

1768 Uppsatser om Veterinary nursing - Sida 15 av 118

Patienters upplevelser att leva med diabetes typ 2

Diabetes typ 2 är en kronisk sjukdom som ständigt ökar. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva patienters upplevelser av att leva med diabetes typ 2. Nio vetenskapliga artiklar analyserades. Analysen resulterade i fem huvudkategorier; upplevelser av att ändra livsstil, coping - ett sätt att hantera sin diabetes, upplevelser av en förändrad självkänsla, upplevelser av vårdpersonalens bemötande och framtidssyn. Resultat som framkom i studien var svårigheter med att ändra livsstil beträffande kostvanor, hantering av medicinering och fysisk aktivitet.

Är det inte dokumenterat är det inte gjort!

SAMMANFATTNING Detta examensarbete syftar till att kvalitetssäkra omvårdnaden av hästar med medicinsk kolik på djursjukhusens stationärvårdsavdelning. Genom att bidra med ett förslag till standardvårdplan för hästar med medicinsk kolik vill vi optimera hästens vård och omvårdnad under sjukhusvistelsen. Syftet med att arbeta med standardvårdplaner (SVP) är att skapa högkvalitativ omvårdnad, underlätta dokumentationsarbetet och i förlängningen kunna få mer tid till att se och vårda den enskilde patienten. Kolik är en åkomma med många olika samverkande faktorer, både miljöbetingade och eventuellt ärftliga Kolik i matsmältningskanalen delas ofta in i medicinsk- och kirurgisk kolik och i detta arbete läggs vikten på medicinsk kolik. Huvuddelen (~90 %) av all kolik kräver ingen kirurgi och tillhör därmed gruppen medicinsk kolik. Kolikavsnittet i arbetet är tänkt som en kunskapsöversikt över sjukdomstillståndet och ska användas som ett styrdokument för att trygga en kvalitativ basnivå på omvårdnaden. I standardvårdplanen har ett antal riskområden identifierats och därefter har riskdiagnoser, mål och åtgärder för att uppnå huvudmålet - en kolikfri patient, utarbetats. Därpå utvecklades kryssprotokoll för parametrar vid observation av kolikhäst och för smärtbedömning vid medicinsk kolik. Nyckelord: dokumentation, medicinsk kolik, omvårdnad, standardvårdplan SUMMARY This diploma work aims to assure the quality care of horses with medical colic on the veterinary hospital's stationary ward.

Färdigheter som sjuksköterskor använder sig av för att skapa goda vårdrelationer i ambulans och på akutmottagning : en litteraturstudie

Background: Encounters between patient and health care have been shortened and fragmented. Times when the patient is in the continuum of care is related to how well the patient feels confirmed in the meeting with his/her carers. Aim : The aim of this study is to highlight skills that nurses use to provide good care relationships with patients in the ambulance and emergency room. Method: A literature review was done. Search for articles was conducted in the databases Cinahl and Pubmed.

Vårdpersonals upplevelser av att vårda personer med demenssjukdom och BPSD.

AbstractIn this study eight caregivers, all with long experience from working in nursing homes for people with dementia, were interviewed.  The aim of the study was to describe the caregiver?s experiences in caring for people with dementia and Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia disorder. Data were processed by qualitative, inductive, content analysis. The results were presented in four categories: To connect, Two days are never the same, Being calm and giving time and All are needed. The result showed that caregivers met a variety of difficult and varied tasks in nursing.

Sjuksköterskors upplevelse av att arbeta på en akutsjukvårdsavdelning

Background: Previous research demonstrates that negative stress in the current situation is common among nurses working in emergency care. The stress is demonstrated to be associated with poorer provided care for patients and impaired health of nurses. Aim: The purpose of the study was to highlight nurses' perception of stress and their work for a good nursing care on an emergency care department. Method: An empirical design with qualitative approach has been used. Five semi-structured interviews were conducted with nurses and forms the basis of the results of the study.

Omvårdnadsrutiner för katt med astma

Feline asthma is a condition very similar to the respiratory disease affecting humans. It is causing, among other things, a constriction of the bronchial airways, an increase of mucus production and damage to, or erosion of, the epithelial membrane. The symptoms occur intermittently and do, in most cases, evolve during a long period of time. The aim of this essay was to investigate whether there are any nursing routines for feline patients with asthma in animal clinics and animal hospitals in Sweden, and if so, to compare similarities and differences. A literary study of research material also led to a suggestion of how to form a nursing routine for this type of patient.

Råttors sjukdomar :

This examination paper is about diseases of rats. The examination paper also includes sampling techniques, administration techniques and radiography. A detailed account of diseases of rats and their symptoms has been included. This examination paper is primarily written for veterinary technicians but also for others with interest in the subject. .

Patienters upplevelser av bemötande vid postoperativ smärta - efter knä eller höftledsarthroplastik Patients experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain - after knee or hiparthroplasty

Elective joint surgery increases for every year and the operations are associated with postoperative pain. Postoperative pain is a well known phenomenon and pain physiology and analgesics are well known by caregivers, but the significance of the interaction between patient and caregiver is not illuminated. There are still patients experiencing unnecessary postoperative pain. Among patients in elective surgery, 25% runs a risk for underestimated pain. The aim of the study was to describe patient?s experiences of nursing interaction in the context of postoperative pain during hospitalisation after going through knee- or hiparthropasty.

Otitis externa hos hund ? förebyggande åtgärder och råd till djurägare

Otitis externa is a disease regularly encountered in veterinary practice. It is estimated to be the most common disease in the external ear canal of dogs and treatment is often delayed due to unfortunate pet owner ignorance. Owners tend to assume that scratching of the ears and head shaking are natural behaviours in their dog and may be neglecting the problem unknowing of how severe it actually is. A literature study has been carried out to examine the causes of otitis externa in order to present a collection of measures that can be used in the treatment and prevention of the disease. In turn these measures can be advised to the dog owner and used in the home environment to make the best qualifications for healthy ears in the dog. The causes of otitis externa have been divided into predisposing, primary, secondary and perperuating causes.

Experiences and needs of family members in the end of life care at a nursinghome

Background: There might be a risk that family members experience limited possibilities to act, participate and influence the end of life care for the elderly in the nursing home. For family members it could be the first time they face death which can imply a lot of questions and existential needs. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine the needs of family members in the patient terminal care in a nursing home. Research methods: The study implemented a qualitative approach and data was collected through four interviews and through a literature review were 17 articles were selected. The results were processed and analysed with a qualitative content analysis and two main categories, participation and assurance with subcategories were identified.

En guide i näringslära och utfodring vid några vanliga sjukdomstillstånd hos hund och katt :

This report describes the nutritional requirements of the dog and cat. You are also able to learn about the most common diseases in the dog and cat where food has an important role in both prevention and recovery of these diseases. We describe FLUTD, canine urolithiasis, heart- and kidney disease, gastrointestinal diseases and obesity. You have to know the right balance between different nutrients to decrease the stress on the body and to prevent the advancement of the diseases. Finally we discuss the differences between three manufacturers of veterinary prescribed diets and two commercial pet foods..

Näringstillförsel och omvårdnadsdokumentation vid svår sepsis och septisk chock : En journalgranskning

Background: Insufficient nutritional support is associated with prolonged hospitalisation, impaired wound healing and impaired survival for patients in intensive care. In severe sepsis and septic chock, calculation of nutritional need is complicated since the metabolism is affected by decease. Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate nutritional support and to examine the quality of nursing documentation of nutritional status and nutritional support in patient records in severe sepsis and septic chock.  Method: The study was conducted as a retrospective investigation where 64 patient records were studied. The quality of documentation was examined in 10 patient records using an examinational model.Findings: Calculation of average nutritional support showed insufficient supply particularly in the two first days of intensive care. During the next five days nutritional supply was higher but individual variation was seen, why a clear picture of nutritional support is hard to detect.

Kronisk smärta - En litteraturstudie om patienters upplevelser och tankar om sitt dagliga liv.

The purpose of this litterature review is to illustrate the nursing care to patient with chronic pain. As a theoretic frame for this study we choose Aron Antonowsky. The results of this study are based on 8 scientific articles. The findings are presented in main categories and ideas. The findings show that chronic pain is a multidimensional phenomenon that influences peoples quality of life in a physical, psychological as well as social way.

Trycksår : ? undersköterskors kunskaper om att förebygga trycksår

Background and aims: The population of older people in our society is increasing. Agerelated changes in the skin results in a diminished perception of pain and pressure and a decreased microcirculation in the skin affects its ability to adapt to injury. Occurrence of pressure sore on geriatrikal clinics are 5-10%, witch means that between five and ten thousand patients gets daily treat for pressure sores. When the patient gets a pressure sore the need for help increases. A common apprehension is that if the patient?s affects with pressure sores it?s because of deficiency in care.

Svenska kattägares inställning till vaccination

Background: Vaccination is an important part in cats? welfare. It both helps to prevent the individual cat from catching a disease or lessen the symptoms of it, and protects the entire cat population from an epidemic. It is the cat owner who makes the decision to vaccinate or not. Understanding the cat owners? perspective regarding vaccination may improve communication between the owner and the veterinary nurse, which may lead to a higher vaccination rate among cats.

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