

1218 Uppsatser om Växjö municipality - Sida 23 av 82

Energianvändning i restauranger i Umeå kommun

Efficient energy use in restaurantsUmeå Municipality wishes to combine energy issues with food control, and thus help restaurants to become more energy efficient. During March and April 2010, I visited seven restaurants and interviewed restaurant personnel about current state and application of kitchen appliances, using a checklist to make sure that the same questions were asked at all restaurants. The restaurants were all different sizes and offered different kinds of food. The study mostly focuses on energy efficiency by behaviour and not on location or technology. Almost every restaurant that was visited had the potential to improve in one or more areas, such as kitchen appliances, lamps and lighting fixtures, heating, cooling and ventilation.

Vägar till vuxenliv : Trettioåringar från Norrtälje om uppväxten, skolan och vuxenlivet

The purpose of this study is to investigate, and if possible explain, how background, childhood, and education in a municipal or regional context can affect young peoples? life trajectories.The living conditions for the population in the coastal region Roslagen with its geographical and historical specificities has during centuries largely been characterized by practical crafts-manship. With a growing share of non-permanent residents in the region with demand for help and services, this culture has during the later years been able to prosper. The social reproduc-tion in the municipality also seems to be extensive. In addition to original background, appar-ently the municipality?s service-dominated trade and industry culture has also affected the choice of education and profession of the youth in Norrtälje.

Val av komplementmaterial för våtkompostering av klosettvatten

Emissions of insufficiently treated wastewater, mainly blackwater (i.e. wastewater from toilets), contributes to the eutrophication of lakes and seas. At the same time, blackwater is a fraction with a low content of heavy metals and, after sanitization, it can recirculate plant nutrients to arable land using the liquid composting treatment method. Liquid composting means that organic material is degraded under aerobic conditions. For sanitization, the blackwater needs to be treated together with energy-rich complementary material.

Bättre enskilda avlopp i Sigtuna kommun : möjligheter för bebyggelse i Odensala socken

There are around 855 000 on-site sewage systems in Sweden and some 1 800 of these are located in the municipality of Sigtuna. The Sigtuna local authority has set the goal that all sewage systems with insufficient function should be improved before the end of year 2010. A malfunctioning on-site sewage system may cause three main problems: spreading of diseases, discharge of eutrophicating compounds and wastage of resources. The municipality strives to reduce these problems already at the stage of granting permits for installation of on site sanitation systems. The municipality has recently adopted new guidelines, which demands certain minimum reductions for different compounds. The guidelines also state that it is preferred that neighboring house-owners cooperate in jointly built and operated sewage systems and that the system should be able to recycle plant nutrients.

Kommunanställdas uppfattning om och nyttjande av kommunens friskvårdsinsatser.

The personnel policy program for the employees in studied municipality includes guidelines for the working environment, saying that health promoting activities is offered to all employees.                              Objective: To investigate how these activities were used and how the staff perceived the activities offered. The aim was also to find out how well the information about current health promotion efforts reached the staff.Method: A qualitative approach was used in the form of interviews. The sample consisted of municipal employees from seven different work sites.  A total of 12 women aged 32-52 years participated. The interviews were recorded and a hermeneutic theory was used to interpret the results.Results: The results showed that most informants used some form of fitness activity. In most cases health care-time was used for anything from walking to organized workouts. The great barrier was lack of information and lack of trained and dedicated health motivators. In several cases, informants had no knowledge about what a health motivator is supposed to do. The informants own suggestions for health promotion interventions included stress management and foot care.Conclusion: The survey showed that respondents were poorly informed about which wellness activities the municipality offered. The result could also be interpreted as a communication gap between the local authority, health motivators and the employees. A request for group activities was detected.  .

Plockanalys i Härjedalens kommun : En utvärdering av plockanalyser på hushållens säck-och kärlavfall under åren 2007-2011

As a result of an increased consumption, waste volumes has grown steadily throughout the 1900s, and this puts great demands on an efficient and ecological sustainable waste management on both local and national level. In order to evaluate collection and disposal of household waste, a large number of Sweden´s municipalities are using waste analyses. The overall aim of this study has been to summarize and assess results from waste analyses executed in Härjedalen´s municipality during the years 2007-2011.The evaluation has given information about the household waste´s composition, quantity and change in time. The report´s objective has been to create a basis which the municipality can use in planning of future information efforts and other measures, and give some proposals on how these can be designed and targeted. Therefore, the report also highlights research on motivations factors that affects environmentally conscious behavior such as recycling, and how different instruments like information can be used to promote this.

Jämställdhetsplaner : - ett värdefullt verktyg?

This paper is about employer?s obligation to establish plans for equality between the sexes and the practical use of these plans. The aim is to clarify what national and international law states about plans for equality between the sexes, and to examplify how plans for equality between the sexes is used in practice.For this paper juricprudential metod with a social science perspective is used. Current law has been examined, but this paper also contains an empirical part consisting of interviews with two individuals from a municipality and a private company, and an examination of the two organizations? plans for equality between the sexes.Employers with over 25 workers owe to establish a plan for equality between the sexes.

Hur kan eleverna nå målen i svenska för skolår 5? : en studie utifrån ett lärarperspektiv

Statistik från Skolverket (2006) visar att ungefär var femte elev i Upplands-Bro Kommun inte klarar det nationella ämnesprovet i svenska för skolår 5. Då vi har vår verksamhetsförlagda utbildning i denna kommun blev vi nyfikna på att undersöka detta närmare. Vi valde att utgå från ett lärarperspektiv och en lokal bild av lärarnas uppfattningar av det nationella ämnesprovet i svenska och hur de arbetar för att komma åt problemet. För att ta reda på det använde vi oss av intervjuer med åtta behöriga lärare. Vår studie utgår från två frågeställningar: Vilka faktorer kan enligt lärarna i Upplands-Bro Kommun påverka att en elev inte når de nationella målen i svenska? Vilka målstrategier har lärarna i Upplands-Bro Kommun för att eleverna ska uppnå de nationella målen? Med hjälp av teoretisk litteratur formas vår bakgrundsdel, med utgångspunkt från Skolverkets rapport (2001), ?Utan fullständiga betyg?, Bronfenbrenners utvecklingsekologiska teori, målen i svenska, det nationella ämnesprovens bakgrund och syfte, skolans ansvar och styrdokument och delar ur dagens skoldebatt.

Avfallshantering : På Härjeåns Nät AB, med fokus på energi- och materialåtervinning

This thesis was conducted at Mälardalen University in Västerås and Härjeåns Nät AB, mainly in Sveg. Härjeåns Nät AB is a network company that delivers electricity in Härjedalen municipality, Ånge Municipality, Ragunda and Bräcke municipality. The maintenance and dismantling of electricity and broadband networks generates a lot of waste. The purpose of this work is to present proposals on the management of the waste. The goal is that all of Härjeåns offices should have equal management for the waste and an overview of how to manage the various wastes.

Strandskyddet : en översyn av tillämpningen i tre kommuner i Uppsala län

The first regulation concerning the protection of shores was introduced in 1950. The purpose of that regulation was to "secure the general publics condition of an outdoor life". The protection has been sharpened over the years and in 1975 a general protection of the shores was introduced, which meant that all land was protected within 100 meters from the shoreline. In 1994 a supplement was made with the purpose to "preserve good conditions for animal and plants on land and in water". The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) did an inquiry of the shore protection regulations commissioned by the Government in 2001. The inquiry pointed out that there were big lacks in the exemption decisions.

Tillämpningen av Gröna Bokslut. En fallstudie av Linköpings, Mjölbys och Norrköpings kommuner

Det är viktigt att kommunpolitiker och tjänstemän i kommuner använder sig av de verktyg som finns tillgängliga i kommunen. Det fungerar inte alltid, vilket det finns en rad olika orsaker till. Gröna bokslut är ett dokument som visar trender i samhället, den pekar på hur kommunen lyckas främja en hållbar utveckling på valda områden om. Det är till för att användas som beslutsunderlag vid olika beslut. Syftet med fallstudien är att se hur stor kännedomen är om det gröna bokslutet bland kommunpolitiker och tjänstemän, och om de använder sig av boksluten.

Det sociala arbetet inom folkbildningen : en fallstudie i Örebro kommun.

The case study investigates study association representatives? perspectives on the activities of the popular education within the social sector in Örebro and why they are organized. It further investigates the cooperation and dialogue between the study associations and the municipality of Örebro regarding this activity. The study is based on critical realism. A questionnaire survey was conducted among all ten study associations in Örebro, combined with qualitative interviews with representatives from six of the active associations.

Vilken påverkan har kvinnlig politisk representation för utfallet av klimatpolitiken? En studie av hur andelen kvinnliga ledamöter påverkar svenska kommuners utsläpp av växthusgaser

During recent decades several studies have investigated how different social roles and socialization processes between women and men affects our attitudes, values and priorities to environmental problems. Many empirical studies among the general public, indicates that women tend to show a greater environmental concern than men, because of women?s different health- safety- and risk perception. Even though the results are well established among the general public, when investigating if elected women in public offices tend to express a higher environmental concern, than do men, the results are not that clear. By using a dataset covering all the 290 municipalities in Sweden, this study aims to investigate if there is any correlation between the amount of female representatives in the municipality and the amount of emissions of CO2e per capita.

Ungdomstjänst : En kvalitativ studie av en kommuns utformning av ungdomstjänst

This study, which was conducted in Sweden, was based on four qualitative semi-structured interviews. The aim of this study was to create an understanding of how a municipality designs the sanction for youth offenders called ?youth service? based on the law that establishes the existence of such a sentence. We interviewed social workers that work at the department of youth service in the municipality of Gothenburg, who exclusively deal with youth offenders? sentenced to youth service as their job assignment.

Information om kundval, en förutsättning för valfriheten? : en studie av hur tre kommuner arbetar med informationsspridning om kundval inom hemtjänsten

This paper studies, from a client perspective, how three Swedish municipalities work with information about a voucher system in homecare. The paper is a qualitative study using structured informant interviews and analysis of documents. The interviewees are responsible of information about the voucher system in the municipalities. The studied documents describe and clarify the voucher system of the municipality. Neo-institutional organization theory is used to analyse the result.

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