

3700 Uppsatser om Urban wind power - Sida 59 av 247

Utvecklingsprinciper för eftersatta naturlika dungar och ridåer

Nature-like plantations are areas that, by today?s maintenance procedure usually gains low prioritiy and are forgotten. Most nature-like plantations are currently disadvantaged and have in many cases grown up and formed dense,impenetrable and brushwoody green volumes. These green volumes is rarely used, but usually only fills out gap surfaces. With proper care nature-like plantations can become health promoting environments in the increasinglyhardened urban environments.How vegetation systems work and how trees and shrubs interact is dependent on many factors.

Vakuumbrytare i småskaliga vattenkraftstationer

This master thesis has been performed at Vattenfall Power Consultant in Gothenburg and Trollhättan for Vattenfall Vattenkraft. In this report vacuum circuit breaker in small-scale hydropower stations with the rated power 4 MVA and below has been studied. Models of the stations are modeled and analyzed in PSCAD/EMTDC to study the high voltage transients that are created after current chopping with vacuum circuit breaker. Vacuum circuit breaker may chop the current before it reaches zero value, which means that high voltage transients can be created. The equipment of the stations can be destroyed by high voltage transients.The purpose of this thesis is to examine the use of vacuum circuit breaker in small-scale hydropower stations and the risk for high voltage transients from current chopping.According to the results there is a risk of high voltage transients after current chopping with small synchronous generators in stations with the operating voltages 0.4 kV and 3.6 kV.

Vad privata angelägenheter sysslar den anställde med på arbetstid och varför? : En kvalitativ studie

Sarah Kane?s first play Blasted (1995) has often been read in a normative and biographical way by critics, authors and previous researchers. This essay makes a supplementary close reading of Blasted from gender and genealogical perspectives and utilizes theoretical works by Judith Butler, Luce Irigaray and Michel Foucault. My study makes clear that the characters different positions in language and talk create and maintain a power imbalance between them. Efforts to change and develop one?s individual position in language and talk are being made throughout the play since it is the only way to bring about a change in the social power structure.

Kommun och landsting - Vem har mest makt? : en kvalitativ studie om den samverkan som sker mellan dessa organisationer vid vårdplaneringar kring äldre personer i Sverige

This essay?s focus lies on the collaboration that takes place in hospitals and called a care-plan (vårdplanering) between the two organisations: Health-care (landsting) and social-care (kommun). According to the Swedish-law are these organizations responsible for the care of elderly individuals in Sweden. The aim of this essay has been to study closely this collaboration in order to see which partner has the most influencing power.This essay is of a qualitative character, which means that the results that are presented are based on six individual interviews with employees from the two organizations. The employees chosen for this essay all have job experiences from the collaboration that takes place during care-plans in hospitals.One of the main results of this essay has been that the two organizations are not equal collaboration-partners.

Urban Leftovers -Problem eller potential?

?Urban Leftovers ?Problem eller potential? handlar om stadens överblivna ytor och stadens fragment. Ämnet överblivna ytor i staden är aktuellt och rör sig ofta i gränslandet mellan arkitektur, planering och konst. Man kan förhålla sig till dessa icke-definierade platser på olika sätt men gemensamt är att de i grund och botten berör frågan Vem har rätt till staden? Ofta har de överblivna ytorna inte någon egen funktion utan finns enbart som gränser eller skyddszoner för att skilja andra funktionsområden från varandra.

"Dilemmat i tillämpningen av tvångsvård" : En kvalitativ studie utifrån åtta socialsekreterares perspektiv

The overall objective of our research is to understand  how social workers in social services protect the individual's autonomy, integrity and a coercive law which deprives the individual of his rights.In this study, we bring out social secretaries perspective on how they see the compulsory treatment and the problems that can arise in a detention. This study is based on the questions; How are power between social worker and client? What is the social secretary of the law on compulsory as a tool to help clients?We interviewed eight social workers who work specifically with compulsory treatment. We used the result to answer our questions. As a theoretical background, we chose to use the power perspective, the concepts of flexibility and freedom of action and categorizations.The results that emerged from our study are that compulsory treatment is considered to be a positive and negative thing.

Tetratermmodellering och regressionsanalyser mellan topografi, tetraterm och tillväxt hos sitkagran och lärk : en studie i norra Island

This study was made in an attempt to give the forest research centre Mógilsá a producedtetratherm map and a better understanding of how topography and temperature influencethe growth of two tree species. The digital tetratherm map model, covering the northernpart of Iceland, was developed to investigate the correlation between tetratherm and thegrowth of Picea sitchensis and Larix (sukaczewii + sibirica). The study confirms theusefulness of digital terrain models in providing data for a lot of different factors and forthe tetratherm model. Hopefully will this tetratherm map be used in future studies.Secondly, investigations were made correlating the growth of the two species againsttopographic factors representing height above sea level, distance to the sea, slope andtopex. Thirdly, investigations were made comparing the aspect and the ground shape tothe growth.The growth rate of Larix had strong significant correlations to the tetratherm and thedistance to the sea- factors.

Rekreativa och funktionella hundrastgårdar : ökad vardagsrekreation som möjlig lösning på en urban konflikt?

Hunden är en stor del av många människors liv. Det bör därför rimligen finnas gott om offentliga ytor i våra städer som erbjuder umgänge och rekreation för hundar och hundägare. Huvudfokus i detta arbete ligger i att få fram hur vi planerar för hundar i våra stadsmiljöer och varför vi behöver göra det. Uppsatsen består av litteraturstudier och intervjuer med efterföljande reflektioner som tillsammans ska förtydliga behovet av hundars integrering i våra offentliga miljöer. En specifik studie angående hundrastgårdar presenteras, då rastgårdarna ofta är de enda områdena i städer som specifikt är utformade för hundarna.

En exakt konst: : (Re)produktion och gestaltning av makt och normalitet genom mat och måltider i Virginia Woolfs Mot fyren

The aim of this essay is to analyze how food and meals produce and reproduce values and power relations and how these processes are portrayed in Virginia Woolf?s To the Lighthouse. Using sociological writings in the field of food consumption and production I study the structures that affect our relation to food and eating. This perspective is combined with a phenomenological view, aiming to examine how food is perceived, which is also inspired by queer theories. Using the method of close reading, the theories are applied to Woolf?s work.

Mikrosensorer i nätverk

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the possibility to make small, cheap and ultra low power sensor platforms, connected in wireless networks for monitoring of home and industrial environments. The concept is based on ideas from our supervisor, Jerry Lindblom. The developed system consists of a generic platform for different sensors, a receiver and software. A GPRS module from RO Rollytech AB and a database from Gema Industri AB have been modified and used to demonstrate an example of a complete system. To the platform, it is possible to connect any resistive sensor and any sensor that can act as a switch.

Gröna tak i urban miljö - Fallstudie av Hyllie och Norra Djurgårdsstaden

Detta kandidatarbete undersöker gröna tak i urban miljö. Gröna tak är i denna uppsats ett begrepp och samlingsnamn för vegetation på byggnaders tak i olika former. Trenden för gröna tak pekar uppåt, främst utomlands men även i Sverige. Emporia i Malmö som är ett av Skandinaviens största köpcentrum är byggt med ett så kallat grönt tak. Detta tak anlades dock på initiativ av byggherren och inte efter kommunens beslut. Huvudsyftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka om och i så fall hur kommunen kan planlägga gröna tak. Fördelar och nackdelar med det gröna taket kommer också att utgöra en del av uppsatsen.

På klasskampens väg : Tidningen Gruvarbetarens inställning till strategier och mål för arbetarrörelsens fackliga och politiska kamp 1917-1925

Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate the attitudes towards the labour movement?s strategies, goals and organisational issues in Swedish Miners? Union?s (Gruvindustriarbetareförbundet, hereafter Gruv) paper, Gruvarbetaren 1917-1925.The theoretical starting point is Engels? view on the class state. This perspective turns the question of socialism and the way to get there into an issue of working class power over the state. Another theoretical perspective is the partition of the labour movement into a trade-unionistic branch, seeing unions as financial organisations of interest, and a pro-state one, considering unions as political organisations.During the period investigated Gruvarbetaren was quite radical and advocated a firm class struggle strategy towards employers. Since these were considered unreliable, class struggle was seen as the only way to better the conditions for the working class.

Repulsion : Subjektivitet och frågor kring det sociala

The scope of this investigation is the conditions under which readings of Repulsion (1965), and its depicted mental illness, took place in Sweden during the censorship debates in 1965, and also how the reception was related to narration and subjectivity in the film. The reason for this is the strong reactions to the images of the main character?s inner state, and concerns about negative effects in the public, that were raised. One major concern is how the film articulates discourses through which meanings are produced; that is, how it works as social technology. My thesis is therefore structured around two levels; textual analysis and discourse analysis.

Hållbar stadsutveckling? : Problem och målkonflikter i planeringen av Hagastaden och Norra Djurgårdsstaden i Stockholm

The major environmental problems that we have today are frequently mentioned in the media today. One example is the ongoing debate regarding global warming and its causes and consequences. There are also several other problems in our society such as segregation and social tensions. Most agree that we must do something to solve these problems and that we must try to achieve a sustainable development for the entire planet. But how should it actually be done and what trade-offs, compromises, sacrifices and changes must be made?The purpose of this paper is to examine how these issues are being dealt with in Swedish city planning.

Förståelse för visualiserad elförbrukning i publik miljö : En användbarhetsstudie av touchdisplayen Urban Energy

Hur publika displayer skall utformas och anpassas efter sin miljö på bästa sätt är ännu ett outforskat område. I takt med att miljöfrågor blivit än mer aktuella i dagens samhälle har det också etablerats ett behov av att förändra vårt beteende exempelvis i form av energieffektivisering. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur en publik touchdisplay för elvisualisering skall utformas för att vara förståelig, intuitiv och säker från publik genans. En användarstudie i form av en utvärdering av en interaktiv touchdisplay kallad Urban Energy monterad i Göteborg har gjorts under ledning av Interactive Institute Swedish ICT. Touchdisplayens primära syfte är att uppmärksamma förbipasserande på stadens elförbrukning och uppmuntra till energimedvetenhet.I denna studie rekryterades 17 förbipasserande deltagare villiga att testa denna display med hjälp av två uppgifter och en enkät.

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