

6987 Uppsatser om Urban design - Sida 61 av 466

UML i teori och praktik

Abstract During object-oriented system development, programming should be preceded by analysis and design to assure that the system fulfils the demands of the customer and simplify during the development phase and documentation. When modeling the analysis and design phases, several different notations may be used. One of these is the UML (Unified Modeling Language) which this thesis will cover. The aim is to compare the use of the UML i practice versus what is said in the literature. The investigation is built upon interviews at different companies to receive their reflections about the UML.

Design av en mobil arbetsterminal för röntgenavdelningar

In healthcare settings, administrative routines have been made more efficientthrough digitalization of information and the introduction of stationary computers.This situation is especially true when it comes to radiology, where pictures,referrals and patient information now is completely managed by advanced stationarycomputer systems. However, studies have shown that these rationalizationsdo not support flexible and mobile work routines.PocketRIS is a prototype illustrating a mobile terminal for radiology that hasbeen designed to simplify workflow and reduce the cognitive workload of healthcarepersonnel. PocketRIS includes a visualization of the clinicians work situationincluding a personal referral list that can make the user attentive of importantevents.Contextual Design has been used to elicit the basic system requirements for thesystem; 19 contextual inquires was conducted with physicians, nurses and assistantnurses at two different radiology clinics in Sweden during six days. The purposeof the study was also to identify the groups that have the greatest need for amobile terminal. The study was concerned with design and evaluation of differentsolutions with healthcare personnel.The result shows that physicians and assistant nurses have the greatest need ofa mobile terminal.

Malmöspanaren - En digital plattform för deltagande förvaltning av Malmö stads cykelvägnät

In this project we have explored digital tools for service management on the bicycle paths of Malmö. This was done through the participation of citizens in order to attempt to discern how such interactions can be eased using a mobile app, as well as how this app can be designed in order to appear trustworthy with user friendly interactions. We have explored this field by using goal-oriented design through interviews, prototyping and user tests. We have created a digital prototype as a possible solution for how the interactions can be done. Throughout the process interviews were held and user tests with selected members of the user group. To explore the concepts we have used paper prototypes in order to establish the design and then defining the interactions with the help of a digital prototype. Finally we have concluded that a general app for bikers in the city would be functional and that a longer study in the effects of such an app would be interesting as a continuation of this work..

Introduktion av buskskikt i ungskogar

Young stands in urban forests often lack a shrub layer, though shrubs play an important structural and biological role in forests. All layers interact with one another to form a multilayered stand, in which shrubs have a vital role.In this diploma thesis, theoretical models for forest dynamics are compared with four reference stands to detect factors, and principals for introduction of shrubs in young stands. In these stands four different ways of introduction were found. In one trees and shrubs were planted together at the same time. Shrubs spontaneous spread under a canopy of mature forest, in another.

Framtidens studerandemiljö : En studie om utformning av studerandemiljö på Umeåuniversitetsbibliotek

A Large part of the education provided at colleges and universities of today requires for thestudent to be more independent in their studies. This demands that the physical space,where the students choose to study, is designed in a way that can encourage and supportlearning. It seems as though that many of the learning spaces of today don?t always meetthe students? needs. The university library at the University of Umeå is currently planningto design new learning spaces for the students.

Konstruktion av dumpervagn : Från beställning till underlag

This thesis describes the design of a tipping trailer, from a company?s demands andrequests to complete manufacturing documentation. The design is developed for thecompany Abexor AB in Östersund that produces tipping trailers. The product issupposed to be used by Abexors customer to transport cargos of different kinds,such as gravel, stone, dirt, etc.The work commenced with a meeting at the company where demands were set.After that a pre-study was conducted to find out what traffic rules were required forthe trailer to be allowed to be driven on roads. Similar products were examined tosee how the trailer could be designed.


The division of Electricity at Uppsala University runs a project called Lysekil project, they have designed a buoy that uses the waves to create electric power from a generator attached to the bottom of the sea.Uppsala University is closely connected with the company Seabased and the university makes use of their facilities in Lysekil. When they designed the buoy issues occurred, the geometric design was flawed, brackets with a short shelf life and it is generally uneconomic.A study visit was done in Lysekil on Seabased facility. With this visit the project started, which is to improve the design of the buoy and the attachment of wires leading to the generator. In this project we have chosen to use a beam system with three beams that are attached to the buoy. Then a wire attached to a plate that sits between the beams will be leading to the generator. Two proposals for construction are created, what distinguishes them are the brackets between the beams and the buoy.From these constructions, the design that is considered most optimal for our project is chosen.All parts of the buoy have been modeled and the drawings are designed in ProEngineer software.The two constructions are compared with each other, but the whole focus is on the second and final structure. The report begins with an introduction describing Lysekil project, and a task description of our project.The project aims to produce an optimal buoy that will be easy to design, materials restrictive with good durability and an economical solution.Wave power true function has been studied, mechanical and finite element analysis of beams, buoy and plate design.This has been presented in this report, where in the various chapters can read more about the processes. Although the relevant facts and information on this project and buoy development is included.

En studie av designprinciper / A study about design principles

Idag strävar de flesta företag mot att skapa användbara hemsidor med hjälp av olika designprinciper. Denna studie är en undersökning av designprinciper i syfte att belysa vilka designprinciper företag och organisationer tillämpar. Designprinciper är riktlinjer som används för att uppnå ett mål, det vill säga god design. Studielitteratur som använts i denna studie är ?Don´t make me think? skriven av Steve Krug. I boken nämns flera designprinciper som vi har haft till hjälp för att ta reda på om företag använder sig av liknande principer. Sex deltagande medverkade i intervjun som utfördes.

En socialt hållbar stadsdel blir till : - en fallstudie om planeringen av den nya stadsdelen Kneippen syd -

Syftet med föreliggande studie är att analysera hur begreppet social hållbar stadsutveckling fylls med innehåll inom en lokal stadsplaneringskontext. I de södra delarna av Norrköping arbetar nu anställda vid kommunens stadsplaneringskontor med att skapa en ny stadsdel, som givits namnet Kneippen syd. Ambitionen är att skapa en socialt hållbar stadsdel.Empirisk data är hämtad genom sex kvalitativa intervjuer, observationer vid platsen för Kneippen syd, och efter deltagande vid fyra seminarier med stadsutveckling som övergripande tema.Resultaten från studien visar att återkommande teman vad gäller socialt hållbar stadsutveckling utgjordes av visionen om en blandad stad med stärkta samband inom staden. De bakomliggande motiven till dessa teman grundar sig i förståelsen av staden som segregerad. Modernistisk stadsplanering bestående av rumsligt separerade stadsdelar framställs som en orsak till varför staden är segregerad.

Geografisk information på mobila webben

Web pages are visited through a variety of different devices with varying screensizes. One method for adapting web pages to this variety is called responsive design. Geographical information, often in the form of embedded maps, is common on the web. The combination of responsive design and geographical information has been shown to lead to interaction problems and is therefore assumed to need special considerations. This thesis examines this combination and investegates how presentation of geographical information can be adapted to responsive web design.

Skyddat boende för kvinnor i Stadshagen

Syftet med mitt projekt är att med arkitekturens synliggöra detta utbredda samhällsproblem. Genom att föreslå en egen byggnad i övrig stadsbebyggelse för dessa specifika brottsoffer så visar jag att problemet finns samtidigt som jag också meddelar kvinnorna att de brottsoffer med en sådan juridisk status och att de inte behöver gömma sig utan kan bo säkert inne i staden..

Folkligt deltagande & regional utveckling

The residential yard at Kvarteret Landsfiskalen 1, in the area Herrgården in Rosengård, Malmö was built in 1971 and has since then been reconstructed twice, in 1984 and 2008. The yard is found in an area which was built during the years 1965 ? 1974, a period in which the swedish goverment approved a decision to build one million homes, and much of the events in this particular yard is also typical for the process in many other areas built during the same period.At the original construction the design of the yard was entirely incused by the pressure in time and finance, one was under at that time, in order to over- come the housing shortage. The design it has nevertheless been given, reflects the esthetic ideals of that time well.The building of the area was barely finished when the swedish authori- ties started handing out grants in order to support the rearmament of the outdoor environment in the areas built during the so called ?million program?.

Sex säljer?

Jag har studerat och försökt att undersöka varför förpackningar av sexleksaker ser ut som de gör och i processen har jag också undersökt hur deras visuella kommunikation uppfattas och vad som eventuellt skulle kunna göras bättre. Anledningen till denna uppsats är att min uppfattning av förpackningar i sexleksaksindustrin är sexistisk, kränkande och framför allt består av dålig design. Jag redogör för litteratur som jag anser vara intressant för uppdraget och den behandlar både byggandet av varumärken och förpackningsdesign. En undersökning och intervjuer med experter kommer också att presenteras. Slutligen ger designarbetet ett exempel på hur en stilren förpackningsdesign kan vara svaret på frågan om hur man bäst kommunicerar förpackningen till en sexleksak. Uppsatsen är inte avgörande i den aspekten att den inte ger ett svar på varför paketen är utformade som de är, dock utvecklar jag vad några av möjligheterna skulle kunna vara.

Jippieserien : En kvalitativ studie om hur multimodal media kan nå ut till barn med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar och deras föräldrar

This report describes the work process to an interactive movie addressed to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities, where Jippieserien is the client. The aim is to explore how multimodal media can convey Jippieseriens message to children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and their parents, by taking the users needs into account.It is important to focus on the people who will use the system when designing interactive systems. This project is therefore using the designprocess human-centered design for interactive systems. The process includes four basic elements and provides guidelines for user-centered design. These parts are analysis, prototyping, implementation, and evaluation (Johansson.

Vävtapeter i ny dräkt

Pattern design is a territory which has been widely explored by many during a long period of time. With this project I hope to shine a new light on wallpaper design, the area on which I?ve applied my patterns to.The inspiration for this wallpaper collection originated in a past project in which I experimented with weaving strips of paper together in different ways. During this time I found myself curious to investigate how this kind of weaving could be applied to textiles, wallpapers, etc.My main focus in this project has been about creating interesting patterns in which unexpected motifs are woven together. I?ve also touched on the subject of creating a kind of conceptual wallpaper constructed by weaving strips of wallpaper together.I based my patterns on a series of drawings that I created during the course leading up to this project.

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