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Ett folkstyre i förvittring eller fortsatt demokratisk livskraft? En studie av de norska och danska maktutredningarnas slutrapporter
AbstractThis paper is a comparative study of the final reports of the Norwegian and Danish power studies performed in 2003. While the Danish study found that democracy is thriving, the conclusion of the Norwegian power study was that democracy is in a crisis. The purpose of this paper is to find explanations to why the studies in two Nordic countries arrived at such different results.Methodologically, the paper consists of an ideological text analysis and critical analyses of the discourse. In order to study how the results of the power studies can differ so considerably, the following aspects have been surveyed; 1) external contexts (government inquiries); 2) work process (the researchers? background, role and co-operation); 3) the problem areas and themes studied; and 4) power perspectives.
"Military power" och strid i bebyggelse : analys av strid i bebyggelse mot Stephen Biddles teori om utfall av militära operationer
Analys av strid i bebyggelse mot Stephen Biddles teori om utfall av militära operationer då strid i bebyggelse idag är ett modernt forskningsämne där flera vetenskapliga discipliner bidrar till utvecklingen, samtidigt som 60- och 70 talets operationsanalyser kan anses förlegade, genomförs detta arbete i syfte att undersöka hur en teori påverkas då den tillämpas för att analysera strid i bebyggelse, som den inte var designad för. Stephen Biddle har i boken "Military Power" formulerat en teori om förhållandet mellan utfallet av militära operationer och de av honom viktigaste komponenterna för att förklara det: Tekniknivå, Numerär och Metod. Denna studie skall undersöka vilka utgångsvärden vid strid i bebyggelse som är så annorlunda, och på vilket sätt de skiljer sig, mot de i Stephen Biddles teori att den kan eller inte kan vara lämplig att tillämpa för analys av strid i bebyggelse. Inledningsvis beskrivs Biddles teori, därefter diskuteras de generella företeelser vid strid i bebyggelse mot teorins grundvärden och en fallstudie analyseras genom Biddles teori. Genom att fastställa vilka utgångsvärden som skiljer sig från teorin kan denna studie svara på om det är lämpligt eller inte att tillämpa Biddles teori vid analys av strid i bebyggelse.
Kraftkabelförläggning i mark : - en studie av produktionsmetoder
The assignment given to us by NCC was to compose a degree project based on ground excavations for power cables. The aim of the study was to examine suitable excavation methods depending on different possible terrain conditions. The amount of previously written material within this subject is nearly non- existent and therefore there is a genuine interest by the NCC to receive a compilation of different production methods. The greater part of this study is based upon interviews with several companies active within this area of expertise. The technique of placing the electricity grid beneath ground for safety is today getting more and more common.
Konstruktion av UPS-modul
This master thesis describes the development of an UPS module. UPS is an acronym for Uninterruptable Power Supply. The UPS module has been developed at the company AerotechTelub AB. The UPS module delivers the necessary voltage and current in case of a power interrupt. If a power interrupt occur, the computer system has one to three minutes available to store data and shut down correctly.
Gestaltningsförslag för S:t Eriks torg i Uppsala : med utgångspunkt från Jan Gehls teorier för att främja liv och aktivitet
In this work a new design for S:t Erik?s square in Uppsala is being proposed. The square is situated in the middle of the city, surrounded by historical buildings. Today the square is a parking lot. The aim of the design proposal is to promote life and activity of pedestrians and cyclists.
Framtidens mobilnät
The purpose of this project was to study how the interference between two antennas in a MIMO system affects the linearity of the power amplifiers powering the antennas. For the MIMO system, two power amplifiers and twoantennas were constructed and designed using the software ADS and a software defined radio was constructed using the platform USRP and the software LabVIEW. The result was that the interference between the antennas affectsthe linearity of the power amplifiers powering the antennas adversely and a reasonable theory was that the interaction decreases inversely proportional tothe square of the distance..
Layers of land : the palimpsest concept in relation to landscape architecture
This paper researches how the palimpsest concept is used in relation to landscape, and how it can function as a tool within landscape architecture. Palimpsest originally refers to old parchment handwritings, where new text has been applied on top of effaced, but still discernable, earlier writing. Superimposition of information is the core of the palimpsest concept, used within a range of scientific as well as cultural fields. The purpose of this paper is to find how a landscape palimpsest can be distinguished among the many different layers of landscape, such as historical or cultural, and to examine the potential use of the concept in theory and practice of the landscape architecture field. The study is conducted as a literature survey, examining the use of the palimpsest concept within academic works related to landscape.
Reducering av effektförbrukning i inbyggda system med Linux
Linux is a growing operating system in embedded systems. Today, Linux is not only in heavy servers but also in cell phones, PDAs, cameras and other devices running on battery power. While current technology is more energy efficient, more and more technologies are implemented into a single unit resulting in an overall increase of power consumption.Low power consumption is an increasingly important feature of a system today. Lower power consumption means lower costs, less environmental impact, and longer life for applications that runs on batteries.This work compiles methods to reduce power consumption of Linux systems. The work includes examining whether the available opportunities are platform-specific or of a more general nature.
Att börja från noll. En studie i storstadssatsningens försök att öka det politiska deltagandet hos Malmös invandrare
This thesis title starting from zero alludes to storstadssatsningen's democratic work being accomplished among immigrants in Malmö. My thesis examines which types of political participation storstadssatsningen were trying to increase. The goal was to turn the immigrants into political participants, but in many of the projects the democratic work had to focus on building a ground for democratic participation by bringing isolation to an end and teaching the Swedish language. This may have been the reason that there were not extensive forms of resources to put into projects actually raising the political awareness. Some of the projects can however be said to increase a very large number of types of political participation, both temporary and every day participation.
Underh?llande propaganda? Hur popul?rkultur framst?ller USA:s makt i en tid av dess f?r?ndring
Popular Culture is inherently political and the connection between popular culture and world politics in particular is something that has been established through years of research by multiple scholars. In this essay, my aim is to analyze how American Power is represented in popular culture. This is done in context of the decline of the American led liberal hegemony and a new Multiplex world order. A world order with multiple influential actors with varying levels of power. To analyze the way popular culture portrays American power, I have used the movie Top Gun: Maverick (2022) as an example and analyzed scenes from the movie.
Utvärdering av en FPGA för rymdbruk
A new FPGA suitable for space applications has just reached the market. To investigate whether there are any possible flaws or limitations similar to those previously seen on FPGAs, an evaluation has to be done. This master thesis contains the evaluation of this new radhard FPGA with focus on possible design limitations and package related electrical phenomena.Areas evaluated: Ground-/VDD bounce, Cross talk, Rise time sensitivit, Power cycling, Power consumption, Place and route tool, Radiation hardnessThis report contains all steps in the evaluation. From method to measurements, comparisons, theory, results and conclusions. In the evaluation work, special effort has been made to develop designs that really stress the FPGA to find potential problems.
De mänskliga rättigheternas beskyddare
The Human Rights claim that all humans have special rights that are not allowed to be broken or violated. Although these rights are broken and violated by states every day. One major fact that makes this possible is the principle of sovereignty that includes all states, and which says that every state has the power and right to make decisions and create laws within the own country without the interference of other actors. In other words, the problem is that the states have to much power in relation to actors usch as the United Nations and to the rules of the Human Rights. This essay describe a possible way to strengthen the power of the Human Rights so that all humans can be guaranteed the fulfillment of the rights..
Värdering av bostadsmiljöer i medelstora städer : En metod att mäta upplevelse
Examensuppsatsen syftar på att utreda hur folk uppfattar en bostadsmiljö av en viss karaktär utifrån de konstvetenskapliga områdena arkitektur och bebyggelsemönster. En undersökning genomförs där allmänheten värderar tio områden från tre olika städer. Resultatet presenteras bland annat med hjälp av polära diagram, i diagrammet bildas en värderos, vars bild illustrerar den upplevda känslan av området..
Normer i EU:s gemensamrna utrikes- och säkerhetspolitik- en teoriapplikation av Normative Power Europe avseende utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiska uttalanden före och efter Lissabonfördraget
This bachelor thesis airns to examine change in Common Foreign and Security Policy towardsa Normative Power Europe irnplernented in the Treaty of Lis bon. The survey is conductedwith Ian Manners Norrnative Power Europe theory as the basis. U sing norms identified byManners in his article "Normative Power Europe: A Contradietian in Terms?" (2002) as thetools when analysing CFSP-staternents both from before and after ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon. The norms used in the analysis are Peace, Dernocracy and Human Rights.
Utmaningar gällande implementeringen av miljökvalitetsmålet God bebyggd miljö : Med exemplen trafikplanering samt urban grönstruktur
I studien har implementeringen av miljo?kvalitetsma?let God bebyggd miljo? varit huvudfokus. Hanteringen pa? nationell, regional och lokal niva? har studerats fo?r att fa? en bred fo?rsta?else om utmaningar vid implementeringen av miljo?kvalitetsma?let. De omra?den som vi fra?mst studerat inom God bebyggd miljo? a?r trafikplanering och urban gro?nstruktur.