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Bostadsbebyggelse i Umeå tätort : Flerbostäders bebyggelse i relation till översiktsplaner mellan åren 1998-2014 i Umeå tätort
Urban planning in Sweden goes back to a prolonged tradition, and even since the beginning of the 16th century there´s been general plans for urban planning for cities in Sweden.Nowadays every municipality has a directive from the government to establish or re-new the general master plan covering the whole municipality every 4th year.The aim of this paper is to illustrate and shed light on the extent for the planning document and guidelines, and how they change from every active period and in what extent the provisional planning reaches its visions regarding the outcome of the actual city growth. This study was completed by studying the position of every apartment building that?s been constructed for the chosen area over the years of 2000 - 2014 and draw comparisons between the current master plan main visions regarding constructions ? and comparing the two separate visions to pin out the differences in the same subject.The result shows that there are some deviations from the plans but not as much as one would have thought in the city growth, and some deviations from the different planning documents. Some of the deviations was greater than others but overall the visions was about the same..
Rosengårdsstråket : tankar om förankring och identitet
This thesis is studying Stråk* in an urban contexts. Thiswill be achieved through a study of Rosengårdsstråket inMalmö based on the question "What is a Stråk?".Malmö has experienced a major change in the last 15years. From being an industrial city with economic problems,Malmö is now part of the dynamic Öresund Region,and a knowledge city with great optimism. New parts ofthe city is about to grow up that reinforces the image ofMalmö's new identity.The next step in Malmö's development is to make thecity even denser and interconnect the inner city and thesuburbs to create a more sustainable city.
Urban Building, Hornsbruksgatan : Urban Allmänning
En Urban Allmänning på Hornsbruksgatan. Kombinationshus med bostäder, T-bana och kontor .Sträcker sig över en 150 m lång slits på gatan.Uppdelad programmatskt med kommers i BV och bostäder ställda ovanpå som fria punkthus.Taket till kommersdelen/sockelvåningen ger tillbaka en park till stadsrummet. Det är den som är den urbana allmänningen.Byggnaden behandlar en höjdskillnad på c:a 6 meter från början av sockelvåningen till slutet. Därför varierar byggnaden i takhöjd vilket ger olika rumsligheter och skillnader i program som anpassats efter de olika höjderna. T.ex ett öppet andra våningsplan i västra delen som bidrar till dubbelt antal kontorplatser i frilanskontoret.Frågor jag ställt mig under processen var: Vad är en bostad idag? Vad är ett kontor idag? Vad kommer Hornstull att vara i framtiden med sin nya galleria? Vilka bostadstypologier råder i området?Dessa frgor har jag tagit i beaktande under förfarandet och kommit fram till en boendeform med yteffektiva och ljusgenerösa lägenheter i funkistyp.
Vindkraft under utveckling
Vindkraft är ett miljövänligt energislag med stor utvecklingspotential, både i Sverige ochutomlands. I det här examensarbetet sammanfattas de viktigaste bitarna av kunskapen sombehövs för att förstå sig på vindkraft, med fokus på meteorologi och kommunikation medkonsultföretag i branschen. På grundval av litteratur i ämnet, konsultrapporter beställda av ettsvenskt företag i branschen och diskussion med experter ges här en grundläggande översikt imeteorologi för vindkraft, vilken innefattar kunskaper om klimatet i allmänhet ochvindklimatet i synnerhet, förståelse för luftens flöde, den geostrofiska vinden och hurtopografi och dylikt påverkar luftens strömning i gränsskiktet. Vidare diskuteras hur energin ivinden tas till vara, med en sammanfattning av viktiga tekniska detaljer; vindkraftsspecifikastorheter och uttryck, energiförluster och effekterna av att placera många vindkraftverk i engrupp; vakeffekten. En av de dominerande delarna av alla konsultrapporter som studerats ärhur man analyserar och behandlar vinddata för maximering av tillförlitlighet och relevans.
Vattenrådens roll i vattenförvaltningen : Ett myndighetsperspektiv på lokalt deltagande
The purpose of this essay is to illustrate how the position of power / exercise of power are perceived in today's schools from the teacher's perspective. I have examined how students' freedom and democracy education interpreted in real life, and how this affects both teacher and student learning approaches. I would also highlight the need to set standards for children's psychological development related to the consequences will be. I have chosen to perform a qualitative research through individual interviews with five participating teachers from different experiences in different type of school. I have used the hermeneutic method of analysis to analyze the material.
Undersökning av ögats brytningsförmåga i ett svenskt hästmaterial :
Skiascopy, also called retinoscopy, is a method for determining the refractive power of
the eye. There are only a few, old studies made on equine refraction. The aim of this
study was to investigate the refractive power in a population of Swedish horses.
The study consists of a review of relevant studies done on animals and an experimental
part where the refractive power of 93 horses of different age, breed and usage was
examined. A pilot study of 12 horses was performed regarding the importance of
cycloplegia when doing skiascopy on horses.
The results of the pilot study show no significant difference in the skiascopy results
between the group before and after cycloplegia were induced. Consequently, there is no
need of inducing cycloplegia before doing skiascopy in adult horses.
The study shows that horses usually were emmetropic (normally sighted) with minor
deviations toward myopia or hyperopia.
Strategi för utvecklande av reglerbudata
This Master Thesis discusses the development of bids for regulation power with consideration of change of discharge. The study was initiated by Vattenfall PD and is a limited part of a substantial development project at the same division. The background of the project is the new demands from SvK, which among other things includes more detailed regulation bids. As from the 1st of November 2008, the regulation bids are supposed to be calculated regarding each specific regulation object, something that is defined by SvK. These new demands changes Vattenfall?s conditions and will increase the need for detailed knowledge about available regulation power and costs for regulation.In this study a strategy for regulation bids was developed.
Växelbruk på Hornsbruksgatan
Längs den skuggiga Hornsbruksgatan bryter en veckad volym upp den långa sträckan. En ny bergssida som definierar park och gata och serverar scener för medborgarinflytande på både gräs och betong. Med biblioteket som katalysator får den bortglömda delen av Hornstull ett välbehövligt komplement av både mångfacetterad verksamhetslokaler, kontor och större lägenheter. Med mer park i parken och mer stad längs gatan bygger Hornsbruksgatan vidare på områdets karaktär av experimentalitet ? ett urbant växelbruk..
Seroprevalence of Japanese encephalitis virus in pigs and dogs in the Mekong Delta
Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) is one of the leading causes of acute encephalitis in humans. The virus is spread by mosquitoes, mainly belonging to the Culex species. The main reservoirs are considered to be birds and pigs, with pigs constituting the most important reservoir in regard to human infection. During the last few decades the production of pork has increased significantly in Vietnam. With 90% of pigs being kept in households owning 10 pigs or less, pigs are widely spread across most parts of the country.
Biologisk mångfald i kommunal stadsplanering : exempel från Örebro och Uppsala
I nordeuropeiska städer och inte minst i Sverige finns tack vare vår omfattande grönstruktur en unik möjlighet att genom planering arbeta för urban biologisk mångfald. Ansvaret för att arbeta aktivt med biologisk mångfald inom fysisk planering och ärendehantering ligger i och med det kommunala planmonopolet på kommunerna. Syftet med studien var därför att utifrån ett top-down perspektiv identifiera samstämmighetet gällande urban biologisk mångfald i kommunala dokument. Detta följdes av en jämförelse av hur det kommunala arbetet med urban biologisk mångfald redovisas i några av Örebro och Uppsalas kommunala planeringsdokument. Studien genomfördes främst med hjälp av dokumentstudier samt en kompletterande intervju.
Damned if you do, damned if you don´t
The purpose of this paper is to explore the social worker?s perspective on working for the government as a professional in care of children, in relation to the family's right to self determination. The essay's empirical material is gathered from qualitative, semi-structured interviews with social workers who work with children and youth in communities and districts in Skåne and Stockholm City, Sweden. The analysis was conducted in line with theories of social constructivism. The results and analysis show that the interviewed social workers did not believe that the state has too much power over the citizen.
Varför dela makten? En studie av consociationalism och Democratic Unionist Partys beslut att delta i regering på Nordirland.
On the 8th of May 2007 a local power-sharing goverment consisting of Sinn Fein and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) was formed in Northern Ireland. The aim of this dissertation is to explore why the DUP, who in the past have opposed all forms of power-sharing decided to form a goverment and take active part in a power-sharing agreement. The study is based on a consociational theoretical framework developed by Arend Lijphart and further developed in a Northern Irish context by John McGarry and Brendan O'Leary. Using this theory the study seeks to understand the broad conditions surrounding the DUP's power-sharing. After a description of consociational theory and the road leading up to the Belfast Agreement,three possible explanations for power-sharing, based onconsociational theory are discussed.
Den ekologiskt hållbara staden : en diskursanalytisk studie av styrningspraktiker i Hammarby Sjöstad
This study focuses on the politics around ecological sustainable development in Sweden today, with emphasis on urban development, building and living. The starting-point for this study is the environmental adapted city district of Stockholm, Hammarby Sjöstad. The primary focus of the study is to investigate what means of control the environmental investment in Hammarby Sjöstad is expressing, and to elucidate their ideological, political and social implications. The empirical material is primarily based up on the local Hammarby Sjöstad environmental program along with qualitative in-depth interviews with citizens of this district. The study is based on critical discourse analysis The result of this study is that the ecological investment in Hammarby Sjöstad partly constitutes a hidden exercise of power, taking shape as built-in physical measures in the dwellings and the neighbouring surroundings.
Stationsområde i Landskrona - En studie om exploateringen av jordbruksmark, stadsutveckling och stadsstyre med Landskronas stationsområde som exempel
In this essay a proposal of city renewal is made for the new train station area
built on highly productive agricultural land in Landskrona. The proposal is
based on how the situation for the agricultural land in terms of exploitation
looks like today and also on theories of urban governance to find out why the
area turned out the way it did..
Urban spaces and urban life in Örestad South - vägen genom ett tävlingsprogram och fram till förslag :
This master thesis is a result of the work thas was done for my entry in the international architectural competition Urban spaces and urban life in Ørestad South, that was announced by Ørestadselskabet on the 31st of October 2006.
The project work lasted from early November until the deadline on 14th of February.
In addition to the proposal that was handed in, the master thesis consists of a number of
reflections about the work that was done and design work in general.
The proposal is an answer to a not that evident task. One would expect that the assigment was clearly defined in the brief of the competition like this. And so it seems to do but to define the real assignment and join your own aims to it from such an extensive brief can be quite time consuming.
Why do architects participate and what is an architectural competition?
How does the brief affect the choices and statements made by the entrants?
What is a square?
What is the strategy that leads to a convincing concept? The role and use of a concept in the design process.