

2742 Uppsatser om Video-game industry - Sida 61 av 183

Den så kallade kvalitetslitteraturen: En studie av språkspel med ordet kvalitetslitteratur

This masters thesis is a study of how the expression quality literature is used in widespread newspapers and magazines. Wittgensteins idea of language games is used as a theoretical starting point. The analysis of 37 articles draws a picture of five language games that are called; the taking over, the polarising, the example giving, the gender critical and the ironic language game. The expression that quality literature is most often put in relation to is popular literature. The line between the two is sometimes distinctly drawn in the articles and sometimes quite vague.

Höghöjdsanpassning av BvS10 : Konceptstudie för optimering av överladdningssystem

This report relate a concept study that consider a number of different proposals to improve the overcharging system in BAE Systems Ha?gglunds tracked vehicle series BvS10, to maintain sealevel power at extreme altitude.At high altitude the power losses beacuase of the air density that decreases, which results in less fuel can be burned. The decreasing of air density also gives rise to fatigue failure of the turbocharger unless power is reduced.The proposals shall be as required by BAE Systems Ha?gglunds economically sustainable and defensible from a packing perspective. That means the selected solution must have a reasonable price tag and at the same time a minimal impact on adjacent components.The basis for this thesis is based on benchmarking of both the auto industry as the flight industry, to find inspiration and tips for improvement.Some of the concepts have after gathering facts and calculations been excluded while other solutions has been considered as workable and thus interesting for BAE Systems Ha?gglunds.Initially the current turbochargingsystem was analyzed in order to determine the starting point and thus be able to fix the current problems surrounding high altitude driving.

Legal restraints when doing Business in Europe? An assessment on Competition Legislation on Vertical Relations in the European Automotive Industry

Purpose: The purpose of the investigation is to give an insight to hot the EU legal environment in the field of vertical relationships influences the competitiveness of the 2nd tier of the automobile industry. Conclusion:It follows that European legislation has succeedded in raising the competitiveness by breaking down the powers of the predominantly more powerful companies that the 2nd tier players do business with and by giving companies sufficient leeway to act. The comment must be made here that serious problems due to a power misbalance might still exist yet are not uncovered. In the course of my research I have found a lack of issues in my subject field. These problems however would have a more structural and economical cause, dealing with these problems would fall outside the boundaries of the competence of European competition legislation.

"Hur ska jag nu bli känd?" : En orientering i ett föränderligt medielandskap

The music distribution in Sweden and the world is rapidly changing. The music industry, however, has been reluctant to change the way they distribute music. The consequence has been that illegal music files have been available for downloading to anyone with an Internet connection. Because of the illegal downloading a new law have been implemented in an attempt to stop this behaviour. Our theory is that in implementing the IPRED-law, the sites that were hosting most of the illegal material will experience a severe decrease in traffic.

Elgitarrskolan : En webbsida med inslag av interaktivitet

Elgitarrskolan är ett försök att skapa en webbsida med inslag av interaktivitet. Sidan är tänkt att fungera som en lärande miljö där besökaren ska lära sig att spela elgitarr, eller att vidareutveckla ditt spelande. Förutom själva spelandet ska sidan också ge gästen information om elgitarren och kringutrustning, med en del tekniska specifikationer, historik m.m. Elgitarrskolan är ett försök att sprida specifik kunskap genom att integrera flera olika medier till en fungerande enhet. Med hjälp av text, grafik, animationer, ljud, video och interaktiva element har jag försökt att göra informationen så lättillgänglig som möjligt och samtidigt intressant.

Aquaculture : animal welfare, the environment, and ethical implications

The aim of this review is to assess the ethical implications of aquaculture, regarding fish welfare and environmental aspects. The aquaculture industry has grown substantially the last decades, both as a result of the over-fishing of wild fish populations, and because of the increasing consumer demand for fish meat. As the industry is growing, a significant amount of research on the subject is being conducted, monitoring the effects of aquaculture on the environment and on animal welfare. The areas of concern when it comes to animal welfare have here been divided into four different stages: breeding period; growth period; capturing and handling; and slaughter. Besides these stages, this report includes a chapter on the current evidence of fish sentience, since this issue is still being debated among biologists.

Samtalsmatta som kommunikationsstödjande redskap för gruppsamtal i förskolan

The aim of the study was to examine the impact of the use ofTalking Mats in group conversations with preschool children. Two preschoolteachers and eight preschool children, aged 4-5, took part in one of twoconversational groups with one teacher and four children in each group. Thegroups were video-taped during four group conversations on two topics, withand without the use of Talking Mats. The amount of time for each child inthe conversation was calculated, the child?s communicative contributionswere coded and thereafter the extent to which their views were noticed wasanalyzed.

Förskolans matematik : De yngsta förskolebarnens matematiserande i den fria leken

This study aims to visualize the youngest preschool children matematical learning in the free game. In my study the mathematics will be analyzed  based on the interactions children participate in, and how children experience mathematics through the lived body.I have chosen to undertake a qualitative research in form of observations. Through this research method, I would approach the child's perspective, which means that i analyze the material that the children in the observations reveals to me as a researcher.The results of the study show that children experience mathematics skills both through the lived body, as well as in interaction situations between children. The mathematics are around among us, all the time. This is very important to take into account for children's continued development of mathematical knowledge..

Touching reality: Exploring how to immerse the user in a virtual reality using a touch device

This paper explores the field of virtual reality and how immersion and presences can be increased when it comes to navigation and interaction with Virtual Environments. The availability of VR technology has sparked a trend, especially in game development. Old ways of designing for interactive environments have to be revised. This is done by exploring the massive body of work done on VR, exploring its underlying concepts, using tested design techniques and ways of evaluating interaction for VR. A design suggestion in the form of utilizing a tablet device as the main input device is derived.

Sveriges turismmarknadsföring : En fallstudie om bilden av Sverige internationellt

It today's global world we live in the media have started to examine businesses more and more. In addition consumers are expecting more from products, because they are well informed. This means that companies need to market themselves effectively, to convince and get across their message to their customers. Marketing is an extensive process in which different factors must be taken into account. A company must know what the coustomer needs in order to get through to them.

Visualisering av augmented reality i byggbranschen

Augmented reality is a technology thatcombines the perception and interaction ofvirtual objects with the real world. Itcan allow a user to visually see computergenerated models and informationinteracting with the real world through ahand held device such as a tabletcomputer. This opens up a range ofpossibilities, especially in theconstruction sector. A construction siteis permanently changing and the need forprecise and updated information iscrucial. The ability to enhance the realworld with virtual objects and informationmay make many plans printed on paperabsolete.This report describes how workers in theconstruction sector would benefit fromusing augmented reality on a tablet innumerous situations and the technologyneeded to achieve AR on a tablet.

Motivera Mera! - En kvantitativ studie om samspelet emellan hedonisk shoppingmotivation och multikanalshopping

Multichannel-shopping has become a wide spread phenomenon in the retail industry due to a significant development of retail channels and formats. Consumers now shop for the same product category in many different retail settings and this trend is increasing. Therefore both the academic world and the retail industry are screaming for knowledge about the multichannel-shoppers. Several studies have focused on the characteristics of different channels and how multichannel strategies should be designed to minimize cannibalization. There is however a lack of research concerning what characterizes multichannel-shoppers and what drives them to shop in several channels.

Organisering av komplexa organisationer - En studie av den svenska spårunderhållsorganisationen

To achieve a working collaboration in a big, complex organization where there are vast requirements on both quality and profitability is not always an easy task. An example of this is the organization that was created in the Swedish railway industry following a series of deregulations during the past 25 years. A partial market in this organization is the railway maintenance. In order to achieve a working collaboration between actors in this organization the so-called Purchaser-provider model (PPM) is presently used for the procurement of rail maintenance projects. Previous research has shown that this market-based instrument has clear positive effects regarding the cost-efficiency but hinders the collaboration.

Riskhantering i IT-projekt : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsmetoder

Many organizations today work in projects, a method of organizing work to provide a clearer focus on goals and more control of every aspect of the assignment. A project is, simply put, a plan to achieve a specific result. In turn, project management means to use various tools and methods to facilitate and streamline the effort towards achieving the goal with the project.Risk management is the activity that refers to finding, identifying and quantify different types of risks and take appropriate action towards reducing or eliminating these risks to the extent possible. With increased use of projects as a method of working the demands for managing risks better become stronger. The question that this thesis tried to answer was: ?What kind of risks does the IT industry think are linked to their projects and in what way does these companies manage these risks??Among the project leaders interviewed, the authors could see a great variation in lines of thought and values regarding the importance of risk management and how risk management should be handled.

Marknadsföring inom idrottsföreningar : -En studie om ishockey idrottsAB i Stockholm

Purpose: The purpose of this studie is to map and describe the marketing strategies of professional sport organizations and examine in what extent and how they apply the 7P?s of the Marketing mix.Method: We have used an abductive approach in this study. The research was conducted as a two case study, the studied objects are AIK Ishockey AB and Djurgården Hockey AB. A qualitative method has been used. The empirical content was collected by triangulation in form of interviews, telephone interviews, studie of webpages and participating observation.

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