1282 Uppsatser om Users ecperience - Sida 29 av 86
Folksonomi ? en förklaring i perspektiv av kunskapsorganisation
The aim of this master's thesis is to investigate and to explain the concept of folksonomy in the perspective of knowledge organisation. By creating a conceptual explanation and defining what folksonomy as a concept consists of, the intent is to establish a basis for evaluating folksonomy and to discuss what relevance folksonomy may have in the field of knowledge organisation. By applying a qualitative content analysis a review is performed on how folksonomy is perceived and discussed in a selection of articles written on the subject. Employing the theory of classification, subject indexing and bibliographic retrieval, folksonomy as a method for knowledge organisation is analysed. The practice of tagging in existing systems is also studied.
Introduktion av mat till barn som ammas : Vad BVC ger för information och hur föräldrar gör
In 2001 the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a revised global recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding for a child ´s first six months. The aim of this study was to investigate what information parents receiving from the Child Health Care about introduction of solids to breastfed infants and if they follow the recommendation. A further aim is to document reasons for introduction of solids at the selected time and describe what food parents start with.The method has a descriptive and a qualitative design. Users of several Swedish parenting websites were asked to participate in the study. A total of 27 users completed the anonymous open-ended questions posted on the websites.
Gymnasieskolan i förändring - hur väl anpassade är skolbiblioteken?
The general view of learning has dramatically changed during the last two decades. Today we talk about learning for life and educate to meet the demands of the information society. This new view forces us to constantly relearn and develop new knowledge ? something which has resulted in large restructuring within the upper secondary school. New forms of teaching, where the pupils are given the opportunity to a more active search for knowledge, is developing.
Synliggörandet av skönlitteraturen: exponering som förmedlingsmetod på folkbibliotek
The aim of this study is to examine the fiction promoting role of public librarians through their fiction displays. The study covers three problems: What reasons do public librarians give for their selection of displayed fiction? How do public librarians view fiction displays in relation to other promotion strategies? How do public librarians think that promotion through fiction displays will evolve in the future?The results of the study have been analyzed using Jofrid Karner Smidt?s theory of how public librarians view their promotion of fiction. The concepts used are promotion due to public demand, actively recommending and informative promotion, and through dialogue. To account for the problems investigated in the study, eight librarians have been questioned through semi-structured interviews.
En liten insats med stor betydelse
The purpose of this study was to examine the experiences of escort service under the Act (SFS 1993:387) concerning Support and Service for the disabled (LSS) for self-determination, participation and equality of living conditions. In the results of this study appears that the escort service fulfills its role in breaking the isolation of persons with disabilities. It gives a picture of the escort service is much more than to break the isolation of people with disabilities. The aspects that emerges is that escort service gives persons with disabilities the opportunity to develop their independence, increase their self-esteem and broaden their frames of reference through increased participation in community life. All users report that they experience autonomy in the choice and order of activities within their grant initiatives.
Hemlösas situation i Kalmar : Exkludering ur ett genusperspektiv
Title:?Speed cameras - an prevention of crime and a standard forming instrument of control??Authors: Markus HanssonTutors: Bo Isenberg & Carl HultExaminator: Ulf DruggeThe School of Human SciencesUniversity of KalmarThe studys purpose is to get a absorbed understanding for peoples attitude, and effect of speed cameras. The disposition for the study is to integrate earlier studies in the matter, combined with elevating interesting sociological conceptions. As an attempt to understand speed cameras as an instrument of force on the individual have Michel Foucaults concept Panopticon been used to see its effect, and it?s look upon how crime prevention will be formulated, which can give an explanation of why speed cameras are being used as an instrument of control on the traffic area.
?Tärningen är kastad?: Rollspelslitteratur i samhället och på bibliotek
The role-playing game attracts a growing number of practisers. The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine role-playing literature as phenomenon in libraries through librarians´ attitudes. The paper is based on qualitative interviews with eight librarians: one personal interview with two librarians and six e-mail interviews with six librarians at different libraries. The paper starts with a definition of the term ?role-playing game?, its different categories and genres and a description of its background.
Litteraturförmedling i förändring ? om folkbibliotekarier, Facebook och Twitter.
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to describe how librarians inSwedish public libraries use Facebook and Twitter in themediation of literature. Our study focus on the librarians? role inthat process. The research questions are:? How do the librarians in this study regard mediation of literature through Facebook and/or Twitter in relation to othermediation strategies?? What goals and purposes do the librarians give in the selection of literature that they promote on Facebook and/or Twitter?? What do public librarians think about the future for mediation of literature through social media, how will it evolve?The methodology used was qualitative interviews.
?Det spelar ingen roll om de letar efter Nalle Puh eller Hitler? ? Barnbibliotekariers syn på och hantering av medier som innehåller ämnen med en kontroversiell karaktär.
The aim of the study has been to find out children?s librarians? views on and management of media that contains topics with a controversial nature and also to find out how this affects the public library as a democratic institution. We have conducted the study by interviewing six children?s librarians. By using Vestheim?s terms value rationality and instrumental rationality, we have been categorizing the answers from our informants and thus identified two different points of view.
Att möta det okända : Utmaningar vid implementering av ett processorienterat arbetssätt inom offentlig verksamhet
This paper aims to shine a light on the challenges connected to the implementation of a process focused way of thinking in a public service organization. To this we have conducted a series of qualitative interviews, primarily from participants of a university driven project. The project aims to teach decision making employees of public service organizations how to use process modeling techniques to increase their efficiency. We have also interviewed the teachers who have taught the courses included in the project. As a final point of view we have also interviewed a researcher and IT consultants to compare novice users with experienced users of process modeling techniques.
SSD - Stair Support Device
Together with Hälsoteknikalliansen the project team recognized the need to improve availability in the staircase environments. This is a difficult environment, especially for our elderly. The staircase leading to and from apartments is such a major obstacle that many people do not dare to go into the staircase leading to their front door. The market study that the project team conducted showed that many were in need of a living support, often a relative, who helped and supported them when they went into these stairs. It also appeared that these people manage everyday life just fine, but they suffer the problems that stairs to and from their apartment causes.
PARS PRO TOTO? Tillgång till Internet som en del av tillgängligheten på sex folkbibliotek
Internet access has been a part of the range in public libraries for approximately a decade. The Swedish municipals, in charge of the public libraries, and the libraries themselves, have a great deal of saying in how they should be run, what to offer the public, how many hours they have to stay open etcetera. The Library law is very vague on many things, including public Internet access. Even though Sweden is ranked as first runner up worldwide when it comes to Internet penetration among the population (Internet World Stats 2007), approximately twenty percent in the 16-74 age group does not have Internet access at home, at work or at school (SCB 2006a). In this master thesis we try to determine, through personal interviews, how six of those in charge feel about Internet at their libraries, all located in medium-sized municipals (20 000 ? 40 000 inhabitants), why they have chosen the rules and regulations they have and their thoughts about what they consider to be the most important assignment of public libraries.
Man har ju i alla fall tak över huvudet : En kvalitativ studie om natthärbärgets effekter på hemlösas självupplevda psykosociala hälsa
This is a qualitative study, whose purpose is to examine if night shelters effects homeless peoples self-perceived psychosocial health. In Sweden alone there are almost 18000 homeless people, and 12% of them uses a night shelter. The homeless can?t be seen as a heterogeneous group but instead homelessness counts as a state of being in. The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare have done mapping over the homelessness since 1993 and the problem is an important part of what the welfare system has to fight against.
Lättläst väcker starka känslor ? en studie av bibliotekspersonals inställning till den lättlästa litteraturen och dess användare utifrån Pierre Bourdieus kultursociologiska teorier.
The purpose of this masters´ thesis is to examine the attitudes of public librarians towards easy-to-read literature and see whether a connection between these attitudes and accessibility can be made. The study has been performed with a qualitative approach and consists of four depth interviews with emphasis on how librarians relate to and experience easy-to-read literature and its´ users. As complement to the depth interviews, two micro interviews were made. The study can be seen as a follow up to a survey I made 2005, commissioned by The centre for Easy- to-Read. As analytical tools the cultural sociological theories of Pierre Bourdieu, with his concepts field, cultural capital and habitus, have been used.
Bibblan svarar ? ett tecken i tiden : En virtuell referenstjänst ur ett postmodernt perspektiv
The aim of this master?s thesis is to examine the virtual reference service Ask the Library [Bibblan svarar] from a postmodern perspective. Ask the Library is a Swedish online reference service that is run by the country?s public libraries. The postmodern theories of Jean-François Lyotard are used to study how information is managed and transmitted within the service.