

3254 Uppsatser om VKS-test - Sida 17 av 217

Stress test methods : a potential approach to hurry up shelf-life tests on oat products

The aim of this Master?s thesis was to find out more about the delimiting quality- and shelf-life parameters over time for liquid oat-based products. According to that, to present applicable subjective and objective shelf-life test approaches at accelerated conditions. The study aimed to gain a deeper knowledge concerning the general and accepted way of performing accelerated storage tests. This study focused especially on products, which suffer from quality failure caused by oxidation, such as liquid oat-based products.

Effekten av träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden på kvantitativa rörelsetester hos friska kvinnor

Bakgrund: Medvetenhet om kropp och rörelse nämns ofta som en viktig fakor i att öka prestationsförmåga, undvika skador, nå högre livskvalitet och förbätta sjukdomstillstånd. Det har länge funnits ambitioner att förbättra rörelse genom ökad medvetenhet. Feldenkraismetoden är en metod för att förbättra rörelse genom förhöjd rörelsemedvetenhet och är förenlig med nutida vetenskap men förhållandevis lite empirisk forskning stöder metodens effektivitet. De flesta tidigare studier har varit på någon form av dysfunktion och ofta subjektiv upplevelse snarare än objektiva värden. Det har varit svårt för Feldenkraispedagoger att finna rätt mätmetoder för att utvärdera metoden.Syfte: Studiens syfte är att utvärdera effekten av träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden på rörelse hos friska personer genom kvantitativ mätning.Metod: Friska kvinnor i en experimentgrupp (n=4, 30±7 år) och en kontrollgrupp (n=4, 26±2 år) testades med fem kvantitativa rörelsetester; one-leg standing balance, one-leg standing long jump, standing triple jump, star excursion balance test och upper quarter Y-balance test, innan och efter en intervention ledd av en auktoriserad Feldenkraispedagog där experimentgruppen genomgick tio träningsfällen enligt Feldenkraismetoden under fem veckors tid.Resultat: Signifikant förbättring (P?0,05) i förhållande till både förtest och kontrollgrupp sågs vid star excursion balance test för vänster ben.Slutsats: Träning för ökad rörelsemedvetenhet enligt Feldenkraismetoden verkar kunna leda till förbättring i kvantitativt mätt rörelse hos friska kvinnor.

Validering av Alberta Context Tool (ACT) för bruk inom svensk kommunal äldrevård : Ett verktyg för implementering av evidensbaserad vård

The aim of this study was to conduct an instrument test of the Canadian questionnaire Alberta Context Tool (ACT) version Long-Term care for Swedish conditions. ACT is designed in order to measure the context in the care environment and different behaviours related to the changes in clinical practice. In total, 159 Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Registered Nurses (RNs) within municipality care of the elderly were included in the survey. The test included the instrument's reliability and face validity.The reliability test was implemented through calculation of Cronbach´s Alpha, and showed internal consistency for five of the scales of the ACT-instrument with Cronbach´s Alpha values ranging between 0,728 and 0,873. However, three dimensions got lower values (0,558 - 0,683).The analysis was carried out with content analysis and carried out for LPNs and RNs in separate groups.

Pig behaviour during crowding : a study in organic and conventional herds

Rearing in organic pig production differs from conventional rearing; pigs have outdoor access and larger space allowances. Regardless of production system all pigs are transported before slaughter and during transport pigs are crowded together in a new environment and in a space smaller than they are used to. As pigs in organic herds are reared at even larger space allowances than conventional pigs, such crowding could possibly have a stronger impact on pig behaviour and well-being. Six pig producing herds, three conventional and three organic, were visited and pigs from each herd were enclosed during 12 minutes in a test area corresponding to the crowding on a transport vehicle. During the crowding, pigs? behaviour was observed, before and after enclosure in the test area skin lesion scores were recorded, and also measures of heart girth (for weight estimation) was done.

Patienterfarenheter av organisationen på en mammografiavdelning

Background: The women who were called in for further examinations after a breast screening had all their examinations and test during one day. This organization has been conducted since 1993 in this clinic, but has not previously been evaluated. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the patients? experiences of the organization, in a radiologic breastcancer clinic, where all the examinations and the test-results were given at the same day. Method: An empirical quantitative study was performed.

Price transmission dynamics of Chinese ADRs listed on the NYSE

Purpose: This study aims to examine the price transmission among ADRs (American Depositary Receipts) and their underlying shares, US market index and Hong Kong market index. We will attempt to capture how a shock in the home market is transmitted to the foreign (and vice versa). In addition we will attempt to assess the relative weight of each variable in the system generating unexpected variations of its own and other variables and at what speed the shocks are absorbed.Methodology: ADF unit root test, Johansen?s co-integration test, Granger causality test, VECM, impulse response, variance decomposition Empirical foundation: Five Chinese ADRs listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Each ADR represents a specific industry.

Effekt av olika stretchmetoder på agility och rörlighet hos elitinnebandyspelare

Bakgrund: I många idrotter såsom innebandy används vanligen statisk stretching (SS) som en del av uppvärmningen i tron om att öka prestation trots att statisk stretching har visat sig ha negativ inverkan på aktiviteter som involverar styrka, power, sprint och agility.Syfte: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka om olika stretchmetoder SS, dynamisk stretching (DS) och ingen stretching (IS) som en del av uppvärmningen påverkade agility och/eller rörelseomfång (ROM) i hamstring hos manliga innebandyspelare i superelitligan och om en eventuell effekt varade upp till 10 min in i testtillfället.Metod: Vid tre testtillfällen testades de olika stretchmetoderna (SS, DS och IS) efter avslutad uppvärmning. Alla tre stretchmetoderna utfördes vid varje testtillfälle efter randomiserad ordning på tre olika grupper. Agility och rörlighet testades med T-test (s) och passive straight leg raise test (o) vid 0 min, 5 min och 10 min efter avslutad stretching. Totalt 9 testpersoner slutförde studien.Resultat: Vid både 0 min och 5 min efter avslutad stretching noterades bäst tid på T-test (s) efter DS (10,20 ± 0,98 samt 9,92 ± 0,49). Vid 10 min noterades bäst tid efter IS (9,68 ± 0,16).

Skärvor i både vått och torrt : En detaljundersökning av ett provschakts keramik vid Ajvidelokalens västra strand

This thesis has had its focus on ceramic shards found in a trench by the late neolithic western shore of the Ajvide site. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate if there are changes in the pottery between the test trench and the ceramics found by the graves, known as the main site. The author has compared the ornaments from the test trench with an ornament schedule made from over 50 000 shards from the assumed main site. Not only changes regarding ornaments has been noticed but also new techniques and raw material. The author has also implemented two 14C datings which backs his hypothesis that the shards from the test trench are younger than the shards that made the earlier ornament schedule.

Att ta barnen på allvar : Socialsekreterares uppfattning om barnperspektivets tillämpning i barnavårdsutredningar

I syfte att undersöka psykometriska egenskaper hos Affektiv självskattningsskala (AS-18) fyllde 88 patienter med diagnos bipolär typ I (N=46) eller typ II (N=42) i självskattningsskalorna AS-18 och MADRS-S vid två tillfällen med en dags mellanrum. Principalkomponentsanalys för AS-18 genomfördes med extrahering av två komponenter. Items laddade i de delskalor de tillhörde. Intern konsistens mättes med Cronbachs alfa och överensstämmelse med Cohens kappa. Test-retest-reliabiliteten beräknades.

Språktest för medborgarskap? En postkolonial läsning av debatten kring språktest.

On the third of August 2002, in the middle of the ongoing Swedish election campaign, Lars Leijonborg beeing the leader of Folkpartiet (the Peoples Party) presented the partys new intergration programme for foreign nationals. One of the proposals was to instigate a language test for all immigrants seeking to obtain Swedish citizenship. This thesis addresses the medial debate that followed the proposal in the daily press. Using discourse analysis and postcolonial theory this thesis looks into the fact that there were not unity in the wake that followed the language test proposal resulting in one medial and one popular discourse. The newspapers investigated were largely negative in their tone, whereas on the opinion pages, the view of the people seemed much more positively inclined.

Reklamprat: effekter på upplevt reklamvärde och köpintention

This thesis provides the first test of the effects of ?advertising talk?, i.e. comments, discussions and opinions about advertising. Despite its prevalence quantitative research on advertising talk has been scarce and this study is thus an attempt to fill in some blanks. Hypothesizing that advertising talk will enhance consumer-perceived advertising value as well as purchase intentions and that the effects are more pronounced for talk generated by consumers as compared to marketers, I use a fictional campaign to measure responses in an experimental study.

Utveckling av programvara till ett inbyggt styrsystem

This thesis considers the development of the software for an, newly developed, embedded real-time control system, based on a Periferal Interface Controller (PIC). The control system is developed to be used for several different applications. In this thesis work, software for two different applications are developed. The first task is a time controlled system, while the other task is implementation of aPI-/PID-controller. A user interface is also developed and implemented.The time controlled system is an automatic horse feeder, which is used for feeding horses at certain predefined points in time.

Torkat bioavfall som jordförbättringsmedel

The main project Dry preservation of source-separated organic household wastes involves a new technique for treatment of biowaste through drying. Investigations are going on to determine how the dried biowaste best can be used to close the natural circular flow of nutrients. The objective of this degree project is to determine if the dried biowaste can be used as a soil conditioner. By restoring the nutrients in the material to the ground, the natural circular flow is closed. A declaration of contents, including the nutrient levels, C/N ratio, pH and the electrical conductivity of the dried biowaste, was constructed and a germination test was done to make sure that the material did not inhibit sprouting.

Verbbenämning hos vuxna med afasi : Bedömt med Action Naming Test

Förmågan att benämna verb och substantiv kan skilja sig åt hos såväl friska vuxna (Strauss Hough, 2007) som personer med afasi (Mätzig, Druks, Masterson & Vigliocco, 2009). Hos personer med afasi har skillnader mellan förmågan att benämna substantiv och verb relaterats till skadelokalisation (Damasio & Tranel, 1993). Vid afasiutredningar används ofta benämningstest för att bedöma framplockningen av ord (Herbert, Hickin, Howard, Osborne & Best, 2008).Action Naming Test (ANT) är ett verbbenämningstest som normerats på svenska (Lindahl & Oskarsson, 2011; Stenberg & Wik, 2013), men inte studerats hos personer med afasi. Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka hur verbbenämningsförmågan ser ut hos personer med afasi och expressiva svårigheter, i relation till den svenska normeringen för ANT. Några av orden i normeringen var problematiska, varför en reanalys av data genomfördes av Stenberg och Wik (2013).

Normering av test av intraoral stereognosi och tvåpunktsdiskrimination : Hos barn i åldrarna 5;6 - 7;0 år

The oral sensory ability in children can be assessed through test of intraoral stereognosis and two-point discrimination. Currently, these two tests are not frequently used in clinical settings, and normative data are not always available. The aim of this study was to establish normative data for these two tests in children aged 5;6 to 7;0 years. Further, intention was to compare the results with respect to age and gender. In total 103 children participated, 49 boys and 54 girls.

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