1282 Uppsatser om Users ecperience - Sida 6 av 86
Extra, extra läsvärt? : Vad användare säger om förmedlingen av skönlitteratur på folkbibliotek
Mediation of fiction for adult users in Swedish public libraries is a subject which has been little studied from a theoretical perspective. The motivation for this thesis was based on this realization, and the opinion that actual library users too seldom get their voices heard in library and information science-research. The thesis analyzes interviews with seven library users in which they have been asked to talk about the librarys work with mediating fiction. The answers are analyzed using a discourse analytic approach to see how the librarys work with mediating fiction is constructed in the users talk.Two main discourses are identified, one authoritative and one neutral. In the authoritative discourse librarians are talked of as experts who have the knowledge to guide users to the ?right? literature.
Finlandsmodellen Konsekvenser av ett införande ? ett lantmätarperspektiv
The purpouse of this study is to find out how and if a Content Managment System (CMS) can benefit from applied User Experience Design (UX). A work project has been executed where a client wanted the students to create a user friendly CMS for adding content to a global hotel review site. A prototype of a CMS was created based on literature studies about UX and CMS. The prototype of the user friendly CMS was then tested through user tests and interviews with key users. After input from the key users the prototype was changed until the users were satisfied with it..
Att gilla eller inte gilla, det är frågan : Hur användare förhåller sig till sidor på Facebook
The development of the Internet has led to a new platform for Web pages, Web 2.0. An interactive environment where users generate content. Facebook, which is one of the most popular social media sites, has opened up new opportunities for companies to communicate directly with individuals. Facebook has encouraged this by offering the technology and the possibility by developing the feature pages.The purpose of this study was to examine how Swedish Facebook users relate to company's presence on Facebook through pages. The study also intended to find out how Swedish Facebook users think that companies should behave on their Facebook page.
Systemutveckling i praktiken - konsten att tillmötesgå den okända användarens krav
System development has become more and more concentrated on development for the
Web and this has resulted in larger target groups. It will most surely continue
to be so considering that the Web will be the infrastructure of business and
services in the future. A big target group involves that the owner of a system
can earn a lot of money from the paying users, but that assumes that the system
can meet user needs. If a system on the Web does not satisfy the user?s demands
then they will use the competitor?s system instead because it is only a
mouse-click away.
Självbestämmande och inflytande utifrån LSS värdegrund : En studie av brukarnas självbestämmande och inflytande i vardagsrutiner ur ett assistentperspektiv
The purpose of this study was to find out how special needs users ' autonomy and influence in their daily routines is described by their assistants. What interpretations of the concepts of self-determination and influence on special needs users' daily routines emerge from the assistants statements and what conditions can be seen? To reach a conclusion, focus group as a method was used. The focus group met twice to discuss this topic. The diamond method was used as stimulus material to support the discussion in the focus group.
?Klicka? ?Gilla? ?Dela? En studie om användares uppfattningar, attityder samt beteende till anpassade annonser i nyhetsflödet på Facebook
This thesis is a study of Facebook users? beliefs attitudes and behaviour towards personalised adverts on the site, using Wang & Suns theory about the relationship between beliefs and attitude toward online advertising (ATOA) and the connection between attitude and behaviour. The result, based on qualitative research and interviews, will introduce a deeper understanding and interpretation of users? beliefs, attitudes and behaviour toward personalised adverts. The result showed that people perceive the site?s personal adverts as intrusive and interfering with their personal space and the purpose of the site.
Användbarhetsutvärdering av en grafiskt visualiserad patientjournal
First-year students at Linköping University have developed a prototype that graphically visualizes a medical record in a new way. The customer of that project was the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Linköping University. They now want a usability evaluation to be performed of the prototype. The prototype is to be used by employees in the public health care and is supposed to be used on a small portable unit with a multi-touch interface. For this reason the prototype will be used as a complement to existing systems when the users work near the patients.
Interaktivitet på YouTube : En kvalitativ användarstudie av interaktivitetens roll på YouTube
This essay is an investigation of the level- and importance of interactivity on YouTube for the active user. YouTube is a great example of a user-friendly Internet environment which enables the users to take part in a virtual community where they can create the content and, with the various functions the site has to offer, interact with each other. With Uses and Gratifications as a tool for this research we look at the motivations and needs of the user and how they come into play on the most popular video distribution site in the world today. Qualitative interviews on Swedish respondents give us insight in how the YouTube-users with their own words perceive this relatively new highly interactive era. We focus on a narrow group of the most popular age-group of YouTube-users to go deeper - not to expand.
Är GPS-styrning lönsamt :
GPS is perhaps the future in agriculture. The next years will show it but the precision becomes only better and better and the number of users becomes only more and more. This work shows experiences from today's users and how the profitability can be improved on a farm with normal plant cultivation. The aim is to show how big the actual advantage can be to have a GPS and how good precision there is with the equipment. John Deere and Trimble are the big producers of GPS equipment to the agriculture.
Det attraktiva folkbiblioteket? En undersökning av användarna på fyra bibliotek i Malmö
In the last few years there has been an ongoing debate concerning the methods of assessing the quality of public libraries and their services. This study investigates the opinions and needs of the users at four different public libraries in Malm : the local libraries in Bellevueg rden, Limhamn, and Kirseberg, and the main library in central Malm . The purpose was to find out whether different user groups display different patterns in their library use and, in addition, to identify what library services they prefer. The data were collected through interviews with users and librarians, and by means of a user survey ccarried out at the four libraries. The results indicate that certain differences in the usage patterns do exist between the main library and the local libraries.
Bokslut? Den skönlitterära e-boken ur ett läsarperspektiv
The aim of this thesis is to accomplish a user study on how e-book users experience the electronic book, the e-book, as an instrument for reading fiction. The study is based upon qualitative interviews with twelve e-book users and a small survey carried out at the Stockholm City Library. The purpose is to identify the users' incentive for choosing the e-book as a medium for reading fiction, elucidate if and how the interface of the e-book affects the reading experience, and distinguish if there are any factors common to the users in their choice of reading e-books. How the users look upon the future of the e-book is also discussed. Among the people asked in the survey we note little if any demand for the e-book as an instrument for reading fiction.
Utvärdering av Skvallertorget i Norrköping
This thesis is an evaluation of the new traffic solution at ?Skvallertorget?. The innovative theory behind it is to increase traffic-safety by introducing insecurity feelings for road-users. The conclusion of the evaluation is that the newtraffic solution is well adjusted according to guidelines for municipal traffic planning. The evaluation also illustrates the conflict between traffic planners deliberate attempt to avoid clear information and the road users wish to get it.
Förväntningar på Framtida Mobila Tjänster
Today?s society is very focused around technology and something that is very popular is the usage of mobile devices such as Smartphones or Tablet computers. One of the reasons why these devices are so popular, is because of the large amounts of services or ?apps? that they can provide for the user. They can do a lot of things that makes everyday living easier for the users.The focus of this study is to find out what kinds of mobile services the users of these devices are expecting and/or wishes to see in the future and what is required to be able to develop and use these services in a good way.We started of the study by searching for earlier studies on the same or similar subjects.
Nyheter på sociala medier : Twitters påverkan på användarnas nyhetskonsumtion
Our digital society encompasses nowadays different channels, which includes social media where many users consider it as a platform where they can fetch news or exchange news and information. This leads to a large spread of news exchange in a very fast speed, which involves the global users within social media to be a part of this social interaction. This study is focused on how Twitter affects the usage of the user?s news consumption. By reaching out to our specific target audience, which includes Twitter users in Sweden, we made a web based survey with a content of relevant questions.
Let's Walk, (interaktionsdesign) från början till slut
Many interactive products constructed today is not produced towards a specific targetaudience and how they will interact with the product. This master's thesis follows the designprocess in the development of the Let's Walk webapplication. In the designprocess has users of the webapplikation been identified, prototypes developed and an interactive version has been evaluated. The Let's Walk webapplication is a fully working system used to administrate Let's Walk, an exercise competition between companies. Experts and users have been involved to evaluate the Let's walk high-fidelity webapplication prototype.