

2040 Uppsatser om Urban ideal - Sida 18 av 136

Skönhet vs Skönhetsideal : Hur en grupp unga kvinnor tolkar Doves kampanj ?Campaign for Real Beauty?.

Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur en grupp unga, svenska kvinnor mellan 20-30 år upplever de kvinnliga skönhetsidealen, samt att granska vad målgruppen anser om Doves Campaign for Real Beauty. Syftet är att studera om informanterna upplever kampanjen som ett steg i rätt riktning för att öka diskussionen och vidga begreppet skönhet. Med detta hoppas vi uppnå en större förståelse för hur unga svenska kvinnor ser på skönhetsidealen idag och om kampanjer likt Doves, är rätt tillvägagångssätt för att nå ett förändrat ideal.Teori: Delar av feministisk teori, receptionsstudier samt Stuart Halls teori om inkodning och avkodning.Metod: Två kvalitativt semistrukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer med totalt sju kvinnor.Slutsatser: Informanterna skiljer på skönhet och skönhetsideal. De anser att Doves kampanj, Campaign for Real Beauty är ett steg i rätt riktning för ett förändrat ideal. Däremot ifrågasätter de Doves uttalade budskap med kampanjen och menar att det huvudsakliga målet skulle vara att öka försäljningen och stärka varumärket, snarare än att öka kvinnors självförtroende..

Spornosexualitet : Män, maskulinitet och den manliga kroppen

During the last decade of the twentieth century both ?manhood? and gender studies seems to have undergone changes. With the field of masculinity and the critical studies of men, added as ?subsections? of broader gender studies, new knowledge has been produced to better grasp the production of gender and power relations of patriarchy. During the same decade as the ?metrosexual? first appeared of the urban stage, acts of homophobia and attitudes towards ?manhood? seems to have changed.


Nordström är J, Waldesten, S. En studie om äldre kvinnor och hur de påverkas av samhällets ideal skönhet. Examensarbete i socialt arbete 15 poäng. Malmö högskola. Hälsa och samhälle 2011. ABSTRAKT Syftet med denna uppsats är att utforska och fördjupa förståelsen av äldre kvinnors relationer till kroppsliga utseende.

Projektering av urban vindkraft

Denna rapport presenterar, på uppdrag av Umeå Energi, projekteringen av ett urbant vindkraftverk. Första delen av rapporten beskriver kortfattat teorin bakom urban vindkraft och dess skillnader mot storskalig vindkraft. Andra delen redovisar projekteringen av ett vindkraftverk placerat på Strömpilenområdet i Umeå. Detta verk är planerat att ingå i projektet Hållbara Ålidhem, ett projekt där Umeå Energi samarbetar med med AB Bostaden och Umeå kommun med målet att skapa ett tryggare, trivsammare och energisnålare bostadsområde.Urban vindkraft innebär att småskaliga vindkraftverk placeras i bebyggda områden, en ny och växande marknad. Med småskalig avses vindkraftverk med en installerad effekt upp till 100 kW, att jämföra med dagens storskaliga vindkraftverk som har en effekt på runt 2 MW.Projekteringen av urban vindkraft är problematisk.

Bilden av kvinnan i samtida iransk konst : tre kvinnliga konstnärer

Jag vill med min uppsats undersöka bilden av kvinnan i samtida iransk konst och besvara frågor om-        vilken kvinnobild som lyfts fram-        vilket kvinnoideal-        huruvida kvinnorna i bilderna är bundna till dessa ideal eller om de är fria att bestämma själva-        om kvinnorna bryter mot sin egen kulturs ideal, och i sådant fall, fastnar de då i någon annan kulturs kvinnoideal?För att kunna besvara frågorna har jag valt ut tre samtida kvinnliga iranska konstnärer och analyserar två verk var av dem. Konstnärerna är Shadi Ghadirian, Shirin Aliabadi och Sagher Daeeri, alla tre verksamma i Iran.Jag har i mina analyser använt mig av en semiotisk analysmetod och jag har en feministisk och kulturell infallsvinkel i mitt resonemang och använder mig av feministiska konstteorier..

Urbana odlingsrörelser återbrukarträdgårdsstadens visioner

Uppsatsen är både ett teoretiskt arbete om stadsodling och en gestaltning av en köksträdgård.Under vintern 2010 åtog sig sju studenter uppdraget att skapa en experimentell köksträdgårdsom en fördjupning och vidareutveckling av 2009 års utformning av köksträdgården vidingången till Wanås skulpturpark. Mitt examensarbete består i att utifrån en jämförande studiemellan teorierna om trädgårdsstäder kring förra sekelskiftet och den nu pågåendediskussionen om hur staden ska odlas utarbeta ett gestaltningsförslag för en del avköksträdgården.Examensarbetet grundar sig i en litteraturstudie över trädgårdsstaden där jag tar avstamp iEbenezer Howards visioner om trädgårdsstäder som en lösning på de problem som uppkomtill följd av förra sekelskiftets snabba urbanisering. När trädgårdsstadsidéerna konkretiseradesi Sverige mellan 1905 och 1930 blev det i form av förstäder och egnahemsträdgårdar. Mycketav de ideologiska utgångspunkterna om självförsörjande småstäder och kollektivt ägd markgick förlorade. Jag har jämfört trädgårdsstadens ursprungliga ideal med de tankar och visionersom finns i dagens stadsodlingsrörelser.

Tätortsnära skogsrekreation : fallet Mösseberg i Falköpings kommun

Urban forests are important for people to get at break and be able to relax in a stressful world. Several studies show that we feel better through being out in the forest and historically this was the normal environment for us. As a result of population growth and urbanization we tend to spend less time in nature nowadays than before. Due to this development urban forests have become a central role in our society as a place where people can fulfill their needs and interests. The management of the urban forest is therefore important, especially for municipalities that own forest which is supposed to be of benefit to local residents.Falköpings municipality owns approximately 260 hectares of forest in the popular and most visited recreational area along Mösseberg?s southern slope.

De externa etableringarnas framtid : en samhällsekonomisk analys av behov och möjlighet till politisk styrning och planering

The out-of-town retail establishments are part of the dramatic structural changes in the retailing of food and groceries. There are however strong indications suggesting these establishments result in negative externalities concerning areas such as pollution and urban environment. The purpose of this study is to describe and, from an economic perspective, analyse the Swedish political regulations and planning policies concerning the out-of-town supermarkets. The analysis establishes that the current regulations regarding out-of-town retailing do not, due to the occurrence of market failures, produce an optimal situation. It might therefore be necessary to change the planning policies in a more restrictive direction.

The Countryside dream : amenity Migration and the new transit-oriented communities

This is a final thesis in landscape planning, at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). The study examines the current phenomenon of amenity migration and the international discourse applicability of the a "Countryside dream" in a small neighborhood in Käglinge, part of the transit-oriented community Oxie just outside of Malmö in the southern part of Sweden. The critical starting point of the study is the how many planners idealize the dense city with its positive proximity qualities. However, since the late 1900s, many people have instead started to idealize living in more rural or naturally appealing landscapes, often just outside a bigger city, with good transit possibilities (both by car and bus as well as by train). The phenomenon of amenity migration ? the migration to a new, more appealing everyday environment considered to have more amenities, is very relevant today since many smaller communities are becoming more transit-oriented, allowing the inmigrants to work in some bigger, dense town while living in a small-scale, less dense semi-rural community. More dense transit-oriented communities are however also an ideal to planners in Sweden, but to what extent can Käglinge in Oxie ? a neither rural nor urban community - fulfill a possible countryside dream, and what role does the train station have in the in-migrants everyday life? The study has a theoretical starting point in literature regarding amenity migration, countryside ideals, representations of the countryside and the possible migrants themselves, giving a broad perspective on these related issues. The case study of Käglinge in Oxie is then presented, including interviews with Käglinges in-migrants.

Go Down Arts Centre : Nairobi, Kenya

The Go Down Arts Centre is a proposal for a new building to an existing organisation in Nairobi, Kenya. The proposal relates to the scale of the city by making a statement on a future urban path, and by welcoming the city in to the building. The proposal houses both activities affiliated to Go Down, such as studios and rehersal rooms, as well as opportunities for the visitor to meet and interact with the culture produced at Go Down, both in formal and informal settings. The building is closed to its surroundings, apart from a grand entrance towards the urban path. There, the city passes through the building to an inner courtyard, where the communication to all the rooms and activities takes place.

Medborgardriven stadsdelsutveckling- Lower Ninth Ward, New Orleans

Through this thesis, we want to discuss how the marginalization of people, several precedent political, city planning- and engineering decisions resulted in a catastrophic outcome after hurricane Katrina in New Orleans 2005. We also put forward a case study of the Make It Right Foundation, to demonstrate how the residents of the Lower Ninth Ward are involved in the urban development of their community. We would like to draw attention to the power of citizens and how they can influence the urban development of a community after a trauma. This study also focuses on the mission of The Make It Right Foundation: which is to rebuild the Lower Ninth Ward with firm concepts on sustainable development where all dimensions are accounted: ecological, social, cultural and economic. The empirical data was collected by a field study in New Orleans 2010-03-22 and semistructured interviews were made during the same days..

Re-design of Toledo Riverfront : from industrial past to sustainable biodiverse future

Effects of climate change, urbanization and global homogenization are resulted in the degradation of land and losses of natural habitats. Ecological design integrates nature into urban environment by respecting natural ecological principles and processes and creating resilient urban biotopes which also can be used by local urban communities. The aim of the thesis is to answer the research questions: How ecological design principles can be applied for re-design of Toledo Riverfront (with requirements of the design competition)? and What is the ecological design in landscape architecture? I participated in the USA design competition with the aim to create a vision and redesign of Toledo Riverfront in Ohio State, USA. The site is located in the south point of Lake Erie. As a result of a long industrial activity, riverfront of Toledo had been transformed into inaccessible and abandoned brownfields. In my proposal I applied ecological design principles on three scales: the city of Toledo by reinforcing of ecological connection and creating green corridors along the river; the intermediate scale by suggesting public parks along the river front and on the fine level by proposing detailed design including remediation of the site and use of dredged material.

Översättning som annangörande

This essay aims to explore the philosophical meaning of the expression ?present and real? in Clara ? or, On Nature?s Connection to the Spirit World by F. W. J. Schelling.

Informatörer och professionalisering

The foundation for this thesis lies in whether or not, and how, the body representation in printed commercials, specific products directed to the body (shampoo, body lotion etc.), has changed during the last fifty years. Four years have been chosen because of the changes in society that we believe might have had an impact. The commercials that have been picked out are the ones that best represent the general view of the body. We have found that the changes when it comes to body presentation has followed the social development to a certain degree, but it is difficult to say how much the society has had an affect on the body ideal in advertising. Representations of the male body is something that has escalated since the early 70?s, fifteen years earlier few commercials was made with male models, and the few there were, never showed more than the face.

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