

3247 Uppsatser om VKS-test - Sida 3 av 217

Utvärdering av ett mikroalbuminuritest till hund :

The occurrence of small amounts of albumin in urine, microalbuminuria (MA), is used both in human- and veterinary medicine as an indicator for patients who have developing proteinuria. Proteinuria can be prerenal, renal or postrenal which is important to establish during an investigation. With conventional methods decreased renal function is not detected until 70 % of renal function is lost. The ability to detect and start a treatment earlier might reverse or slow the progression of disease. The purpose of this study was to investigate the reliability of Heska® E.R.D.-Health Screen?, a test for microalbuminuria in dogs, to detect albuminuria.

En utvärderingsmodell för testverktyg : Med inriktning på automatiserade högnivåtester

Testing has always been an important task in the scope of software quality. Though it has never been as much appreciated within the management of the organisations as the software development has. However testing is becoming more attractive within organisations because it becomes more evident how much money working systems saves in contrast to defect ones. A tester often use testing tools to simplify the work progress. There are a lot of tools nowadays but not many evaluating models which helps the tester to know which one to recommend.

Utvärdering av ett auditivt diskriminationstest på 3-åriga barn

A speech-based material that early can assess a child's hearing is needed to provide an indication of a hearing impaired child's language development. Being able to identify and discriminate between different sounds is a requirement for interpreting speech. Hearing assessments that examine speech perception can therefore, unlike, for example, pure tone audiometry, examine a hearing impaired child's perceptual language skills and provide a basis for intervention.The purpose of this work is to evaluate a new auditory material on 3-year-old children. The auditory material is based on the Ling-6-sounds and the main question was which of the sounds in the test were adequate for test of discrimination. Furthermore, it was investigated how the test works with children aged 3:0?3:11 years and how age and gender affect the result.Twenty-four children aged 3:0?3:11 years were tested using a computer based test.

Mikrofonkonfigurationer bestående av en eller två mikrofoner vid inspelning av elgitarr

This C-essay focuses its research on the taste of guitarplaying and non-guitarplaying soundengineers, in using single or dual microphone setups when recording electric guitar. It will be shown if there is a significant difference in taste when using one or two microphones between the two testsubject groups. Two classical microphone setups have been used for the test of this essay, which includes a blind listening test. The information in this test will benefit both guitarplaying and non-guitarplaying engineers by getting greater knowledge regarding what kind of microphone setups to use for different occations. The findings in this essay show in general, that guitarplaying and non-guitarplaying engineers between the ages of 19 - 26 don?t have a specific taste between single or dual microphone setups when subjected to the blind listening test..

Bidrar nationella prov i svenska till likvärdiga betyg?

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate if the national test results, in the subject of Swedish B at upper secondary school, are affecting a student?s final grade in varied degree among different teachers. The purpose has also been to investigate if the assessment of these tests is equivalent among different teachers. This particular investigation showed that there are big differences between how teachers grade, in relation to achieved results on the national test. According to the Swedish National Agency for Education, the teacher should take all performance information available into consideration for each particular student.

Översättning och utvärdering av det bildbaserade förståelsetestet TACL-3 - en pilotstudie

Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language -3 is an American picturebasedtest developed to examine children?s auditory comprehension of language.The aim of the study was to create a translation and to examine if the test wouldcontribute to the information about a child´s language comprehension received bysimilar tests that are used today. In the present study the test items were translatedinto Swedish. The translation was evaluated with 32 children in three different agegroups at a school in central Gothenburg. A linguistic examination of thetranslation and a list of the grammatical structures that are tested were made.

Verifieringsplattform i SystemVerilog

Our task was to create a virtual test bench for verifying memory addresses in our commissioning body?s models. The purpose with the testbench was that it should be created in such a way that it would be easy to change the device under test without any major changes in the testbench.To solve the problem that the testbench had to be able to verify different devices we had to create a general enviroment for how the testbench had to be composed. By doing an analysis of which com-ponents that are usually included in a testbench and which components that were necessary in our project we came up with a generall enviroment for the testbench. Our result was a testbench with the follwing basic functions:* Read from a file that contains read and write operations to the Device Under Test (DUT).* Apply the stimulus to the device* Read the results from the device* Compare the results with wanted values* Generate a log file which contains information about the simulation result..

Motorisk förmåga : Utifrån ett MUGI-test med förskolebarn

Detta examensarbete behandlar barns motoriska förmåga på tre olika förskolor, utifrån ett MUGI-test. Vårt syfte var att undersöka om det går att utföra ett MUGI-test på femåriga barn. Vi har observerat barnen som utförde övningar i MUGI-testet. Vi har kommit fram till ett resultat, som vi sedan har diskuterat och analyserat. Resultatet visar att nästan alla övningar är för svåra för barnen att genomföra, därför blir vår slutsats att MUGI-testet inte går att genomföra med femåringar på grund av att de inte kommit så långt i sin motoriska utveckling..

Testsystem för utredning av integrerad styrning för RC-helikopter

AbstractThis report is about the creation of a test system for development of a control system for a off the shelf RC-helicopter, which can be bought for about two thousand SEK. The test system consists of both electronics for controlling the helicopter and mechanical constrainer. The constrainer is used for mounting the helicopter so that it won´t crash.A circuit board including processor and sensors was manufactured. This was used for doing test of the different control algorithms. In this way were we able to analyze the quality of the sensors chosen, and what other sensors that could contribute to the control of the system.Basic helicopter control have been studied and presented in the report.

Att sätta fingret på emotionell intelligens - En kvalitativ studie om användningen av EQ-test i rekryteringsprocesser

Emotional intelligence (EQ) has been claimed to be the most critical factor in determining a person's success in life, both personal and professional. EQ highly affects academic and job performance, leadership, stress, and well-being but is still not widely accounted for in recruitment processes. During the last 20 years a large number of researchers have shown interest in the concept of emotional intelligence, but few have studied its practical implications and how EQ-tests are used as a selection tool in recruitment processes. To create an understanding of the motivation for using the test, as well as its role in recruitment decisions, qualitative interviews have been conducted with recruiters at companies in Stockholm, Sweden. All interviewed companies use the self-assessment test EQ:i 2.0.

Översättning av Western Aphasia Battery ? Revised till svenska och utprovning av översättningen på en normalspråkig population

The purpose of the present study was to translate Western AphasiaBattery ? Revised (WAB-R) to Swedish and test the translation on a group of nonlanguage-impaired individuals. The purpose was also to establish equivalencebetween WAB-R and its Swedish translation and to examine a possible correlationbetween test results and the background factors sex, age, educational length andfirst language. 67 subjects participated in the study. The results showed that femalesex, long education (?12 yrs) and being a native speaker of Swedish had significantpositive association to a higher test result.

Tillförlitlighet i klinisk användning för två förståelighetstest på svenska för barn i åldrarna 4-10 år

Intelligibility is a central concept in speech-language pathology regarding assessment and treatment of speech. At present, there is no reliable or valid Swedish test for measuring intelligibility. The main purpose of the current study was to conduct a clinical trial of the computer-based intelligibility test ?Swedish test of intelligibility for children? and to investigate the test?s reliability. Another purpose was to investigate the reliability of the rating form ?Intelligibility in context scale?.

Det kliniska användandet av Sacroilica-ledstester av sjukgymnaster i primärvården inom landstingen i Sverige: En randomiserad enkätstudie.

Livstidsprevalensen för ländryggsmärta är cirka 80%. Av dessa anses 13% ha sitt ursprung i Sacroiliaca-lederna. Vanliga uppkomstorsaker för SI-ledsproblematik är graviditet, feltramp, fallolyckor, sittande på ena sidan eller halkolyckor. SI-ledstester syftar till att påvisa ökad/minskad ledrörlighet eller provocera smärta. Forskning talar för användandet av smärtprovokationstester, framför allt ?thigh thrust test? och ?compression test? samt användandet av minst 3 positiva tester för diagnostik.

Benämningsförmåga och språkförståelse hos äldre individer : Boston Naming test och Token test i en population 85-åringar

Väl etablerade normativa data för äldre individer är av stor betydelse för att särskilja mellan normalt åldrande och tecken på demenssjukdom. Kortversioner av Boston Naming test och Token test ingår i screeningbatterier och används ofta vid neuropsykologiska undersökningar. Dock är befintliga normativa data för BNT30 och Token test begränsade vad gäller antalet individer över 80 år och inbegriper endast optimalt friska deltagare med hög utbildningsgrad. Denna tvärsnittsstudie inkluderar 213 kognitivt intakta 85-åringar. Syftet var att undersöka resultaten av benämningsförmåga och språkförståelse mätt med kortversioner av Boston Naming test (BNT30) och Token test (deltest V) samt att jämföra resultaten från denna studie med befintliga normativa data för BNT30 och Token test.

Matematiska förkunskaper för kursen Ellära A : En undersökning om ett diagnostiskt test i matematik är ett användbart verktyg för att finna elever som har svårigheter att tillgodogöra sig innehållet i Ellära A

Syftet med mitt arbete var att skapa ett diagnostiskt test i matematik för elever som läser Ellära A på elprogrammet. Detta för att undersöka elevernas förkunskaper i matematik. Undersökningen riktar sig till att hitta de elever som kan få problem att klara matematiken i Ellära A. Testet skulle ej ta en större del av en lektion i anspråk.Med hjälp av kurslitteratur och kursplan för Ellära A har jag tagit fram ingående matematik i kursens inledande delar. Utifrån denna matematik har sedan uppgifter skapats och jämförts med likartade uppgifter i grundskolans nationella prov för årskurs 9 samt skolverkets mål som eleverna skall ha nått i slutet av nionde skolåret.Jag har utfört ett test i en fordonsklass för att kontrollera tidsåtgång och eventuella oklarheter i testet.

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