerable scrutiny, with particular criticism directed against the banks' own trading practices. A bank owned by the Swedish financial corporation HQ seemed to go without serious financial damage duringthe crisis.In 2008 Finansinspektionen began a review of HQ's activities and a number of shortcomings were identified. Among other things, HQ's risk management was questioned by Finansinspektionen and further how this potentially affected the valuation of complex financial products.In our paper we have chosen to highlight both national and international laws and guidelines that HQ used for their operations and study if HQ followed those laws and guidelines. We also want topresent the theoretical model used by HQ for the valuation of its European options and how HQ calculated their capital requirements ratio. Our purpose is to show how the valuation affected the capitalrequirement ratio and whether HQ followed the necessary laws and guidelines for the valuation of complex financial products.We have chosen to carry out a case study from a deductive approach.

Revision - hur uppnås god kvalitet i små revisionsbyråer?

Syfte:  Syftet med studien är att belysa och analysera hur revisorn arbetar för att eliminera risken för att göra väsentliga fel i årsredovisningen. Studien ska även beskriva och skapa förståelse för Revisorsnämndens och små revisionsbyråers arbete och ställningstagande till kvalitetssäkring.Metod: Utifrån ett hermeneutiskt synsätt och med en kvalitativ metod utfördes personliga intervjuer med tre små revisionsbyråer och Revisorsnämnden. Vid val av informanter tillämpades ett strategiskt urval. I studien har en abduktiv ansats använts. Slutsatser: Åtaganden för att god kvalitet ska uppnås i revisionen är revisionsprocessen, rotation på revisionsuppdrag vart sjunde år, tillämpning av analysmodell och etiska normer, FAR SRS:s kvalitetskontroller, internt kontrollsystem och kvalitetssäkring från RN..

Rättsmedel för överträdelser av rätt till en rättvis rättegång i artikel 6 Europakonventionen

The purpose of this degree project was to examine which remedies are available to individuals when the State has violated their right to a fair trial as stated in article 6 in the European Convention on Human Rights. Furthermore, the aim was to, in cases where the remedy is determined to money, to clarify the indemnity rates that apply in determining the non-pecuniary damages. The starting point was a review of the European Court practice, domestic Swedish practice and relevant literature.The outcome of the review is that the remedies available to the individual?s disposal can be divided into two categories: primary and secondary remedies. Primary remedies mean compensation not consisting of money, and must be exhausted first.

Ungdomars upplevelse av autonomi i sin vardag : En validering av skattningsskalan SDAA: Self-determination autonomy for adolescence

This is a qualitative study where the purpose was to investigate what professionals experience to be the reason for an individual to become addicted to gambling and continues to gamble even though it leads to negative consequences. The purpose was also to investigate what the professionals experienced was of importance for an individual to recover from a gambling addiction. The study was based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with knowledgeable individuals in the field. The main findings of the study were that the motivation for individuals with a gambling problem to continue gamble was that they saw gambling as the solution to their problems by winning back lost money. It was common that gambling was an escape from anxiety, guilt, shame, and other gambling-related problems such as financial liabilities.

Eget ansvar i skolans utbildning : En kvalitativ undersökning av elevers och lärares uppfattningar av elevens eget ansvar i skolans utbildning

A subject that is being discussed often these days is the question about the pupils own responsibility for and influence over his or hers education. Therefore, we wanted to study what taking responsibility for ones education is, according to teachers and pupils. We interviewed pupils between the ages of nine and fifteen, and asked them what taking responsibility for their own education meant to them. We also interviewed their teachers and asked them how they perceived that the pupils own responsibility-taking worked. We used informants from two different schools, a big school in a city and a small school located in the countryside.

Vem är ett barn? En kritisk idéanalys av Barnkonventionen

Nearly half of the worlds population is individuals under the age of eighteen. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child state in its first article that a child is ?every human being below the age of 18 years?. Our aim and purpose with this essay is to problemize this broad definition. Our hypothesis is that the definition brought by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child is too wide and therefore brings difficulties when children of different ages beneath eighteen should and shall be treated the same.

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